Long Live Summons!

Chapter 296

Chapter 296 Part 1: Moe, Natural Airhead?

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    Shiro: The “moe” in the title refers to the Japanese moe, which means something along the line to describe a cute character. I know it’s a Chinese novel, but the Chinese culture is quite heavily influenced by Japanese mangas, so they actually have slangs in Chinese that means moe, onee-sama, loli, etc. I will try to minimize using such terms, but I will use it if I can’t find other words to replace it.


The mysterious being had a dragon head with deer-like horns. It had a pair of beautiful lion’s eyes, coupled with a tiger’s back, snake’s scales all over its body, and an ox’s tail.

Isn’t this the legendary mythical being Qilin? The only different thing was that the Qilin’s legs was adorned with four beautiful claws instead of horse hooves that were often described in fairy tales. Yue Yang stared for a few seconds as he vaguely recalled that the male Qilins, ‘Qi’ had claws while female Qilins, ‘Lin’ had horse hooves… Could it be that this fellow was male? But no matter what, it was still a Qilin. How could it take a bath in his Nirvana Flame?

(Shiro: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qilin)

Hmm, maybe this fellow is a Fire Qilin?!

As the Qilin bathed in Yue Yang’s Nirvana Flame, its previously dark green body slowly melted away, turning into white jade in colour that sparkled magnificently.

A mysterious white-coloured light exuded out from its body, bright like a star yet soft like the moonlight.

Baruth had wanted to attack again, but the Qilin immediately opened its mouth and shot out a beam of light.

When the Great Demon King Baruth, who was so powerful that he almost killed Yue Yang in an instant saw this, he immediately scampered away to avoid the enemy’s attack.

On the surface, the beam of light that did not require any charging time looked like it did not had any combat power. It looked like a holy, healing, white light. However, less than a second afterwards, Yue Yang changed his opinion. That was because as the light beam collided onto the palace walls, it completely shattered the palace walls that was made of obsidian stone into pieces, leaving an extremely deep hole on the ground that was easily hundreds of metres deep. The power of this white light was even stronger than Baruth’s Demon King Light Pillar! The only difference between the Demon King Light Pillar and this white light beam was that the white light beam wouldn’t explode. It would only annihilate anything on its path, quite similar to Luo Hua City Mistress’ Aurora Light. It’s just that they were completely different in terms of power and the distance it could extend to.

This Qilin was really very powerful. Could it be that it was a Mythical Beast?

But it was a male…

Yue Yang was extremely disappointed. He had risked his life to save a male Qilin, not a female Qilin! This is really sad.

Before Yue Yang managed to throw the World Exterminating Wheel and Star Explosion in his hands to the enemies, suddenly, he felt a sharp pain on his arm. His body was suddenly jerked away, and the scenery in front of him looked like he was flying in the sky. Yue Yang was startled to find that the Qilin had actually grabbed his arm with its mouth and escaped… What the heck… He thought that the Qilin could show its mighty power and kill the Great Demon King and the others on the spot the moment he rescued it, who turns out that it was actually a wimp!

Fortunately he was still carrying Phoenix Fairy Beauty on his back. Otherwise Yue Yang would really beat it up with all he had.

Escaping from its enemy although it was a Mythical Beast.

Isn’t this Qilin too incompetent!

Yue Yang grabbed onto the Qilin’s neck and climbed onto its back. How could he endure hanging by his arms on its mouth for an extended period of time?

When the Qilin realized that Yue Yang had climbed onto its back, it immediately became hostile and bucked Yue Yang off from its back, completely not seeing him as its life saviour at all. This Qilin really had no loyalty, it had abandoned Yue Yang and escaped on its own. When Yue Yang fell hard onto the ground, he realized that Baruth and Duran had surrounded him from the front and back, leaving him no path to escape.

Why didn’t they chase after the Qilin? Why did they surround him instead? What kind of logic is this… Yue Yang’s head hurts. He had worked so hard to rescu the Qilin, who would guess that it actually had no loyalty at all!

In the sky, Demon King Ha Xin and another Demon King had appeared.

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Yue Yang started to sweat profusely.

As expected, the Demon Abyss was a tiger’s den… He had truly poked the hornet’s nest this time, Demon Kings were appearing before him one by one.

“What the heck happened here?” The only thing that made him happy was that the Phoenix Fairy Beauty had finally woken up. Looking at the scene before her, she asked in surprise, “Has the Demon Abyss invaded the Soaring Dragon Continent? Have all the Great Demon Kings had come to attack?”

“No, this is the Demon Palace.” Yue Yang hurriedly replied her.

“What the heck are you doing in the Demon Palace?” Phoenix Fairy Beauty was completely shocked. They had just finished fighting with Shun Tian, why would he go to the Demon Palace and pick a fight with Great Demon Kings?

“A holiday trip!” Yue Yang answered full of certainty.

“…” Phoenix Fairy Beauty was speechless.

The Great Demon King Baruth obviously recognized Phoenix Fairy Beauty. Forget about him, even Demon Marshal Duran and the other two Demon Kings recognized Phoenix Fairy Beauty. Seems like they have fought on the higher levels of Tong Tian Tower before. The Great Demon King Baruth suppressed his anger and spoke, “I was thinking who it is that invaded us, turns out it is you, Tian Fa. You, human Innates, have broken the Ancient Oath and invaded our Blood Prison Demon Palace. Since that is the case, we will not comply with the Ancient Oath either, we will invade your Soaring Dragon Continent now…”

Phoenix Fairy Beauty immediately denied it when she heard him, “What are you saying? I just woke up from my sleep, I didn’t even know that this little fellow had brought me to the Demon Palace. Furthermore, your place is so dark and terrifying, I wouldn’t want to come here even if you invited me!”

When Demon King Ha Xin saw Yue Yang, he immediately recognized him, “It’s you!”

Yue Yang was speechless. He was wearing the Gemini Mask on his face, yet he could still recognize him. Isn’t this Demon King Ha Xin’s ability to sense other’s Qi and power too powerful?

With regards to Demon King Ha Xin’s furious reaction, everyone was completely baffled. Ha Xin had not stepped into the Soaring Dragon Continent for more than a hundred years, how could he get acquainted with a young human warrior? This young human’s Life Energy Flow didn’t even seem to be over twenty years old, and he definitely never appeared on the Sixth Floor of Tong Tian Tower before. How could Ha Xin had met him before? Amongst them, Phoenix Fairy Beauty was the most baffled of all. She didn’t understand how Yue Yang could have enemies that bore a grudge towards him even in the Demon Abyss. How many people had this brat offended? With regards to Phoenix Fairy Beauty’s questioning gaze, Yue Yang could only smile apologetically towards her. He also didn’t want to incur the Demon King Ha Xin’s wrath…

Who would be so tired of life that he made a Demon King his enemy? But at that time, there was really no other way!

“This human boy was the one who cut off my arm a year ago.” Demon King Ha Xin’s words made everyone speechless. Seems like this brat had caused a great trouble.

“A young person who had the talent to control World Exterminating Wheel is really a talent in a thousand years!” The other Demon King sighed, “Could it be that another Supreme Elder will appear in the Soaring Dragon Continent? Seems like we have to kill that boy even if we have to give it our all.”

“Don’t misunderstand, I don’t have any interest in the Supreme Elder position. My only aspiration in life is to have a happy sexual life.” Yue Yang hurriedly pretended to be an incompetent guy.

“My dear Baruth, my friend, why didn’t you introduce the honored guest who had come to visit you to your old friend? Could it be that you were afraid that I would embarrass you because I’m old and useless now?” On the other side of the sky, in the southeast direction, another two shadows appeared. Those were great warriors from the other race in Demon Abyss, the Netherworld Undead Race. They were Lich Kings.

The Demon Abyss was ten times larger than the Soaring Dragon Continent, but there were only three great powers.

One of the most powerful powers that often wage wars against humans was the “Blood Prison” Demon Race. With Demon King as their leaders, the Demon Legion’s name was notorious throughout the world. The second power was the “Netherworld” Undead Race, with Lich Kings as their leaders. This power was made up of zombies and undead, and they were also mankind’s nightmare. The third power was called “Eternal Night”, Fallen Beings Race. It was said that ten thousands of years ago, there was a fallen angel from the Heaven Realms that came to the Demon Abyss to establish a new power. They rarely fought with humans in the lower levels of Tong Tian Tower, much less try to invade the Soaring Dragon Continent. However, from the Fourth Level of Tong Tian Tower onwards, even residents on the Outer Realms Continent, all knew about the Fallen Beings Legion. Their powers were not any weaker than Demon Legions and Undead Legions.

Different from humans, the beings in Demon Abyss lived in a culture where the strong preys on the weak. Hence, there were massacres everywhere.

However, King-ranked warriors that were at the top of the food chain were very united with each other.

On the other hand, in comparison, if it weren’t for the Innate Alliance that created a treaty to maintain peace and stability, human Innate Rankers would have already waged wars between each other.

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The Three Great Kingdoms, Four Great Families, Four Great Sects, Demon Palace, Thousand Goblins Sect and various other organizations had all operated separately, going on their separate ways. It’s just that due to the Innate Alliance, coupled with Elder Nan Gong’s mediation between rankers and the enforcement to follow the Innate Alliance Treaty had finally brought peace for everyone.

Yue Yang recognized one of the Lich Kings as Lich King Grun.

This fellow was his enemy.

Previously, Yue Yang had fought with Grun before, and he had even killed the Flame Lord that he released. Right now, even the Hui Jin Magic Blade that he was wielding was made from the Flame Lord’s heart and the Bone Dragon’s Magic Crystal. He didn’t know whether this Grun was the kind of warrior who forgets small things easily. Yue Yang was just a small, insignificant matter to him then. Yue Yang hoped that the Lich King Grun would not remember him, but obviously, that was not quite possible.

(Shiro: Chapter 78)

When Lich King Grun saw Yue Yang with his green ghostly eyes, he started laughing uncannily, “By the way, I recognize this young Innate. He killed one of my followers in the Battlefield of Death before. I have tried to attack him before, but he easily avoided the whole thing and escaped.”

“He had some kind of Binding ability to restrict our movements for a second.” Demon King Ha Xin supplied.

“My god, how could you have enemies EVERYWHERE?” In spite of the situation, Phoenix Fairy Beauty couldn’t help herself as she burst out into laughter.

Chapter 296 Part 2: Moe, Natural Airhead?

    “You think I want to? They were the ones trying to kill me first, so I’m forced to defend myself. I wouldn’t be so much of a pain in the ass to seek trouble with them first, ya know? They are the ones that are guilty, yet they wanted to pin the blame on me!” Yue Yang was furious.


“The problem now is that there are three Demon Kings and two Lich Kings on the other side. Do you think they would act in their good conscience and recognize their own mistakes?” Phoenix Fairy Beauty continued to giggle as she draped her arms over Yue Yang’s shoulders, pressing her ample breasts onto his back as she whispered in his ears, “It’s a pity that I really have no strength in my body right now, otherwise I will definitely help you fight…”

If it weren’t for the fact that Phoenix Fairy Beauty, the most respectable and widely known Tian Fa, was here, these few Demon Kings would already have surrounded Yue Yang and trample him to death.

Phoenix Fairy Beauty was injured and her strength wasn’t as strong as before, that they could see.

However, they were definitely not going to underestimate her.

Even if Tian Fa was seriously injured, if she fight with all she had, there was still the possibility that she could kill one of them.

Nobody wanted to be the unlucky one. The three Demon Kings and two Lich Kings were secretly communicating with their Demon Abyss telepathy, preparing the best strategu of attack to kill the two of them.

No matter what, they would not let this good chance slip off. If they could kill this young Innate who had so much potential and the extremely strong Ranker Tian Fa here, the human Innates would definitely suffer a huge loss. Furthermore If the Supreme Elder met some kind of mishap in the Tenth Floor of Tong Tian Tower and could not return to the Soaring Dragon Continent, the Soaring Dragon Continent would definitely meet their end, unable to avoid their fate to die and be annihilated…

Under the Black Vortex, the Demon Kings’ and Lich Kings’ powers had increased multiple times.

Yue Yang and Phoenix Fairy Beauty’s powers, on the other hand, were being suppressed by the Black Vortex. Although the Black Vortex didn’t really have a huge effect on them, they were still influenced a little. The difference in strength between the two sides had become greater.

Fortunately, Phoenix Fairy Beauty’s injuries had become a little better after Yue Yang channeled a huge amount of Innate Qi to heal her. Furthermore, because she was about to be sealed just now and her body had become slightly transparent, the Nirvana Flame that Yue Yang released just now didn’t really cause any damage to her body… Of course, it might be because of other reasons, but Yue Yang couldn’t really understand how Phoenix Fairy Beauty had gained the ability to withstand his Nirvana Flame at this time.

Could it be that his Nirvana Flame had an awareness? Did it know who was his friends and foes?

Yue Yang didn’t have the time to think much about it, but this thought had flashed across his mind.

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“What do we do now?” Phoenix Fairy Beauty could sense that the three Demon Kings and two Lich Kings were secretly discussing their battle strategies. They were going to attack soon.

“If you ask me, who do I ask!” Yue Yang had really ran out of ideas now. They couldn’t use teleportation scroll to escape because of the Black Vortex, which had restricted the space and dimension with the powers of dark energy. If they ran away with their legs, they wouldn’t be able to outrun the Demon Kings. Other than fight them with all they had, Yue Yang really couldn’t think of any other ideas.

If Phoenix Fairy Beauty weren’t here, he could probably hide inside Empress Fei Wen Li’s Black Hole Dimension.

He could train inside the dimension and only come out again when he had become stronger. Otherwise, he could probably try to release Empress Fei Wen Li from the seal. No matter how many Demon Kings there were, she would definitely be able to beat them black and blue.

However, right now, the cruel reality was that not only was Phoenix Fairy Beauty here, she was also seriously injured. Although Yue Yang was afraid of death, he would never abandon an injured woman and escape on his own. He wouldn’t be able to do it, especially when this girl had risked her own life to save him and had even used her body to protect him from a deadly strike… If he abandoned a woman he liked, who had saved his life, and escaped on his own, forget about the others, even Yue Yang would look down on himself.

Phoenix Fairy Beauty suddenly sighed, “Actually, I have an idea!”

She seemed to have an idea to send Yue Yang away, but needless to say, she would have to pay the price of sending Yue Yang away with her own life.

Yue Yang didn’t even want to hear it, he immediately shook his head and rejected it, “I’m a man, you have to listen to me in crucial times like this. If I say go, we go. If I say fight, we fight!”

Phoenix Fairy Beauty hugged Yue Yang as she happily kissed his cheeks, “Aww, little Yue Yang, you are so manly~! If you become more manly than this, I will really fall for you!”

The three Demon Kings and two Lich Kings didn’t care about Yue Yang and Phoenix Fairy Beauty’s touching moment, they all had hearts of stone.

Together with Demon Marshal Duran, the six extremely strong warriors surrounded Yue Yang and Phoenix Fairy Beauty from six directions and condensed their powers at the same time.

They were about to attack together and kill the two people in the middle in an instant.

However, in the sky, a white light suddenly flashed.

The Qilin who had ran away just now had actually returned. It tilted its head and looked at Yue Yang for quite a while, and suddenly, to Yue Yang’s surprise, asked in human language, “Why aren’t you running away?”

“Eh?” The voice that Yue Yang heard didn’t sound like a male, but a female’s. He immediately felt much better and asked, “Why did you come back?”

“I got lost. I wanted to ask for directions to return back to Tong Tian Tower or the Heaven Realm.” Phoenix Fairy Beauty, the Demon Kings and Lich Kings almost fell to the ground when they heard this.

“A naturally-born airhead?” Yue Yang thought that the greatest personality a girl could have is airheadedness.

“I said Heaven Realms, not airhead, stupid. You don’t know how to go to Heaven Realms? You are really an idiot!” The Qilin’s girly voice made Yue Yang burst into laughter. For a talking beast, other than humanoid beasts, Yue Yang really have never seen a beast with a beast appearance that could talk. Furthermore, she sounded so cute. The most moe thing was that she was a naturally born airhead.

“I don’t know how to go to the Heaven Realms, but I know how to go to Tong Tian Tower!” Phoenix Fairy Beauty replied. Looking at her smiling appearance, Yue Yang knew that her foxy side was about to act up again.

“No, mommy said that girls are hypocritical, selfish and they get jealous easily. They can’t be trusted.” Phoenix Fairy Beauty was speechless when she heard the Qilin’s words.

“You are definitely right!” Yue Yang clapped his hands and praised it.

“Those weakling demons should know where Tong Tian Tower is… It’s a pity that I haven’t fully recovered yet. Otherwise, I would have already captured one of them and make him show me the way out from here.” The Demon Kings felt like banging their heads on the wall when they heard the Qilin’s words. They were weakling demons?

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“Did you come from the Heaven Realm?” Even the Demon Kings actually wanted to know the answer to Yue Yang’s question.

The Heaven Realm had only existed in legends. What was it like?

Right now, nobody knew.

If this mythical beast who lost her way really came from the Heaven Realm, she would definitely knew a lot about the Heaven Realm! At the very least, she could prove that Heaven Realm truly existed!

The airheaded Qilin answered Yue Yang’s question negatively instead , “I’m definitely not from the Heaven Realm. The Heaven Realm is so boring, there’s no fun places to visit there. The people there are also very fierce and unreasonable. I don’t like the Heaven Realm! If it wasn’t for the fact that I have to go through the Heaven Realm to get back home, I would definitely not go to that kind of place. It’s a super boring place!”

Yue Yang then pointed at the Great Demon King Baruth, and asked the Qilin, “Look at this demon who sealed you. If he goes to Heaven Realm, how strong would he be on Heaven Realm’s standard?”

The Qilin thought for a moment, then gave an answer that made everyone break out in sweat, “I don’t know… I only stayed in the Heaven Realm for a few hundred years, so I’m not very familiar with the situation there. But if you compare his strength, I think he is more or less on the level of those foolish mercenary soldiers who does random errands here and there?”

Baruth almost cried. He was only at the level of mercenary soldiers in the Heaven Realm?

Lich King Grun gave the Great Demon King Baruth a hand signal, indicating that they must re-capture this Mythicall Beast whose strength had not fully recovered yet and seal her again. They could slowly research her later. Maybe the key for them to go to the Heaven Realms lies on this Mythical Beast.

“Is there a realm higher than the Heaven Realm? If there is, is there any Old Daoist Priest that likes to fly around on a sword?” Yue Yang asked again.

“I can’t talk anymore, mommy said that my throat hasn’t fully matured yet, so I can’t talk too much. Otherwise, if I hurt my throat, I won’t be able to sing anymore.” The Qilin seemed like an obedient child, always listening to her mother’s words.

“…” Yue Yang suspected that the Qilin was actually teasing him. Couldn’t she just answer him with a yes or a no?

“I’m tired, lend me your house to rest for a while.” The Qilin then flew over quickly and knocked Yue Yang to the ground. Yue Yang hadn’t had the time to shout out in pain when she looked at him as if she felt wronged and said, “Hey, just say it if you don’t want to welcome me to your house. Do you know that rejecting a guest to enter one’s house is extremely rude? Forget it, I don’t care if you don’t welcome me, I’ll just go in myself!”

The Qilin didn’t wait for Yue Yang’s reaction. It immediately turned into a flash of rainbow light and entered Yue Yang’s body.

Yue Yang was completely speechless. It’s fine if she didn’t want to help him in battle, but she also wanted to borrow his body to rest. Who taught this girl her rude manners?

The Great Demon King Baruth immediately made a condition with Yue Yang, “Brat, if you and Tian Fa agree to stay here, we can forget about the matter just now and treat you guys as VIP guests. If you guys try to leave, we will invalidate all of our promises and immediately kill you guys on the spot. I will give you guys 1 minute to think, go and discuss it with Tian Fa!” If the three Great Demon Kings and Lich Kings didn’t consider the fact that the Qilin from the Heaven Realm was inside Yue Yang’s body, they would definitely not let Yue Yang and the Phoenix Fairy Beauty off. But right now, this brat was a hot commodity, it wouldn’t be bad if they put him on house arrest now and slowly questioned the Qilin about Heaven Realm later.

Before Demon King Baruth even finished speaking, a rainbow coloured light suddenly flashed from Yue Yang’s body.

A young girl with antlers on her head suddenly appeared in front of Yue Yang as she pitifully pointed at him with her little finger, “The little kid in your house is a real bully! She had actually kicked me out… Ah, I forgot to change my appearance!” As she spoke, she returned to her Qilin appearance with a flash of rainbow light.

The three Great Demon Kings felt like this was a golden opportunity, they immediately charged forward to attack.

They charged down from the sky, and cooperated together to capture this Mythical Beast that could easily change her appearance. The two Lich Kings targeted Yue Yang and Phoenix Fairy Beauty, but they focused their attack more on Phoenix Fairy Beauty. Demon Marshal Duran who was floating at a far distance took out his Dark Demon Pearl and continued to enlarge the Black Vortex in order to increase his comrades strength. With the power of the five strongest warriors in Demon Abyss, coupled with the buff from the Black Vortex, it wouldn’t be impossible to subdue the enemy.

Suddenly, a clear-sounding bird call that sounded even more soothing than sounds of nature resounded, reverberating through everyone’s soul.

A pillar of Nirvana Flame suddenly blasted up to the sky.

Yue Yang realized that the Nirvana Flame didn’t come from his body. To his surprise, two mysterious, yet familiar beings that he had never seen before had floated out of his body and ignited a magnificent pillar of Nirvana Flame that blasted all the way to the skies above…

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