Long Live Summons!

Chapter 250

Chapter 250 – Showtime of Real Powers Once Again!

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Ancient Passage.

In this gigantic Ancient Passage, if a human was to look all around, he would feel really small and insignificant.

The end of the passage couldn’t be seen, and its height was endlessly high. On the walls of this Ancient Passage, one could see caves that were as spacious as the Championship Stadium on its walls. No one knew what they were used for. Every few meters apart, there would be crystal stones embedded on the walls that slightly emitted light, illuminating the Ancient Passage. The Ancient Passage was humongous, and its path was uneven. Sometimes, there would be high ground, and sometimes there would be low grounds caused by the giant stones that lasted continuously without end.

The Ancient Passage was also not a straight path, having frequent left and right turns like the body of a snake.

The thing that made Yue Yang become alert was that the Ancient Passage’s walls were decorated with carvings everywhere.

“Everyone, wait a moment. Let’s look at these carvings…” Yue Yang had a sudden thought. Maybe these carvings on the wall were clues to something. He quickly gestured at the four girls to stop.

Those sculptures looked very similar to the sculptures that Yue Yang had seen in the Rear Halls of the Twelve Zodiac Temples in Tokyo Tower. However, they were much bigger. Almost every God or Deity Sculptures were several metres or even hundreds of metres high.

Different kinds of mysterious Runic Circles and symbols decorated the walls, as if they were stars in the skies.

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They faintly looked like they were interconnected to each other.

However, they formed an extremely confusing puzzle that was difficult to make out distinctly, leaving others with a deja-vu feeling.

Some parts of the walls were also carved with different types of beasts, most of them were beasts that did not exist in the Soaring Dragon Continent. Even the sisters, Wu Xia and Wu Hen, who possessed the richest knowledge couldn’t recognise these beasts.

There were also humans carved on the walls, but in comparison, they were only as big as a grain of rice. Those humans looked puny and weak, they could even be described as insignificant. Yue Yang also discovered that there were carvings of the Eastern Goblin Tribe members fighting a great battle against other tribes on the wall. As they walked a little further up, Yue Yang saw a Fiery Golden Eyes Beast, a Valiant Bear, Plum Leopards and the other Eastern Goblin Tribe members massacring a legion of Demons from the Demon Abyss. These Demon Legions couldn’t be compared to those Demon Legions in the Soaring Dragon Continent. Further up, Yue Yang saw something that shocked him. In front, the most distinct engraving was a carving of a Golden Winged Great Peng spreading its wings that were ten thousands of miles wide. It was so majestic and gigantic that the Demon Legion from the Demon Abyss were as puny as ants at its feet.
(Shiro: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peng_(mythology))

“If the Emperor that the Fiery Golden Eyes Beast and the others are talking about is this Golden Winged Great Peng, we are really going to be in deep trouble this time!”

Yue Yang was a guy from another world. Although there were no legends about the Golden Winged Great Peng in the Soaring Dragon Continent, he had read a lot of books in his previous lives, so he knew the might of a Golden Winged Great Peng. Based on mythologies, this Golden Winged Great Peng was not an ordinary figure. It was a terrifying existence who possessed a wingspan of more than 3,360,000 li, and ate at least a Dragon King and five hundred smaller dragons every single day.

In , this Golden Winged Great Peng was revealed to be the Buddha’s Godmother in the end. It was a super strong BOSS who could defeat Sun Wu Kong with ordinary Kung Fu skills.
(Shiro: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Journey_to_the_West_characters#Demons_at_Lion_Camel_Ridge)

In , it was written that there was a fish in the Northern Ocean called Kun. Kun was humongous, its body was at least thousands of lis big. It then evolved into a bird, and was called a Peng. Peng’s back spanned over thousands of lis wide. When it flew, its wings looked like it could cover up the whole earth.

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(Shiro: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zhuangzi_(book))

It was also said that the Peng resided in the south, in a place that could only be reached by travelling three thousand lis of water and flying ninety thousand lis of height.

When Yue Yang told the girls about it, although he only said that the Golden Winged Great Peng ate five hundred dragons, he had already thoroughly scared the four girls stiff. He did not even mention about the Buddha and Sun Wu Kong,

Princess Qian Qian’s reaction was to proclaim her disbelief, “That’s impossible! How could a bird have a wingspan of 3,360,000 lis? Where would it fly to then, the sky wouldn’t even be enough for it! Furthermore, it couldn’t have eaten five hundred dragons everyday. Even if it could eat five hundred dragons, there’s not enough dragons in this world for it to eat, wouldn’t it die from hunger then! Little liar, you are just trying to scare us, aren’t you? I don’t believe you!”

Yue Yang shook his hands, “”Actually, it’s not those kind of gold-ranked dragons or Black Dragons, those overgrown lizards. It ate those types of Python Dragon Kings who could grow up to thousand li long. Legends said that the Golden Winged Great Peng’s daily menu was one Python Dragon King as the main dish and five hundred small dragons as snack.”

Princess Qian Qian’s smile disappeared when she heard that as she said, “That’s even more impossible!”

“It’s big beyond compare, that’s for sure. But I don’t think it is as big as he had exaggerated it to be.” The mysterious beauty Wu Xia mediated between Yue Yang and Princess Qian Qian.

“If the Fiery Golden Eyes Beast’s Emperor is that Golden Winged Great Peng, how can we fight it?” When Luo Hua City Mistress saw the gigantic engraving on the walls, her heart sunk a little. In this picture, the Golden Winged Great Peng’s wings were hundreds of meters wide, while the Demon Kings and Lich Kings were only a few meters tall and a Demon Marshall was a person’s height. If this illustration was based on a real-life scale, if Yue Yang and the four girls really came to the Eastern Goblin Tribe’s domain in order to see this Golden Winged Great Peng, they wouldn’t even be fit to be the food remains stuck in between its teeth.

“We definitely wouldn’t be able to defeat it right now. Heck, we might not even be able to escape from it.” Yue Yang was really sweating hard. Even Sun Wu Kong couldn’t defeat it, how could he possibly defeat the Golden Winged Great Peng!

“Then what should we do?” Luo Hua City Mistress also sweated. They had pursued them to the Ancient Passage now, must they return back with tails in between their legs?

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“Kings should fight against other kings and generals against generals. Since we belonged to lesser soldiers category, we should defeat the opponents lesser soldiers.” Yue Yang comforted them and said, “Furhtermore, there are different types of Golden Winged Great Pengs. There are other Golden Winged birds, such as Andaja (birth from an egg), Jarayuja (birth from a womb), Samsvedaja (birth from moisture) and Upapaduka (birth from evolution). Andaja will eat egg-laying dragons, Jarayuja will eat both egg-laying and birthing dragons, and Samsvedaja will eat egg-laying, birthing dragons and dragons that came from water. As for Upapaduka, it will eat whatever it could find, it had no diet restriction! The biggest one would be the Golden Winged Great Peng, who had a wingspan of 3,360,000 li. However, the smallest Golden Winged Bird’s wingspan might not even be 336 m wide…”
(Shiro: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J%C4%81ti_(Buddhism)#Forms_of_birth)

“We still couldn’t possibly defeat a 336 wing-spanned bird!” Princess Qian Qian laughed as she shook her hand.

Bai Yun Fei’s Gold Dragon which was Gold-ranked Level 7 was already terrifying enough with its wing span of over 20 metres. If they met a Golden Winged Great Peng with a wingspan of 336 meters, what could they possibly do?

They did not even need to fight, as long as it flapped its wings, it could probably blow a whole army away!

Luo Hua City Mistress became even more curious as she listened to Yue Yang’s stories. She asked, “I know birth from an egg and birth from a womb, but what is birth from moisture and birth from evolution?”

Yue Yang put on his nerdy glasses and started to preach, “The concept of birth from moisture originated from a cause-and-effect philosophy. Due to the presence of water, a new life has formed. This includes different types of insect-types lives such as maggots. As for birth from evolution, hmm… It meant something like gaining some kind of new powers that you had never have before, or maybe experiencing a change in your mental state, turning into another person or thing… Of course, this is not an accurate explanation, but it’s more or less like that.”

When he said this, a thought suddenly flashed across his mind.

He remembered the big loli in his Dream Realm, who was created by the Sword Goddess’s condensed Sword Qi. Does she count as ‘birth from evolution’?

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If the big loli in his Dream Realm was an existence that was born from evolution, the highest form of birth, then who is the Heavenly Sword Goddess who created her? Was she a little Creator? When he thought about it again, she was the Flying Sword that he had stolen from that Old Daoist Priest. Then, what kind of an extraordinary existence was that Old Daoist Priest?

Damn, that Old Daoist Priest might just be an extraordinary figure who liked to play the part of a weak person, purposely disguising himself as a poor Old Daoist Priest to trick him.

When Yue Yang thought of this, he suddenly felt like he was cheated.

Could it be that the Old Daoist Priest had sent him to the Soaring Dragon Continent so that he could clean up the Old Daoist Priest’s mess?

That damned old geezer, he made a mess out of this place and ended up making him clean up the mess… Yue Yang immediately felt angry. Fortunately the Old Daoist Priest wasn’t here, otherwise, he would probably beat that Old Daoist Priest without mercy. He really have never seen such an irresponsible deity before!

“What’s wrong with you?” Luo Hua City Mistress hurriedly patted Yue Yang’s shoulders when she saw him turning quiet for a long time without reaction, “Did you think of something?”

“Nothing!” Yue Yang hurriedly switched the topic. “The Golden Winged Great Peng is an extremely strong boss that is supposed to be our opponent in the future when we have levelled up. We shouldn’t be meeting it right now… However, any Eastern Goblin Tribe member is a terrifying monster, like that Fiery Golden Eyes Beast and Flying Tiger, most of them were actually other people’s mount, an extremely low form of existence. It would be alright if we met these people, we will definitely get a headache if we met their masters. Hope that they won’t have masters forever! Just now, I think I heard a wind blowing sound. Let’s just chase after them first and think about this later.”

“I heard that there are a lot of terrifying monsters in the Ancient Passage who had never seen daylight. We must be more careful.” the sickly beauty Wu Hen who had been silent all along suddenly reminded them.

“There shouldn’t be. Although the passage is big, there’s no food here. If there is no food, I think those creatures must have died from hunger!” Princess Qian Qian was more concerned about the current situation, she felt that it was impossible for monsters to exist in the Ancient Passage.


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