Chapter 43 – Even though it was somewhat forced.

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TL: Cheetah


ED: Ryuubi



“Thank you very much for sharing. I’m sorry for asking you something that was difficult to answer.”

“N-no, I apologize for not being able to say it better myself…”

To think that it’ll come down to this when we were having such a great time…

“Takanashi-san, shall we go on with our shopping?”

“You’re right, senpai, let’s stop our conversation here.”

I wonder… If only there was something to lift the mood…

Senpai approached me as I was pondering over this.

Then, she grasped my hand as if it was natural for her to do so and started walking.

H-Holding hands while walking!?

“Fufu… We shared our stories with each other and got to know each other better, right? I’m very happy about that. So… do you mind if we remain like this for a while?”

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Senpai smiled at me as she looked at me and slightly swayed our hands.

This is surely how Senpai cared for me after hearing that depressing story.

I was happy to receive such kindness from Senpai.

“Yes! If Senpai is happy with it, I’m also fine.”

“Then let’s continue on with our shopping.”


“The way it looks…those two seem to be okay now, so let’s call it a night… any more would be pretty tough in more ways than one.”

“You’re right, I was honestly worried after what happened the other day, but it looks like it’s going to be okay… for the most part.”

“Then let’s take a break and have a cup of tea before we go home… I’m beat. Should we also hold hands as we go as well?”

“No, no, no. Please stop with the jokes.”

“You know, it’s true that I’m joking, but that’s a boring response to give.”

Well, the rest is up to you guys~


Being taken care of by senpai is just too pathetic of me…

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With that thinking, I decided to fulfill one of my objectives, even if it was a bit forced.

“Senpai, can you accompany me for a second? There’s a shop I want to go to.”

“Alright, please lead the way.”

With our hands tied up together, I led her to the store we just discovered earlier.

Hmm… I think it’s around here…

“Umm, Takanashi-san, this is a ladies’ store.”

“Yes, I know. Don’t worry, I’m not making any mistakes.”

After saying that, we went straight into the store.


A clerk wearing the same style of clothing as Senpai approached and greeted us.

“If there’s anything you’re looking for, just let me know.”

There were a few female customers in the store, but they were all looking at me… or more accurately, at the frozen Senpai.

Well… she looks so good; she might be mistaken for a fashion model in this store.

I understand, I know what you’re thinking.

I’ve already decided on a goal, so I look for the hat section and drag Senpai along.

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“Excuse me, Senpai, I need you to stay still for a moment.”


I picked up a couple of berets that I thought would look good on Senpai, and lightly placed it on her head.


They all look good with Senpai’s beautiful long black hair, but I want to find the best one out of them all.

And when I put the cute beret with a big ribbon on the side of her head, I knew it was the one and only.

“Sara-senpai… I would like for you to wear this hat.”

I made her stand in front of the mirror as I told Sara-senpai that. (TN: Wow, Kazunari using senpai’s name) (EN: Finally, it took him long enough, after 43 chapters.)

The image of Senpai looking a little confused and embarrassed was reflected on the mirror.

“Y-Yes. Umm, if Takanashi-san wants to, it’s fine with me.”

“Then let me give this to you as a gift. I want you to use it.”

“Eh!? S-such a thing as a gift. I-it’s a bit…”

Senpai probably thought that the lunchbox was already a gift, so it was natural for her to be this reserved. That’s why I quickly bought it.

So I quickly called out to the nearest clerk.

“Excuse me, I’d like her to keep wearing this hat on, so could I please just pay the bill?”

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“Yes, thank you very much for the purchase. Ara~, wonderful. Boyfriend-san has good taste.”

“Umm, Takanashi-san…”

Clerk-san took the tag and headed for the cash register, so I followed and paid the bill.

“Thank you very much… Your girlfriend is terrific. It must be hard for Boyfriend-san when she’s this cute.”

Well, they might think that.

But it’s different. Though, I’m not particular about it.

“We’re just friends.” 

“Eh!? …is that so? Well, I wish you the best of luck.”


After paying the bill, I returned to Senpai.

“Sorry to keep you waiting, Sara-senpai.”

“Umm… about this hat…”

“Senpai, I’d like you to have it in addition to the lunchbox. I guarantee it would suit you. I know it’s selfish of me, but I want senpai to use it…”

“Takanashi-san… Okay! I will accept it without hesitation. Thank you very much… I’ll treasure it.”

Really…Senpai’s smiling face, doubling its destructive power, had an enormous effect not only on me, but on everyone around us.

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