Lord Shadow

Chapter 552

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The moment these soldiers encounter Azief sword, they would feel like their arms and legs are all tied and would have no other choice but to give themselves up toward the deadly word strike. Not to mention the force hidden in that sword strike is not something a mortal could take upon. One sword strikes kills dozens of people.

Azief charged and in just a few second thousands of soldiers have died.

The officers at the back keep yelling to push on with the attack.

The soldier did not retreat.

 They perform their duty. But just because they did not retreat did not mean they were not scared.

They keep dying no matter what they do.

Everything seem futile and meaningless when faced by the sword on the hands of that black robed grandmaster

By now one could only hear the droning sound of sword strikes that fills the entire mountaintop like some kind of buzzing sound that come from the netherworld that comes to claim their lives.

But the only who could hear this sound is the soldiers. The people in the other side of the battlefield could not hear it. It was like they lives in a soundless world.

All they could see among the chaos and panic is the blinding sword strike that illuminates the area.

The lightning strikes could not drown out the brightness of the sword strike like even it could not contend with the force of that sword strike.

Azief on the hand is smiling. He is rushing and his sword is performing thousands of variations of attack while at the same time analyzing all of these people martial arts.

Maybe because he had break the other seals his mind could think faster and more clearly and his eyes could see more and analyze the movement with only one glance.

And then he uses the moves he analyzes to fight with those people. Sometimes he would shoot out his sword strike light killing hundreds of people before once again charging in and experience the sword arts of these soldiers.

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But unlike them Azief did not rigidly adhere to their sword technique. He added his own element, and essence of his own thoughts.

His attack is unrestrained and unconventional.

Each of his sword strikes kills cleanly and without mistake.

 There is not people that could remain alieve after being slashed by that sword. No matter whether these soldiers is using some divine weapons, it would not survive Azief attack.

When they fought with Azief sword, it would break, being cut apart or turns into dust.

Azief is using internal energy to shrouded the sword in its entirety, giving it some hardening properties and his sword could endure a lot of attack without breaking

Azief attack is original in conception, elevating the word arts of the people he stores it from, making it unrecognizable to the very practitioner of this sword arts.

And slowly his moves become faster but become more unpredictable until there is no longer any moves.

Xi Feng landed not too far away from Azief and then he observes his teacher.

He knows he could learn a lot from this. And seeing his teacher, he could forget for a moment the feelings he had now.

Azief is showing to Xi Feng to fight without moves.

Azief once said to Xi Feng that to become a true elite swordsman one must let all the moves become an integral whole, then the enemy would have no way of breaking it.

It is the same concept of the One Sword technique from the Sword Residence.

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But his master also said to him that is only partially right.

As long as there is a trace of the connection between your moves and your attack, the enemy would still have a flaw to exploit even if you could make your moves become an integral whole.

But if you have no moves at all, then how would his enemy break his move when there is nothing.

It was then that Xi Feng seems to understand something as his eye is lost looking at the dancing sword of his teacher.

He did not see the blood spluttering or the heads flying in the air.

He only sees the sword moving and dancing without any rules and restraint, carefreely, chaotic and messy and no orders and laws governing it.

Yet, there is no way to break it.

The Flowing Sword Arts is a flowing kind of swordsmanship. That is the way his teacher thought about the sword arts of the Flowing Sword Arts

 Like water you can cut it but it still connected when the sword cutting the water is being removed

It is a swordsmanship that could be broken and reconnected no matter how many times people broke the moves, the Flowing Sword Arts will keep on flowing like water and wind, disregarding everything and connecting until it kills the enemies

Once you are trapped in the quagmire that is the breaking and connecting of moves of the Flowing Sword Arts, there is no way out.

When people are attacking there is always an action that accompanied it.

Like when you are running, or when you are walking, there are actions and muscle that moved before you either walk or ruins. It tenses and it shows to those who are observant

If the enemy want to breaks another person sword move, the enemy need to have the sword move before he can break it.

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It is like a raging uneducated madman swinging their weapons wildly could still have wounded high level martial artist, no matter how knowledgeable they are of all the sword arts in the martial arts world

This happen because of there is no move that he could predict. Even someone with the most advanced sword skills still wouldn't be able to defeat this kind of move

His teacher movements are following the natural rhythm of heaven and Earth, like he is moving to accordance by some kind of natural rhythm of the world.

He acts when he has to act and stop when he has to stop, he did not connect moves that could not be connected, did not force when he should not and did not relent when he should not.

'Follow the natural flow' That I what Xi Feng understood by looking at his teacher killing all of those heroes.

And there are no traceable rigid gaps on his teacher sword arts. Azief keep waving his sword, slashing, sometimes chopping, simply moving accordance to his will and desires.

Azief is out from his contemplation and he smiles a bit as the ninth and tenth seal on his ankle broke apart. He laughed and waves his sword horizontally.

A gust of sharp wind follows his attack; thunder roars up in the sky, storms of sword intent were formed at the tips of the sword as thousands of sword light exploded from the tip of his sword.

This light turns into shooting lights that blinded the eyes of people. At this time, the sound once again came.

The soundless world was broken and everyone could hear it. It was the roaring of the world. One of the sword light went to one of the peak like it was directed to it.

Another peak of the five element mountain was broken.

Now there is only two. That sword lights weep everyone in front of him.

It ravages the soldiers and in one brief moment, their lives were taken. When the light slowly fades out, there is an empty area around him.

Azief sword is pointed toward the Earth and his eyes is looking at the Heaven.

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His feet are more stable than before and his body emanates such power that it felt like even the Earth could not contain it.

'HAHAHA!' He laughs. His laugh reverberated all over the mountaintop.

The pressure he is emanating is like the old Death Monarch.

He felt like he could only use ten percent of his true power but that is enough. Even before he could use that kind of power he was already one of the top existence of this world.

He takes a deep breath and he finally felt like he could breathe.

He could feel the Laws swirling around him, ever-present in all things and he could feel the concepts of this world, the energy swirling in every parts of its corners.

Though Azief also senses something that is ominous with the Laws of this world and it energy when he broke that seal on his ankle.

It felt like everything in this world from its Laws to its Concepts is being sealed. That is what he felt when he broke the seal on his ankles.

That is why when he makes that strikes, he then looks toward the heaven.

At that time, the people on the mountain could only see the blinding light but since he was the one that created the blinding light he was not affected by it.

He then laughs when he saw it.

His eyes could see it. Right now his eyes are shining golden and bluish aura is slowly swirling around him.

His eyes could see many things and now that he gains at least a bit of his true power he could see it.

A palm!


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