Lord Shadow

Chapter 419

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He went weak and his butt fall down on the cold hard paved road but he was so fearful that his body did not register the pain of falling.

He gulped and shakes his head toward the woman as he closes his own mouth with his own hand.

The other merchants were shocked with this sudden change of attitude.

When they saw all of this happening they also were dissatisfied with the woman conduct and decided to help their fellow merchants.

After all, they did not do anything wrong. Why should they be treated like this?

But looking at their fellow comrade pale face, and his entire body trembling, his eyes shaking, the other merchant slowly lower back their hand down as they could feel that this is not as simple as it looks.

And that woman holding that bow is also not as simple as she looks if she could instill so much fear inside their fellow friend heart

Azief on the other hand did not pay any mind to what is happening around him

It was like he is savoring something. But it is clear what is on his mind is not clear. That look of savoring something has stopped and replaced with a confusion.

He didn't realize anything that is happening around him and seems engross with whatever he is thinking right now.

And nothing could break his concentration right now. Inside his body, he could sense that the barrier over his Inner Universe is so thin that even one energy is enough to shatter it

His body did not emit any fluctuation making him to appear like he is just like normal mortal.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.webnovel.com for visiting.

His aura indicates that he is not even a Pillar Forming leveler. But a normal mortal. There is no energy at all that is coming out of him.

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Truth is, his entire energy right now is purifying his entire internal organs and is stored inside his body.

If he released that energy, it would not be an exaggeration to say that the entire Pandemonium would feel like the Heavens is pushing them down to the ground to prostrate in front of him.

Behind however, the originally bustling marketplace is slowly going silent.

As they look at the merchant look of fear when looking at that woman, they too look at that woman.

What could force the merchant to remains silent even after he is treated so unfairly? This question is on everybody mind right now.

Slowly, their gaze shifted to the bow and then slowly realization dawned on them and they gulped in fear.

It was like a puzzle but once they saw the bow, the beautiful woman wielding it and the man in front of her, they slowly felt that this is the only explanation why someone would act so blatantly in the marketplace in front of the Centre Palace

They open a path for him as they slowly understand what the man is doing is not of his own volition.

Some hunter and warriors saw this and they thought it might be some kind of enlightenment. As two person give way, four person give way and as four people give way eight more give way.

Slowly the path that Sofia is walking slowly open up like the seas parting away.

Sofia also didn't like doing this kind of overbearing attitude but she did not understand what is happening to Azief so she could only support him like this by making sure he is not disturbed in any way.

The merchant started to whispers among themselves and even the buyers began avoiding the woman.

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They did not avoid her out of fear but out of respect.

Especially for the man in front of her.

There are many emotions when the people of the marketplace look at the man walking slowly around the road, forward with each steps.

There is gratitude, respect, fear and awe among many other emotions that is mixed in.

The Lost Boys that saw this were all startled and quickly slip back into the alley. They were quick in understanding.

They immediately could guess who that woman was seeing the reaction of the merchant after seeing that woman bow.

And if that woman is who they guessed her to be, then that man wearing all black could only be that person.

Just thinking about it send shiver down the spine of these Lost Boys so they quickly run from the scene not daring to meddle in anything related to them.

The matters involving the bigshot names is always like the matters of royalty.

The Lost Boys could not afford to meddle in such thing and they are not really an organization or a powerful faction.

They are just boys who have no homes that depended on each other in the street selling petty information and doing odd jobs.

They disappear among the many corners of the alley, distancing themselves from the marketplace as far as possible

Azief is still walking calmly, one step at a time, but if one looks closely one could see he is sweating.

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His body is immune to external extreme cold and extreme heat yet he is sweating. This could only happen because he is thinking about something so much that his mind manifested the symptom onto his body

He then suddenly stopped walking and close his eyes.

It was only a few second but in his mind it was like he is closing his eyes for hundreds of years. He did not think of anything.

He thinks nothing.

He is clearing everything from his mind.

Doubts could gnaw on him so it is time to forget. He is forgetting everything that he thought he knew as he walks from the hut to this marketplace.

One day, he might be thinking of it again and that time the answer he got would probably be different from what he got now.

Since the time hasn't come, he shouldn't have rushed.

He then opens his eyes.

Behind him Sofia no longer follow him as she watches him from a distance. The moment he opens his eyes he immediately knows that he is in the marketplace.

In his heart he was shocked. He thought he just walked a few second and take only a few steps. He did not know that he had walked pass the Centre Palace gate and reached the marketplace already.

He saw Sofia behind him and he nodded in appreciation. She must have done many things to make sure he is not disturbed

She smiles. It was then Azief felt something is wrong.

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He looks at the sky. The clouds are clear with no sign of rain, the wind is breezy and pleasant and it is daylight

This kind of time should be liveliest and the marketplace should be bustling.

Considering where he is standing on, merchants should be shouting trying to sell their wares and travelers from far away would congregate around stall that seller weapons and potions, making a clamor.

Considering that there are also many dignitaries coming today to send him off, the marketplace should be full of noise.

Why was it so quiet now? Then he looked at the scene in front of him and unconsciously he took a deep breath

He did not know how to feel right now. He is shocked that is for sure. Even Sofia who notice this earlier than Azief feel shocked.

She had seen such scene before but she thought only those cults that acted like this.

But today, she could affirm what the people of Pandemonium felt toward their Monarch.

There is not a single person on the street in front of him. There are only the paving stones, one by one stretching into the distance

All of the merchants in the marketplace, travelers, and not to mention the officials that was rushing to go to the Palace with their carriage, all climb down from their carriage and join the other, their head were pressed below the eaves on either side of the street.

They kneel on the ground and then they kowtowed to the center of the clean streets and did not move an inch


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