Lord Shadow

Chapter 584

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The Supreme Dimension is shaking continuously and showing signs of collapses as the Omni law Body beginning to become complete

The moment this Law Body stand up it expanded without limits, embracing all forms of energies on top of the Thirteen Steps as it seems to take infinite forms, existing in many timelines, limitless and boundless.

It was like the Omni Law Body is the point of everything, the point of creation and also destruction, the point of Time and Space, of Destiny and Fate as its Omniversal pressure covered the whole Supreme Dimension

On the thirteen steps is the statue of the Demon Monkey. Maybe he is really called Sun Wukong. Or maybe he had another name.

The Omni law Body is titanic even compared to all the other Law Bodies.

It seems like it was the only thing in that Dimension, dwarfing the other Law Bodies is size alone.

The statue of the monkey holding a black staff that look similar to the Ruyi Jingu Bang is cracking all over because of the pressure coming out directly from the Omni Law Body.

There is no sword around the Omni law Body.

Because the sharpness of the sword is hidden inside it, the sword force, the sword will and the sword lights.

Omni power encompasses everything and as such Sword Wills and Sword Force amount only little in the scope of things that the Omni Law Body could do.

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The staff that the Demon Monkey statue is holding that is emanating a powerful emanation of divine energy that could break apart the Void of Nothingness seems to not be able to restrain the Omniversal pressure that comes out from the undulation of power of the Omni Law Body.

The Omni law Body possess essence of Omnipotence.

It is an essence of Divinity.

One could hear the Supreme Dimension and its Universe groaning as it tries to accommodate the power of the Omni Law Body that contains traces of the highest Divinity.

All over its large body, Storms made up of Concept of the Omniverse swirled around the titanic fingers and feet of the Omni Law Body.

A chaotic merging of Concepts created a mix match of laws and Concepts that swirls down into some of the planets below the Supremacy Stairways, filling that planets with mess up Laws of nature that should not have existed.

The entire Dimension and the Universe that resided in it is shaking and the multiversal barrier all around the sealed dimension is slowly unraveling

It is not just destabilizing like before. This time it completely unravels.

The Omniversal power that is coming out from the Law Body has surpassed the upper limit of this Sealed Universe as the entire Steps is shaking and cracking in many places.

Dimensional rips appear and if one looks through the dimensional rips one could see stars and planets of many other universes that is not connected with this Sealed Dimension.

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But because of the power of the Omni Law Body, it connected the many Universes that is cut off from this Dimension and rips apart a Dimension rips.

The moment that dimensional rips appears, the stars of another Universe flew inside the Dimensional rips and was absorbed into the Omni law Body.

Suns flew toward the Omni law Body and gathers inside the eyeballs, enhancing the already hot and calamitous power of the eyeballs of the Omni Law Body that was formed from the core of a burning sun

The stars all over the many dimensional barriers that connects the Sealed Dimension and other Universe forms the Omni Law strands of hair.

The internal organs were formed from planets and it devours even more. And the more it absorbed and devours, the Divinity around the Omni Law Body increases.

The Omni Law Body then only gazed upon the statue of the Demon Monkey, and in a faraway Universe, on top of a mounting peak covered with white clouds, a Monkey is hurrily grabbing his hair fur and quickly throwing it away as each of its furs slowly burns itself up in the air.

With that the Demon Monkey power seems to be cut in half.

'Shessh. I'll pay! I'll pay, alright!' he complains. Then after sure that he had sacrifice enough of his power the Monkey laughs.

'Thus, karma is fulfilled! I am no longer a player in this chess game! HAHAHA. I am out. You old being could play all you want. I have gained enough' The Monkey laughs joyously.

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The Demon Monkey is not the only one that is watching this. There are many gazes that is watching. And these gazes belong to those who knew the true origin of this matter.

The one that Demon Monkey knew watching this is Wargod, Yewa Hafar and Jade Emperor. The one he did not know is none other than Azul and Wargod.

But there are also other eyes that gazes towards the Supremacy Stairway, some of them watches it for a different reason.

The Omni Law Body on the Thirteen Steps did not know this and so is Azief in the Sealed World. On the thirteen steps, the Omni Law Body stand still, its eyes waiting.

And all the while, the stairway is cracking and shrouded with a storms of chaotic powers of thirteen powerful laws.

On the Sealed World, Azief felt a cooling sensation all over his body. The mark all over his body falls off like it was never there.

The patterns all over his body disappeared and Azief felt like someone just release him from bondage

He felt that all of his movement is now natural and there is no longer that feeling of restriction. There was feeling of Completion washing over him, a feeling of Perfection.

Azief could even feel a trace of his Law Bodies like they were not separated by distance and layers of dimensions.

If not for the palm high above the skies, then Azief believe he would feel it even more clearly. The moment that last seal broke something happened to his body.

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Like a flood that breaks the dam, an unprecedented burst of energy exploded inside and outside his body.

This power was so tyrannical that it annihilates the entire pagoda completely like it was nothing in front of the power that sib rusting out from Azief right now

The Pagoda was made from magical properties and it has sealing formation all over it but in front of such tyrannical power, it exploded into golden motes of light that rises up to the sky.

The heavens of this world suddenly cracks in all directions and the Will of the World was suppressed.

His Divine Sense spread all over this planet and Azief roars with the excitement of being free.

His roars fill not only the mountain of the Temple but the sound echoes throughout the whole word.

The whole world could hear an unknown roar that rolled up the clouds and changes the weather all over the world.

The translucent Palm high up in the sky is wavering.

The moment that the Pagoda was dissipated into motes of light, all the people present in around the area could see that the Sword God is no longer shrouded with golden aura.

Instead he was shrouded by a mix of golden and blue aura, that swirls around him.

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