Long Live Summons!

Chapter 766

City Lord TuHai secretly went to visit the real expert guarding the dungeon passageway—the ”old chess master”.

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    He talked with the chess master about having a match with the mysterious Heaven Rank expert. 

    However, the loyal chess master refused.

    Though it was forbidden for outsiders to enter at will, City Lord Tu Hai managed to come up with a plan, one that involved a specific chess game. He would first ask the “old chess master” to give him 3 sets of unsolvable games, ones that he had studied for thousands of years. Then, he would turn it over to Yue Yang. He would also send his butler, Jiao Shi, to ask Yue Yang to create some unsolvable chess games for the chess master himself to crack.

    Using such a long-distance game method would surely lead them to become good friends over time.

    This would also certainly benefit the one who was facilitating this exchange—himself!

    Sure enough, his proposal had the tacit approval of both sides. The chess master had set up three unsolvable games for Yue Yang. Meanwhile, Jiao Shi brought back ten games that Yue Yang had created.

    After each side received the games, they fell into deep thought.

    “It is too hard. Every possible move will affect the other pieces. I cannot move anywhere safe.” 

    That night, City Lord Tu Hai studied all night long. He even invited all the masters of the chess world to crack the game. The result was tragic. Not a single person could make one move on the three unsolvable secret games posed by the chess master nor the ten unsolvable games created by Third Young Master.

    “Before making a move, everything looks fine but as it turns out, every single possible move will result in a loss,” said the chessmasters.

 The chess masters, famed in the city of Rizhao, were so depressed that they were on the verge of vomiting out blood.

     Even Jiao Shi, an exceptionally skillful and careful thinker, was at a loss for words. “How exactly are we supposed to crack this chess puzzle?”

    Thinking, discussing, arguing…

    The night passed.

    Before setting up another banquet to welcome Yue Yang, City Lord TuHai went to check on the old chess master.

    To his surprise, the old chess master had actually managed to crack one of the ten games! A puzzle that no other could solve, one that stumped the entirety of Rizhao city, was solved in a single day and night by none other than the old chess master. City Lord Tu Hai was so excited he couldn’t stop smiling.

    He rushed out and asked his butler, Jiao Shi, to send the deciphered chessboard, along with the method, to Third Young Master.

    Much to his delight, the old chess master was actually able to crack a game overnight.

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    Looks like his plan was going to work after all.

    As long as this went on, regardless of whether it was Third Young Master or the old chessmaster who managed to solve the puzzle, their relationship would flourish. After a thousand years of indifference to Third Young Master, it seemed like things were starting to improve.

    However, moments later, Jiao Shi brought back an even greater wonder—two deciphered chess puzzles!

    Hearing such news, City Lord Tu Hai fell into disbelief.

    No way!!??

    Even the old chess master, who had spent nearly a thousand years trying thousands upon thousands of methods, was unable to crack the three chess puzzles he had sent to Third Young Master. Who the hell was he? What kind of brain does he have? City Lord Tu Hai had seen intelligent people, and geniuses of geniuses, but intelligence of this caliber was unfathomable!

    The old chess master was no idiot!

    Even an unparalleled grandmaster such as the old chess master would have needed close to a thousand years just to crack a single game; yet, Third Young Master had managed to crack two of the puzzles in just one night.

     Possessing such superior intellect compared to himself, City Lord Tu Hai could not help but feel inferior.

    Of course, City Lord Tu Hai would never know that Yue Yang possessed a treasure called the “Three Realms Compass”, which could allow him to travel freely between Heaven Realm and Tong Tian Tower; and City Lord Tu Hai would never know that Yue Yang’s fiancée, Xue Wu Xia, who was at Tong Tian Tower’s Gate of Life and Death, had a “Book of Truth”. For the “Book of Truth”, cracking a few chess puzzles was too easy.

    Besides, with Yue Yang’s wisdom, as long as the Book of Truth pointed out the first step to correctly crack the puzzle, figuring out the remaining steps would be no problem for him.

    Still, Yue Yang deliberately chose to keep a low profile.

    Otherwise, even the third set, the hardest puzzle, would have been cracked and sent back via the butler Jie Shi, together with the other two puzzles.

    In this exchange of chess puzzles, Yue Yang was one hundred percent confident he would win. This proposal of City Lord Tu Hai could be said to be perfectly tailored for him. If he were to play a game with the old chess master face-to-face, he might not be able to triumph. But for the exchanging of chess puzzles, this tradition had a long history in Tong Tian Tower. The number of unsolvable chess puzzles that had been created were too many to count. Even when excluding Tong Tian Tower, just the main libraries in the Soaring Dragon Continent had extensive records of such unbreakable chess puzzles. One of the most powerful predecessors in this field, had a special class beast which was known as  the Starstone Disc. Aided by his special beast, he had created a puzzle compilation known as the “Blood Vomiting Spectrum” and it had been passed on, generation after generation.

    Just simply taking any random chess puzzle from the dozens of puzzles recorded within the “Blood Vomiting Spectrum” would be sufficient to cause City Lord Tu Hai and his subordinates vomit blood…

    Yue Yang, Xue Wu Xia, Sickly Beauty, and Old Fox had all seen the Blood Vomiting Puzzles before, and out of those ten puzzles sent to City Lord Tu Hai, five were from the Blood Vomiting Spectrum.

    The other two puzzles were set up by Xue Wu Xia and Sickly Beauty.

    There were two sets that Yue Yang had acquired in the knowledge inherited from Fourth Mother, known as the “ancient unbreakables,” these two sets of ancient unbreakables could not be cracked fully even by the Book of Truth. Only a few steps had been played, proving that even the Book of Truth, which was a piece of half-divine equipment, could not fully decipher them. Yue Yang estimated that even if the old chess master had studied the puzzle to death, he would be unable to crack the two “ancient unbreakables”, which were definitely the result of wisdom from ancient times.

    The old fox had also set up a game, and it was his game that the old chess master had cracked successfully.

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    It wasn’t because the old fox’s level of skill was low, he was just worried that it was too difficult and would be unable to lure the opponent, so after consulting with Yue Yang, he chose to set a relatively easy one… Sure enough, that old chess master had spent a whole night but finally managed to crack it.

    Ten puzzles, one cracked.

    The remaining nine puzzles wouldn’t be that easy.

    Five puzzles came from the “Blood Vomiting Spectrum”, their difficulty were on par with the three set by the old chess master himself. It was estimated that even for an opponent to crack a single one alone, he would need not less than hundreds of years, and hundreds of thousands of attempts. In fact, the puzzles in the Blood Vomiting Spectrum had all remained unsolved until the correct decryption method, left by that predecessor, was found. 600 years ago, Ghost Genius Yue Gong had used the Quintet Golden Puppet Mice and other puppets to find the secret postscript of the Blood Vomiting Spectrum. The martial artists of Tong Tian Tower had always thought that the Blood Vomiting Spectrum was unsolvable, but only after the postscript was released did they realise that there was a way to solve each and every one of the thirty-six spectra!

    Without the Ghost Genius Yue Gong, the Blood Vomiting Spectrum would have remained as one of the greatest mysteries in Tong Tian Tower for the past three thousand years..

    Not to mention the “ancient unbreakables” set by Yue Yang.

    No one has been able to crack it yet.

    According to the memories of Fourth Mother, Yue Yang could deduce the first 18 steps, which was ten steps more than the 8 correct steps the Book of Truth could uncover.

    For the remaining two puzzles, they were jointly set up by Xue Wu Xia, who loved to read and had read countless books, and Sickly Beauty, who was proficient with Heaven Realm Runes which she had started to study when she was young. Yue Yang dared to say that if the other party wasn’t proficient in Heaven Realm Rune diagram formation changes, it would be foolish to try to crack those puzzles.

    Because Xue Wu Xia and Sickly Beauty had set up those puzzles by incorporating the diagram formation changes from some Heaven Realm Runes, the kind of chess puzzle that constantly evolved with every step while still concealing the true path, they would definitely become the nightmare of anybody who tried to solve them. It could be said that they were even more fearsome than the puzzles from the Blood Vomiting Spectrum…


Editor: Erudite


 The puzzle set up by Xue Wu Xia was literally a nightmare. The constant evolving of the Heaven Realm Rune diagram formations would lead the person attempting to crack the puzzle deeper into a spiral of despair. 


 Sickly Beauty was kinder, and she didn’t want her opponent to go crazy while trying to break her chess puzzle.


    Of course, she didn’t want the other person to crack it successfully either.


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    So, the sick beauty set up a “Dazzling Eye”. It was a pattern that evolved from the Dazzling Eye’s numerous and densely packed array of Heaven Realm Runes.


    To solve this kind of chess puzzle, a single pair of eyes were nowhere near enough to constantly monitor the entire board. Multiple runes that were unrelated to the actual puzzle, as well as thousands of different combinations of morphing runes would dazzle one’s eyes, creating a masterpiece that would defeat any attempt to solve it. Of course, if one was proficient in the various diagrams of Heaven Realm Runes and realized that this was a combination of The Desperate Nightmare and The Dazzling Eye patterns, it wouldn’t be difficult to crack it.


    As for Yue Yang, he did not ask for any hints from Xue Wu Xia or Sickly Beauty, yet he only needed to spend ten minutes before he successfully cracked both puzzles.


    “What? Third Young Master has cracked two unsolvable chess puzzles?” The City Lord, Tu Hai, rushed to see Lord Ling Yun, but even Lord Ling Yun was startled.


    Once he heard “Yue Yang has solved two unsolvable puzzles in just one night”.


    He was greatly shocked!


    Lord Ling Yun, whose interest had been aroused, also attempted to solve the chess puzzles, now named The Ten Absolute Chess Puzzles”, at his palace… As a result, to his surprise, he ended up like City Lord Tu Hai, unable to make even a single move.


    No matter which move he made, he immediately lost the game…


    Among the ten puzzles, there was only one puzzle which looked relatively easy. That was the one that the old chess master had cracked overnight.


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    As for the remaining nine chess puzzles, Lord Ling Yun had stood and stared at them for half a day, with a chess piece in hand, but ultimately, he still could not put it down anywhere on the board! Lord Ling Yun was depressed, if he could at least make a move, he would create an opening. That was a much better outcome than not being able to make any move at all. Were all his years of playing chess in vain?


    “My lord, this cracked game is obviously easier. The opponent must have set it according to our standards, lest we be embarrassed by our inability to crack even a single puzzle. In addition, these five puzzles have certain similarities, obviously they came from the same person’s hand. This person’s mastery of chess is a thousand times better than myself.  Coming up with even one puzzle of this difficulty would be very rare. Furthermore, there are five of them here.  Whoever laid out these five puzzles, I would guess, should be the teacher of Third Young Master or an elder from his clan. Otherwise, there wouldn’t be such wisdom in them”. For these following two puzzles, Tu Hai felt a kind of spiritual pull towards them, and his mind could not help but be pulled into the puzzle, causing him to be unable to think clearly. These two puzzles should have been the work of Third Young Master himself, as he is extremely good at hiding his abilities, always giving off a sense of mystery about him. It’s as if one is peering into a fog.  As for the last two puzzles, CIty Lord Tu Hai didn’t even dare to comment about them. They were totally beyond the capability of Tu Hai to comprehend…. Both puzzles were remnants of a complete game. There were thousands of possible steps that could be made. What was even more stunning was that both of these puzzles looked as if they could be merged into one bigger puzzle, creating even more branches and possibilities. Tu Hai had studied these puzzles all day and night. Now, he could finally identify slight differences in each of the two puzzles.


    “There’s no mistake. If you’re talking about difficulty, these two are the highest. The other five should be ranked second. These two puzzles that have some hidden mental indications are extremely difficult, but on the other hand, they should have some kind of trick to them. If we want to crack these puzzles, these two games must be our main focus. By the way, what are these two puzzles called?” Lord Ling Yun asked.


    “This puzzle which has less pieces is called ‘Silence’, while this puzzle which has more pieces, and looks more complex, is known as ‘Clarity’.  In Tu Hai’s eyes, their names were simply rhetorical. When trying to solve “Silence” one’s heart would become restless, fidgety, and one was unable to think quietly… When trying to solve “Clarity”, one’s eyes would be dazzled, dizzied, and it was difficult to free oneself from the puzzle… In order to solve these two puzzles, Tu Hai had not slept and eaten for a full day and night, it was literally as if he was trying to solve them with his life! Tu Hai shook his head and sighed.


    “What about those five?” Lord Ling Yun laughed and asked again.


    “Their names, Blood Vomiting Spectrum, one, two, three, four, five, I feel that’s an apt name, as it’s impossible to crack these games without vomiting at least three liters of blood. It’s just that I don’t know how high their mastery of the game must be, to fabricate five such exquisite puzzles.”


    For the last two sets, Tu Hai waved his hand to indicate that these two sets were nameless.


    There were no names worthy of them either.


    He suspected that only the wisdom of the gods could have created such chess puzzles.


    “This Third Young Master is truly a rare genius in this world. Tu Hai, arrange an opportunity for this king to meet with this man as well.” Lord Ling Yun made this decision after some thought. 


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