Long Live Summons!

Chapter 773.1: - Eavesdropping

After the huge explosion, the ground was devastated.

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The formerly large and sturdy Rizhao City no longer existed. Only a huge bottomless pit was left behind.

Not only that, even the distant canyons and mountain range had also been shattered and collapsed. As to the lush forest vegetation, none survived, nothing was left but scorched soil.

Out of nowhere, the group of fallen warriors from the Dark Realm regrouped. From afar, they gazed at the remains left behind by the big explosion. Each and every one of them stared at the devastation with a heavy heart. The ten leaders whose strength had reached Heaven Rank, Level 5, gathered together to discuss the matter. However, even after a lengthy discussion, they were still unable to decide on their next course of action.

“My dear friends, well done. Before I announce your next task, allow me to commend you on behalf of the Temple of God.”

A man with a golden glow appeared. He looked as if he were a god.

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When he started speaking, he was still far away on the horizon.

But when he finished his sentence, he was already in the midst of the experts from the Dark Realm.

No one saw how he closed the gap. They only knew that the newcomer’s rate of movement was too fast to imagine.

When they saw the man, who was shining with golden light as if he were a god, the faces of the fallen Heaven Rankers from the Dark Realm immediately became struck with fear. It was as if they had seen a demon. Even the ten leaders, who had Heaven Rank, Level 5 strength, when they saw this person walking towards them became so afraid they were quaking in their boots. Yet, they had no choice in the matter. They had to walk over to him and greet him politely.

“Forget it, I have never tolerated fake greetings well anyway. I have always been benevolent and forgiving. I do not place emphasis on the process. What I value most is the outcome. As long as you are able to accomplish the task I am about to hand out, I do not care what means you use or what methods you apply.” The man, who glowed like a god, waved his hand casually with the attitude of someone looking down on the world. “Rizhao City was just a test. Congratulations, you have all passed the test. Now, I will give you the real task. As soon as you have completed it the temple will consider bestowing forgiveness on some of you, such as pregnant women and babies.”

“And what’s the next task?” Among the ten leaders, one man stood up and asked, as he reluctantly bowed his head to the other.

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“For some unknown reason, in the Mysterious Snow Plains, ancient ruins have appeared. What you have to do is to kill all of the Heaven Rankers that get involved. Not a single one of them is to be left alive.” The golden man replied casually.

“Palace Lord, we are too few in number.” Another leader stepped forward and tried to explain, “And we’re still partially sealed, unable to exert our full strength.”

“If the seal can be undone, even if it is temporary, it would let us carry out the task better.” The tallest and biggest of the leaders stepped forward and continued eagerly.

“As we are right now, we can only wield half our power at best.” The last one to speak was a skinny and tough leader.

“Listen closely my dear friends and remember this in your hearts, never ever question my words. Do you understand? What I say will never be wrong. It will also never change. Are you trying to change my supreme will based on your puny intelligence? Impossible! And another thing. Do you think that I would be like you, brainlessly spewing nonsense everywhere? That will never ever happen! The words I speak represent the will of the Palace Hall. Apart from the fact that they can not be changed, nor blasphemed against, they also represent the indisputable absolute.” the golden man shouted in a voice so powerful that it could shake the mountains.

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As the fallen warriors of the Dark Realm all fell back in alarm, the golden man softened his tone, once again.

It was a tone that bled with pity for the weak.

And mocked the warriors from the Dark Realm saying, ”Don’t be afraid, I will not harm you. Only the most bored of the Warriors from Palace Hall would take pleasure in playing with a bunch of exiles from the Dark Realm. I, as a majestic Palace Lord, have only pity for you in my heart.”

“As for the task, you need not worry or be anxious. What you should be equipped with, this Palace Lord has already prepared for you. Otherwise, no matter how much noise you make, you would still get nothing. For tens of thousands of years, you and your predecessors have been begging and demanding freedom but has that worked? It’s no use! It is the rule of Heaven Realm that one must give in order to be rewarded. I understand your eagerness to gain your freedom but I want you to be aware that this is related to the contributions you can make… Based on your contributions, you will be rewarded accordingly. There is nothing in this world that is not earned! It is not impossible for you to regain your freedom but you have to give something of equal value in return for your freedom.” To the other Palace Lords, your questioning is the greatest provocation to the majesty of the Ruler, yet I, who am forgiving, am still willing to forgive you. Moreover, I can patiently explain or even guide you with my advice.”

“My dear friends, do not try to use mortal wisdom to question the purpose of God’s will. Even though I have not yet fully stepped into God’s Realm, towards you beings of the Dark Realm who live in darkness and have not seen the bright of day, I am still a demigod. Therefore, any decision that I make must be right. It is not necessary for you to think about it with your unenlightened minds, for these are not things that you can comprehend in the first place. There will always be things in the world that are beyond your reach, this wisdom is one of them. So, the only thing you have to do is carry out my orders with all your might. Complete my orders and the task which I have given to you!

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Towards this gold and shining god-like existence in front of them, the Dark Realm Heaven Rank warriors were unwilling to bow their heads.

Yet right now they had no other choice…

Regardless of strength or authority, the other was an invincible presence.

For the Heaven Rankers of the Dark Realm, even if they were seething in their hearts, they had to put on a submissive posture.

“Before I leave you, I would like to caution you, dear friends, that sometimes right and wrong, defeat and victory, good and evil, are not what you think they are. If in accomplishing your task you have your own personal vendettas and stubbornly try to carry out your own plans, perhaps, the next time we meet, this Palace Lord will not be able to speak to you so calmly. I don’t care what methods you use but the results must be up to par. You have nothing to think about. If you must think, think about how many family members and relatives are still waiting for you inside the Dark Realm. Waiting for you to earn their freedom for them so that they may leave that unending nightmare.” The man with the golden light waved his hand and a thousand columns of light shot out.

In an instant, these columns of light pierced through the bodies of all ten Dark Realm leaders.
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