Lord Shadow

Chapter 248

The chaos is ongoing. The screams and shouting of anger continue in the square.

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The sound of people beating each other, the Avengers shouted threats and the Magus hurling magic all could be seen by Azul.
But Azul also had hardened his heart, the moment he decided to step out. He had hoped that Zinar would step out. Since he saw her among the crowd, he had hoped she would step out
Because this is as much is her dream as it is his.
This is what he talked about with Tyr and Zinar a long time ago. Of their wish to create a new and a better world.
In that world there will be no Reaping, no more unnecessary war that taxes the peasant and the common folks.
It was a dream….but now unintentionally, today, at this day of the Reaping, this is that first step.
A rebellion against the Empire and the Church of Thonos.
Tyr was a peasant but he talks about this idea of supplanting the Empire authority and power with bravery.
And Zinar always dreams of such world. Azul also dreams and yearn for that world.
They talked about the rebellion in other corners of the Empire with gusto and dream to become a Rebel against the Empire.
For Azul while he did not appear to crave power he is a noble. A True blue blooded noble. It is his belief that noble should not treat their servants a treatment akin of animals.
And he himself did not like the practice of Reaping.
He could not understand it even though he has been going to church with his family since he was a chill that could read and write.
Should he let the crowd decide what to do, or make a brutal example or take them alive and try them for their crimes?
But who should try them?
And for what crimes? To the eyes of the Empire, they Church did no crimes. This has always been the way.
The peasant sacrificed to the church, their blood paved the way for the Empire conquest while the sons and daughters of the peasant is givens some blood money.
Then they would grow up to be healthy and then married another peasant and give some children.
Then it is their turn to be reaped and their sons and daughter will get the Blood Money form the Church
Round and round it goes.
The cycle of blood continues and suffering upon suffering is heaped upon the peasantry….till when the war will stop and at which point the Empire will stop killing its citizens.
Azul smiles bitterly as he thought of it.
He knows there is only one thing the Empire understands.
Brutality and force.
If he wanted to create that world he dreamed of…..being nice won't cut it.
Azul look at the charging crowd and then he shouted, his eyes red, his hair fluttering as he throws the staff lying on the ground to one of the Avengers trying to kick a peasant.
Like a sharp spear it flew through the air, whistling as that staff pass through the crowd and hit the Avenger on the face.
The force causes that Avenger face to become depressed as blood spurted out from his eyeballs and his nose and as he falls down he died of choking of his own blood.

'Let no Magus, no Learned Ones, No Avenger alive! Let their blood shed and collect their blood as penance for their crimes against the people of Aethens!'
The crowd listening roar in excitement and approval
The Magus has already been stomped on and punched enough by the crowding mob that she looks nothing like the haughty magus before.
It was Ymir that ended that Magus life with a swift strike of a dagger to her throat.
She convulsed on the stand, her hands trying to stop the spurting blood from her neck, her blood drenched the plank below
Her blood drips down through the gaps of the execution platform.
The Avengers some of them are in their last breath, gasping for air as the peasant stomp their faces and their bodies.
Some of them are unrecognizable from a meat patty sold in some marketplace..
The mob took the Sword of the Church that already fall down to the ground and is now using it reaps the lives of the church men and women with it.
Death…..like always seems to pervade the entire town square of Shurley.
But today it is not the blood of the peasant that is sacrificed to Thonos. Today, it is those who professed their love for Thonos that is sacrificed.
Their blood spills the execution stand, dripping down.
Azul look down at his feet as he saw the blood flowing down from the platform dripping down across the gaps of wooden planks and like flowing water, flows towards him as he walks to the Reaping platform.
A Magus managed to get away in the choas by levitating herself and went away as fast as possible.
Azul still look at the blood and shakes his head. He knows that this blood needs to be purified by the Church before it could be used as Blood Magic.
This is why he wanted the fact that he could use his blood to use magic be a secret.
If people know he could use his own blood to use blood magic without being purified by the Holy Instrument of the Church, Azul shudders to think what would happen to him.
Then a shout sounded on the air, shaking the town square
'You dare rebel against the Church, heretics!'
As the last of the Avengers being sacrificed to the anger and wrath of the peasant mob, and the kids were released from their bondage, the eyes of everyone in the town square drift upwards to the Magus that has come back.
She seems to have a few more vials of blood thus she has the courage to return.
She seems to be floating on the air and a few of the peasant shrink back. But only a few among the crowd seems afraid.
Many of the peasants are still governed by anger and in anger, they were brave and courageous
The Magus looks toward Azul with hatred in her eyes and a bit of fear.
'So decisive for a young boy' she thought to herself as she saw Azul standing there, his feet is deep in a muddy soils of pooling blood.
'Heretics!' She snorted as she looks at the crowd looking at her like she is their prey. Then she pointed her finger toward Azul and shouted
'What is your name little heretic!'
Azul then sighed and said
'My name is Azul of House Verignon' he said coolly. He knows trying to hide it is futile. It is better to just come out with it.
Then Azul shouted
'Run back to Ashaya and tell the Empire that Shurley will have no more Reaping.' The Magus hearing this causes her face to turns red because of anger.
She look at the vials she have on her bracelets and seems to be contemplating whether she could kill this kid and then run away to safety from the mob.
She sighed as she knows that is not possible.
She did not thought she would encounter such situation today, thus she did not bring to many blood vials from the Church.
She then looks at the peasant looking at her with a face of anger and more than that it is the killing intent around them, fearless and unconstrained that causes her to take a second look at the people of Shurley.
She was astonished above all else.

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She has been to Shurley for five years to conduct these Reaping and these peasant usually were so afraid of her that they do not even dare to match eyes with her.
But today, they were as fierce as lions and as bloodthirsty as wolves.
With that boy leading them, he turned a pack of sheep into a pack of wolves.
The Magus looks at Azul and snorted
'No more Reaping?' then she laughed.
She put two fingers on her heart and declares a sacred oath
'As Thonos my witness, the Church will wring the blood from every last man, woman and child who participated in this rebellion!' Before Azul can respond, she flies away, fast as lighting.
But the crowd seems to not hear the threat as they are still enveloped by a feeling of rage. One of them whoops and said
'To the house of Count of Cartegena! Let us loot their estate!' one of them shouted.
Another added among the crowds
'The nobles have bled us and abuse us no less that the Church and the Empire! It is time for them to pay for their crimes too.'
The cheers were deafening
As Azief saw this Azief was reminded of the French Revolution spoken in history.
This is probably how that Riot and massacres that cover France started and how it started to snowball.
'Off with their heads' the peasant shouted. Azul saw some of them are peasants that are acquainted with Tyr and old man Ben.
And then another person shouted
'Let us sack the market and take the merchant gold! They are the same. Sucking us peasant dry like leeches!'
Another cheer of acknowledgement sounded all over the town square.
If there is a profession hated the most by the peasant it is the merchants.
Azul saw it. Zinar saw it. The kids gathered around Azul and Zinar as the adults keep on shouting and screaming, discussing where to burn, loot and pillage.
Erena seems to be crying while Ymir is consoling her.
The peasant seems to be primed for more vengeance against their oppressors.
Azul could already imagine it. In a blink of an eye they would surely begin to ransack nearby trader houses and burns down nobles estate.
Azul had a plan. The nobles…..is still needed in that plan. After all the main primary concern is still the Empire and the Church of Thonos.
All orders seem to be thrown away in this crowd of mob. All that could be seen is chaos. And Azul could feel it. Killing intent that's seems to be billowing to the heavens.
Azul look at the crowd, his face is uncertain. He could shout anything and they would probably listen but what should he shout?
Zinar come beside him and hold his hand
'Azul, what should we do? The mob seems to be crazy' Zinar herself seems afraid of this development.
Azul could understand why…but he could also understand why the peasant is acting like this. All it takes is a spark.
Today, Azul provide that spark. And once something exploded it is air to put it the way it was before.
Zinar is looking up to Azul, seemingly unsure as Azul is
Azul sighed
'What would Tyr do?' He ask himself and Zinar heard him
'Azul what are you thinking?' Azul squeeze Zinar hand as he seems to be trying to search for confidence for what he is attempting to do.
Then he look towards Zinar and said
'Zinar….do you remember what we always talked about with Tyr? We always talked about building a new world, a better world. I promise him that when I grow old enough, I would go to the Capital, gain power and influence and bring him to the Capital to help me in building that world. My plan is to become the Emperor ministers and advise the Emperor to stop the institution of Reaping. Slowly me and Tyr would change the world. And I want you to be beside me when I did that.'
Then he sighed, his smile bitter, his eyes seems to lose some luster as he could saw all the blood spilled today.
'But today…today I understand. The Empire will never want to listen to the cries and pleadings of the peasant. Since they viewed the peasants as nothing more than just a blood supply, they never would have stopped. They could not be reasoned with because they don't want to listen.'
Azul squeeze Zinar hand harder
'This is the first step' Azul said to her but it was mostly to himself.
He knows that Tyr would surely want to loot the entire town. They talked about this too. What should be done when they started a rebellion?
They should gather foods, and valuables. But Azul had a different thought. If he did that…what is the difference between him and the Empire?
Looting the town, yes, it hurts the nobles and the Church….but it also hurts the peasants and the common folk.
So, without hesitation he shouted to the crowd
'Stop this madness, my fellow people of Aethens!' His voice seems to boom.
Azul knows why his sound could travel so far and wide. It is because the effect of the blood is not yet dissipating.
It is also the reason why the staff he throws before to that Avenger were so powerful causing that avenger to die with that throw.
'Don't loot the town. We are not some lawless mob!'
Azul is already 15 years old, considered almost an adult in Aethens old customs.
But among the crowd there is many old bones, stonecutters, miners, people that have their lives ruined by the Empire, Nobles and the Church.
But young as he is, Azul have stop the Reaping of children and many peasants who undoubtedly felt thankful and gratitude in their hearts is present among the crowd of angered mob.
The crowd of mob like being showered with cold showers stumbles to halt from all that excitement of wanting to loot and burn the village and the city.
They falls silent and looking shamefaced and hesitant.
A few of the older men among the mob step out and look at Azul.
'Well then, Azul of House Verignon what should we do now?'
The peasant in the mob turns to Azul and looks toward him, asking him what to do.
It was at this moment Azul understand what is happening.
Not only the rebellion he dreamed of with Tyr and Zinar is a reality, but he is recognized as the leader of the rebellion.
But Azul knows it is not safe to talk here. The Church will come back and they might even come back with the Empire soldiers.
Azul look at the forest in the distance. He knew that the only chance he had right now is drawing more support and he knew he had to fight back.
The Empire will not be merciful. They would probably come and Reap the entire peasantry of Shurley as retaliation.
A guerilla attack
'We will go to the Forests.' Azul said, pointing his finger to the Vast Forest in the distance. It is one of the largest forests in Aethens and it is located juts near Shurley.
It is also one of the places they considered to lay low in the eventuality of a rebellion in Shurley

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As the peasant started moving towards the forest, taking their baggage, and food, looting the body of the Avengers, Learned Ones and the Magus, Azul sneak the vials of blood he got from the dead magus.
He needs all the advantage he can get.
It is made from peasant blood, a purified blood purified by the Holy Instrument of the Church.
It is said that the Holy Instrument is found is some mysterious Temple in the end corners of the World.
From what Azul heard of the Canon, the Temple could grant wishes and Time and Space around that Temple distorted and lightning clouds hover around the Temple without ever abating.
Azul took the vials and he hesitates. Should he take it? He sighed and then nodded to himself.
Azul knows if he just let the vials be because it comes from the blood of peasants, sooner or later, when the Church found this vials they would use it against the peasants.
It is better if he takes it and uses it to fend off any possible threat from the Church and the Empire.
It would also helps that he could use these bloods instead of his own blood to activate blood magic.
While his blood seems to be powerful and the effect last for long time after using it, it also comes with fatigue and risking unconsciousness when he uses it beyond his limits.
But with these vials of blood Azul could train himself without worrying. Finished storing the vials he leads the people to the forest
The crowd follows him to the forest, eager to leave as fast as possible fearing the Church retaliation.
A large crowd with all the peasant around Shurley area follows Azul to the forests fearing the vengeance of the Church and the Empire wrath
Every peasant camp in the Shurley area is emptying itself.
As Azul rides in horseback he took from one of the abandoned noble stables, he could see many children around the age of nine and ten, folding behind their parents to the forest believing in him.
There is a pressure in Azul heart. Azief is still in his formless state. He seems to be floating around Azul.
Azief saw how that young girl Erena come to Azul and give him her thanks and an assortments of flower.
Then Ymir come to explain how they were caught.
Zinar and Tyr and sometimes him usually comes to the meeting but instead it was the Magus that came this time and grabbed them all, accusing them of planning a rebellion.
Azief saw how the young boy really hated the Empire and this is proved by his defiance against the Magus, giving an Avenger a black eyes and his question towards Azul
'Are we fighting back?' the young child asks, his eyes beaming.
Azul seems to be thinking of something. He closes his eyes and his eyes are full of determination.
Azul then nodded and said with a conviction
'We'll fight them as long as we have a breath in our bodies! It is time for Aethens to rise once again'
The young boy nodded, and clenches his fist.
Azul could see that Ymir wanted to avenge his childhood friend death. Azul heard from Erena, that their friend, Ellerod was beaten to death in their journey to the Reaping stand.
And from what Azul heard from the mob, it was Ymir that give the finishing blow to that red hair Magus.
As the crowd is getting deeper and deeper into the forest, suddenly a shadowy form bust out from the large bush ahead.
A motley crew of young peasant rush in front of Azul, brandishing their motley array of weapons they nicked or took from swordsmith and metalsmith of the town before coming to the forest.
These young peasants with dark skin and parched skins because of the constant work they have to endure surround Azul guarding him with extreme vigilance.
Azul smiles a bit.
Without intending to Azul seems to have gained a guard squad.
Coming out from the large bush is a huge man as he raise his hand and shouted
'Don't stick me with that thing!'
'Lord!' the voice exclaimed
'It is me!' It was a familiar voice.
As Azul moves his horse forward he could see who it is. His face ifs full of mud, and his hair seems to be messy.
'Tyr!' Azul exclaim gladly
'I fear the worst has happened to you! It is good nothing happens to you!'
But Tyr didn't seem happy. His shoulder slump weakly.
Azul immediately understand.
He must not have heard. From the way he is behaving Azul believes he is hiding from the Reaping process.
Maybe his name is on the summons and he did not want to die such a meaningless death.
Azul was the one beside Tyr all this years. Whoop could he not understand Tyr denial of the Empire ways?
He didn't believe one shit about the duty of self-sacrifice mentioned in The Canon. The peasants that knows about this have a nickname for him
The Big Heretic and Azul the Little Heretic
Tyr sighed and asks
'Is there anyone we know among the Reaping?' he then sighed.
'How long until this must go on? Were the others-'
Azul quickly cut him off
'Everyone alive, Tyr. The Reaping has been stopped, the Avengers and the Learned One has been killed by the peasant. It is all right Tyr. What we have dreamed all this years….it has begun.' Azul said and Tyr eyes bulged and then there is excitement in his eyes.
'The rebellion started? Truly?'
Azul jump down from his horse and clasp Tyr arm.
'Where have you been when all of this happened? You should have been there with me.' Azul ask.
'I was hiding among the hills. I was about to go to the meeting when-' and he stopped talking as he look toward Zinar on the back talking with the children.
Then whispering Tyr said to Azul
'Zinar told me where the meeting is. I was late and it was then I saw the Avenger of the Church and the Learned Ones and even a Magus march inside the meeting place and brought out children and our comrades out from the meeting place. They knew we were there, my friend. They were waiting for us'
Tyr sighed and then shrugs. He could see Azul expression asking him why he did not try to save them
'There were too many to fight, my friend. I didn't want to die and at most they would at least be only beaten and not executed' he said. Azul nodded
He could understand Tyr. He must not have thought that the Church intends to reap the children too.
Harsh treatment like being beaten is normal for a peasant.
If Tyr knew that those Churchmen were intending to kill those children, Tyr would have fought them tooth and nails.
The only reason he did not come out from his hiding and help those children is because he knew that if those children were associated with him, they might suffer more.
Azul think even Tyr would be shock to hear that the kids nearly got executed in the Reaping.
But Tyr seems to be looking at Zinar direction. His eyes seems to be looking at her intently and full of suspicions.
And his face is not entirely pleasant. But Azul did not see it. But Azief sees it. What did Azul intend to do by showing this memory to him?
Tyr tugged Azul sleeve and look at Zinar.

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'Don't you think it is suspicious?'
'What is?' And then Azul saw what Tyr is looking at and he understands what Tyr is implying.
Azul face becomes pale.
'You couldn't think that she-' And Tyr only shrugged.
Zinar who finished consoling the crying children arrived at the area and saw Tyr
She then cries
'Tyr! You're alive!' She jumps down from her horse, her giddy exhilaration plain in every springing step.
She throws her arms around Tyr, all muddied and dirty, ignoring or not noticing Try grimace and the complicated expression on Azul face.
She then turns to Azul
'We did it my friends. This is what we always dreamed of' Azul expression is hard and unpleasant.
He grabs Zinar hand and said
'And we need to about something. Come with me'
Azul brought her away from the crowd to prevent others from overhearing what he will say. He didn't want rumors to spread until he is sure.
'What exactly happen today?' Azul ask, his face is serious
Zinar smiles falters
'What do you mean by that?' There is an accusatory tone in that question.
'The church seems to know that our comrade has been talking about treason and know our meeting place.' Then Azul turn his head to stare straight at her for a moment
'How do you think they found out about all of this?'
'Someone must have betrayed us.' A note of incredulity enters Zinar whispers.
And she began to understand why Azul anted to speak to her away from other the crowds of peasant in the distance.
'And you think that person is me?'
Azul sighed
'I am wondering the same things anyone would'
Azul voice is level but his heart is beating fast. There are so many questions to ask.
'Why weren't you at the meeting place?' Zinar answer
'My estate supervisor demanding me to complete the task form the young lady one after another that I didn't have time for anything else. Thus I could not go to the meeting place'
'Why wasn't I invited?' Azul ask back
'I can't invite you to all of them' She said defensively.
'Tyr was a fugitive and we are about to meet to discuss that and hear the full story of what happen in the Count estate. With so little time I had no time to come to your House without raising suspicions.'
'Then how do you think the Church found out about the meeting?'
Zinar then offer her opinion.
'Either there is a traitor amongst out midst or else they managed to follow the peasant somehow. We were careful each time we conduct these meetings but it is possible some of us slipped up.'
Azul knows that if there is a traitor it is hard to pinpoint one.
'Who do you think betray us then? You know them better than I do'
Zinar sighed.
'I know it would be easy to point a finger to Tyr because he also wasn't there this morning but you and I know him. He is honesty and he hated the Empire more than anyone else.'
Azul nodded. For a moment there is a silence between them. Azul then look at Zinar and felt his heart conflicted.
Then he ask what he wanted to ask when he saw that kids being hauled up at the Reaping.
At the time he could not ask her because events happens so fast that he had no time to think of anything else.
But now there is time and now he can ask.
'Why didn't you try to stop the Reaping? This meeting you and Tyr conducted…isn't it to do exactly this? To rebel against the Empire and the Church'
Zinar didn't like that expression on Azul face. It was a trace of disappointment
'I…was afraid. There is an expression of remorse in her face. Azul closes his eyes and then sighed.
Then he said to Zinar
'We were all afraid…..you think I am not afraid?'
Then he continued
I thought you…would be the spark not me. I am a noble. That is a fact I could not change. The rebellion we dreamed of was for the rebellion to be started by a peasant. We know it is a bit hard to gain support of a peasant's rebellion but a new world could only be started that way. We have planned it for years. The rebellion leader would either be you or Tyr and I will be working from the inside of the Empire. I would offer support in terms of influence and supply while you work in the open to undermine the Empire authority and force them to abandon Aethens. We wanted to reclaim back Aethenspania, to end the institution of Reaping and alleviate the hard life of the common folks under the Church and the Empire. I thought you would be the first to jump out from the crowd when they started trying to reap children. But…you never know how you're going to act until the moment comes'
And Azul sighed
It is because Azul was the first one that jump out from the crowd, and incite the people, that he is recognized as the rebellion leader.
'And today you know' Zinar says, almost as hurt by Azul gentle and kind word as she would have been by his wrath
'I'm not the woman you thought I am. You now know what to expect from me when lives is at stakes.'
'That is not what I am trying to say. You are distorting my words'
'You don't have to console me. Azul, just now, when I see Tyr eyes…'Zinar shakes her head, her expression so full of disbelief it approaches wonder.
'There will be people calling me traitor after today. Will you be one of them?' she seems to be waiting for Azul answer.
Azul contemplates and he shakes his head
'This is what the Church does. They breed mistrust among us. They wanted to us to be so suspicious of each other we would never be able to unite against them. You and Tyr were beside me when we spoke of our grand dreams of a better world. We are just at the first step. I trust you, Zinar'
Zinar eyes were pooling with tears and Azul wipes them out with his finger gently. Zinar expression turns somber and uncertain.
'After we make camp tonight, let's talk more. We need to consult with Tyr and take steps to protect our band against another betrayal while we dig up traitors that is hiding in our midst.'
Azul nodded
'Keep your eyes and ears open'
She nodded as she walks away. Azul watch her for a long time as she walks away, trying to not let uncertainty shows on your face.
It was then time stopped and that voice sounded again filling the entire world
'This is Azul Verignon my second incarnation. With him I achieve enlightenment and become the ruler of this world and when I gained enough energy I broke through the World Cage and become the Saint of ten Thousand Worlds. Experience my struggle and resolve my regret!'
Then Azief formless body was absorbed into Azul Verignon as fast as lighting. At that moment Azief become Azul Verignon
He closes his eyes and then opening it back, was Azul. A different Azul.
'I have entered his body' Azief said to himself.
'What is his regret this time?' As he was about to join the crowd, a messenger come to him. It was a peasant that used to work for his estate

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'Lord, this is a letter from your steward'
Azief took the letter and read it. He smiles after reading it.
He nodded
And then he said to the servant
'Take him and make sure he is well fed.'
The peasant went away and Azief sighed
'Fine, I will lead this band of people against the rebellion to the Empire. I didn't like them either. Azief didn't like the empire as much as Azul do.
He joins the crowd, his eyes sharper than usual.
There is an ancient being sitting on a throne of light. Behind him is a gigantic wheel that seems to contain the power of life and death, of creation and destruction.
Beside him is a translucent figure of a woman. If Azief could see it he would probably be shocked.
It is Meihul, only now she is a bit older and mature and she is looking at that person sitting on that throne of light with a smile.
She seems to be floating near the gigantic wheel. And around that wheels souls could be seen circling it
That person sitting on the throne of lights has suns as his eyes and his body is larger than a galaxy.
In this Vast Universe, he could be considered the number one strongest being. Not to mention how ancient he is compared to the other life forms.
The Wheel behind him seems to be stationary not moving but the Laws emanating from it seems to be able to change anything in this world
Yet, Meihul that seems to be hovering near the Wheel could not be affected by the Laws that is emanating from the Wheel.
That person looks at that translucent figures and sigh
His sigh trembles the stars and distort any planets nearby
'Six lifetimes, six lives, none of them succeed, none of them fated to solve my greatest failure. That person once again tries my trial. Before he failed…..but this time could he succeed?'
This gigantic and ancient being is Azul. In the six lifetimes he lived, he has many titles and each one of his life is in a way eventful.
He looks at Meihul and he closes his eyes. How could after all of this time, his heart still could not let go of her. She is an obsession he never wants to let go.
He will bring her back.
Then like he was talking to Meihul he said
'If he succeeds, than the Sorcerer would be able to use his magic and bring back your soul. In those times before, there were no True Hell and no True Heaven. Thus souls have nowhere to go in the Vast Universe. I thus created my heaven and my Hell yet I could not bring you soul since our race lack a soul unless if one break through the World Shackles like me. I kill you and spent six lifetimes and eons to bring you back.'
There were three other people before Azief that attempted his trial. Each time they passed the first trial.
The first trial is the easiest and each time they did that, Meihul would return to him for a while.
Azul did not tell Azief this but that moment Azief decided to spare Meihul a different future was written.
This is simple for Azul.
He rewrite the Laws of Time making the fact that Meihul dead seems to be an illusion but he could not rewrite everything because there is some limitation especially when it concerns life and death, of creation and destruction.
And in Azul life as the Divinity of Fire, Meihul followed him until he breaks through the Heavens of the Infernal Realm and until he became this Azul.
It was like she has always been beside him this entire time.
And he has two memories. The memories of where he kill Meihul and the memories where he didn't.
But then why does Meihul body is not entirely corporeal
Because she lacks a soul so the moment Azul break through the Heavens of the Infernal Realm, the karma of the past come to collect.
Azul find a way around it by seeking the Sorcerer of All Realms.
The Sorcerer then set a task for Azul. However, Azul must not be the one to change it. It must be others.
So, Azul begins refining his saber and imbued with each saber his life and reincarnation.
Each one all had the same purpose.
To teach the person undertaking the trial of who Azul is and to hope that in the last trial that person would be able to make the right decision.
Each trial will affect Azul life as each decision that is made in the trial change the reality of Azul life.
Azul look at the wheel and sigh.
On the hub of the wheel is a Red Pig, a Rainbow Rooster and a Grey gigantic snake that seems to be chasing each other, each of them poisonous and could bring down an entire galaxy by themselves if they were to be released by the wheel.
The Red Pig seems to be covered in the dirtiest soils and eats anything in his path. Then that Red Pig would vomit out the Rainbow Rooster and the Grey snake.
The Red Pig wants to eat them back while the snake and the rooster grasp the pig tail. And thus they keep chasing each other inside the wheels.
The second layer of the wheel seems to depicts lives of countless of beings, multitudes of aliens races, their lives and connection to each other and their reincarnation that needs to resolve the connection and sever their obsessions
It is a scene of people forming Karma, sowing it and reaping it. If one life is not enough, then three lifetimes should be enough.
The second layer of the wheel have two half circles. One half of the circle is bright as the sun and shows myriads of beings, races of aliens with content face.
The other half seems to be dark with no suns showing myriads of being in a miserable state being led downwards to down the Wheel
The third layer of the wheel is divided into six sections that represent the six realms of cyclic existence, the process of cycling through one rebirth after another.
It is these six realms that become the trials for people who refine his saber.
There is a realm where there are many beings lead long and enjoyable lives full of pleasure and abundance
But because of all the pleasures and abundance, they seem to be dazed with it. There is another realm where jealousy and envy seems to fills the heart of every being.
Then there is a realm where its resident is shackled by passion, desire, doubt and pride.
This realm however has just enough suffering but not too much that it would lead them astray from seeking the truth
Then there is a realm where most of them were like beast and animals. They all struggle to become better and live their short lives.
And then there is a realm where the feeling of possessiveness and desire fills the entire realm. And then there is one realm which is different from the other.
It is a realm full of hatred and resentment.
However if one look closely at each of these realms, Azul is always present in every one of these realms, ready to offer guidance and help
On the fourth layer, the outer rim of the wheel is the twelve links twelve image that seemed to
One could gains greater insight into the workings of karma; just by looking at this gigantic wheel that seems to be born with the understanding of the Karma of the Universe.
Azul closes his eyes and the Universe around him turns dark.
The Wheel started rotating again and he is still waiting.
For the fated one to appear.
This is the new chapter. Scheduled to release on Sunday or Monday. Hope you like it and Azul ....hehehe. I think you cna guess now what Azul is.

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