Chapter 72 – An Irritating Person

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TL: Cheetah


ED: Ryuubii



I guess it was inevitable that both of us would react the same way.

Coincidentally meeting someone like this, I’ve realized that we went to the same school, even though you should have known it.

“Hello, Todo-san.”

“Hello, Takanashi-kun.”

Even our salutations were the same.

“It feels weird seeing each other at school.”

“I knew we went to the same school, but why hadn’t we met before until today?”

“That’s true. Though it’s nice to meet you at school, I guess?”

“Same here. Nice to meet you.”

We greeted each other with a smile.

It looks like her wariness is gone.

“Ah! First, I need to apologize to you. I’m sorry I behaved strangely the other day. It seems I had mistaken you for another person.”


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Apparently, she had mistaken me for someone else.

It was understandable that she was cautious of me even though we had never met before. However, I thought she was worried because of my appearance.

“Yeah. Someone with the same name as your first and last name, and I… mistook you for him.”

“Same name?”

Is my name that common?

However, what is the chance I’m the same person she is talking to?

“Yes. Anyways, you’re different from Takanashi-kun, so don’t worry about it.”

Well, since she has said all that. Plus, I think she doesn’t have any wrong impression of me, so I guess it’s all good.

“I understand. As long as your impression of me is not wrong, I don’t mind.”

“Sorry. Then, if you have another encounter with Mio-chan, please play with her. I may be there, but you wouldn’t mind if it’s just the three of us?”

“Of course! As long as Todo-san is okay with it, I don’t mind!”

I’m glad to see that she was more accepting than I thought.

Maybe, Todo-san would also like to be my friend.

That trivial thing is what I’m thinking right now.


*Slides open*

“Pardon the intrusion.”

It’s not unusual for someone from another class to come into the classroom, especially after school.

So I didn’t care, but the class’s reaction was different from usual.

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“Huh? Eh? Why is Hayato-kun here?”

“Is… this true?”

“Is this a dream?”

The girls made some disturbing noises.

“Yo, Hayato, what’s up?”

“Did you come here regarding the mixer? Have you finally decided to join?”

“Ah! If I have the time.”

That conversation… I felt like I’d heard that somewhere before.

As I was listening to this conversation like an outsider, I felt a presence right next to me.

“Hey! Takanashi-kun, right?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

Hmm… This person was the guy who approached me with a refreshing smile.

If I remember correctly, his name was Hayato?

“Do you need something?”

To be honest, I don’t have a good impression of this guy.

I don’t like him because he’s famous or good-looking or for other petty reasons. It’s just that I don’t know what he’s thinking, and he’s making deliberate moves that spell out ulterior motives.

To add to that, he’s been speaking to me casually from the beginning, isn’t he?

At the very least, he’s friendly and has a nice smile while talking.

“Please don’t be so wary of me. I want to be your friend. Also, I don’t have anything against you, so don’t worry.”


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He told me that as an assurance.

Though, I don’t like to be friends with him.

Don’t tell me?! He’s saying something like, “You don’t deserve Sara,” or “You’re not even my equal as a rival”?

“Are you available right now? I need to talk to you.”

Hmm… I plan to go to the student council office right now, although I am not in a hurry.

However, it would be better to talk with him to cut down on the worries that might come later.

I don’t know what he’s thinking, and I don’t want to such a flippant-looking guy get close to Sara-senpai.


“Thanks. Would you mind if we change locations? I can’t talk comfortably here.”

I stood up from my seat, and then he proceeded to guide me outside.

“Hayato-kun and a guy…”

“What!? Are you saying…?”

“Hayato, we’ll help too…”

“Hey, let us join too.”


What are they saying?

But he just ignored them and walked out of the classroom.

A little further on, this handsome guy muttered in a voice that only I could hear.

“Stop talking to me, idiots. We’re not the same kind.”

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…Aren’t they friends?

We walked a little further and came to the staircase landing, which is not usually used very often.

There were no other students around, and it didn’t seem like there was actually a group waiting for me.

The handsome guy who saw me checking my surroundings let out laughter.

“Ahaha, you don’t have to be wary. I just want to talk to you. There’s no deep meaning behind it, so please don’t worry too much. It’s nothing to do with those idiots.”

Apparently, he was telling the truth when he said he wanted to talk to me.

I looked at him again, and he introduced himself.

“It’s late, but my name is Hayato Yokogawa. Call me ‘Hayato’ or ‘Yokogawa,’ whichever you prefer.”

“…Okay. You probably know me, but I’m Kazunari Takanashi.”

“Of course, I know! You’re a famous person since you’re the only one who’s friends with Satsukawa-senpai.”

I don’t know since I’ve only been with Sara-senpai and don’t notice my surroundings.

I wouldn’t say I’m famous.

“Ah! Don’t get me wrong. I don’t intend to get in between the two of you. Only an idiot who can’t read the air would do such a thing.”

…Well, if that’s what he thinks, I don’t care.

“I’m not interested in Satsukawa-senpai. It’s Natsumi-senpai that I’m interested in. In that sense, I envy you. I’ve never seen Natsumi-senpai treating a guy like that.”


The reason he wanted to get close to me was that… he likes Natsumi-senpai?

I can easily understand what he wants to do now.

He went out of his way to declare it to me… and as expected, I found myself getting irritated.

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