Lord Shadow

Chapter 187

The night breeze entered through the draft in the hut. Tonight it is windy and the forest outside the hut is playing their song, the humming of the insects and the howling of demonic beast.

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The young girl shivered in her sleep, her head is still leaning on the wall. Azief got up and took a blanket and covered the girl.
Feeling that is not enough, he lifted her up and put her down on his bed as he look at her forehead that have the same crystal like him.
Then he looks at that woman and feels something in his heart. A tugging sensation and it hurts. Very much so.
'What are your relations with this woman Azul? Is she your sister or is she someone you love?' Azief seems to be asking himself.
He did not know what to do right now. He thought he could just refine the energy of the saber like he refines other energy.
Usually, the thing he refines would disappear as their essence is sucked dry by him. But this saber is different
But it seems this saber holds some special properties that are unlike any other things he tries to absorb.
There is a will inside it. A will powerful enough to bring him to this illusionary world all endowed with natural laws that it doesn't seem that it is an illusionary world.
The more Azief is here the more he believes that this world is not as simple as he thought in the beginning.
Azief could tell this world is a simulated world, a memory world of Azul.
Then he went to his bed and started meditating instead of went to sleeping.
He wanted to organize his thoughts and tries to determine whether he can access Azul memory.
And the moment he meditated, the memory comes easily for him like he was flipping a book, at least some parts of it.
He is Azul from one of Demonic Tribe. His tribe is called the Merapi tribe. It is a small tribe in the periphery of the Demonic Realm.
The world he lived in is unexplored and there are many tribes, most of them are primitive, warlike only when bothered.
He is a war orphan, his parents died in a war with the Celestial that guarded the World Gate of this world.
The woman sleeping on top of his bed right now is his betrothed and her name is Meihul.
The custom of the tribe is to betroth the young male and young female early since life is hard in this world and not many survive into adulthood.
However no matter how hard Azief tries to concentrate he could not access the memory of what Realm is he in and other memories.
It was like he was blocked from accessing those memories. Azief believe that Azul blocked those memories from him.
Maybe, because it would show him too much or to test him later. Azief also got some information about what race he is
The way this race of people cultivates their power is to absorb the infernal energy in the surroundings.
Infernal energy is hot and vile. It contains a volatile essence which makes this race easily angered and easily triggered.
Azief believes his race is the Asura. But not True Asura but maybe a diluted bloodline that was born from True Asura because it did not look like the Asura he saw in his journey
And it is because this race has a Killing heart that he believes that this race is Asura race. As he sifted through the memories of Azul, he also found out the division of power in this world.
And there is nine level of power in this world
Crystal Forming, Infernal Crystallization, Crystal Refining, Diamond Forming, Infernal Absorber, Diamond Dispersal, Soul Forming, Divine Soul Formation and Essence Creation
All of the level has four stages.
Primary stage, Middle stage, High stage and Pinnacle stage.
He is now at Diamond Forming Pinnacle Stage which is equivalent to Seed Forming in Azief world and could be considered a strong warrior of his tribe.
He is still young, only fourteen years since he has been born. Azul could be considered a prodigy in martial arts and comprehension of the Laws of heaven and Earth.
But this race seems to grow fast, strong and sturdy yet, they did not seem to overwhelm this realm like they were beings suppressed from procreating.
He then sighed.
He thought about the one year meeting and thinks to himself the rate of time in this illusionary world and the outside world.
He fears he would miss his own meeting. Where would he put his face if he did not even attend his own meeting.
He was the one that declares that he would distribute the world region and if he is not present…that would truly be a joke.
He tries to will himself out from this world but his efforts are futile.
Would he really have to live inside this memory until he became the Divinity of Fire? He asked himself.
It was then as he was thinking about this matter some sound startles him. The wind of the forest still blows, but the smell of foul aura could be felt with it.
Azief now believes he is in an Asura body. Aura usually has to be seen. But Asura could smell Aura.
There is a sound of footsteps of many men coming to his hut. And they seems to be talking with each other.
And from the sound of their voices, they didn't seem to come with kind intentions.
Azief eyes brightened, his sense woke alive as he felt energy coursing through his body, his crystal seems to shine with golden aura.
There is a ruckus outside. Then a shout startles Azief resonating and shaking the peace around this hut.
But the young woman is still sleeping soundly in his bed. He did not want the girl to be awakened.
'Azul get out! I will kill you today!' Azief almost forgot that he is Azul before he realizes that person is calling him so he went out.
The young woman is still sleeping which is weird
Outside is a large Asura flanked on his left and right by other Asuras.
'Azul! Obediently kill that girl and you may return to the tribe! You are appreciated by the Tribe Elders and the Shaman saw great thing in your future! Do not throw away your future for such a calamity star!' The Asura is older than him.
at least that is what Azief thought. The Asura is also around the same level of Azief cultivation base.
The Large Asura seems to be also in Diamond Forming pinnacle Stage. The aura around him and the hard crystal on his forehead make this clear.
Azief then looked at that girl inside the hut and shakes his head. Now it makes sense. This is probably the regret of Azul.
He probably kills the girl and return to his tribe.
Azief asked himself
'Azul is this one of your regrets?' He did not expect an answer. But an answer he got. A chilly gust of wind flew by and then time stopped.
Everything stopped, the water, wind, sound and stand still like a paused video. A voice then sounded filling this world, the voice is majestic and grand.
'I, Azul, at the age of fourteen am a talented warrior, and already reached Diamond Forming. This girl is my betrothed but she is cursed with an innate constitution that defies the Heaven. When the Tribe Shaman knows about it he wanted to kill her, fearing that her existence would alert the Celestial and bring down the tribe. I acted in defiance of my Heart. I was young and I was stupid. The girl loves me with all of her heart and I slit her throat in her sleep. When I broke through the World Gate I slaughtered the Celestials and dye the Thirty Three Realms with Celestial blood. Yet, no matter how many I killed, the regret lingers and this regret will stay with me until eternity. This is my first lesson to you, young man. My Heart is the Defiant Heart. I abhor Heavens rules, and I slaughtered Celestial sundering their Heavens with my first Saber.'
Then there is a silence. A great silence descended that seemed to be able to collapse this word and fills Azief heart with desolation.
Azief shakes that feeling away and then asked
'Then I just don't have to kill her and I will solve your regret, right?' Then the voice answered
'If you did that, you will slowly deviate from my destiny. It is because I killed her, that I was able to return back to the tribe and grown stronger. If you did not kill her tonight, then the next night the entire tribe will come. No matter how strong you are right now, you are still not strong enough to hold an entire tribe by yourself. After all, even this world has its own rules. You did not come here with your body but you inhabit my body. This is a test. But it could also be considered an opportunity'
Then the voice boomed as he asked
'Choose, mortal! There are two paths in front of you right now, like there was two path for me to choose back then. Kill her and walk my path to the end and gain my Defiant Heart and the essence of the sabers as you intended. Or save her….and walk an uncertain future where you might come out of this with nothing.'
Azief contemplated at this choice. He then asked to the sky.
'Will you help me?' Azief ask
'I am but a lingering Will. I am Azul but not the real Azul. I am only his Will and know only the thing he lets me know. If you deviated from the past, even I don't know what will happen.'
Azief took time to digest that information before asking another question.
'What happens if I die inside here?'
'Then you would no longer be allowed to enter and your effort will all be nullified and void.' The voice answered
Azief thought again, this time taking his time, not rushing to make any decision and the Will did not seem to urge him.
He closes his eyes and thought of that woman inside the hut. He feels something for her. He did not know whether it was love, affection or just familiarity.
Of course this feeling belongs to Azul and not him.
But right now, he is Azul and he is feeling what Azul is feeling. But the lingering will made him choose.
Which means, while he is Azul he is also Azief.
And maybe that's the point.
For some reason Azief felt like he was grasping at the answer why this world forced him inside. But he only grasped it for a second before that inspiration disappear.
But he knows one thing.
He knows that if he kills that girl, he would certainly regret it. The lingering will said as much.
Her face would haunt him as long as he exists. But, if he saves her, then the certain path in front of him…..would be lost.
The more Azief is inside this saber, the more he realizes this saber is not some normal weapon. In his journey he heard a few Beings mention the Source Wall.
They refer the World Beyond the Wall as The World Below the Wall or the World Outside the Wall.
And the Source Wall is not easy to be broken. But this Azul that called himself the Divinity of Fire, slaughtered Celestial and break through the Source Wall.
Not many in this Universe could break through the Source Wall. And even then only few people could slay Celestials.
This made Azief believe that this saber hold many more shocking secrets because of who owns it in the past.
Like the Eternal Rings which comes from mysterious origins, this saber also holds some great background.
And from the word of Azul lingering will it seems that the Six Sabers originally belongs to him.
The Will said "I abhor Heaven rules, and I slaughtered Celestial sundering their Heavens with my first Saber"
From this word Azief deduce, that maybe, just maybe that the Six Saber originally belongs to Azul.
Azief is in a dilemma. This is an inheritance by an expert that breaks the Source Wall. It is a great temptation.
Should he just kill the girl and walk the path laid out in front of him?
Or should he walk that untrodden path?
He thought of his own experience and the things he did to reach his current position. He thought of all these things and then he smiles like he got the answer.
He then slowly opens his eyes and he said to the sky
'I made my choice.'
'Good. I will restore the world' the lingering will said, his voice echoing as it slowly fades out. Everything moves again, the water flows, the wind blows, and sound appear again
Then like before, the large Asura ask him a question like nothing ever happened to him. Azief bitterly smiles.
It was like he is in a choose your own adventure games with choices every few dialogues.
'So, what is your choice, Azul?'
Azief took a deep breath and look at the sky. His eye is clear and his heart is firm. He knows what he wants and he is not afraid of anything.
He is only afraid of his heart.
Azul shakes his head. And then he shouted these words to that group
'Over my dead body!' Azief has decided.
When he looks at his memory, he saw he killed many people. But he never killed a person he knew he would regret killing.
Even his enemy is sometimes spared from death like that warrior that fought with him in Poland.

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He is still recuperating in his dominion and Azief treated him especially well because he appreciated that person talent and will.
The other reason was because while there is always a cause for regret for any actions one might take in their life, Azief would never intentionally do something that he knew would make him regret even though that might cause him to die.
Because, he knew the weight of regret.
There is never a person without regret. The only difference is the weight of that regret
Some people could bear killing that girl and lives with it.
But he could not. He would rather die than doing something that he knew would surely make him regret.
Regret is inevitable.
He knew this.
But he also knew one should not create regret intentionally. It is when seeing in hindsight that things become regret.
But, if you know, that even without hindsight you knew you would regret, then why do it?
So, he would never ever hand that woman to this people. If he dies so be it. Even if he could not complete his Perfection, his Heart will still be firm.
No regret.
'You are seeking Death!' The large Asura said as he unleashed his punch, as wind converged on his hand and is about to strike Azief stomach.
Just before that punch connected to his stomach, Azief then was bombarded by a memory. It was like he returned to that time and is a silent observer as he watched the memory.
The memory was a memory of him when he was little around the age of four.
He was playing on a nearby fire cliff around the Tribe Mountain when he was pushed by a person causing him to fall down and went unconscious.
A small creature licks his cheek and he was awoken.
The moment he woke up he was thirsty. But his body felt heavy and he could not even more. His body is full of wounds and festering wound is all over his body.
He prayed for water to the Celestial and like the Heavens could hear his prayer, rain falls down.
He savor the water….but weirdly enough this rain of water heals his wound and fills him with energy.
When he looks up he saw it was not the Clouds of Heavens that rain down rain but instead there is a tree with clouds as its leaves.
It is in the most magical things Azul have ever seen in his life. He never heard of tree with clouds on its branches. Even the Heavenly Court did not have such things.
This cloud seems to store rain from above and when when it is full it the Cloud on the branches of that tree would rain down Healing water.
Quenching his thirst, Azul finally got enough energy to walk around.
He slowly got up and found himself on the bottom of the cliff where the Tribe Shaman said no one ever survives it.
Many of the Elders said that the cliff holds an evil power and that there is monster and rivers of fire that would melt their skins.
It is because of those stories nobody ever come near the cliff. Who would have thought Azul luck is bad enough that he fall down of that cliff.
Instead of a craggy rock formation at the bottom of the cliff or rivers of fire, like the story of the Elders and the Tribe Shaman there is a field of flowers and green grass.
And this flower is unlike any flower he has ever seen and the grass is so green and fertile. The flower could be eaten and when it is eaten it recovers back any lost energy and made someone not feel hunger.
It almost seems like it is paradise. However there is something that seems to break this beauty. Something that seem incongruous with the idyllic and beautiful nature of this place.
On the end of the flower field, is a cave.
Curious as most kids do, he enters the cave when he had enough of travelling the area, trying to seek a way up
Since he could not find a way up, he decided to explore the cave. He went exploring when it was daytime. The light is scarce but it enough for him to see the since f the cave.
When he steps inside for the first time, he saw skeletons, thousands of them and thousand more of broken swords and sabers on the ground.
The wall of the cave is full of sword scars and marks. It portent to a great battle happens here. The skeletons seem to be from Demonic Kind and even Celestials.
Azul was scared at first and run out from the cave.
But then after a few days, sustaining himself on the lake nearby and the few game that is running around on the forest nearby, and wanting to see the topside world again, he muster his courage and enter that cave again
This time he brought a troch with him, determined to explore the cave until the end.
This time the sight of the skeletons did not scare him as much.
He then walked inside deep into the cave and as he walked deeper to the bottom, the more skeleton he saw and the more broken weapons he saw.
In the end, he reached into a gate.
The Gate seemed to be carved with ancient inscription and seems sturdy and heavy. He pushed the gate with his hand and without a sound the door swung open.
It seems heavy, but it not heavy and nothing seems to obstruct him from opening the Gate.
It revealed a large room that resembles a throne room.
While Azul never saw a throne room he still remembers how the Shaman describe the Throne Room of the Jade Emperor.
While this throne room could not be compared to the description of the Jade Throne, it resembles a throne room.
As he walked forward he finally sees it.
There is an altar behind the throne chair. Six floating sabers hover above that altar, beckoning for someone to wield them.
Azul come forward, entranced by the sharpness of the saber when he unconsciously touched one of the sabers.
His finger was cut because of the sharpness as his blood drop onto the saber and then the sabers all entered into Azul forehead, inside his crystal that now acts as a storage ring.
It freaks him out but then he discovered his strength multiplied and his speed is improving. He got up and pats the dust on his bottom when he saw something glints off the wall.
He brought his troch closer to the wall and there he sees it. A manual of saber movement carved into the walls.
Excited with the prospect of learning saber movement that could be considered hard to find in this backward region of the Infernal Realm, he stayed inside the cave for a total of nine days to copy what he saw into a beast skin he got from his hunting.
He only went out to eat and sleep since he did not dare sleep in that cave surrounded by skeleton.
When he finished copying the manual, he buried all the skeletons as a sign of respect and with his now newfound strength, he climb back up and arrive at his village
And then that memory stops.
But it is enough for him.
Azief now know what to do.
He was searching for the saber when the saber was inside him all of this time. He only thinks of it and the saber appeared, in his hand, thus revealing his trump card.
Since that Asura is the same level as him, he needs to take this seriously. If this is his world, Azief could slap these Asura to death with one slap of his palm
Azief brought out the saber.
The moment he brought out the saber and the saber hilt on his hand, he could felt the infernal energy is stirred.
And with it his Killing Heart stirred, bloodlust almost fills his heart but he managed to calm it down.
All Asuras have a Killing heart.
But Azief remember what Azul said to him. His heart is the Defiant heart. And if his heart is the Defiant Heart, then what did he defy?
Is it the Celestials? Is it the Heavens?
That Asura fist came into contact with the flat part of the saber.
The energy ripples but the hand of that Asura is lacerated by countless black wind gusts that were formed from the wind pressure.
It is the result of the shockwave of his fist.
Who would have thought it would backfire on him. One of his hands is crippled almost immediately.
But he quickly popped some pills into his mouth and that hand almost immediately regained back its full function.
'Seal him!' That large Asura shouted as he moved backward, maintaining a safe distance
A barrier with the shape of a dome suddenly envelops the entire area.
But Azief did not panic. He even sneers at this attempt. While he did not possess his cultivation base he still has his memories.
This Asuras while powerful in the standard of Azul at the time, it is nothing in Azief eyes. He fought The Weronians, one of their greatest warriors, Purunghasa and come out on top.
How could he fear this weak Asura?
He is not anxious nor is he afraid.
Because he is familiar with this saber. It is one of the saber Azief uses the most. The Heaven Sundering saber.
Azief think that Azul during this period of time never activated this saber because he never had the chance
This tribe is peaceful and rarely war against each other and even lives peacefully with the nearby tribe.
Their only threat is the Celestials. And there is no King of Asuras or the warlord Asuras. It even made Azief doubt whether this is truly the Asura tribe
Azief activated the saber and heat is coming out of the saber, flames sparking from its edge and tips of the sabers, like a flame dragon.
The seal barrier is shaped like a dome and Azief look at it and smirk.
Azief take a deep breath and lifted his saber as he thrust out his saber forward towards the seal.
When the saber energy came in contact with the sealing dome, countless energy ripples through the dome and then like a sound of glass falling to the floor, the dome crack and then explodes.
An Asura hiding in a bush not far away from Azief hut coughed up blood and fainted.
Azief sneer looking at these Asuras.
'No one could kill the person I want to protect. If you are stubborn, then I would no longer be merciful!'
He shouted, his shout sound like a dragon roar as it causes the insects and the beast nearby in the forest to run away
Azief did not know much about relationship in this world, but Azief don't think it is wise to kill his own tribe members.
But these Asuras seems even angrier, their eyes become red and their forehead glows. One of them charged ahead but was thrown a few kilometers away with one spinning kick by him.
It causes that Asura to immediately lost his consciousness and all of his bone broken.
The large Asura look at this and he became even angrier. The other Asura on the other hand jump backward.
'You…when did you become this strong? Did you learn from the Celestials! Blood traitor!' Suddenly that large Asura spout words Azief did not understand.
Learning from the Celestials? Azief did not know. The memory he had right now is the memory Azul let him see. It is not exactly his memory if one is being precise.
The large Asura then suddenly shows a look of enlightenment as he pointed to the girl in that hut.
'That must be why you are so intent on not killing that girl! The expectation of the Elders is wasted on you. Since that is the case, then I will take your head and present it to the Elder Council!'
The Asura yelled out as he brought out a large mace, thunder broke out from the mace as it seems to roar with the sound of thunder
He then charged towards Azief.
Azief dodged that mace and jump backward agile like a cat. The mace comes again this time without giving time for Azief to regain his stance.
But Azief was not flustered at all. It is a battle. In a battle anything could happen.
Azief lifted the saber; the heat of the saber is accumulating. If not because he was the owner of this saber, his hand would be charred and his flesh would be cooked.
As it slices upwards, the air around it were heated up.
The mace met the saber and a large shockwave erupted in the middle of the center of their battle, with the forest nearby were flattened.

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They traded blows by blows and destroyed the nearby large trees and plants but Azief has already brought him out the hut area for fearing to awaken that young girl who was sleeping.
At first, the large Asura got an advantage but the longer they traded blows, the easier it is for Azief to dodge and now his attack has wounded that Asura in many parts.
Now, he even uses palm attack to supplement his saber attacks.
And then like lightning, Azief pierced that Asura stomach with his saber, sizzling sound could be heard as that saber penetrated his stomach.
Blood splattered as the heat ravaged that Asura entire body. His intestines boiled and his body is burned from inside out.
But the Asura like he felt no pain hold that hot saber and pushed it out from his stomach making Azief jerked backward.
The Asura then without hesitation pull out his intestines and his internal organs throw it without hesitation into the ground
It was then Azief knows why the Asura race is powerful and very effective in a war. That organ quickly regenerated.
He saw the tissues formed and the veins reforming. But Azief also notice something else. The crystal on that Asura forehead turns dim.
Azief understand now.
He could not help but feel if he is here with his original body, with the Death Source under his command he could absorb the longevity of this Asura and strengthen his body.
Maybe, someday he has to go to the Asura realm and pay them a visit.
The Asura only glanced at his injury and proceed to start battling again. By now, they have travel far away from the hut
Azief then sighed.
It is time to end this. He lifted his saber, pointed it towards the sky and gathered the infernal energy, absorbing it wantonly and without reservations
Then like a vortex, the energy swarm toward him.
The entire forest seems to emit the saber domineering aura, as if his saber intent had formed an absolute field of power that belonged to him and him alone.
It was a saber domain.
And then fire sparks on the edge of the saber.
That spark was small in the beginning but slowly it gets bigger and bigger and bigger until it turns into a hurricane of fire originated from that tip of the saber
Surrounded by flames, touched by fire, Azief look like a monarch of fire.
All of it takes time to describe but it only happens in one second.
In one second, Azief created a hurricane of fire that seems to burn the entire forest region. The effect was so that it started changing the weather above, messing with the Heavens of the Infernal Realms.
'What is that saber? This is impossible! Impossible!' The Asura shouted, his face is red, and his veins bulged up. He could not believe what he is seeing right now.
This transcends all of his knowledge. He could not believe that Azul possess such power. This is a power beyond what Diamond Forming could do.
Azul could even fight some of the Elders with this kind of power. And then a thought suddenly flashed inside his mind.
That saber must be a treasure, and it must not be just some random treasure but some inheritance left by some powerful being.
But, even though he did not believe that Azul possess such power, he wanted the treasure. So he tries to move forward.
He wanted to move forward but the heat was so suffocating that he could not dare to move forward.
The heat sizzles his skins and parched his throats, the land near them are cracking and the grass is burning.
Trees and plant, like they were being erased by an eraser dissipated into nothingness the moment a spark of fire touch them.
The fire from the saber is no normal fire. At least that large Asura realizes this.
The energy of that Saber rises up to the Heavens and it startles some of the Spies planted by the Celestial in this region.
The spies is mostly stationed on some of the Hold to survey the area.
This is a remote region and weak region hence there is only three spies for the entire region. When they felt this fluctuation they were shocked to say the least.
And they were unprepared.
They never would have thought they would feel such fluctuations of energy from such a corner remote region of the Infernal Realm.
They immediately fly out from their residence, rushing to the area of that fluctuation of energy.
They would interrogate who breakthrough and if that person is not the Celestial race, then they as the spies would end him or her.
Meanwhile on the forest, that energy is finished building up. Azief eyes are glowing red, it was like fires are spiraling inside his pupils and his breath could spit out fires.
His forehead is also emitting golden aura that is now combining with the fire, making the aura a mix of red and golden.
'I already said that if you were stubborn I would not let you go. You did not heed my warning, rushing to your own death. What a pity'
Azief said in a mocking tone. He already gave that large Asura a chance to live. But he did not a good deal when he sees it.
Stubbornly forcing him to show his ability.
By now Azief could feel people rushing here. Azief while he did not possess his original body and his cultivation base, when he fight with the large Asura he discover his Divine Sense is intact.
For some reason the lingering will of this world did not take that way.
But then Azief thinks again. Maybe it's not because the lingering will didn't take it….but he couldn't take it.
But nonetheless, Azief divine sense is powerful and could cover the entire Earth in his world.
But on this world, a world larger than Earth, he might not be able to exercise his Divine Sense toward the entire world.
They are many factors why he couldn't do that. First, the size of the world. Second, they are people stronger than him that would use that divine sense to pinpoint where he is.
In Earth he could unrestrainedly uses his Divine Sense because he was the apex existence on Earth.
Even if one knew he is using his Divine Sense no one would dare to contend with him, or obstruct his Divine Sense from enveloping Earth.
But he could at least use his Divine Sense to scan the entire region.
And he discovered three Asuras are coming over to him , flying in the air, rushing with their fastest speed to come to this area.
Azief only smirk at this matter, not putting it inside his mind at all.
The saber he was holding glowed red as it ferociously devouring the infernal energy. Then crimson blood light shrouded the saber, as explosion sounded in the nearby forest not far away from their battle area.
That forest is exploding as fire ravaged and devoured, the fire reaches the clouds, all life, monsters or trees were all devoured by that fire with no mercy
The clouds above burst into fire as the heat around the saber burns the forest, red mist covered Azief body.
The land beneath his feet turns black before the ground beneath his feet cracked and then turns into sand.
Around him slowly the soil turns into sand like a transformation into an arid desert
Coiling flames coils around him like small dragons of fire and purified the infernal energy as Azief also absorbed the infernal energy.
The infernal energy is pure thus causing Azul body to almost directly enter Infernal Absorber stage.
An explosion sounded all over Azul body. His entire body responded as his aura solidified and his physical body breaks the chains holding it down.
As he absorbed all that pure infernal energy, he broke through to Infernal Absorber.
His aura and energy instantly jump three to five fold as the shockwave from his breakthrough open the clouds above.
His skin slowly covered the crystals on his forehead, pushing the crystal on his forehead inwards as he no longer shows the crystal on his forehead.
The crystal enters his forehead as his body easily absorbs the infernal energy. This is Infernal Absorber ability to easily absorb infernal energy.
He has breakthrough to Infernal Absorber in his fight.
Azul in his time did not break through into Infernal Absorber until later. Since Azief decided not to follow the original path of Azul, he decided to breakthrough.
Azul did not breakthrough at that time is because he was still fill with guilt after killing that young girl.
Even though he got the resources from the tribe after returning to the tribe, he still did not breakthrough until; later.
However, this Azul is not blocked by such mental block so; Azief could easily breakthrough to Infernal Absorber using the aid of the saber.
The moment he breakthrough the rate of infernal energy absorption increases tenfold.
Immediately, the entire tribe territory of Merapi suffers the shortage of infernal energy. All the Elders and the Tribe Shaman realizes this as they were shocked and kneel on the ground in fear and trepidation.
They fear the Celestial will come down from their Golden Palaces on the Heavens.
While the race below the Celestial is allowed to cultivate they need to cultivate without breaking the balance and distribution of energy.
Energy is after all limited and one day will run out. So they are rules and laws decreed by the Celestials about absorbing energy.
But Azul is not stopping at all.
He is absorbing like all the energy in the world belongs to him. Azief also know about this rule as he saw it in his memory.
But he also know that in the future, Azul will slay Celestial and judging by how the Celestial is acting in this world, Azief could easily deduce what kind of relationship Celestial have with Azul race.
Azul race are not slaves.
They are worse. They are cattle.
For what?
Azief still didn't know what the Celestial want from Azul race since that part of the memory is blocked.
Since that was the case, and he knew that the Celestial would not care about his race, Azief just absorbed the energy without worrying that it would cause a massive shortage of infernal energy in this region.
The first objective is to strengthen himself first before worrying bout anything else. He needs to be strong so that he could protect himself and walk this new path until the end
As he is absorbing the infernal energy without reservation, he quickly rises up in level from the Primary stage to Middle stage, High Stage and then to pinnacle stage in one session.
'HAHAHAHA!' He laughed unrestrainedly, his hair grows longer and his skin becomes glossier.
He laughed, but his laugh sounded like a challenge to the Heavens of the Infernal Realm, a challenge to the Celestials
Then another explosion sounded out as Azief roars, his roar reverberates through the entire forest and the entire region.
The spies that are flying as fast as they can toward that area suddenly halted in their rush.
They were shocked because this aura coming out form this roar is the aura of a Diamond Dispersal expert.
How could suddenly such an expert appears in this remote region? And they were also shocked because the closer they come; the aura instead of being weakened is getting stronger.
And then they felt it. Deep in their heart. A desire to bow. This is an innate desire, an innate instinct.
Even Celestial with all of their powers could not have such a profound pressure to force their race to bow and kneel.
This is only if they met a powerful person of their own race.
While the Infernal Realm has the nine level and four stages, their races bloodline also have levels.
This is their race bloodline of Kings.
It would only appear on someone who cultivated the pure infernal energy.
This is not a Celestial breakthrough but one of the people of their race is breaking through. For their race, they are rarely Diamond Dispersal experts.
They would either be in hiding or be dead because the Celestial would never let such threat to live for long.
Other than some expert of their race that is waiting to ploy a rebellion, there is never such an open breaking through like this.

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This was like challenging the superiority of the Celestials and the Heavens of the Infernal Realm
The Spies that is flying to come to the Merapi tribe halted and instead of advancing forward they retreated.
They need to ask for reinforcement from the Palaces.
And the Celestials that govern this Province also need to be notified. But even as the spies retreated back, some of the people of Azul race that was hiding opens their eyes.
They smirk and they smiles.
'Another one'
One of them spoke in the darkness, the fluctuation of energy coming out of him is the Divine Soul Formation
With his power he could create a kingdom for his race. But he hides here in some remote corners of the Infernal Realm world.
'Go, my children. Offer him protection. Bring him here…to me and let us show him the truth of our world' The moment he said this, nine people all with the cultivation base of Soul Formation flies out.
Meanwhile on the Merapi tribe forest area, the battle is not yet concluded.
Crystal Forming, Infernal Crystallization, Crystal Refining, Diamond Forming, Infernal Absorber, Diamond Dispersal
Out of the nine levels Azief has reached the sixth level. Azief also realize something as he is breaking through
That this saber is particularly overpowered in the Infernal Realm.
Azief also try to do this in his world, purifying the energy and absorb it but it did not make any difference for him whatsoever.
Could it be that the energy that would make the highest improvement for the purifying of energy is the Infernal Energy, or the Asura energy?
Azief is even thinking of this even in his battle. On the other hand, that large Asura is sweating buckets. Both, because he was hot and because he was afraid.
By now, that large Asura could only think of running away.
Before, Azul was still the same level as him which is why he was not afraid even though people kept telling him that he is a prodigy.
In the end, their race would rather fight than back down than just believe what other people say.
And it would not make sense for him to be afraid of someone who is the same level of him until Azul proved otherwise.
But when there is a disparity in level like this it is stupidity to try to resist any longer.
Azief quickly disperse the crystals in his body into his consciousness as his cultivation base of Diamond Dispersal increases to High stage.
Then with the power of his cultivation base bolstered and increase, he grip his saber tightly, the energy coming out of that saber is indescribable.
Then he brought down his saber down with all of his power, as the wind around him exploded and devour by the fire of the saber.
And with it the screech of something breaking the Heavenly Laws could be heard all over the region and even reaches the Heavens.
That display startles the Celestial in their Golden Palaces over the Heavens of the Infernal Realm.
This is a force that could bring down the starry skies, unmatched and peerless through the ages.
His hair is fluttering like strands of fire, his dirty sleeves billowing like flames as he unleashed his mighty attack.
The strike shatters all the sound nearby and supersonic boom rings through the entire region as ripples of shockwaves spread out from that forest.
'Heaven Sundering!' he shouted and his voice sounded like a declaration, to both the Celestials and the Heavens of the Infernal Realm. It was like he declares he would sunder that Heavens and brought it down.
A new enlightenment of the saber enter Azief mind.
He finally understands the crux of this saber slash.
Sundering the Heavens.
Next time, if he uses this saber he could truly bring down the Heavens, to cut apart the cage of Heavens towards mortals and all living beings.
Instead of a gigantic slash of fire, Azief now has understood the crux of the Heaven Sundering Saber so when he shot out that slash; it was a small slice that slices that large Asura into nihility.
It was a small slice but contained in that slice is the understanding of how to sunder Heavens.
But the most amazing thing was that when the deed is done, the large Asura dead and dissipated into nothingness, the forest recovered, the sand turns back into land, and the green grass appears back and Azief is back in front of his hut.
It was like that battle before never happened. This is the Heaven Sundering Saber true slash. It enables one to mess up the Heavens by sundering their Laws of Causality and Effects.
What is the cause? What is the Effect? Which one is the cause? Which one is the Effect?
Distort all of this, and Karma is extinguished.
When Heavens Laws is ineffective, then Heaven is sundered. When Heaven Laws is ineffective, the Heavens is meaningless.
If Azief progressed higher in this attack, he could even erase a person existence from every person mind, making his enemies seems to never exist, to mess up Karma and the cycle of Life and death and the wheel of reincarnation.
But for now, he could, only reverse the effect of his attack, or to be more accurate reversing time.
Azief panted in front of his hut and then smiles bitterly. While he has broken through to the next level, and improve in his power and prowess, the threat on him did not lessen. He knows this more than most.
Because the Celestial in their Golden Palaces on top of the Heavens of the Infernal Realms has already take notice, and new spies is coming.
Azief knows he could not stay long in this area. He needs to survive long enough until he became the Divinity of Fire and gain the energy required for him to form his Disk.
He looks at the surrounding of his hut and the people following the big Asura have already fled far away. He quickly went inside in a rush and saw that the young woman is still sleeping.
Azief only look at the woman. This time he truly looked. How could this girl even after all of that battle remains sleeping? So, this time he truly looked.
And then he sighed.
He then said bitterly
'Azul you were mistaken. You were truly mistaken.' he said it to himself but also to Azul that oversee this world.
While this world is an illusionary world, Azief knows this world is replicated exactly the same and the Laws in here is perfect and in balance especially the Laws of Time and Reality here.
While Azief did not yet reached Divine Comprehension in his world and grasp Laws, but he could sense it.
Which means Azul did not create this world just with his own memories. Far from it. The other thing Azief notices about this world is about its inhabitants.
They all have souls. Because of Azief Death Source Azief is especially sensitive toward soul. Even without using his Death Source and using only his own Divine Sense he could sense the soul inside each and every one living souls.
This is a complete world, and the weird Time aura around it suggests that this world was cut from the timeline.
For what reason Azief didn't know.
Which means, Azief is stepping into the past, only he is travelling through time with Azul body and his guidance to navigate this world.
Maybe he is now truly at the Infernal Realms of The Asura territory. Azief thought to himself.
Azief come closer to the girl and caressed her cheek. A tears suddenly fall down from her eyes and Azief could feel his heart cracked.
'Azul, when you killed her back then she knew…and she accepted it anyway. Do you really not know or did you erase that from your memory?' Azief mused, talking to himself.
He then ask
'Meihul. Why did you not flee? When you were awake all this time?' The girl looks at Azief and smiles a sorrowful smile.
Each time Azief look at it, he felt someone pricked a needle into his heart. Then she said.
'I am a cursed child. If my death would ensure your future, I would not mind dying for you. My parent cast me away when I was a child. You were the only one that still played with me. Getting betrothed to you was one of the happiest moments of my life. If I could give you my life and keep you safe, I wouldn't mind' Azief look at Meihul eyes and she could see the love but she could also see guilt.
But most of all Azief could see she was sincere. This girl has never felt love other than when she is with him.
She truly did not mind to die for him. But hearing this did not make Azief happy. It makes his heart hurt even more.
Azief then said gently to her, drawing close to her and hugging her.
'You are not cursed. You are not some broken child. You are my betrothed. I would never let go of your hand no matter what. I will make my name in the world, and you will be beside me until the end'
Meihul eyes glowed. Then she asked
'If you kill me you could have returned to the tribe. Do you not hate me?' Azief shook his head.
Meihul smiles and the lingering will of Azul take over Azief body for a moment. Lingering will of Azul felt that was the most beautiful smile he has ever seen in his life.
It's not his first time seeing a smile, but it is the first time he saw her smile. And then he cried, tears flowing down form his eyes before Azief then take over back the body.
Meihul hugged Azief tightly and then Azief grab her hand and said
'We need to move quickly. People will be searching for us later.' Meihul nodded as she started packing.
Then as Azief is starting to pack, that chilly gust of wind appears again.
The wind stopped blowing, the water stopped flowing, and life all ceased to move. Time once again stopped.
Then a voice sounded once again, filling the entirety of the world. The voice this time is happy.
'You have solved one of my regrets. You have resolved one of my six regrets. You can come out from the saber for a while. When you are ready, you can come in again.'
Finished saying this the voice fades out slowly.
Azief then heaved a sigh of relief. He looks at this world as the scenery slowly blurs out and dissipated into dust and he was floating on that limitless and boundless space again.
'Until we meet again' Azief said smiling. Now that he is out of Azul body, his sense become sharper than before.
And he slowly felt something as wrong about that world. Azief don't think that world look like as it was
There is a mysterious feeling about that world. The energy inside that world seem absurdly real. He shakes his head and said to himself
'I will think about it later. Anyway, it did not provide harm for me'
He then thinks to get out from this space and then a pulling force appeared as it drag Azief out from this space.
A few moments later, he opened his eyes. This time he is inside that cave on his world. He looked in front of him and saw only five sabers is floating.
One of the sabers is no longer glowing and no longer possesses any power, lying powerlessly on the ground.
Azief traces that saber and stores it inside his ring. Even though the Heaven Sundering Saber no longer possesses any power Azief could feel that the power of the saber is at his fingertips.
He takes a deep breath, as he wants to ascertain his thoughts.
He waves one of his fingers and a fire appeared on the tip of his nail. Azief eyes narrowed. And then a smile formed on his face, and his eyes is full of excitement
Because this is not normal fire on his finger. It is Nirvanic Fire. Around the flames, time , Destiny, Fate and Karma distorted and almost collapsed.
He check his consciousness and energy in his body. To his surprise he could feel he is building up Infernal Energy in his consciousness.
He had about 20 percent of infernal energy in his body.
If he got a hundred percent of infernal energy he could form the Disk.
He might not be able to use that Disk before but now that he has the All Source Disk he could convert the worldly energy to infernal energy when he forms the Disk.
If he was in Infernal Realm he could easily form the disk because the source of that energy is there.
But instead he had to rely on this saber to absorb the infernal energy inside it and form his disk.
At least that is what he thought before.
But now he did not think like that anymore. Since, he understands many things now. He did not only absorb the infernal energy, he also absorbs the saber abilities into himself.
He now could use his finger to substitute for the Heaven Sundering Saber. It could be said his finger is the Heaven Sundering finger.
Maybe one day, he could sunder the heavens with only his finger.
Thinking about it almost makes him laugh.

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Then he flies out of the caves and seeing the outside, it was night. He could still see the residence of the Immortal Couple.
He did not know the rate of time between that world and his world.
He needs to find out now. Seeing his Palace and the many houses built Azief knows that some time has passed. But how long has passed exactly?
It doesn't seem to be a long time but he could not be sure. He shakes his head and said o himself
'Just have to hope it is not years.' He sneakily enters his Palace through the secret path he built.
Then he enters his meditation room and then act like he was finishing his meditation in the room and went out.
Outside of his door, there is a guard who is guarding diligently.
The guard is just a kid. When the door opens and the kid saw the person that is coming out of the room, the boy quickly kneels.
Azief look at the boy and he almost chuckles. The boy clearly feels afraid. Azief never saw this boy before. Maybe he is a new recruit.
'Who are you under?' Azief ask. The kneeling boy then said
'General Wang Jian' Azief thought for a moment and then said
'Summon him here.' The kneeling boy nodded and get up and was about to go when Azief ask
'What is your name kid?' The boy was startled but he turned around quickly. His body is still trembling and sweat riddles his forehead.
'My name?' The kid was flustered. Not daring to look the Death Monarch in the eyes, the kid look down and said
'My name is Milos, Death Monarch' Azief just nodded and gesture for him to call Wang Jian. Azief then walk through the Hall.
It was night so not many people are in the Palace. All of his subordinate is probably at their own residence.
Or maybe their own palaces.
Azief never care too much about what his subordinate does or built for themselves.
Unless they do something that is beyond his bottom line, Azief could be considered an amiable ruler.
Wang Jian was sleeping soundly at his castle with Somi beside him. He was awoken at night when a messenger informs him that the Death Monarch is summoning him to the Palace.
He immediately got up from his bed and wear his clothes and donned his armor. Then he flies out from his castle almost immediately.
Some of the people camping outside the General Wang Jian residence saw that he flies out from his castle with urgency.
They immediately reported this to their superiors.
The fact that the Death Monarch has come out from his room was immediately found out by the other ambassadors of the factions all over the world that has been waiting since the Death Monarch close himself off in seclusion.
When these people got the news, not caring about anything else, they immediately got up from their sleep and rush to the Palace to meet the Death Monarch to discuss matters.
Wang Jian arrived in front of the Palace and landed before the gate of the Palace. No one is allowed to fly around the Palace area.
There is that rule and there is also the fact that there is barrier and magical array and formation that prevented someone from flying over to the Palace other than the Death Monarch himself
Wang Jian landed and immediately announce his presence and rush into the Throne Room.
When he enter the throne room he saw the Death Monarch, sitting on his throne of bones and skull, majestically and full of power.
Black aura shrouded the throne and godly aura pours out from the Death Monarch body
Wang Jian immediately kneels and exclaimed
'General Wang Jian heeds the summons!' Azief nodded. Then not wanting to talk for too long he ask
'Wang Jian, how long was I in the room?'
Wang Jian them immediately answer
'Three months, my lord'
'Three months. Mm. 'Azief closes his eyes and began thinking to himself. It is not that long or that short.
It is just right.
'I only spent a few hours in that world but it already takes three month. Hmm.' He thought to himself.
While Azief was thinking of this in his throne room, outside the Palace gate, the ambassador of other faction have already arrived at the front gate, all excited to meet the Death Monarch.
Azief saw this with his divine sense so he asked Wang Jian
'Did anything happen when I was in seclusion?'
'Ambassador of many factions has come to speak with my lord.'
Azief just snorted and nodded. He knew what they are coming here to talk about. And he has no interest of speaking with them.
He already has his own plans. He does not need to hear their opinion.
Just before Azief wanted to order Wang Jian to ask those ambassadors to return Wang Jian said
'The World Government and the Republic ambassador also came to discuss a matter about humanity threat'
'Hmm' Azief eyebrows creased. Humanity threat? What could possibly be considered as such?
'What do you mean? Explain'
Wang Jian then sighed as he began explaining.
'A few days after my lord seclude yourself, the World Government grand Commander Raymond and the Chancellor of the Right of Republic Jean come together to Pandemonium to meet with my lord. But since my lord is in seclusion, I could not allow them to meet my lord ,fearing they might have other intention and wanted to bother my lord forming the Disk.'
Azief nodded. He understands and even applauds Wang Jian action.
After all he did left strict orders not allowing anyone to bother him when he was forming his Disk.
'Then?' Azief ask. He did not think that those people would give up so easily.
'Then they showed me a picture and a video. And what I see shakes me to my core. I was in dilemma because if the matter is true, then maybe I relay should have barged in and meet my lord. But I decide against it'
'A picture? A video? Of what?' Azief ask, this time his curiosity is piqued.
Wang Jian them brought out a pouch. He approached the throne and then handed the pouch to Azief.
And then he slowly steps back. Azief open the pouch. He saw a picture and a Visual Stone. He look at the picture first.
When he looks at the picture, his eyes grow complicated.
'Is this…verified?' Azief ask. Wang Jian nodded
Then Azief touch the Visual Stone and the video enter his mind as he saw what the video is all about.
Finished watching it, he shakes his head.
'What is the course of action of the two factions?' Azief ask. Wang Jian then reply.
'They have their countermeasures but they hope my lord could join them and help them.'
Azief did not answer. He takes a deep breath, thinking about this matter. He throws back the pouch to Wang Jian and then he asks.
'You sure this is not some trap they devise to harm me?' Wang Jian shakes his head and said
'We are not sure.'
'How about Athena and Freya? What did they say?'
'They said they will wait until my lord come out from the seclusion before deciding either to join them or not. They are not entirely confident that this is not just a ruse to trap my lord.'
Azief nodded and then asked.
'How did they take this picture?' Azief ask, this time his mind could not help but think of what he has seen in the picture
A fleet of alien armada heading to Earth.
If this is true, and the World Government and the Republic is not plotting something, then the world might be experiencing another invasion
'Their satellite.' Wang Jian answers
Azief then frown.
'Did you not ask them access to these satellite and verify their claim?'
Wang Jian then reply
'They would not let us to do it unless you were the one to access it. They desire to speak with you and they are still waiting in the Embassy'
'Embassy? Did we build an embassy?' This time Azief was shocked. They even built an embassy? He guessed Pandemonium might have many people now.
Of course if he truly saw his city he would surely see his city is lot larger than before and cities pooping up every day in many corners of the continent.
But of course they are some forbidden zone and some dungeons left alone.
Wang Jian nodded.
Azief then sighed. Then he said
'Then summon all of them tomorrow to the Palace. Tonight, I have some matters to attend to'
Wang Jian nodded and went out of the palace.
When he reached the Palace Gate, he said to the people waiting to enter the palace for an audience, that tomorrow the Death Monarch will hear them so wait until morning,.
That night, the city went alive as spies were activated, and deals were made in taverns, pubs and secret rooms.
The Death Monarch has come out from his seclusion and the meeting for the distribution of the world region will happen in 9 months.
It is not long. But they did not know that there is a threat to the world right now. Only a few people knows about this threat right now.
Azief on the other hand was not returning to sleep. When Wang Jian went out, Azief launches himself to the sky and went to space.
With his speed, he arrives at space in an hour. He then launches himself even more forward as he arrived at that satellite.
It is easy to spot the satellites. When the fall came, all the space trash in space evaporated and all satellite capabilities went down.
So right now on space there is only two satellite built after the Fall.
One belonging to the World Government and the other belonging to the Republic. The Republic satellite is around the moon while the World Government satellite is around Mars.
Azief arrived at that satellite and he nodded.
Then he went back down to Earth and return to his Palace.
'Tomorrow would be a hectic day' he said to himself as he closes his eyes
What did I tell you? It is long isn't it?
First saber, get. Anyway, five more to go. I want you all to pay attention to the fact that there is six sabers.
The six numbers prominently plays an important in Azief forming this new Disk. And it has a lot to do with Azief Death Source and Laws. That is all I'm going to say about the matter.
Do check out my youtube channel if you can and offer some suggestion of what I can do.
Anyway, hope you vote me and enjoy the story.

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