Lord Shadow

Chapter 508

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 'He thought He had got it right but it seems the characters in his story didn't really like how that last story ended. So, he decided to not interfere this time. He would let them write a new story. But there is one point of the story he would never change. After all He did promise the Destroyer. Though, he is curious of how these character would try to change it. Probably that is the reason why.'

Azul just nodded

'He should not have hide when I seek for him all those years ago'

Loki then remembers a story and then he smiles as he said

'All those years ago…...you were not as powerful as you are now. You went into his turf, and you want to use your power to bring her back. But she is of this world and not yours. You might have ascended at that time, but she did not. In the end, didn't you gain enlightenment because of all the hardship you suffer?' Loki ask back.

Azul close his mouth and did not say anything else.

There were many things he felt angry but at the same time there are also the things he felt gratitude toward. That Being always made all things feel like this. You just can't hate him.

Wargod however is closing his eyes. Compared to Azul and Loki, Wargod have never met Him. At least not face to face.

And he is trying to gain a better understanding of Him from the conversation of Loki and Azul. There was once again silence.

This silence might have lasted only a few seconds, but at the same time it also felt like it lasted for a thousand years.

One could not help feel like this when one is being surrounded by large Time Vortexes and time streams that is slowly trying to connect to the Omniverse flows of Time.

Then Azul ask Loki

'I am just curios why you call me and Wargod'

Finally, they come to the in important question. Why did Loki call them here? Loki click his tongue and then his eyes look toward a certain direction.

His eyes pierces though all the dimensional barrier and even multiversal points to rest his gaze upon a person.

His eye is looking at a mortal in one of the Sealed Worlds of the Three Thousand World.

His eyes are looking at Azief on top of the Five Element Mountains and the Azief at the thirteen steps of Supremacy.

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He sighed and then close his eyes.

His gaze was retracted and then he opens it back again. Clearly, there is complicated feeling in his eyes.

While the relation between him and Azief was probably minimal, they are connected by his disciple. The Loki of Midgard.

Loki of Asgard however knows more about Azief than anyone else in the entire Omniverse.

Azul and Wargod is waiting for him to answer their question but Loki is reminiscing of that day lost in time

The reason why he knows Azief better than anyone else is because he once sneaks into the hovel of the Supreme One and read Azief story.

The title of the book was The Song at the End. Loki did not know whether to praise the Supreme One or not. Loki doesn't think that the title is that good.

That story was the story of Azief in his first timeline. The only difference was that He had write The End at the end of his writing.

In that story, the Final Battle happens, The Speedster who wanted to become a God finally become a God but were too late before being captured by the Pale Speedster.

It told the desperate battle of powerful Beings to stop the advent of the end of the Omniverse. It is a story full of drama, of heartbreak, or tragedy, sacrifice, love and hatred.

And while the story speaks of others worlds who were also trying to stop the destruction aura that spread throughout all the Omniverse, it was clear that the Death God was the main protagonist of the story.

In the end, they all fall and the Destroyer won the final battle and get what he desired. The Supreme One had fulfilled his promise. And He wrote The End at the end of the chapter.

He went out for a while from his writing room to look at his garden. At that time, Loki was still there. The civilization that was Beyond the Source Wall were fine

Or as fine as they could be. Asgard has fallen, Olympus has crumbled because of the Titans and the Three Realms of the Jade Empire are all broken.

But Loki knew that they would revive again.

And they all had to rise once again. And as he was the Gardener of that garden, he could only observe the state of emptiness that surround him.

There was emptiness. That is the only thing there is

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And in that emptiness there is that patch of land where He writes his story. When Loki ask him if the ending is satisfactory, he replied.

'Hmm' and he smiles.

At that time, he did something he never did before. He asks a favor from Him. He wanted to read the story.

The Supreme One allowed him to read it.

He went inside the hovel and open that book. He read the story of the mortal Azief and his companion He reads about his struggle, his regrets and his mistakes.

He was so engrossed in reading it that he could not leave the book. There are also side stories which he also reads.

He then reached at the few last pages. He knew how the story ended which is why it was such a surprise when he read the last pages and there is a different kind of ending.

At that time, he run out from the hovel and quickly shows it to the Supreme One in his mortal form.

When he looks at the last few pages instead of the writing The End it changed into To Be Continued.

As the Supreme One went out from the hovel, Time God Jean changes and alter the Law of Time of the Omniverse.

He sent Loki mind back to the past. Loki at that time thought the Supreme One would be angry when He find out the ending to his story has been changed.

But contrary to his expectation, the Supreme One only smiles and said


Loki' Wargod once again call his name and Loki was brought out from his memory. Loki then smiles.

Loki no longer delay the message he was entrusted to relay to these two powerful being. He looks at Wargod and Azul and said to both of them

'I come bearing a message from Him. Stop interfering' Loki then look at Wargod and pointed his finger

'Stop summoning the Gate in front of him. If he summoned the Gate by himself, then that is his new fate. But you are not allowed to summon it for him.'

Then Loki pointed his finger to Azul and said

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'Azul if you will not stop interfering and even reverse cause and effect for that child, then He had no choice but to come out and prevent you from doing so'

'he wants me to give up?' Azul ask. Wargod also did not have a very good expression on his face.

Loki gently smiles and said

'He wanted you to have a little faith'

Then Loki once again turns to Wargod and said

'As for you, He said, do you still could not let go?' Wargod snorted.

'That is all that he sent me to tell you. You know how He rarely send his message anymore. He did not like to interfere. Even last time he did not interfere. This goes without saying, but don't tell anyone he is not slumbering' Azul hearing this did not say anything else as he opens a rip in space. He was ready to go.

But before he goes, he said only this

'I owe him three times. I will repay this. Even he could not stop it' he said only this. But Loki knows that Azul would not be too excessive.

Azul then enter the rip in space and disappeared.

Wargod snorted clearly not satisfied being told of.

'Tell Him, that I will never give up' He then floats back to his broken star.

When he returns back to his sealed form, his broke stars vanished into another multiversal portal and disappeared from this dimension.

Only Loki alone floated in this newly born Universe.

He sighed.

'At least this would temper them off a bit' he said as he smiles and then once again cast his gaze to that mortal

'I don't know what I wish you to get. Maybe, I too wanted to see a different kind of ending' he said smiling bitterly before he rides his gigantic serpent and vanished from the new Universe.

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So, what do you think? Should I do one chapter a day, or a longer chapter and skip one day? Leave some comments on your thoughts 


Few clarification and info. My hint is a lot of them subtle and some of them is so early in the chapter so you might forget some of the info's.

Let's talk about Grand Supremacy. Loki mentioned there is only four true Grand Supremacy out of the thirteen.

A Grand Supremacy is powerful. It was like Azul before he realizes his path. Grand Supremacy also have its own realm that is hard to categorize. They themselves will know if they improved or not.

Beyond that is the realm that Azul had achieved. And he is the only one that have reached it. So, one could understand why he felt he owe Azief so much.

Now let us talk about Laws and Energy. To people of Azul level, there is only three types of energies.

There is the Worldly Energy originating from the world around them. There is the Universal energy originating from the Universe, whether that be their Universe or other Universes.

And then there is the Omniversal energy which would affect the Omniverse at large. You could look up Omniverse if you don't relay sure why it is called like that.

Now, let us talk about the rulers of the Omniverse. Now, I will be delving into the fact of the Omniverse in Lord Shadow.

There is only one Omniverse and it is ruled by the Supreme One. You might ask "then, what about Azul?'

Azul have his own Universe separate from the Supreme One Omniverse when he became a Grand Supremacy.

All True Grand Supremacy have their own Universe separate from the Omniverse. But each True Grand Supremacy could still be suppressed by the Supreme One and could be killed by the Supreme One.

But Azul had transcended that barrier of power when he brought back Meihul to life, elevating to the same kind of power over everything and the essence of creation and destruction.

As he elevated himself, his Universe was also elevated into a different kind of Universe. Why call it Universe? Because his Universe did not yet grow to be big enough or diverge into multiple parallel world lines and even splitting of dimension to term it as an Omniverse.

But the Creator had already regarded it as an Omniverse unto itself. There is only the Supreme One and Azul that possesses an Omniverse.

This is the info about Grand Supremacies and Omniverse and how much they are. If you have any other question, please ask it in the comment sections.


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