Lord Shadow

Chapter 558

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After watching the ability of the Sword God, no one was doubting the title of the hut. It is worthy to be called the Immortal Sword Hut.

When the congregation of many martial artists reach the big cities in Silhae, they quickly return to their sects and martial art schools.

Some return to Beiyuan, some returns to Zhou and Yong and then the news was spread to all the sects.

They informed the world of the imperial dynasties decision to rule the martial arts world and the call to resist was called upon.

But when the people of the martial artist return to their school they were informed by their teachers and seniors that two sword light had ended the life of the Emperor of Yong and Emperor of Zhou.

Another uproars happens. Some martial artist remembers that the two sword lights that diverge from the Sword God sword light.

They believed that sword light is the same sword light that reaps the life of the two emperors. Could it be that the Sword God had reached the level where he is one with all the world and everything has become a sword in his hand?

His sword light could break through the barriers of Space and Time to strike someone on the other side of the world.

As long as he will it, even the world will become his sword, becoming a judgment retribution that could reap anyone lives wherever they are in this world?

This matter was relayed throughout all the martial art world and it has brought all shocks and the hidden experts in the world of martial arts began to move.

Immortal Tian hidden himself with Old Dragon Li and the Demonic Monarch strengthen his rule over his Cave Masters.

The Abbot of Xi seems to opens its gate and when he heard the stories happening upon the top of the Five Element Mountain, he said to the guarding monk "I will wait for the destined moment'

The Old Man Seeking His Path Li Dan of Cloud Abode to the shocks of the many masters of martial arts has descended from his mountain

When ask about this sudden departure from his meditation on top of his abode, he said to those Venerable Colleague of the same path that he is seeking his own path to heaven and it might do him good to seek and challenge the Sword God.

Sect leader of the Sword Residence Fang Jian who was holding the fort in Ruo heard the first person account from his disciple Zhu Yao said he wanted to test his sword with the Sword God and see whether the One Sword would really stand no chance against the sword light of the Sword God

White Robed Lady Duan who never meddle in the matters of the mundane world was reported to descend down from White Deer Mountain to protect the newly throne Emperor of Zhou.

Monk Kong Xuan who was searching for the Holy lady of the Majusi Cult stop his search midway and returns back to the mainland.

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The emergence of so many grandmasters all over the world is stirring the already chaotic world of martial arts.

All of this people coming out is like dragons and tigers clashing against each other, each one of their battle would surely be extraordinary, using the forces of Heaven and Earth and changes the terrain whenever they battle.

With the death of the two Emperor, the martial arts world could reinforce their unity to resist the ambitions of the two imperial dynasty.

The newly throne Emperor of Zhou and Yong would surely unite against each other to avenge the death of their predecessor.

Now the enmity between the imperial families and the martial arts world is revealed and exposed to the whole word. People will surely pick a side and lines will be drawn

But the death of the two Emperors and the enmity between the imperial families and the martial art world and the ambition of the imperial families was not the reason why all those grandmasters descend down their mountains and once again stirred the martial arts world

The Sword God announces something toward the martial artist when he rid them away from his mountain that makes all of these hidden dragon and crouching tigers to come out.

In the martial arts world right now, Azief is not known by the name he gave to the people. He gave his name as Sword Immortal.

But the people called Azief not as Sword Immortal but Sword God. And Xi Feng the disciple of the Sword God is also called something different now.

In the past they called Xi Feng the Gentleman Sword because of his gentle disposition and his righteous attitude.

But after the battle in the mountaintop of the Five Element Mountain, they could see that the Gentleman Sword has changed.

He is no longer so rigid and he could be even be called devilish in his conduct when exacting his revenge

So, the world of the martial art world now called Xi Feng Sword Demon. After all, to called him a derogatory name would not be appropriate for the disciple of the Sword God.

No one wanted to offend the Sword God and risk themselves to be struck by sword light thousands of miles away.

Everyone in the martial arts world that watched the feats of the Sword God did not even doubt that the sword light that cut the walls of the two imperial cities is the sword light that the Sword God has unleashed when he made his last attack

The people called Azief the Sword God and his disciple the Sword Demon. There is a saying in the martial arts worlds.

In the hut on top of the Five Elements Mountain, there is Three Devils and a Demon attending the God of Sword.

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The Devils referring to the Three Devils of Han and the Demon referring to Sword Demon Xi Feng

There is of course a reason why people called Xi Feng Sword Demon now.

Those who were fighting beside Xi Feng on top of the Five Element Mountain saw how he killed all of those people of the Sun Devouring Sect and the Vulture Peak.

He killed them all, leaving not even one members of the two sects that dares ascend the mountain from returning alive to their home.

When the forces of the Vulture Peak and Sun Devouring Sect heard this in their headquarters, they were furious but they could not seek Xi Feng right now and they do not dare to seek him

Everyone was there that day and the stories about the might Sword God have been spread all over the continent right now

Everyone knows how and saw how powerful Sword Demon Xi attainment in swordsmanship.

Not to mention, the feat of the Sword God killing around six thousand people by his own lonesome had made him even more fearsome than anyone in the world right now.

No grandmaster had ever killed that many since the Spring and Autumn Period. The whole world had a mixed feeling of emotions right now

A new grandmaster had appeared and shocked the world with his feats on the top of the Five Element Mountain prompting all these greats grandmaster that deign to touch the mortal lands coming down from their heavenly mountain to seek him and test his sword.

This matter had already made everyone talking about the matters of the balance between the heterodox and orthodox sect.

Every faction in the martial arts world is thinking about this matters that would affect the martial arts world at large.

And there is the matter of the so called Sword God. The Sword God doesn't seem to be in any factions of the martial arts world

From what the martial artist that spoke of him, Sword God seems to be doing whatever he wanted. With that kind of strength, how could he not do whatever he wanted.

With one sword in his hand, there is nothing that he could not do in this world.

Sword God and Sword Demon appearance has stirred the whole world into chaos.

This is a shocking development.

Usually when hearing a grandmaster appears, one would try to gain some advice and pointers.

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But the words of the grandmaster before them leaving, made them not be able to dare to once again step even one feet near the mountain.

The Sword God warned them if they ever come to the Five Element Mountain without his permission again, he would not care which faction the came from, whether they came with good intention or bad intention, he would kill them without mercy.

That is what he shouted to those martial artists before they went down the mountain.

But the later part of the words of the Sword God is what making all the talks in the taverns, in the inn and brothel house.

And it is the words of the Sword God that has made all the grandmaster, hidden and revealed, the martial arts world, the two factions of the martial arts world in a state of unease.

The Sword God told them to spread the news to all the martial arts world

And what is the news? The Sword God and his disciple Sword Demon Xi Feng would be coming out to Jianghu to ask some pointers from all martial arts school and sect

And what does that mean by asking pointers? It is a polite word of saying he is about to challenge all the martial arts schools and sect.

The world of martial arts is abuzz with the news and everyone could see that there is a new wind blowing in the world right now.

It is a wind of change



Azief look toward the horizon.

He could see the clouds in the distance and the flying birds flapping its wind coursing through the air.

This part of the mountain used to have a blocked vantage point.

This is the area where the five peaks of the Five Element Mountain used to be.

But Azief had cut all five and now there is no longer any peaks on the Five Element Mountain. Azief smiles a bit.

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He then turns his wheelchair and look toward the edge of the mountaintop.

There Xi Feng lays the decapitated head of the members of the Vulture Peak and the Sun Devouring Sect and offers them to the graves of his departed pupils.

Azief sighed.

Accompanying Xi Feng is the Three Devils of Han. They stand silently near him but they did not offer to do anything for him. This is his moment. Azief could see his disciple is thinking about a lot of things and then he closes his eyes.

After what seems to be a few minutes, he felt someone come behind him. He slowly opens his eyes.

'Is it time? A voice sounded from behind him. Azief did not have to turn his face to know it was Xi Feng. Standing behind Xi Feng is the Three Devils of Han.

He looks toward the grave and he closes his eyes like he is praying. Then opening his eyes, he asks Xi Feng.

'What do you feel? Relieved? He asks. Xi Feng face turns solemn and then sighing he answers.

'Desolate' he answers.

Azief nodded and then he said.

'My path is not your path. There is no need to copy me and there is no need to become so. There are myriads of path in the vast universe. In the end, if you walk on your own path, one way or another we will meet again'

Xi Feng nodded but he did not say anything else. The wind blows for a while, the spring breeze is still blowing and the smell of blood and death has already dissipated.

Azief look toward the distance and as he saw two birds flies out toward the horizon he said

'It is time' Xi Feng nodded in understanding and then he put his hand on the handle of the wheelchair and pushed it forward.

The Three Devils of Han follows them from behind.

The Three Devils accompanied the Demon to attend the God. That is the saying that associated with this event

Then as Xi Feng pushes the wheelchair, this odd of misfit descend down the mountain bringing with them a new breeze that would soon turns into a storm in the martial art world.


See you all next month on the 6th or 7th of the month. Hope you all like the chapter, leave some comments and vote for the chapter

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