Lord Shadow

Chapter 234

The moment Azief shouted Refine, his consciousness entered the saber, his mind seems to be traveling through some unknown planes, as his body seems to glow with bluish color.

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The Six Saber floated there inside that cave, glowing ominously as the other five dimmed and only the Heaven Sundering Saber seems to gathering all of the strength of the saber to create a powerful suction that is able to bring Death Monarch inside the saber..
It emitted a killing intent that soars through the ceiling of the cave, filling the entire tunnel like structure and threatens to collapse the entire cave tunnels
But when it is about to charge out the entrance of the cave glows for a bit as that intent was suppressed.
That intent returns back to the sabers like nothing ever happened, floating there in front of the unconscious mind of the Death Monarch.
Azief is sitting cross legged on the ground, his face is red, his eyebrows is creased, his eyes closed and then his body dissipated into the saber.
Not far from the cave there is a person wearing a green robe with a golden coronet on top of his head.
He is making his residence near the cave, building an idyllic hut by himself, his hammer pounded onto the wood beams as he finished a small cage where he put his game.
He is not a builder but the residence is beautiful, with fake mountain dotted on some beautiful path and a small pond in the four courtyard of his residence.
The residence is guarded by a squad of Orb Condensing levelers, patrolling every hour.
The pay for this work is also good and if they are lucky they might even get acquainted with top level people in the Death Monarch faction.
That person wipes the sweat on his forehead. Building that cage did not make him tired; it was the training of concentration he did that put him into such a tiring situation.
Even while he is building the cage he is training, mentally at least.
He got an inspiration as he built that cage. And that imagination begs him, to quickly put it into action.
He put down the hammer and then release a breath, feeling a little relieved as he look at his residence and smiles.
In his heart, he thanked Death Monarch for this.
This residence is special in all of Pandemonium.
It is because the area was given by the Death Monarch and this person alone has the authority to build or moves around this area.
And that is the reason why he is the protector for Death Monarch breakthrough attempt.
The Death Monarch has learned from his mistake before. When he breakthrough last time people take that opportunity to end him.
He would let that happen again this time.
So, he assigns this person to guard him. Not because he was the most loyal. But, because he was the most inconspicuous.
After that person finished taking a shower he walk to his courtyard and sit on a chair carved from Ulgnarian tree, a tree famed for boosting mental strength.
It is discovered by the group of researcher of the World Government.

He sat down on the chair elegantly as the servants in his home quickly offer him tea which he declines.
He needs to paint right now, to make his inspiration be unleashed into the world.
As he sets out the easel and put the canvas onto it, a woman come to sit beside him handing him his brush.
In front of him is a blank canvas. Beside her is a beautiful woman. He smiles, and kisses her cheeks.
She blushed but she did not say anything, only showing him a gentle smile that clam his heart.
He then proceeded to paint, the brush takes its own life as lines, and angles were painted, colors were filled, as sceneries forms.
The man is the Celestial Painter Xu Cong and the woman is Heaven Flute Lihua.
This couple is none other than the Immortal Couple. After the Massacre in the Island, Lihua seems to lose all of her power.
Thankfully her physical body reinforcement remains but all of her energy inside her body dissipated.
She is no different from a mere mortal before the Fall.
The Death Monarch then relieve them of their duty and gifted them this area as their territory as a repayment for their contribution.
No one find it suspicious and while some people lamented the fact that the Heaven Flute Lihua would no longer be participating in the matters of the Death Monarch factions, for the Immortal Couple they were actually relieved.
Unlike some people, Xu Cong and Lihua never wanted power, or fame. They only wanted to live in peace.
Circumstances force them to choose a side.
Now, that Lihua lost her energy, while they are no longer strong, they enjoyed protection from the Death Monarch.
And the highest echelon of Death Monarch faction all felt indebted to them for sacrificing so much for them.
While the soldiers fighting in that war didn't know what contribution this couple did to gain such favor, people of the highest position in the Death Monarch faction all knew that Loki uses Lihua to summon that Ten Demonic Beings and their army which prevented the gigantic coffin from descending down.
This resulted her losing all of her essence energy and could not be regained by pills or any other regenerative measures that is considered orthodox.
The Death Monarch did offer her that he could use his Death Source to try to stimulate back the energy.
But she refused.
And the Death Monarch knows the reason for her rejection. Since he understood it, he did not force her.
He after all knew that Lihua has help him in many events. In the Will event, it was their intel that leads to Will release.
So, the Death Monarch granted them his protection. And this is no secret. The Death Monarch even publicizes his support in his Decree.
Now, nobody would dare to even seek revenge lest they incurred the wrath of the entire Death Monarch faction.
The Immortal Couple could now peacefully retired from this chaotic world and seclude themselves in the paradise of their own making.
And while Lihua has lost her powers, Xu Cong is still an Energy Disperse Stage expert that is now on the verge of breakthrough to Seed Formation.
Xu Cong when compared to the other bright halos of the other people in Death Monarch faction of course seems mediocre. But when he is compared to the rest of the world, he could be considered an expert.
And if he reached Seed Formation without taking a shortcut, then he would be a veritable expert and joins big names in the world.
The Immortal Couple also have one more perks.
Their position is unique in this new administration of the Death Monarch faction. While they are no longer involved in the administration daily to daily routine but they still have a say in the matters of the faction.

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But while they do have that power, they rarely make use of it. They were perfectly content to remain an observer.
They are not a threat. To the administration, or to the other political faction that is growing now in Pandemonium.
It could be considered, that Pandemonium is an empire and the Emperor is the Death Monarch. And like any emperor, he has subjects.
And this subject all wanted to gain his favor.
Death Monarch has three valiant generals, and below them thousands and now hundreds of thousand following them, and they all have their interest.
Better hunt spot, artifacts, manuals, pills and quest distribution and high level resources, all of this is part of the daily conflict that happens between many factions in the ever growing city of Pandemonium.
Sina is in charge of all the resources in Pandemonium. First, because she is capable she was appointed by the Death Monarch.
Second, it is because she is someone that the Death Monarch trusted. In the current political situation of Pandemonium, there is a class.
People who were beside the Death Monarch since the beginning and gained his trust and people who don't which is the newcomer.
People like the Immortal Couple that is highly favored by the Death Monarch could change the balance of influence between these generals, because the Death Monarch truly listens to them
Even though Death Monarch did not administrate heavily, that did not mean he did not see or didn't hear anything about what happens in the city.
He just couldn't be bothered… and he trusted that the people under him would know to clean their mess up before he step in personally.
Athena, Freya and Wang Jian might be heavily trusted by the Death Monarch, but that doesn't mean they could betray that trust.
They are working under the feet of the strongest person in the world. If they say they have no fear that would be lying.
This is a man that could be categorized as a calamity level disaster.
He massacres people without mercy and with his word he could cause the entire world to shake, and change the political landscape and balance of power in the world
The Death Monarch punishes whoever he wants and do whatever he wants.
He never punishes the loyal and the competent, but that is because they are loyal and competent.
If they are not competent and obstruct the Death Monarch plans, they did not want to know what would happen.
In the end, the fear come because they did not know what the Death Monarch will do if he is subjected to such situation.
That is why the fact that the Immortal Couple did not murky the already murky political landscape of Pandemonium is praised by the subordinates of the Death Monarch and gains the appreciation of the Three Army
It is precisely because of that reason the Death Monarch chooses them as his protector.
No one would have thought that he would hide near the cave around the Immortal Couple territory.
To the outside world, the Death Monarch is inside the Palace and he is achieving breakthrough there.
Even his subordinate thought he is there. Wang Jian squad keep patrolling there, not daring to lax at all.
To deceive his enemies, he even had to deceive his subordinate. After all he did not know how many enemies he have by now.
With the way he is acting, it is impossible for him to not have any enemies.
It is only that they did not dare to attack openly since they couldn't defeat him in a fair fight. So, his enemies always targeted his liability.
So, Wang Jian and the Three Army all put many efforts to strengthen the defense around the palace believing the Death Monarch is there attempting to form another disk.
But he is here, nearby the residence of Xu Cong.
But the cave is not as vulnerable as some people might think.
Before Azief decide to form his new disk, he had already lain out magical formation and array traps to protect himself from any external threat.
Xu Cong sighed.
He is trusted but being trusted by the Death Monarch did not ease his heart.
It made him cautious in doing anything as the task weigh on his heart. If anything happens to him while he is attempting his breakthrough, he knew that trust would crumble.
All it takes is just one slip up and his head could roll down.
The handsome man no longer possess that boyish look instead looking more mature, his long hair is slowly breezing through the wind, like he is relaxing in some tropical beaches.
He is painting Pandemonium…the continent.
The story.
The scenery, the allegorical allusions is numerous in his work and his painting seems to transforms to seems even more lifelike as time passes.
In his hand, with a brush guiding his slender fingers, normal scenery of monster turns into an art that rival the great artist of the past.
Lihua is beside him, assessing his work. Her long hair that reached her waist is being combed magically by a floating comb.
Around her small creatures like horned squirrels and purple eyed rabbit play around. There is a gigantic serpent that led angels into revolt towards a shining sky symbolizing the throne of God.
A burning lake in the ground where a person set a stone to build a palace….which is a direct reference of Satan building Pandemonium.
To build Pandemonium. It is from Paradise Lost.
'It is a beautiful painting' Lihua said as she looks closer at the painting. It is really vivid like almost like the painting would jump out form the canvas.
Xu Cong smirked. People always misinterpreted Paradise Lost. They think it is about the Satan rebellion and the rise of his infernal kingdoms but it is actually about God omniscience and even Satan knows it.
Knows that God knew his plans to rebel and he still do it anyway. It is about fatalism, that destiny and fate is set. It is a bleak way of seeing the world.
'You think this is beautiful?' He asked as he tries not to think too much about it.
'It captures reality' she remarked. Xu Cong looked back at his painting and he nodded
'Well, you are not wrong. But it is not a happy painting.'
Lihua shakes her head.
'Are you saying this because I said I like happy paintings?'
He nodded

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'It was just a throwaway comment. You think too much.' she said, with a little giggle.
Xu Cong traces his finger on his painting and said
'Is there hope? Even among monsters and demons, and darkness that could cover the world, will Light still prevail?' He said without asking anyone. He just said it following the sentiment he is feeling right now when he finished his painting.
Lihua look at the painting and he remembers her teacher, Loki. And she remembers something about her teacher.
While her teacher did use her, he fulfills his promise. He said that if he did that for him, she would be able to live peacefully without any more war to fight.
And right now…isn't this the life she dream about.
She did not hesitate to choose between power and happiness. Not many people are like her and Xu Cong.
Some people believe power is the key to happiness, while she believes happiness is happiness.
You could be ahoy without power, but with power, there is always a chance for something to become an obstacle to happiness.
Power and happiness is after all two different concepts.
At least that is what she believes.
She holds his hand and then said
'There is always hope. Even when the darkness seems to envelop everything, there will always be light.'
She smiles and kisses his cheek. Xu Cong put down his brush and nodded as a smile is formed on the edge of his mouth.
Then he said to Lihua.
'You want to walk for a while?'
'With pleasure' she said as they both hold each other hand together.
They began taking a walk on the park behind their residence, laughing and smiling, looking like they were meant to be together, sharing stories about the happiness they share and the sadness that they overcome together, affirming their love and trust.
Their brilliant day is just beginning.
Azief is travelling through an explosion of lights as he seems to be enveloped by the Laws of Time and Reality.
He seems to be traveling through a downward tunnel that seems to be endless, limitless and boundless.
It felt like eternity passed him by or it might just be a second. It is like any measure of time is meaningless here…in this space.
Then as he is falling down he heard a voice that seems to hold the weight of the Universe echoing through the infinite expanse of this limitless space.
'Mastering Others Is Strength; Mastering Yourself Is True Power, With One Slash Rendering the Heaven Apart. My name is Azul the Divinity of Fire!'
The voice boomed and Azief felt his emotions in chaos. The space seems to be invaded a fierce heat and Azief could feel even his veins is burning up
'I am the first wielder of Heaven Sundering Saber and I was called the Divinity of Fire and comprehended the pinnacle Laws for Fire. My fire burns everything to nihility and sunders the Heavens of the Infernal Realm and I broke through the Source Wall and left this saber Down Below the Wall. I left my will and memories to the people destined to find this saber and refine it! Solve my regret and you will gain what you want!'
Then the voice ended
'The Nirvanic Fire burns everything, let Reincarnation flourish and Death slumbers.' The voice enters his head as he woke up in a hut.
It was like he was suddenly jolted awake.
It is a cold night; the candle in the hut is flickering. He got up from the bed and look around. There is only a single bed and chair.
Near the bedside, there is a young girl wearing a plain, white dress sleeping, leaning on the wall.
Azief look at the mirror on the other side of his hut and saw his face. His height is 6'6 and on his forehead there is a crystal, his hair is long and straight, reaching his neck.
His iris is purple and his body is tough like diamond.
'Where am I?' he asked. But the he remember the voice and he immediately reached a conclusion.
'I am in his body. Azul the Divinity of Fire.' And then he looks around for that saber, feeling excited.
But he did not see it at all.
'Where is the saber?' He looks below the bed, but he saw nothing other than smelling some dust and seeing dirty rocks
'Do I have to live in his memory and play his role? And what is his regret?' He sighed before looking at the young woman sitting on that chair.
He then smiles bitterly, as he suddenly is hit by a wave of realization and then said to himself, looking at that beautiful woman sleeping so peacefully, leaning on that wall.
'It is always about a woman isn't it?'
The seagull is flying freely on the blue sky, traversing through the white clouds.
Sometimes these seagulls would dive down and grab a few fish on the surface of the water. If this is before the Fall, this is nothing extraordinary.
But after the Fall the difference is obvious.
While this is what seagulls always do, the difference is that this seagulls is at the height of eight meter length and the fish is also the size of small buffalo.
This kind of view is normal now for humanity. Gigantic creature roaming the earth is normal scenery.
And people with abilities to be considered as a God swinging around and causing mass destruction are also common.
If there is one thing humanity got going for them, it is their adaptability.
It what makes humanity survives all those period of almost near extinction, and it is also that trait that will make humanity to be able to ride this wave.
This ocean is stormy and even as storms and thunder gathered on this ocean, a large plank of wood is seen sailing through the water in an incredible speed.
Standing on top of a large plank, is the Oracle, her white robe seems to flapped around because of the wind pressure, her white pupil look forward, a smile on her face that seems mysterious.
She seems to be traveling using this plan.

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The plank seems to possess some mystical power that allowed it to form invisible barrier that prevented sea monster and the waves from causing it to flip.
Standing behind the Oracle is her loyal bodyguard, Antonius decked in his armor, looking like some Greek God statue.
Anytime there is a monster that seems to near, he would shoot the spear on his back killing them instantly.
She is heading to Pandemonium after she heard that the Death Monarch is there. She did try to locate Loki but Hirate even after using his Mind Probe could not seek him.
Even when she use her divination magic, she could not see where he was. It was like he possessed the ability to hide form her divination.
Many people speculate that Loki and the Death Monarch has a falling out after the event in the Island of Peace.
But Erika knows better than to just believe some rumors. Loki specialty lies in disseminating fake information and making his target felt at ease.
The fact was, Loki is always will and always will be a Trickster.
After a few days in the World Government, she has finally departed. Her vision is getting worse these days even though she sealed her eyes sometimes.
Sometimes, even without meaning to she would see that gigantic eye in the center of the Universe.
Those eyes, seems to see everything and desires destructions throughout all Universes.
And in those visions of hers, the Death Monarch, or his silhouette could always be seen. He is heavily connected with her vision.
That is what she concluded.
So, now, she is traveling to seek an answer of her own. She looks in front of her and saw the vast blue of the ocean, with sea monster sometime coming up for air.
Then they were either get eaten by those giant seagulls or speared to death by Antonius to be served as food when they are hungry.
'What is your connection to all of this Death Monarch?' Her eyes glint dangerously as she said this to herself.
Even as she sails the stormy seas, up above the plank, following it all the way is a black raven, looking at that plank with its green eyes
While this is all happening, in the World Government reconstruction of the residence and the district is underway and people are diligent.
Many of the districts have been rebuilt and some semblance of normal life has return.
But the people trust toward the Central Government has deteriorated.
Even the nobilities of other nations that threw their lot with the World Government is wavering.
The Republic on the other hand is expanding their reach on land. While it is true they could not wage war, they did not gain those new territories through war but with diplomacy.
In the Republic, those rulers that followed them while they have limited power they still could vote in the Assembly and direct the course of the Republic general policy.
For weak and small country the Republic enables them to have a voice of their own.
In the World government, only the founding countries and the powerful country would have their voices heard.
Nonetheless, the World Government is calm and regaining back its peace.
But inside the new Chamber for the Quorum members, their face is tense and some are sweating in fear.
Some sighed while other close their eyes, contemplating on something.
They are looking at the footage of the satellite they put in the moon a few years ago. It could capture images far beyond the capabilities of satellite before the Fall.
And the footage shows them something very disturbing on a star far away from Earth.
Something so disturbing that it forces all of the highest echelon of the World Government to convene an emergency meeting
Hirate is looking at the footage and this is his third time looking at it. Raymond is also looking at the footage, analyzing it, his eye is filled with cautiousness.
Almost everyone in the room could sense the tension that is building up. No one wanted to be the first to say it, like saying it would make it true.
Even the secretary that is inside the room was shocked when they saw it and some of them even forgets to write the meeting points.
Jesse sighed as he bite the bullet and ask
'Do you think that…..we are not seeing this wrong?' Jesse asked.
After the fiasco of the Sofia kidnapping, Jesse was reinstated back to his position by Raymond authority and then he joined the Quorum council as members.
'I reckon it is real' said one of the other members.
'We need to make sure of this claim before we say anything to the public and to the world. We don't want a worldwide panic that would cripple nay measures we could employ' Hirate said as he scratched his chin.
The other members nodded.
'This footage could induce mass panic if not handled carefully.'
Raymond nodded
'We don't want worldwide panic…but we also don't want to hide this information. This information….haish'
Then Raymond looks at Hirate with a complicated emotion and said
'Your decision at that time was correct. We truly should have built that satellite. If we built it even faster, then maybe the Weronian Invasion would not caught us so off guard.'
Raymond said this but Hirate shakes his head.
'What use of speaking of the past?' Hirate said as his face is still stiff.
'But if this is real, then what should we do? One of the other council members ask.
This one is a Council member from South Africa. He came here after the successful attack by the Republic during the chaos of the battle in the Island of Peace between The Death Monarch and the World Government.
He is effectively exiled and the hold of Africa continent by the World Government is wavering there with their influence being uprooted and exterminated there.
'Do you think we should ask for the Death Monarch help?' Raymond ask
'Would he agree?' Hirate ask
'This is bigger than our bad blood. This might concern the entirety of humanity.' Raymond said

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'I refuse to believe that the Death Monarch would doom his entire race just because of some bad blood between our organization and him.'
Hirate knew that Raymond is right but he did not yet want to acknowledge that the picture is real.
He did not want to acknowledge it because then he has to acknowledge Pandikar was right.
That he did not do enough.
So, he tries to ask another question.
'How about the construction of the new Battlestar? Is there someone leading the project? Hirate ask one of the council members.
A person holds up his hand. It is Mimic. This person always cover his face so no one knew how he look like.
'It is being built. Though it is not as technologically advanced as the Budiman series of Battlestar, it is enough to achieve what we discussed. It is bigger, sturdier and better'
Hirate nodded. Raymond takes a deep breath and then asked.
'You think Project Genesis would work?' Raymond ask. Hirate shakes his head
'I don't know. I really don't know.'
Suddenly Raymond started getting angry, hearing this kind of response from Hirate.
'Then why did you send those people to space? There were hundreds of thousands of them.'
'A chance.' Hirate answered as he smiles bitterly.
'I wanted to give them and us a chance. Raymond, I did not decide on that matter on a whim. I know how many people, I commanded to board that ship.' He then sighed as leaned his body back on his chair.,
'I know what is at stake. Since the Fall, human population dwindle so drastically that it would not be an exaggeration to say it approached the level of an extinction level event. And if the monster roaming the earth is not enough, we were then invaded by an intergalactic barbaric race of aliens. We learned it the hard way Raymond' And he smirk with a hint of resignation..
'We are no longer the apex predator, the top of the food chain. Out there' and he pointed to the ceiling,
'Up there, is thousand and millions of alien races that could be stronger and smarter than us. We now learn we are not alone in this Universe….and those aliens are not as generous as we imagined them to be. They are as vicious and as barbaric like we are. So, sending them there might be me sending them to their death in the vast emptiness of cold space. Or…..they might be the hope of our humanity should Earth perish and humanity on Earth become extinct.'
Raymond slumped on his chair.
'Hirate, that is the worst case scenario. There is still the present. For all we know all that thousands of lives have perished in space.' Raymond said.
'We are still here and we are still fighting' he said.
The other Quorum member just shut their mouth as they did not want to enter this debate between two of the highest authority in the World Government.
'I could not afford to think like you. I know you like to think positive Raymond and you have your ideals. It is your greatest strength but it is also your greatest flaw. I am just preparing for that worst case scenario. If humanity is wiped out then that Battlestar I sent to space to seek a new home would be the seed of humanity.'
This is the reason why the World Government did not have any Battlestar during the Massacre on the Island of Peace making the Seven Fleets of Battlestar to easily mow down the defenses of the Island of Peace.
But Hirate did not regret sending all of his Battlestar into space. He knows what is important. He likes power….but that does not mean he is blinded by it.
He was never a noble person but surrounded by noble person long enough, he began to emulate them, trying to be them.
He is surrounded by people like Raymond whose Heart of Justice is strong and uncorruptible and Jesse who embodied the concept of loyalty.
He sent that Battlestar as a contingency measures, to make sure the human race did not die out.
While the Death Monarch is strong, in Hirate opinion, he never cared about other people other than his closest friend and allies.
The world could be damned; and the Death Monarch would not be affected in the least. He is not like Pandikar that insisted Azief should use his power to calm the world.
Because he knows people with power will do whatever they wanted.
What use is responsibility when no one could force the Death Monarch to do anything? Nothing could compel him to do something he did not want to do.
He could not be swayed by public opinion, or threat. Instead he had proved time and time again the more people threaten him, the more defiant he becomes.
If he is just a weak nobody, then that is fine but when that person is the strongest person on Earth that would be a calamity.
He shakes his head and let that thought to disappeared. He then looks at the picture that has been produced from the video footage.
He shakes his head and then thought to himself.
'Pandikar is like a prophet. He always had stressed the threat beyond and we never take him too seriously. I guess we are the fools'
Then waving away his regret, he said to his secretary
'Send it to the Visual Image Department of the Intergalactic Surveillance Bureau and ask them to confirm once again about the validity of this picture. Whether this is truly what we are thinking about or if this is just some light reflecting of some stars.'
No one believes that the picture is just some light reflecting from some stars.
They knew that Hirate just hope that it is not true. But they are all prepared to do what needs to be done when the picture is verified.
The Secretary of the Office nodded and exited the room.
'For now, we rebuilt. When the news is verified, Raymond, you might need to go to Pandemonium. If this is true, then we need the big guns.'
Raymond nodded and then they went out of the room. Still paused on the video footage on Hirate table is a blurry image.
It is an image of a large fleet….in space, heading to Earth.
Ready to pay more SS? Because the next chapter is huge. This two chapter is probably four chapter combined into one.
Anyway, Azief forming his Disk, a new threat from the stars (or is it?) and the Oracle. I think you could see traces of Loki in this chapter.
Anyway, hope you enjoy the story and don't forget to vote. Who knows? If you vote and I reached around 150 ranking I might release new chapter. Anyway, the next chapter will be posted a few minutes later.
And I have a youtube channel. Do check it out. Here's the link


So ciao for now.

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