Long Live Summons!

Chapter 717

Chapter 717 – Old Master Bao Gu 

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The Black Wind City, the City Lord’s mansion battle took three hours and nine minutes. All Heaven Stages were destroyed.

Old Demon Wei, the most powerful Heaven Stage ranking the fifth.


Jointly attacked by Captain Raging Flames, the grey wolf, the beauty Feng Xian, Xue Wuxia, and Princess Qian Qian, his power ran out. After all, he was unable to escape from Yue Yang’s Creation Domain. Yue Yang didn’t use the Gate of Death power, ‘Real Illusions’ yet. He only used the ‘False Truth’ power of the Gate of Life. Nonetheless, Old Demon Wei fell down thoroughly.

Pang Man was killed by the Sky Execution.

General Jin Feng, painfully died in the besiege of Fei Huang and Hua Ban’s attacking.

Qing Song and Hong Song, the elders though, who were killed by the Dragon Emperor and the Underworld Emperor, were the Heaven Stages who lost the bell and dead first. The Old Man Bai Song, who trapped into the Zhong Guan, Bai Ma and Hei Tu’s attacking, could never breakout and finally killed himself in the torture of the heart demon.

Bai Song, who was also one of the Heaven Stages killed themselves out of sorrow.

At that day, Hoka and Savi, who sent away the Raging Flames, were killed by Xue Wuxia and Princess Qian Qian jointly.

One after one, powerhouses of the Heaven Stage were defeated and dead, even the most powerful Old Demon Wei was defeated under the attacking of the majority. Lasting for almost three hours, the tough battle ended finally.

Although Raging Flames, the Sky Execution, and the Dragon Emperor and so on were interested to continue to the battle, Yue Yang was very clear that if not the name of the three powers, they will be found that they didn’t have enough strength to fight against the Lionheart King and the Emerald Lord. Being able to occupy the Black Wind City, it was mainly attributed to that the enemy couldn’t figure out the truth so that they missed the advantage. And at that time they just took the chances and took advantage of enemies’ internal contradictions, so they could confuse the Master of Black Wind City’s army, otherwise, it would have been difficult to win.

In order to avoid the fight back of the enemy, Yue Yang used the Three Realm Compass to take the Sky Execution, the Dragon Emperor, the Underworld Emperor, and Raging Flames to Tong Tian Towers as soon as the battle ended.

Anyhow, owning the main power of the Heaven Stage, they must protect it well.

Besides, today’s battle was just a small fight.

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It was equal to winning a small bridgehead in the Southern Heaven Realm, but if they wanted to occupy the Emerald Territory and fight with the Lionheart King, and then occupy the Heaven Realm… It was definitely not one day’s work. So if conquering the Heaven Realm is the Long March, then this battle was only the first step.

“Everyone, the Heaven Realm war is coming to an end. Everyone needs to combine the combat experience to continue to practice and enlighten. The harder battle is waiting for us, and the stronger enemy is waiting for us. Let’s set a  deadline of half one year, I hope everyone can make a further breakthrough during this period. I hope one day, our Tang Tian Towers’ warriors won’t be controlled by the Heaven Realm any longer and never to be a frog at the bottom of the well anymore. We can become a superpower over the Heaven Realm and become an eagle flying within the vast sky!” Yue Yang’s words made the Sky Execution and others excited.

“The Dragon Emperor, the Underworld Emperor, and the Sky Execution will say goodbye.” The Sky Execution greeted the Dragon Emperor and led the Demonic Palace to leave. He couldn’t wait to improve himself.

“If there will be a war, we are within call.” The Big Demon King Barut had got a lot during the Heaven Realm trip. In addition to killing two Heaven Stages together, they also got the treasures. As for the demon crystals and their belongings, they declined all them. Because, Yue Yang gave them a promise, in the next half year, he will give each of Demon King a Heaven Stage warbeast, so they could enhance their combat power.

“The continent…” The Dragon Emperor and the Underworld Emperor looked at each other and nodded with a smile.

They were going to continue to make progress through battles and attack the continent of the Winged Clan.

They may not be able to beat Ancient Demon King at the moment. But it didn’t matter, Yue Yang would deal with Ancient Demon King, and they just need to fight against the parties of Ancient Demon King!

The Dragon Emperor and the Underworld Emperor cannot estimate the future of Yue Yang’s power. But they knew that he would not stay in Tong Tian Towers. Yue Yang’s future was definitely Heaven Realm, or even above Heaven Realm. As long as they led the sect to follow Yue Yang, it would take long for the Eastern Goblin Tribe and the Underworld Clan returning to Heaven Realm!

Although this battle began in advance and they achieved great success, there would definitely be more troubles from Heaven Realm.

The half-year break can improve everyone’s strength to a new level, and they would gain greater benefits from the Heaven Realm. Most importantly, because all Heaven Stages of Tong Tian Towers had withdrawn from the Southern Heaven Realm, the Emerald Lord and Lionheart King were unable to find their opponents at this moment. In the process of conquering Heaven Realm, as long as everyone was equipped with strength, Yue Yang, who took the initiative of the war, would be able to defeat the Emerald Lord and Lionheart King.

The Emerald Lord was the goal half a year later.

If Zhi Zun and Queen Night would have helped each other, they were even very likely to win Lionheart King…

The Dragon Emperor and the Underworld Emperor believed that Yue Yang would go to the Western Heaven Realm alone during the half-year period, to fight against the ancient Demon King’s parties, and to find the former strong men of Tong Tian Towers as allies. After all, conquering Heaven Realm was not a trivial matter. The best way to succeed is to plan first and take action later.

Therefore, following Yue Yang, they would improve a lot through numerous battles!

The two men smiled and went away.

Captain Raging Flames, along with Drunken Cat Sister, went to the Gate of Life and Death to continue their cultivation.

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Black Wind City, the City Lord’s mansion.

The guards and patrols in the city were completely annihilated. The businessmen who were far from the crowd could see a team of hundreds of people consisting of Heaven Realm Draconians and Heaven Realm Dwarves, cleaning up the battlefield and the mess.

One of the most unexpected characters appeared now.

That person.

It’s the round head Bao Gu that has been dead for many days!

The round head Bao Gu posted a message at the Mercenary Guild: In view of the Master of Black Wind City and its parties killed Alchemy Master of Western Heaven Realm, Jun Wu Ye, and then killed many disciples of the three sects (Tong Tian, Long Teng, and Heaven Demon from the Western Heaven Realm) with cruel means during the truce of the agreement, the three sects decided to kill the Master of Black Wind City and his parties to revenge. This cross-border war is not a conquest, but a battle of honor. Three sects will not occupy Black Wind City, but will hand over Black Wind City to the original inhabitants…From now on, Black Wind City will be renamed “Wu Ye City” to commemorate Master Jun Wu Ye. Since the establishment of Wu Ye City, there would be no taxes within three years. After three years, only one percent of the taxes would be charged for maintenance and repair…Wu Ye City, which has been a city-state since today, no longer belongs to any power. Any evil force that ignores Wu Ye City will be regarded as a violation to Master Jun Wu Ye, and three sects have the responsibility to defend this honor!

When the news came out, the whole city was shocked.

At first, the three sects ignored the jurisdiction of the Emerald Lord and renamed “Black Wind City” to “Wu Ye City”, and then changed the new Wu Ye City into a city state. Their action was equal to declaring a war on the Emerald Lord.

If they would have conquered Black Wind City, and took over Black Wind City, and surrendered to the Emerald Lord, the consequences would not be so serious.


Although the cross-border conquest was a bit unacceptable, the Heaven Realm was a place paying attention to strength. The three sects had conquered Black Wind City, and it was reasonable they took over the city. The problem was that the Western Heaven Realm’s three sects completely regarded this city as a place to commemorate Master Jun Wu Ye, and also classified it as a city-state. Only for this reason, even if the Emerald Lord was gentle, he would also be angry!

The most important thing was the bad attitude of the Western Heaven Realm’s three sects. They said that Wu Ye City was a city state and no longer belonged to any power, and that any evil force having a hand in Wu Ye City would be regarded as a violation to Master Jun Wu Ye…

These actions completely blocked the possibility of negotiating with the Emerald Lord.

Now, there were two kinds of people happy.

The first was the rebels.

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The second was the residents and merchants of the original Black Wind City.

Especially the merchants of Wu Ye City, they were very lucky! The Heaven Stage of the Western Heaven Realm had made a three-year tax exemption instead of confiscation of their property. Three years tax free? What does it mean? It meant that the money three businessmen earned could build an entire gold-made Wu Ye City! All merchants of the Southern Heaven Realm would definitely come to the tax-free Wu Ye City. The black market here would be filled to capacity by merchants!

In the black market, which still had huge profits under severe exploitation, if it was not taxed, the income would be much more than robbery!

Even the one percent tax after the three-year tax exemption was also low. Generally speaking, the tax in the black market was at least 30%, and even 50%.

If not the heavy tax, how could the Master of Black Wind City be the wealthiest city lord nearby?

How could he get so much help from Heaven Stage?

“Bao Gu, why didn’t you die?” The person, who knew the pedlar the round head Bao Gu, curiously asked.

“What did you say? How dare you call master’s name Bao Gu? You should call him Master Bao Gu!” said two men, in cloak behind Bao Gu, angrily. They showed their strength of the Heaven Stage level, murderous, glaring at the unlucky one, and almost scared the guy to die.

“Ma…Master Bao Gu?” stuttered the guy, who was so scared that he almost urinated in his pants. He could not believe that a pedlar who was driven out of the sect can have two Heaven Stage-level experts as his guards. Was the strength of the Western Heaven Realm really strong enough to this extent? They even took experts of Heaven Stage-level as guards?

“I, Bao Gu, is not strong or talented. Thanks to Wu Ye, I temporarily serve as the General Representative for foreign affairs of Wu Ye City.” The round head Bao Gu was not arrogant. He was still as humble as usual, giving the other party salute, and said, “Bao Gu belongs to hump. Fortunately, I’m still alive after suffering a lot, but Wu Ye… I can’t protect my friend, and I survive alone. I’m really ashamed!”

After hearing what he said, everyone understood.

It turned out that the two were the guards of Jun Wu Ye, and the three sects specially sent them to protect Bao Gu.

Bao Gu should have been killed along with Master Jun Wu Ye. Although his status was inferior, he had been accepted by the Western Heaven Realm’s three sects as the Master Jun Wu Ye’s friend, and his status was highly increased now. It’s not expected that the lucky guy, Bao Gu, did not die even he was pressed by the giant rock, and became the General Representative for foreign affairs after the three sects of the Western Heaven Realm conquered Black Wind City.

Even the tycoons who had looked down their noses at Bao Gu also came here after they heard the news.

Respectfully, all they gave Bao Gu a salute and sent their regards to him, calling him the General Representative.

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Those who had offended or ridiculed Bao Gu was now impotent. All of them were confused that whether they should apologize to him or not.

Everyone present knew that Bao Gu was just a contemptible pedlar, and even so, he was incompetent. But Bao Gu was lucky enough that the human being he consorted with casually was just the rarest alchemy master in the Heaven Realm.

That very day, Bao Gu bet his life to protect the alchemy master Jun Wu Ye, so that he was beaten black and blue by the vice president Chidoo and the Guard Captain. Everyone had seen it all.

And everyone in secret, at that time, ridiculed Bao Gu for his stupid behavior.

For the sake of friends, he risked his life.

Was that worth it?

Looking back now, Bao Gu’s luck, he deserved it. At least, he had risked his life. And if he hadn’t gone to the aid of the Alchemy Master Jun Wu Ye, would the Western Heaven Realm have respect for him a pedlar? Would it be possible that they arranged two Heaven Stage experts to be his temporary guards? Totally impossible!

“Bao Gu, hum… General Representative Bao Gu, one more thing… please talk about the news of three years’ tax-free!” Someone mentioned.

“It’s true. The three sects of the Western Heaven Realm are all heroic figures, every one of them is of indomitable spirit. Could they look up to the tofu-type Black Wind City? What they really want was honor and grand respect for the master! So, Black Wind City was renamed Wu Ye City, and then it will become a free city-state and will be tax-free! Wu Ye City will have more benefits in the future. It’s just because the three sects are now in grief and are not in a good mood, so they have no time to manage it. Because of the cross-border, the high-level executives of three sects feel that there will be an impact. The comers are all juniors, otherwise, how could the Black Wind City exist now, and even the entire Emerald Territory would have been razed. The Master of Black Wind City never knows how much sin has been committed by his confidant, especially his stubborn resistance with no remorse, showed that he is disrespectful to Wu Ye! If not someone has reported and the place where Wu Ye was murdered had been found, Wu Ye would have been still buried under the dirty giant rock, and I won’t be free from imprisonment…” Bao Gu’s words made some people’s eyes shine.

Did someone blow the gab?

Bao Gu’s unintentional words unwittingly revealed a grave secret.

Who was the whistle-blowing? Who was the one telling the experts in the Western Heaven Realm and made them be able to find the place where Jun Wu Ye was murdered and confirmed the death finally? If it was not someone who had informed, then the experts of the three sects in the Western Heaven Realm may not be so furious that they immediately killed without reason …

Of course, for this useful news, many people just to remember in their mind, and what everyone had to do now was to continue to flatter Bao Gu to get more secrets.

The round head Bao Gu had been promoted from a pedlar to the General Representative of Wu Ye City, so, to get in good with him was to get in good with Tong Tian, Long Teng, and Heaven Demon!

“Bro Bao Gu, I wonder when you are available. May several of our business groups have the pleasure to invite you to drink a glass of wine and listen to the opera?” It turned out that Master Joe, having 300 joint chambers of commerce, whose fortune ranked above Master Barton, was absent, but his confidant housekeeper attended. The housekeeper, who was all smiles now, gave the pedlar whom the housekeeper had been kicked for two blocks before a salute. It seemed that Bao Gu was born to be his brother.

“Pa!” Just after hearing the news, Master Joe, who came from Green Leaf City, slapped the housekeeper, and swore, “You such a dog slave, General Representative Bao Gu is so exalted, and how dare you call him brother? Call Master Bao Gu!”

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