Chapter 77 – Sports Festival Part 2

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*Ready*… *go*!

“The Sports Festival has again officially started. The live coverage will be performed by yours truly, ‘Minamin,’ of the broadcasting club, continuing from last year!”

The live broadcast has begun.

Even though it’s called a live coverage, it does not mean that it’ll be broadcasting every single detail.

The live coverage would pick up on notable parts that stand out during events while mixing in some talk to liven things up. Livening up these events was one of the specialties of Fukuzawa-senpai.


Apparently, Fukuzawa-senpai has quite some fans.

They are waving their hands in the direction where Fukuzawa-senpai’s twin tails are fluttering.

“Now, as you’ve all been waiting, we have our guest for this year’s sports festival… and what a very extraordinary person it is this time! Excellent in all areas of study and athletics, with a satisfying track record of activities that have inspired everyone but is also an unapproachable person! A heartbreaker for turning down many boys and the Vice President of the student council! I present to you the pride of our school, the lonely goddess, Sara Satsukawa desu~~!!!”


I knew Sara-senpai was popular, but what’s with this… Senpai looks so disgusted.

She probably hates this kind of thing.

“Yes… As introduced, I’m Sara Satsukawa. I am the Vice President of the student council.”

Senpai’s face remained uncomfortable, but she began introducing herself.

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“You look so cute today~!”

“Please marry me~!”

“Will you go out with me~?”

It was natural that some people would get carried away by the atmosphere, but that put me in a bad mood.

“I refuse.”

Not liking the reactions from the outfield, Senpai responded immediately.

“Oops! The number of casualties has increased yet again! You’re really popular… I can’t believe that the Satsukawa is next to me. I’m surprised you accepted.”

“Let’s start the live coverage…”

I feel like Senpai’s mood is getting worse by the minute.

I hope Fukuzawa-senpai takes it seriously. Is it really reasonable to create this kind of atmosphere?

How do I appease Senpai, who is in a bad mood like this?

I put my face a little closer to her so only she’s the one who can only hear me.

“Sara-senpai, to be honest, I don’t like it when people around get carried away and talk casually to Senpai.”

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Perhaps because I suddenly said something serious, Senpai looked a little surprised.

“But it’s the Student Council’s job to ensure everyone has fun at the sports festival. So only for today. I’ll put up with it too, so let’s overcome this together.”

I know I’m saying some pretty embarrassing things, but I mean it and holding back for Senpai’s sake.

“Together… with Takanashi-san… Understood. Only for today. I’ll do my best!”

Then Senpai flashed me a smile.

I will do my best to protect this smile.

I’ll get rid of anyone who’ll do unnecessary things.

“Woah!!! What a romance comedy youth-like thing to say! Takanashi-kun is amazing! To be able to say those lines with a straight face. D-Don’t tell me the next thing would be to show off yourselves being lovey-dovey?”

Fukazawa-senpai started mumbling.

Huh… Why are there so many people around me who start murmuring…?


“Now, let’s look at the 100-meter dash event since there are a lot of participants from the athletic clubs. The spotlight is on the direct confrontation between Tanaka, the ace of the track and field club, and the good-looking Yokokawa from the tennis club. Any comments, Satsukawa-san?”

“Umm… I think the track and field club has the advantage?”

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This answer should be expected from Senpai, who is not only an amateur but also not interested in the event.

“We can see banners from Yokokawas’s fan club and a group of boys who are probably jealous and intend to support Tanaka in the starting line.”

At least tell them they are cheering for Tanaka-kun.

It may be true that Yokokawa is working hard at tennis, but he can’t beat Tanaka at what he’s good at.

Well, it’s not something one should be serious about at a school event.

And as I thought, Tanaka won the showdown.

In other words, the cheering squad may have won too… In more ways than one.

Yokokawa didn’t seem to think he could win either and didn’t look particularly disappointed. Still, he came in second by a narrow margin, which was an outstanding achievement.

As I was thinking, he smiled and gave me a thumbs-up.

“Oops, Yokokawa-kun shot a thumbs-up and showed off his charm to us? For whom it was directed, I wonder?”

The fan club that saw and heard it started buzzing with noise.

Fukasawa-senpai probably thought it was to show off to Sara-senpai… but that was perhaps for me. 

TN: Takanashi x Yokokawa (>.<)

EN: Is the novel changing genre? No.

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After the 100 m run, the next one will be my hated 200m run.

My athletic skills are average, so at worst, my best would be to not be the last.

It’s an event anyway, so there’s no need to get serious.

It’s a pity that I can’t show off to Sara-senpai how cool I am, especially since she’s watching…

I came over to the starting line, and as expected, I didn’t hear any cheering from my class.

Sara-senpai is in the live coverage area, so she won’t be here to cheer for me.

“Now, I don’t mean to say he is a notable athlete. But Takanashi-kun has worked very hard to prepare for the sports festival and will participate in the 200 meters dash event. Satsukawa-san… he doesn’t exercise that much, right? So Takanashi-kun will not finish high in the rankings!”

I really want them to stop playing the live coverage about me. Damn it, stop hitting me where it really hurts.

By the way, what’s with that last remark?

“Takanashi-san doesn’t usually exercise, so I don’t think he’ll be good at it. But he is serious, so I believe he will do his best. Please do your best, Takanashi-san!”

Aah!!! But if you say that so kindly when the whole school is listening.


Before I even start running, there are already a lot of enemies…

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