Lord of Magic

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

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Ten Years Later (1)


Akan looked up at the sky, confused.

Just before, he was experimenting with teleportation magic circles.

However, during the experiment, his magic went amok due to an error.

He lost his mind for a while due to the explosion of magical power, and when he woke up, he was no longer in his laboratory. He was transported to an unfamiliar place.

It had a lush greenery and fresh breeze blowing.

Everything looked fine, but in reality, he was a facing a huge problem.

“Where is this…?”

This is not the continent of Macedon where he lived.

Unlike the Macedonian continent, which was full of magical power, the atmosphere of this place was dry.

There was no magical power to the point that it felt ugly.

Oh, there’s another big problem that he’s facing right now.

“All of my magic core’s mana have been erased!”

Akan’s face turned pale.

One with the Devil’s Talent

That was what Akan was called. He was the best wizard on the Macedonian continent. He was also known as a geek wizard.

Akan, who made great achievements in the 8th Circle, lost all his magic and fell into a strange land.

And just like that…

Ten years passed.


In a chicken restaurant at Seoul…


The little bell on the door rang loudly.

In the gaze of a man and a woman browsing the restaurant, a man was seen cleaning a table.

He looked like he was in his early 30s.

When the man discovered their existence, his face turned bright.

“Welcome! I’ll guide you to your seats.”

The man’s name is Akan.

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Akan, who was the best wizard in the Macedonian Continent, became a part-timer in order to survive in Korea.


“Ah, I’m going to die at this rate.”


Akan, who was cleaning a table, fell unto a chair.

After letting in all the customers that came in like a storm, he became exhausted.

Akan sighed as he looked at the tables that hadn’t yet been organized.

“Hahhh… Ten years ago, I had dozens of servants who did all of my things for me… Ah fuck.”

In the past, Akan didn’t spare any of his time or stamina for things like washing dishes and clothes.

‘Damn, thinking of the past, I’m really in trouble.’

Akan, the best wizard of the continent!

At age 30, he was already at the great 8th circle, and was called the Devil’s talent.

Akan’s future was solid.

The number one modifier on the continent made him the illusion that the world exists solely for him.


“If that damned experiment didn’t fail, everything wouldn’t have been this way.”

Spirit Magic – Teleportation

Akan, who was so obsessed with magical research that he was called a lab wizard and a geek wizard, found a book related to teleportation in the treasury of a tower one day. After that, he learned about teleportation magic.

After repeated research, he thought he perfectly implemented it. However, an error occured, and Akan was dimensionally shifted.

Other problems include having all his magic consumed for the dimensional movement, and magic power not existing in the new world that he arrived at.

Only in the continent of Macedon was he a man of demonic talent, not on this world.

Akan is someone who is specialized only in magic.

After shutting him self in his laboratory, his physical abilities weakened, and if you remove his magic, he was man of nothing.

He tried to somehow regain his former glory, but his profile made it impossible to succeed in this country called ‘Korea’.

30 years old

Bad physical abilities

No Korean Nationality

No matter how brilliant he is, no one would listen to the words of an illegal immigrant.

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Akan tried to find a job because he needed money to live, but no one gave him a chance.

His brain was good, so he learned the language quickly, but for the first year after his arrival, he had to live as a beggar moving around.

He later met a good guy named Kim Chunsik later who fortunately gave him a part-time job at a chicken restaurant.

‘I tried acquiring nationality to lead a normal life, but unfortunately, it’s impossible for me.’

Experts related to illegal sojourn said that one must obtain a normal visa through voluntary departure to go through the process of obtaining nationality, but Akan doesn’t have a country to return to in the first place.

When discovered by the government, immigrants are forced to leave the country.

In this situation where he was restrained, he didn’t have many options to choose from.


In the Macedonian continent, he was a man showered with praise. You wouldn’t think that that man is currently decaying in a chicken restaurant as a part-timer.

“When can I ever get out of this kind of life?”

A part-time job at a chicken restaurant was not up to his tastes.

However, that’s the only job that he can have with the status of an illegal immigrant.

‘Well, to be honest, life in Korea isn’t that bad.’

Unlike the Macedonian continent, this country has an enormously developed civilization. It’s a very different world compared to where Akan came from.

It’s true that he was now living a decent life, but in this world that’s prevalent in materialism, Akan’s a very unremarkable person.

Monthly bills and Utility bills.

When subtracting his costs of living to his part-time job salary, Akan’s left with almost nothing.

For Akan, who had been doing everything he wanted just 10 years ago, accepting a life of having a budget was not an easy task.


“Brother, don’t play around and clean the tables already. We’ll have to close quickly, so we can go home already.

The man complained as he entered the restaurant.

His red hair was revealed as he took off his helmet.

Akan’s expression hardened as he saw the man.

‘Go Changhyuk’

Unlike Akan, a part-timer, he’s an employee of the restaurant.

Akan always called him big brother. However, Akan always gets ignored by him, so Akan’s rage built up.

Akan didn’t like this the most.

Akan’s an illegal immigrant who only has a part-time job at the age of 40.

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His social status is at the bottom, so even young people ignored him as if it was natural.

However, 10 years of living in this country made Akan adapt to reality.

“I was just sitting for a while. I’ll clean them quickly.”

Akan then got up and started to clean the tables.


Go Changhyuk is a very annoying character for Akan.

He’s only 23 years old and 17 years younger than Akan, but he thought he was above Akan.

Of course, when you think about their status of a part-timer and employee, that would be true, but it has only been 2 years since Go Changhyuk started to work for this restaurant.

He’s not comparable to Akan who has been working for this restaurant for 9 years, but that’s only looking at career alone.

‘Well, I didn’t even manage to get a job at a company, so it’s funny that I’m judging other people’s positions.’

Anyways, Go Changhyuk always disregarded Akan because of his employee status.

The reason Akan couldn’t rebel against Go Changhyuk’s outright scolding behavior was that Ko Chang-hyuk was a friend of the boss’s son, Kim Kanghyun.

‘If I get fired, I’ll have to live the life of a beggar again.’

If Akan, who has no nationality, gets in trouble with someone else, he’ll gain nothing.

So he gave up his pride.

Akan, the best wizard in the continent of Macedon, learned to bend his head down in order to survive.

After continuing this kind of life for over a year since Go Changhyuk started working, Go Changhyuk finally started to ignore Akan.

“Oh, brother Akan, the table here wasn’t cleaned well.”

People called Akan by his real name.

He already dyed his hair black, but everyone knew he was a foreigner because of his blue eyes and exotic appearance.

Go Changhyuk wiped the oil off the table with his hands.

It’s so not greasy to the point that the grease was invisible, but Go Chang-hyuk looked at as if it’s something really dirty.

“It’s difficult if you clean like this.”

“I’m sorry, I’ll clean it properly.”

“Yes, yes. Please do it quickly, if you clean them like that, I can’t easily deliver things.”

Go Changhyuk smiled as he saw Akan in a daze.

There’s probably something bad that happened during delivery.

Go Changhyuk always returned to the store to annoy Akan every time that happened.

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It was a very upsetting behavior for Akan, but he got used to it and turned patient.

‘When I first arrived here, I had a lot of accidents, so i couldn’t find a proper job. If I wasn’t the boss’s friend, I wouldn’t have been able to get a job. Ah, I also changed my personality by a lot. If I was the same as before, I would have lashed out at anyone who angered me.’

There’s a reason why they’re called ‘geeks’ in the Macedonian continent.

Although it was mainly due to them liking traveling, there was also this famous case where a geek annihilated several armed groups just because he got ignored by them.

Wasn’t Akan the one who spread the power of 8th Circle Wizards to the world with those events?

At that time, no one dared to anger Akan, but the current Akan can barely do anything to the locals.

‘But what can I do?’

Reality put him in this state, so he’ll have to adapt.

“Changhyuk oppa! Why did you punish uncle because of only that?”

“Look, it’s dirty. Can’t you see it with your eyes? It’s so greasy.”

“I can’t even see the grease! Why did you do that to a man who hasn’t done anything wrong! If it was me, would you have done the same?!”

“If you were the one who did it? Hm, I’ll tell you off right away.”

When the cute short haired woman showed off a little of her white skin, Go Changhyuk scratched his head as if embarassed.

Ah, youth.

The woman’s name is Lee Minyoung.

‘She’s 18 this year, and also has a part-time job in this chicken restaurant like me.’

Akan liked Lee Minyoung after the boss of the chicken house because she always took care of him.

‘Her cheeks are puffy, and ah, she’s pretty.’

Akan wiped the table silently as he looked at Lee Minyoung with warm eyes.

‘I’m indebted.’

When he looked at Go Chang-hyuk again, a fire broke out in his eyes.

‘Revenge should be paid back by a hundredfold.’

That was also the case in the Macedonian continent.

Akan always changed the lives of those who helped him, and he always trampled on those who have done him harm.

He currently has no power nor money to repay Lee Minyoung’s grace or get revenge on Go Changhyuk, but if he does, he’ll unconditonally repay them a hundredfold.

Akan suddenly put his hand in his pocket.

He felt the paper that he held in his hand.

‘Please, make me win the lottery this week.’

Akan has been aiming to get the jackpot for several years now.

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