Lord Shadow

Chapter 437

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He was reminded of the fact that the Mortal of Supreme Dimension are capable to lord all over Mortals of other Realm.

He took his third step and his fourth steps each time he took a step there is something mortal about him that is refined and purify.

First his body, every nerve and even his blood is washed clean.

He could feel some qualitative change in his body and the aura he emitted. It was like a mortal shedding its skin to become something divine and holy

It did not give him any pressure or any pain.

Which is bizarre considering Azief experience with tribulation and his process of breaking through which is always accompanied with risk to his life and his soul.

His entire body, mind and soul is being refined, to be clean and pure in energy. And then without even knowing it he reached the Ten Steps.

His entire body is glowing silver white and the light coming out from his body is slowly enveloping the stairway.

When he reached the ten steps he could see an empty gap between the next stairway. Azief also senses a line.

An invisible line.

The moment he crosses that line; he would become more than just mortal. He would be walking on the path of Immortals.

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It felt like if he passes through that line the mortal part about himself would be cut apart.

Azief did not felt anything when he walked through the Mortal Steps and Azief had his own interpretation of why.

It is probably because his energy and body have long surpassed what one would categorize a mortal

But as he looks at the stairway in front of him and that empty gap he hesitated. He severs the mortal part of him but what will he sever when he walks the Immortal Steps?

Supreme Mortal. Supreme Immortal. Supreme than the Heavens

But what Mortal? What is Immortal? And whose Heaven?

This is the question running around in his mind right now.

Azief did not hesitate. He did not summon the Stairway, just to become a Supreme Mortal.

He did not realize it but his entire being right now, while glowing in silver white is also emitting the majesty of Fate.

It is like the accumulation of his good luck that enables him to reach here is being solidified and strengthening his own fate.

Someone with a Fate a s string as him is not easily controlled by Fate

The strings of Fate and Destiny around him loosened a bit. It does not yet snap but it has loosened.

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And that in itself is terrifying to ponder

Destiny and Fate is inevitable.

But those Beings that become Grand Supremacy or Supreme Beings usually had the power to at least change their Fate because their Fate is their Fate alone and not decided by some three old women spinning yarn or some old bearded guy divining and planning in the background.

The moment he decided, all of his fear dissipated.

Azief jump and landed on the Immortal Steps, the eleventh steps of the Stairway and an energy and some chanting fills his ears.

Then as he lifts his feet to walk the step he felt pain in his entire being like something is being cut from him.

'ARGH' he could not help but let out a moan of pain.

Azief do not know what is used to cut that part of him but he could felt that it was formed by a Great Will that had a sense of purity to it.

He took another step and then he could feel it again. If before it was only a nick, this time it was a cut.

And this time Azief could see it was a dagger that cut him. It was a dagger at least in his eyes. It is translucent but it is full of pressure that could shake this entire Universe

It even seems like an illusion, like a mist covered with Laws.

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To some it might be a sword, or a spear or anything else that could be used to cut.

This dagger that Azief saw for a glimpse of a second is the manifestation of that Great Will and the distillation of the entirety of the Great Will that had descended from the Stairways.

It might hurt but Azief also felt something else filling up. Then an enlightenment fills his mind.

'I seek Immortality first because of strength. Second, because I fear what Death has to offer. The pleasure of life has entrapped me like a fish swimming about aimlessly in its pond, constantly searching for bits of food to sustain its life. In its search for food it soon grows old and weak. It wishes to be young again, to regain its vitality and strength'

As he thought of his there is some golden streak passes inside his eyes and the light from his body pierced the interdimensional barrier of this Universe, the light spreading outside the stairway, illuminating this dark abandoned Universe.

Azief right now is experiencing another enlightenment as he takes another step

It was like a creed or Will of the Immortals that is embedding itself into Azief mind and he verbalizes his understanding loudly so that each words are laden with meanings and that by saying it out loud the meaning would enter into his heart.

'It is a mortal condition to struggle with the realization of the quick pace of aging, so people constantly search to regain bits of their youthfulness, or to become an immortal so they can forever be what they are because they dread their present condition. This is what I am searching for'

At least that what he thought before he walks this step.

But as he walks this step, his mind become clear and he found another way to look at his desire

It is not his body that he wishes to immortalize; it is his mind that he wishes to keep forever. The body is just an illusion and is what keeps him from being immortal.

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In his ignorance he wants to immortalize his body because he thinks that is him. He needs to immortalize his mind.

Then he may have whatever body he wishes, when he wishes it. It is the mind that creates everything, but the bond to his body limits the illimitable workings of the mind.

A new realization occurred in Azief mind when these enlightenment fills his mind.

There is no life and death in the Immortal Creed.

There is only Mortal and Immortal. Both of them symbolize many things. Mortal is Destruction. Immortal is creation. Mortal is the Beginning and Immortal is the Ending.

As he revels in his enlightenment that dagger cut a part of him and at the same time the dagger cut him, countless amorphous strands of power was absorbed into him.

He was brought back from his enlightenment state as the golden streak in his eyes dissipated and the light that pierced through the interdimensional barriers exploded into fireflies of energy that slowly disappeared like it was never there in the beginning Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.webnovel.com for visiting.

That dagger seems to contain the Will of the Universe and the Grand Path of great many figures.

He took another three steps and the pain around him increased as he could feel like he was being cut in thousand pieces.

His hair is fluttering around him and his aura slowly become holy and divine and seems to contain the Heaven graciousness and might.

It was as this time Azief felt resistance.


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