Lonely Me and the Lonely Caring Goddess

Chapter 88: Lonely Me and the Lonely Caring G

Chapter 88 – Nothing Changed?

“Is that so? You’ve done it! Congratulations.”

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It’s night now. Currently, I’m on the phone with Yuji.

I wanted to tell him over the phone about what happened earlier.

“I’ll do my best to ensure Sara-senpai properly understands what love is.”

“You say that, but you’re practically lovers. Even from before, I think you guys have been acting like one.”

Is that so?

I know for sure that I love Sara-senpai. But I didn’t realize that we appeared like a couple or acted like one since Sara-senpai didn’t think like that.

“You guys can probably act just like before. Since you’ve already confessed to each other, I’m sure you’ll notice the difference in time.”

“Is that how it works?”

Were we really acting like a couple?

I usually just get swept up with whatever Sara-senpai wants.

But Yuji knows better than me, I guess?

Until now, I’ve only told Yuji about Sara-senpai on the phone. I’ve never introduced Sara-senpai to him properly.

“Yuji. I’ll introduce you to Sara-senpai sometime in the future.”

“Sure. I’ll look forward to it.”


“What should I do? Should I say, ‘Thank you’? Or ‘Please take care of me’?”

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Maybe I should say something like that?

Takanashi-san asked me how I felt, but I don’t think I had given her a proper answer.

After arriving home and calming down, I thought about various things that happened. For example, if I were asked if there’s something I want to change starting tomorrow, I could only say that I want things to remain the same.

Thinking of something to change… This is difficult.

“Natsumi, I want to ask you a question…”

“Hmm? What? Girl’s talk?”

Girl’s talk…is that what you call this?

This is troubling. There are so many things I don’t understand…

“I wish to meet Takanashi-san as soon as possible tomorrow. If you ask me for a reason, I don’t know. I have never felt this way before.”

“Yes, and so?”

“I want Takanashi-san to eat my lunch box, and have him tell me how delicious it is. That would make me really happy. I want to do things that will make him happy.”


“That’s all I’ve been thinking about right now. I’ve decided that I’ll fall in love. But now that I think about it, there’s no difference between what I’ve been doing to Takanashi-san. It’s the same as before…”

“… …”


Ah, so that’s what it was…

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Sara just wasn’t aware of it, but what she felt and actually doing until now were already at the level of a lover.

For example, assuming that the two of them become lovers as of this moment. They’ll do basically the same routine.

In other words, even if they continue as before, they can already be considered lovers.

In other words, she was looking forward to being a couple. Still, she was confused because she couldn’t see any difference from before.


What should I say in this case?

In Sara’s case, her heart will dictate what change it will take.

Let’s explain it in simpler terms and hope for the best.

“Hmm… First of all, what you and Takanashi-kun have been doing is way beyond being friends’ scope. You always acted like a girlfriend to Takanashi-kun. So it’s no wonder you feel that way.”

“I see… I wasn’t consciously aware that I was already acting like his girlfriend… To Takanashi-san.. as his girlfriend.”

She looked unconcerned, but is she becoming aware?

It’s not a bad thing to be conscious.

“I understand. If that’s the case, I’ll continue as I have been doing tomorrow. I may find out about something. Anyway, now I want to meet Takanashi-san as soon as possible. I want to talk with him and do things that will make him happy…”

Maybe it’s because she has become more conscious, but I feel like her feelings for Takanashi-san are growing.

How could you say this will be the same as before?

But for Sara to move forward, she might need something like “feelings that only love can bring.”

I wonder what will happen…

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“Good morning, Sara-senpai.”

“Good morning, Takanashi-san.”

Right now, I am standing in front of Sara-senpai. The memories of what happened yesterday were still too vivid.

Senpai’s smile, her lovely face, and her cute look when she asked me to teach her more about love.

“I love you… Takanashi-san.”

Her look as I remember her saying it…

“Takanashi-san, what’s wrong? Your face is bright red.”

“I-It’s nothing. When I saw Sara, I remembered the things that happened yesterday.”

This won’t do. I’m too conscious of it.

“Takanashi-san, pardon me for this.”

Sara-senpai moved closer to me and lightly leaned forward as she reached out her hand to my head.

“Please calm down. I asked a lot of Takanashi-san. Sorry that I can only do this much…”

She slowly and carefully caressed my head.

I couldn’t help but feel happy. Upon seeing my expression, Senpai suddenly said.

“Takanashi-san… does stroking your head make you feel happy?”

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“Eh… well?”

I was surprised by her direct questioning.

Of course I’m happy! But it’s a little embarrassing to admit it.

“Please disregard that question. I have done it before, and I can tell by your face that you are pleased with it. Since last night, I have wanted to see your happy look…”

Sara-senpai looked delighted, and she leaned even closer.


“Ah, um, Senpai… wh-what a-about school…”


Sara-senpai looked directly straight at me.

Her gaze was so attractive that I’m okay being sucked in. Then, Sara-senpai smiled happily.

“Hey. How long are you going to keep flirting? You’ve completely forgotten about me, haven’t you?”

I came back to reality when I heard Natsumi-senpai’s grumpy voice.

“Sigh… give me back my effort for worrying yesterday. Which part of this is the same as before? Your lovey-dovey is increasing more than ever.”

Natsumi-senpai’s sour mood continued as it did yesterday…

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