Long Live Summons!

Chapter 284

LLS Chapter 284 Part 1 – With daughter in hand, the world is mine!

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It didn’t matter if Yue Yang had mastered his Domain of Power. Moqi Xu Ling would not let his enemy had the chance to attack.

He roared thunderously as his body charged towards Yue Yang like a meteor.

As a true and real Innate, Moqi Xu Ling was very clear about the weakness of activating the Domain of Power. He had practiced for three whole years to reduce the activation speed of his Domain of Power by a second. Even if this brat knew how to activate his Domain of Power, how could his speed be faster than his? When he fall within his area of attack and received the power of his Domain of Power at full force, Yue Yang would definitely die… He must strike first to gain the advantage, and suffer the consequences later. Moqi Xu Ling had lived by this logic since three hundred years ago.

In a battle against experts, victory or loss was only a matter of one second.

Whichever Domain of Power activated faster, he would be able to attack his enemy faster. That was how victory was made.

“Drop dead!” Moqi Xu Lin believed that within nhis Domain of Power, the Yue Clan Third Young Master would definitely fall and become the miserable loser. How could he even dream of using his Domain of Power with his speed that was as slow as a snail?

A flash of light suddenly erupted from within Moqi Xu Ling’s body and radiated more than thirty metres out, creating a huge halo of light.

Yue Yang who was within the halo of light, suddenly gasped in surprise, “Eh?”

His body that was floating in the sky suddenly fell sharp to the ground.

Although Yue Yang didn’t really drop dead as per what Moqi Xu Ling had said, his body was restrained by an invisible force to the ground. His movements were severely restricted, as if a ten thousand kilograms of iron had been pressed onto Yue Yang’s body. He felt a huge burden all over his body, it was difficult to even walk a step forward.

His originally quick and agile body became very slow. He even needed a long time to move his fingers.

This was Moqi Xu Ling’s Domain of Power – “Heavy Pressure”.

In reality, the Level 5 Innate Moqi Xu Ling was a newbie in terms of mastering his Domain of Power. Hence, the power he displayed from his Domain of Power was slightly lacking in strength… Right now, his “Heavy Pressure” could only make his enemies bear twenty times the weight of their body. This kind of Domain of Power could only be counted as Level 1 Beginner-ranked. Domains of Power were ranked by ranks and levels. There were Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced-rank, and each rank is divided into three sub-levels. It could be said that in terms of mastering Domain of Powers, Moqi Xu Ling was just a newbie who had just stepped into this realm of power. He was only slightly ahead of Yue Yang who had just realized his power.

Domain of Powers such as Heavy Pressure was actually not considered a good Domain of Power.

A truly strong Innate could exert pressure just by releasing his Qi, this would have the same effect as the Heavy Pressure.

However, for an ordinary warrior, the Domain of Power was an invincible existence. An ordinary warrior’s body would have been crushed if they couldn’t bear the force of twenty times their own weight.

“Turns out this is his Domain of Power…” Yue Yang’s Divine Vision could see that there was some kind of force rushing out of Moqi Xu Ling’s body. However, the way that force was released was like a combustible fuel, there should be a limit to it. However, it was extremely effective for his enemies for a certain period of time and area. Yue Yang discovered that there was a halo of light in a radius of thirty meters. He immediately sensed that this was the area of effect of Moqi Xu Ling’s Domain of Power. He immediately turned around and started to leave the halo of light.

“Where are you running away to!” Moqi Xu Ling discovered that this brat was really an indestructible cockroach. Not only did he managed to stay alive bearing the burden of twenty times his bodyweight, he was not even injured. Only his movements become slower.

He immediately summoned a Gold-ranked Level 8 Fishing Net Spider and his Guardian Beast, a Gold-ranked Level 10 Golden Eagle.
(Shiro: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_eagle)

It was a Holy Beast-ranked Golden Eagle!

The Fishing Net Spider was not affected by Heavy Pressure. It easily jumped forward, so lightly as if it was flying.

It spat out white-coloured giant net and trapped Yue Yang’s whole body. It then quickly moved the white-coloured giant net and wrapped Yue Yang inside into a ball, making him unable to struggle free from its trap. In the sky, Moqi Xu Ling who had fused together with the Golden Eagle finally release his strongest power, Innate Level 5…

The whole of Dimension of Duel was almost crushed.

The ground was split, making lava and magma flow through the whole space.

Within the space, Moqi Xu Ling’s body released blasts of shockwaves relentlessly, even his Gold-ranked Level 8 Fishing Net Spider had to escape and hide. The other Gold-ranked Level 8 beast, the Sand Beast, on the other hand, rose up like a tiger that was bestowed with wings, its strength becoming stronger along with the violent shockwaves. It became a giant sandstorm that could sweep away every single thing, turning at a speed that was unimaginable by humans. In the eye of the storm, there were hundred thousands of blades and knives swirling around, able to tear everything into shreds. Whoever was swept away by that giant sandstorm would definitely be torn to shreds and crushed into dust, becoming small particles of flesh swirling in the storm…

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At this time, Moqi Xu Ling’s hands suddenly glowed with a bright golden light.

He had condensed a ball of energy in the shape of a Golden Eagle.

Only an Innate Ranker who possessed a Holy Beast would be able to condense a ball of energy that had shape.

This kind of body of energy contained the willpower of the Holy Beast. Not only would its abilities become ten times stronger, it would also be able to move according to the Holy Beast’s order. It would be able to automatically target its enemies and maintain its form for longer periods of time. Once it was released, as long as the Holy Beast was still alive, the body of energy would definitely hit its target.

“Golden Eagle Blast!” Moqi Xu Ling raised his hands that were carrying the Golden Eagle body of energy high and threw it right towards Yue Yang who was trapped inside the white-coloured ball of net.

“I’m right here.” Yue Yang suddenly appeared right behind Moqi Xu Ling.

Maybe the Fishing Net Spider’s net would be a difficult problem for other people. But for an Innate who knew how to manipulate space and teleport, it was extremely easy for Yue Yang to escape from the spider’s net trap. Yue Yang condensed a Sword Qi in his right hand while he condensed one of his Domain of Power “Star Explosion” in his left. Yue Yang’s Domain of Power was completely different from Moqi Xu Ling’s Domain of Power, which was an Area-of-Effect attack. Yue Yang’s Domain of Power was a bomb, before it explodes, it would not have any effect to his enemies.

However, as long as it hits its target, it would explode with a power that was as destructive as an exploding star.

Yue Yang then joined his hands to combine his attack.

The Innate Invisible Sword Qi on his right and Star Explosion on his left exploded right at Moqi Xu Ling right and left ears respectively at the same time. Yue Yang had actually copied Xue Wu Xia for this attack.


However, the thing that shocked Yue Yang was that his Innate Invisible Sword Qi sneak attack had actually missed!

This was the first time it happened amongst all of Yue Yang’s battles…

Yue Yang’s attack was not exactly too slow, it was also not because the sneak attack was not launched at the right timing. He had completely seen through Moqi Xu Ling’s attack pattern and launched a sneak attack right after Moqi Xu Ling was releasing his ultimate move. However, his sure-kill Innate Invisible Sword Qi had actually missed. This was beyond Yue Yang’s expectations. Just now, right before Yue Yang’s Sword Qi exploded at Moqi Xu Ling’s head, a Golden Wing had appeared right behind Moqi Xu Ling’s back. It pulled him away quick like lightning, making Yue Yang fail at his sneak attack.

Yue Yang’s Sword Qi could only cut a few of its golden feathers.

“…” Moqi Xu Ling who had just barely escaped death felt his heartbeat rose up to 300 bpm. Without his Holy Beast’s help, his head would have been exploded to bits by this brat.

He rubbed the fresh blood on his face, his heart filled with fury and fear.

Fortunately he had the help of his Holy Beast.

That Golden Eagle-shaped body of energy that had been thrown towards the white-coloured spider net turned around under the orders of the Golden Eagle Holy Beast, continuing its attack towards Yue Yang. Moqi Xu Ling stomped his feet angrily and leapt high up above the ground. He reached out his hands and pointed with his fingers, preparing to crush Yue Yang again within his Domain of Power. He would push him to the ground and let the burning lava burn this Yue Clan Third Young Master alive.

With his Golden Eagle Holy Beast, his speed was more or less the same as Yue Yang.

In terms of strength, as an Innate Level 5, he had confidence to crush Yue Yang down.

“Ssss…” That Fishing Net Spider was also quite loyal. When it saw that Yue Yang had escaped, it immediately leapt to the sky and emitted white-coloured giant spider net to trap Yue Yang all over again. As for that Sand Beast that still continued to revolve in its giant sandstorm, it had also slowly moved in closer towards Yue Yang.

“Die.” Yue Yang shot the ‘Star Explosion’ in his hands.

A streak of meteor shot out as fast as lightning and pierced into the Gold-ranked Level 8 Fishing Net Spider’s body… In that instant, a horrifying loud explosion reverberated through the whole space!

Like a star that had just exploded, the whole ground, rocks, mud, lava and other things disappeared without a trace. The whole of Dimension of Duel was filled with the aftermath of the blast, covered in a sea of fire. Everything had turned into dust! Forget about Moqi Xu Ling, even Yue Yang, the person who activated his Domain of Power, was trembling like crazy. He was terrified, it was like he had just seen the end of the world. He was almost exploded into dust inside this Dimension of Duel by his own move…

LLS Chapter 284 Part 2 – With daughter in hand, the world is mine!


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Chapter 284 Part 2 – With daughter in hand, the world is mine!
Translated by: Shiroyukineko
Edited by: Shiroyukineko
TLCed by: Shiroyukineko

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The powerful shockwave from the explosion made Yue Yang and Moqi Xu Ling both unable to hear anything.

At this moment, both of their ears had completely lost their ability to hear.

Moqi Xu Ling felt a buzzing in his head and felt like he was about to faint. Even if he was an Innate Level 5, he was thrown several meters back from the shockwave.

In front of him, a fist suddenly shot out towards him, hitting him square in his face. Drips of blood flowed from his nose…

Moqi Xu Ling was unable to open his eyes, he couldn’t see at all, but he could feel that his enemy was storing his destructive Star Explosion again.

“Summon grimoire.” Right when the second punch was about to hit him, he chose to summon his grimoire and raise his protective shield for defense.

The punch was deflected by the protective shield.

However, one finger had actually pierced inside the protective shield soundlessly. It was pointing right between Moqi Xu Ling’s eyebrows.

Once again, the Golden Eagle come to rescue and reacted right in time, moving its owner’s body away… Sst! The Sword Qi that was able to instantly kill an Innate shot through Moqi Xu Ling’s scalp, cutting his skin and leaving a terrifying bloody scar. If he was just a thousandth of second late, Moqi Xu Ling’s head would have been split open.

The Golden Eagle-shaped body of energy shot towards Yue Yang. It was affected by the huge explosion, its powers has been greatly reduced. However, it was still very strong.

Under the orders of the Golden Eagle Holy Beast, it continued to charge right at Yue Yang.

Or maybe, the Golden Eagle wasn’t even hoping of killing Yue Yang, it just wanted to survive!

At a far distance, the Sand Beast that had turned into a gigantic sandstorm became even bigger from the huge explosion. It carried a whole sky full of sand and stormed right at Yue Yang. Moqi Xu Ling realized that the young man in front of him was looking at his beast full of killing intention, and was deeply alarmed in his heart… He didn’t manage to recall the Sand Beast when he saw Yue Yang’s body flashing straight at the eye of the sandstorm.

In the eye of the sandstorm, everything was calm.

Yue Yang shouted as the Nirvana’s Flame on his body shot towards the sky, forming a ten-meter tall Nirvana’s Flame… This was one of his Domain of Power, “Nirvana Flame Pillar”.

The Sand Beast might have been able to kill anyone in the world with a physical body. Its power could indeed destroy the heavens and the earth.

However, as a element-type beast, it would never be able to fight against the strongest element attack in the whole world – the Nirvana Flame. Under the flames of Nirvana Flame Pillar, its inner core immediately melted down..

Instant Kll!

The Sand Beast’s magic core was refined by the Nirvana Flame. It became smaller suddenly, as all of its impurity was removed, leaving only the purest sand element energy inside.

The magic core slowly floated onto Yue Yang’s hands.

The Golden Eagle-shaped body of energy also didn’t seem to be effective under Yue Yang’s Nirvana Flame. It caught fire and immediately burnt into nothingness.

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Moqi Xu Ling’s knees felt weak and he immediately fell to the ground… His enemy was simply too strong. This kind of enemy, he would definitely not be able to win against him. His provocation towards him just now was really an extremely foolish thing to do. His plan of going into the Dimension of Duel to hide his own abilities, turned to be digging his own graveyard… These two Domain of Power that Yue Yang had, only someone with the powers of Innate Level 7 and above could master them. However, this young man in front of him that was barely Innate Level 1 could actually use them easily…

Could he even fight against this kind of enemy?

Moqi Xu Ling watched in horror as Yue Yang drew a circle with his hands as he chanted a chant. Countless dark golden, gold and silver runes started to appear and shone mysteriously and radiantly like the Milky Way. In Yue Yang’s hands, a World Exterminating Wheel that was revolving non-stop slowly took shape… When Moqi Xu Ling saw all these, he felt complete despair and hopelessness.

His expressions turned ashen and his whole body couldn’t stop trembling.

Three types. This brat actually had three kinds of unrivalled Domain of Power.

It was not that there wasn’t any Innate who could use the World Exterminating Wheel. However, there was definitely no Innate who could form it with the power of so many runes. That was definitely his Domain of Power!

Star Explosion, Nirvana Flame and World Exterminating Wheel. These three Domain of Powers, every single one of them was capable of instantly killing anyone.

Now that he was facing against these three kinds of Domain of Power, how could Moqi Xu Ling not feel despair and utter hopelessness?

“Go!” Yue Yang raised the World Exterminating Wheel in his hands and was prepared to throw it towards Moqi Xu Ling’s protective shield… Moqi Xu Ling saw his protective shield caving in under his enemy’s attack. It seemed to have the defense of a tissue paper against the onslaught of the World Exterminating Wheel. Just now, the mysterious Sword Qi had already broken through his protective shield once. Now, with the World Exterminating Wheel coming at him, he would definitely meet his tragic end.

‘No, no…” Moqi Xu Ling released his greatest strength. However, he wasn’t trying to counter-attack, he was only trying to escape.

He was completely terrified by Yue Yang’s killing intent.

In that instant, he was no longer an Innate Level 5 warrior, he was only a terrified, panicked loser who was scared witless.

Moqi Xu Ling had already escaped a hundred metres away in just a tenth of a second, moving even faster than teleportation.

Yue Yang wouldn’t be able to chase after him even with teleportation.

However, Yue Yang’s World Exterminating Wheel that he had thrown could travel faster than any kind of time, speed or space. Moqi Xu Ling watched in fear as it slashed through his body… Moqi Xu Ling completely lost all hope, he slowly closed his eyes and waited for his death. Just as he was about to be slashed in two, his Golden Eagle Holy Beast had actually saved his life the third time. It blocked the attack with one wing and cushioned its master’s body with its other wing. The World Exterminating Wheel slashed across the Golden Eagle Holy Beast’s wing and cut across Moqi Xu Ling’s body from his left shoulder to his right abdomen… What the Golden Eagle Holy Beast could do was merely use all of its abilities and keep its master alive.

Moqi Xu Ling lost half of his body, but his head was still preserved due to his Golden Eagle Holy Beast’s sacrifice.

He was still alive!

The Gold-ranked Level 10 Golden Eagle Holy Beast voluntarily came out of Moqi Xu Ling’s body. It raised its broken wings and blocked right in front of Yue Yang.

Even at the last second, it was still protecting its master.

This is what Guardian Beast is!

This is the Guardian Beast that would never betray its master!

If Yue Yang didn’t have Star Explosion, Nirvana Flame or World Exterminating Wheel, three kinds of Domain of Power that was impossible to defend against, the Golden Eagle Holy Beast would have continued to fight… However, right now, there was no more meaning to fighting. It was only hoping to protect its master until its final breath. It wanted to die before its master.

Xiao Wen Li suddenly floated out of Yue Yang’s body, bathed in rainbow light.

Her eyes that could speak a thousand words looked unblinkingly at the Golden Eagle Holy Beast’s wing that had been slashed off on the ground.

Her little hands were cupped together as she bowed towards the Golden Eagle Holy Beast, like a warrior greeting another warrior. Similarly, that Golden Eagle Holy Beast bent its wings and bowed, bowing respectfully at Xiao Wen Li.

It turned around and looked at Moqi Xu Ling who was nearing death.

Its eyes were filled with a human’s complicated feelings, it looked like love, or pity…

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“I’m sorry, Sha Sha, I was wrong!” hot tears flowed out of Moqi Xu Ling’s eyes as he cried out towards his Golden Eagle Holy Beast, “My wild schemes has caused your death. If only I have agreed with you and returned home at that time, all of this would not have happened. It was my fault for craving the Emperor of Zhi Wei’s seat. I was too jealous of Shun Tian who possessed everything. My greed has harmed you to die! I’m sorry, Sha Sha, I’m so sorry…”

Bathed in a golden light, the Golden Eagle Holy Beast slowly changed its appearance to become a beautiful woman who looked to be in her thirties.

One of her arms had been slashed off, fresh blood flowed out endlessly out of her wounds.

She first shook her head at Moqi Xu Ling, then bowed to Xiao Wen Li the second time.

She then pierced her right hand deep into her heart.

Her long and sharp fingernails pierced straight through her heart… She fell down right into Moqi Xu Ling’s arms. She looked at him emotionally at her last moment, not saying anything, before she slowly closed her beautiful pair of big eyes.

Moqi Xu Ling wailed painfully, his voice was beyond bereaved.

Tears of regret continued to flow down.

He had originally possessed a power that ordinary people would envy him for. He had a woman who would rather die in his arms than anywhere else. He had love and happiness that other people could only hope for, but everything was destroyed because of his greed.

“Kill me now… I can’t let Sha Sha wait for me too long. I owed her too much!” Moqi Xu Ling cried out loudly.

Xiao Wen Li’s Dual Icicle Blades slashed like falling snow.

With one slash, she cut off Moqi Xu Ling’s head.

After killing off Moqi Xu Ling, she turned around and hugged Yue Yang who was waiting for her tightly, hot tears flowing out of her big eyes. Yue Yang slowly wiped it away from her face. Hugging her tightly, he kissed her forehead and said, “We must remember today. We must learn from other’s mistakes, don’t let our happiness slip away from our hands. We must become stronger and defeat all of our enemies. We must not let others stop us…”

“Unn!” Xiao Wen Li nodded obediently before she raised her Dual Icicle Blades to the sky, shouting loudly.

Her voice showed her bottomless fighting spirit, as if she was responding to Yue Yang’s words.

Become stronger and defeat all of their enemies!

Her Diamond Grimoire suddenly appeared and the Stone Element Medusa, Storm Mermaid, Thunder Naga, and a Serpent Demoness General that Yue Yang had never seen before also appeared in front of them. The Serpent Demoness General was also carrying a Dual Icicle Blade, but the Serpent Demoness General’s Dual Icicle Blade was ten times larger than Xiao Wen Li’s. The icy coldness that it emitted was terrifying. The moment she appeared, the ground that was still burning in flames immediately become frozen, turning the whole space into a blizzard hell.

This Serpent Demoness General looked like Xiao Wen Li in terms of appearance, but she looked more mature and dignified, as if she was a great general in a war.

Her body was covered in a platinum armor that was engraved with Heaven and Ancient Runes.

This mighty-looking Serpent Demoness General was actually one of Xiao Wen Li’s Guardian beast, the Ice Serpent Demon.

Following Xiao Wen Li, the Stone-element Medusa, Sorm Mermaid, thunder Naga and Ice Serpent Demon all raised their weapons and shout out to the sky.

A ray of multi-coloured light suddenly rose up from Xiao Wen Li’s body. On the Diamond Grimoire and the four beasts’ body, five pillars of similar-looking dark golden light suddenly rose up, surrounding the multi-coloured light pillar in the middle. The group of light formed a giant pillar of light that shot endlessly towards the sky.

“Did she level up?” Yue Yang discovered in surprise that Xiao Wen Li had finally levelled up.

Xiao Wen Li had not shown any signs of levelling up no matter how many strong enemies had been defeated. Xiao Wen Li had only levelled up once when they were trying to pick the Starlight Indigo Grass and accidentally activated a Runic Circle. After such a long time, she finally levelled up again and become Diamond-ranked Level 3.

Although this was a level up, it was extremely slow.

However, Xiao Wen Li’s powers would greatly increase every time she levelled up… Yue Yang was really curious whether this Xiao Wen Li was actually a Mythical Beast. She could even be a Transcending Mythical Beast. She must have a different requirements for levelling up than other beasts, which was why it took her so long to level up! She was Empress Fei Wen Li’s precious daughter, it would really be unbelievable if she was like an ordinary beast!

Yue Yang wasn’t able to see clearly how Xiao Wen Li looked after she levelled up, because she immediately jumped into his arms and kissed his cheeks happily. It was as if she had scored 100 in her test and couldn’t wait to tell her father about it.

Yue Yang was so touched that he almost cried. With daughter in hand, the world is mine!

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