Long Live Summons!

Chapter 765

City Lord Tu Hai had learned about his esteemed guest long before his arrival from his steward, Jiao Shi.

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    This esteemed guest was surnamed Yue, first name Titan, and was a young master from a big family in Southern Heaven Realm. Which family exactly was left unsaid, but Tu Hai thought that it was definitely either one of the top ten clans in Southern Heaven Realm or possibly even the top ten clans in the entire Heaven Realm. In regards to the great difference in both strength and status, he did not dare to address him by name. No matter if it was out of courtesy, respect, or deliberately trying to flatter the esteemed guest, Tu Hai could not address him directly by name as with the other youngsters: even if his own name was more than a hundred times greater than the others.


    He very respectfully addressed the other party as ‘Third Young Master’, using the title that the butler Jiao Shi had inquired about on the other party’s side.


    At Tu Hai’s deference, Tudor, and the generals behind him, were a little puzzled.


    It didn’t look like he was a Heaven Rank expert at all, how could the city lord be so gracious in welcoming him?


    Could it be that this young man’s status is particularly honorable?


    “I am grateful to the city lord for welcoming me today, and our hearts are touched beyond words.” The old fox standing beside Yue Yang was in charge of speaking, while Yue Yang nodded his head slightly and put forth a look of a great young master.


    “This is just a small town in the countryside, I’m afraid the simplicity would tarnish your esteemed honor.” Although Yue Yang only nodded his head, it also made City Lord Tu Hai feel particularly happy.


    An Overlord!


    This is the aura of a man with power!


    The job of speaking and flattering should be done by the butlers. Which powerful person would keep on speaking non-stop? 




    Not a single one.


    Generally speaking, when those in positions of power open their mouth and give a command, no matter whether right or wrong, it must be executed.


    “Welcome esteemed guests……..” 

The butler, Jiao Shi and the others, hurriedly bowed.


    “No need for formalities.” The old fox by Yue Yang’s side replied. With a wave of his hand, the Li brothers immediately started handing out red packets one by one to those who greeted them, to show the generosity of their master. The red packets did not contain gold coins, which were unbefitting of their masters status, but rather a crystal-clear falling star bead.


    The falling star beads were definitely something that was not available in Heaven Realm.


   Even in the Tong Tian Tower, it can only be found near the Falling Star Islands.


   The people from Heaven Realm were unaware of the true value of these beads. 


    When seeing that it was a treasure they had never seen before, their first impression was that it must be a rare and precious gem.


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    This small investment by Yue Yang was the key to Rizhao City. Following this, Yue Yang had a series of plans to implement here in the future, in order to take over Rizhao City. This was just the first step in his plan!


    As both sides exchanged pleasantries, two people were silently spying on each other.


    Yue Yang couldn’t help but observe City Lord Tu Hai who had been guarding Rizhao City for three thousand years.


    No matter how inadequate City Lord Tu Hai was in managing his internal affairs, at least, he was a qualified guard. The Gate of Heaven Realm, which connected Western Heaven Realm and Tong Tian Tower, had never been lost when he guarded it for thousands of years. Moreover, all the cities around Rizhao City had fallen before, at least once. Only Rizhao City, which was guarded by Tu Hai, had never fallen.


    From this, it could be seen that City Lord Tu Hai’s abilities were extraordinarily powerful.


    City Lord Tu Hai was also observing Yue Yang.


    He had seen tens of millions of young people, but none of them were able to hold a match to this ‘Third Young Master’ in front of him.


    Even excluding the esteemed Third Young Master, even the two young men beside him who were called Tian Luo and Tan Lang, even those two escorts Ye Kong and Fatty Hai, were all extremely talented geniuses. These youngsters, at a very young age, had reached Earth Rank, Level 5 and above, some reaching Quasi-Heaven Rank and even Heaven Rank. How could they have reached this realm in their twenties if it wasn’t for the backing of some great clan or sect, cultivating these talents with all their might and spending all their heavenly talents and treasures on them?


    After eating and drinking for a while, City Lord Tu Hai, who was constantly searching for topics, was acutely aware that the usual popular songs and dances that he was proud of had actually made the esteemed guest a little bored and was secretly distressed.


    The esteemed guests came from a renown background and grew up amongst riches.


    These songs and dances naturally would not amount to anything in their eyes ….


    What exactly does the Third Young Master like?


    If he didn’t come up with something new, he wouldn’t be able to keep the other person. Giving gifts is one way, but it’s harder said than done. What excuse should he use to give the esteemed guest a gift? A low grade gift would displease him; and he obviously would not need things like gold and money; on the matter of women, he would most likely not be lacking and the women in his group might even take offense; as for treasures, even his guards are given Gold Rank treasures!


    “I have heard that the Potential Alliance War Beast Shop was arrogant and bullied its customers. I have ordered my men to punish them heavily. Would you perhaps be willing to show us the Golden Flying Dragon that your subordinates purchased from the shop? Or perhaps we can head over to the fighting ring and see its performance in a beast fight while having a drink?” City Lord Tu Hai was testing Yue Yang to see if he liked watching beast fights, if so, he could use this opportunity to purposely lose a few rounds through betting. That way he could push a bit of money over to Yue Yang.


    This had been his usual practice whenever he had previously tried to curry favor with Heaven Rank experts.


    City Lord Tu Hai felt that it would not be so simple to draw this Third Young Master into his camp but he had to at least try.


    Yue Yang waved his hand, “No need.”


    The old fox who was sitting beside him laughed loudly, explaining while giving off the air of Yue Yang’s strategist, “The Potential Alliance War Beast Shop, has been taught enough lessons, Third Young Master’s sister has also gotten a grey sparrow’s egg that she liked. As for the golden flying dragon, Ye Kong and Fatty Hai originally wanted to buy it to feed to master’s Reaper Mantis, if it had been a fair deal, the price wouldn’t have mattered… Anyway, this matter is already in the past, our Third Young Master won’t pursue it again, the parties involved have also learned their lesson, so let’s just write it off!”


    “Warbeast fighting, we’re interested.” Ye Kong and Fatty Hai stood up.


    City Lord Tu Hai gave a signal to his cousin Tudor…


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    Tudor immediately led a group of generals and surrounded Fatty Hai and Ye Kong as they left their seats and headed towards the fighting ring.


    Butler Jiao Shi, on the other hand, dismissed the singers and dancers, then personally served City Lord Tu Hai and his esteemed guest, Yue Yang. Xue Tan Lang ignored the others around him and took out a book before reading out loud. Beside Tu Hai, Xiang Wen, who was known as the top bureaucrat of Rizhao CIty, and who was appointed as the consul of Rizhao City’s tax administration, was having a light conversation with Prince Tian Luo. As he was chatting, he subconsciously swept a look at the book that Xue Tan Lang was reading.


    There were many people who read books in public just to show off that they were knowledgeable.


    Often holding an upside down book even without noticing it.


    The consul, Xiang Wen, had just rushed over for the banquet and hadn’t had a chance to scout out any information about the other party from the butler Jiao Shi.


    He was still a bit disdainful towards Xue Tan Lang for reading in public, thinking that this was a really pretentious young man. Even if he really was thirsty for knowledge, must he try to read and recite from a book at a banquet? He must be faking it!


    However, when he took a closer look, he was shocked to see that the writing on that book were not ordinary words, but actually Heaven Realm Runes.


    There were no words to explain them at all.


They were densely packed Heaven Realm Runes… The weirdest thing was that these Heaven Realm Runes would move with the passage of time, constantly combining into new forms. Xiang Wen had studied Heaven Realm Runes before and he felt that he had a certain understanding of these runes. However, he was shocked that he could not understand a single one that he saw. 


    Just as beads of sweat were starting to form on Xiang Wen’s forehead, Xue Tai Lang pulled out a notebook, and started copying excerpts to it.


    The runes he copied were quite accurate.


    The only difference between the copied runes and the Heaven Realm Runes in the book was that the ones he copied did not have the power of the original Heaven Realm Runes, and would not automatically move about over time, constantly recombining into new combinations and changing into new formations.


    “Perhaps, even the sage mentor who taught us, has not mastered as many Heaven Realm Runes as this ice cold man.” Xiang Wen broke out in cold sweat.


    Now, he knew that the other party was not pretending, but really learning.


    What a thirst for knowledge!


    On the other side, City Lord Tu Hai also secretly broke out in cold sweat.


    He realized that the more he talked to Third Young Master, the more he realized that he was an ignorant fool.


    Anything that Third Young Master said had such profound meaning, If not for the wise man who called himself “Shui Dong Liu”, who explained his words in a roundabout way, he might not have understood them, or might have understood them wrongly. Not to mention the matters regarding the current happenings around the Heaven Realm or about warbeast cultivation and rare treasures, even regarding matters that had happened centuries or millennials ago, there was none that he was not familiar with.


    As soon as his unique insights were spoken, Tu Hai felt that he was not deliberately trying to flatter Third Young Master, but was genuinely applauding his extensive knowledge and wisdom.


    “It turns out that Black and White Chess was brought to the Western Heaven Realm from Tong Tian Tower! Rumors have twisted its origins so much that I didn’t expect the actual truth to be like this.” The housekeeper, Jiao Shi, was also sighing at the secrets Yue Yang was sharing.


(I think this game is called Reversi)

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    “How about we continue chatting over a game of chess?” City Lord Tu Hai proposed, overjoyed.


    If Third Young Master likes to play chess, then he would have found the way into his heart.


    Although he wasn’t very good at chess, Lord Ling Yun loved to play chess, and Lord Tu Hai had studied it for a long time in order to please Lord Ling Yun, and to this day, he would occasionally play chess with his steward, Jiao Shi, to keep his strength from receding. City Lord Tu Hai had always felt that learning a new skill was a good thing, even though he might not be able to use it often, but it would come in handy sometimes.


    For example, playing chess.


    This skill was useless in combat but was a good tool for socializing.


    If he blatantly gave money to those more powerful than him, they would not even be moved. But if they could play chess with each other, there was a better chance of becoming friends over time…


    Originally being a very normal noble from Ling Yun country, the matter of City Lord Tu Hai being appointed Rizhao’s City Lord by the Lord of Ling Yun Country was not entirely unrelated to him often playing against the Ling Yun Country Lord……


    “Very well, it’s just that I don’t have the best chess skills.  I hope the city lord will be merciful.” Yue Yang humbly replied.


    “This city lord is also only a beginner. Haha, sometimes my hands feel itchy, so I’ll play a few games.” City Lord Tu Hai felt that if the opponent really wasn’t very strong in chess, he could go easy on him, of course, he mustn’t let the opponent realise this, otherwise it would be disrespecting him. He often played against Lord Ling Yun, so learning how to go easy on an opponent had become a habit long ago. He was so skillful that even Lord Ling Yun couldn’t see it, or maybe saw, but enjoyed the performance of this subordinate.


    The butler, Jiao Shi, set up the chess game.


    After one match.


    City Lord Tu Hai was so ashamed of himself that he wanted to find a crack in the ground so he could hide inside.


    He dared to say that if the other side hadn’t secretly let him off several times, he estimated that he wouldn’t have a single piece left on the board.


    Although he wasn’t yet at the Grandmaster level, City Lord Tu Hai felt that he could be considered as one of the most powerful chess players in the whole of Ling Yun Country.


    However, in front of this Third Young Master…


    Tu Hai felt like he was a child learning how to play chess, he essentially had no control of the game whatsoever. When he saw that Third Young Master looked a bit bored, he almost wanted to cry. God, it wasn’t that he didn’t want to be an interesting opponent, it was just that Third Young Master was too good! Even if the other party played with a handicap, he could still beat him with his eyes closed.


    “Cough cough, why don’t you allow this servant to have a game with Third Young Master!” The butler, Jiao Shi, who was better at chess than City Lord Tu Hai, took the initiative to take over so that the city lord would not continue making a fool of himself.


    “Very well.”


    Halfway into the second game.


    City Lord Tu Hai couldn’t bear to look at the chessboard anymore, he was afraid he would really start crying

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    It was way too scary! Even though the butler hadn’t lost a single piece yet, it was plain to see that not a single piece could survive. Every piece seemed to have a chance to live, but was still bound to die. No matter how many more moves were made to save it, the result would still be the same: suicide.


    Jiao Shi wiped the sweat from his forehead and apologized to the other party again and again.


    Seeing the look of boredom in Third Young Master’s eyes, City Lord Tu Hai clenched his teeth darkly. Suddenly, he thought of a person.


    At the entrance of the passage to Sun Island’s dungeon sealing the powerful experts from Tong Tian Tower, there was an old, powerful man at Heaven Rank, sent by the Central Palace Hall to guard the passage. For six thousand years, that old man had never left the passage by even half a step: playing chess to entertain himself every day. Even the Lord of the Ling Yun Country had once called his chess power unmatched. If I can let Third Young Master play a match with that old man, I believe I can definitely succeed in befriending the noble and esteemed Third Young Master……


    The only problem was that nobody was allowed to enter the entrance to the passageway leading to the dungeons except for the city lord.


    City Lord Tu Hai wasn’t worried about someone taking advantage of this opportunity to break into the prison.


    However, if the Central Palace Hall found out, he was afraid he might even lose his position as city lord.


    Besides, that Heaven Rank expert wouldn’t necessarily agree to let an outsider come in to play chess with him, this matter must be considered carefully… City Lord Tu Hai looked at Third Young Master again, feeling that this young man had the loneliness of an expert. Tu Hai watched as Third Young Master messed up the chessboard before getting up and leaving, taking with him Shui Dongliu, who was as wise as the sea, Tian Luo, who was elegant and composed, and Xue Tan Lang, who was cold and learned. 


    City Lord Tu Hai sighed, alas, how ill prepared he was, to have such an honored guest right before him, but no way to befriend him.


    I can’t even play chess properly myself.


    I must have been such a disappointment!




    When the butler Jiao Shi and the consul Xiang Wen heard the proposal of City Lord Tu Hai, they immediately paled, waving their hands in unison to oppose: “No, you must not do this!”


    They didn’t see the mysterious smiles that appeared on the faces of Yue Yang and the others who walked out of the city’s main residence and back to the luxury flying carriage.


    “At the latest, the day after tomorrow, they’ll surely come,” said the old fox with certainty.


    Prince Tian Luo smiled, “Perhaps they will come tomorrow, if we choose to leave tomorrow.”


    The sly old fox waved his hand, saying, ”No, we have to give them some time to think about it. If we force the issue too quickly, it will cause them to be unable to make up their minds. The Old Dragon Turtle’s previous guesses were not wrong, there really are martial artists from Tong Tian Tower still sealed here…” 


He trailed off before continuing thoughtfully. 


“Yue Yang, what’s next will be up to you. If you don’t use the Supreme Will and the Genesis Realm, I’m afraid it won’t be easy to win against an old chessboard monster who has been drilling for thousands of years.” 


Yue Yang faintly sighed, ”I think after all these years of being sealed away, they wouldn’t mind being sealed for a little longer. We should first find that old pirate, Cook Caribbean. It won’t be easy to breakout so many people out at once without alarming the Central Palace Hall.”

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