Lord Shadow

Chapter 621: 621

Will look toward the towering high palace and he sighed. Then he looks at the cautious guards and said simply

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'Open the gate' the guard scuffled around to deactivate the protection that is in the gate and in the wall.

Will could see a runic patters emerges out from the gate and then the runic patterns slowly glows in dim colors

The wooden gate might seem like it could be destroyed with one punch but appearance can be deceiving in a world full of magical abilities and powers.

The Arrayist grandmaster Lee Sangmin was the one that draws matrixes of magical formation on the Four Gates of the Center Palace.

Loki had somehow managed to get the Arrayist Grandmaster to do a favor for him. 

The runes are a part of the magical matrixes and it is used to keep out, to deter and to weaken anyone that tries to come into the Center Palace with ill intention.

While the gate is magical each bricks of the wall is also carved with magical formation. Then one might ask why do the walls of the Center Palace needs guards in the first place with all this magical protection?

It is because of Void from the Crime Alliance 

Void existence that could nullify all kinds of magic and energies is a headache for many organizations in the world because it means he could walk unhindered and could break any magical formations as simple as just walking through it. 

So, as a countermeasure, the gate is not the only thing that is upgraded. The wall also gets an upgrade.

The walls are not only outfitted with magic; it is also outfitted with modern weapons that have no magic in them courtesy of Budiman.

There is plasma cannon, laser sniper, Ionizer turret guns, flashbangs and guns. A lot of guns of apex sci fi level.

This kind of modern weapons that have no magic in them would be useless in front of even Energy Disperse Stage expert but to deal with Void, this is effective. 

There is double protection for the Center Palace, from magical energies and also Void nullifying power.

These measures were not present during the time of Death Monarch. 

And the reason for that is very simple. 

It is not that other people didn't have such thoughts of protection before. 

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But because during that time Death Monarch was sitting on top the throne. 

And it was not necessary. 

People would rather not meet Death Monarch thus there is no need for such protection. Death Monarch himself is the bets protection for Pandemonium.

But the one sitting on top of the throne of Pandemonium now? 

He is not Death Monarch. That is why each time Will come to Pandemonium and look at the Center palace he would sigh.

'That one is not Death Monarch' he would think to himself silently.

As he was thinking of this the gate was finally opened as all the restriction and magical formation glowed out.

The guards were about to come down and ask the purpose for his appearance but Will had not time for such formality

He takes another step

The lighting arcs around the entrance gate like it was being absorbed follows Will step as Will move his feet forward. 

Will take one step and that one step propels him to speed forward inside the tall and large Center Palace. 

He sees sceneries of the Pandemonium Garden and he swept pass all the courtyards and the corners of the palace walls. 

Only a streak of golden lightning could be seen passing the Keepers who were doing their jobs as a wind gust would follow his trails, scaring the hell out of the Keepers who don't know what is passing them by.

All of this happen in a span of one second and in one second, he appears inside the throne room of Center Palace

he appeared so suddenly in the crowd of officials of Pandemonium, that some officials fall down in fear.

like a battle god of lightning, he appeared, his feet produce arcs of electricity that covers the red carpet underneath his foot, the throne room appears like it is being invaded by lightning, its crackling noise sound terrifying to the eras of the weak, and his overbearing pressure fills the entire throne room

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His speed created a burst of heat wave inside the throne room, and wind squalls wreak havoc inside the throne room, throwing and breaking a few objects in the corner of the room

It is like a storm of lightning barged inside the throne room and started wreaking destruction. 

Will hair floats by itself, the tips of his hair produces lightning and his eyes are golden with purple irises, lightning flashing by inside his eyes.

He stands there on the center of the room and then he looks toward the person sitting on the throne of Pandemonium.

Everyone was speechless and shocked right now. Except that person on the throne who look lazily at Will. There is an imperceptible smile on the face of that person.

'A very annoying smile.' Will thought

Will look toward the Regent of Pandemonium, Loki the Trickster and he said coldly

 'We need to talk'

Loki replied

'I have been waiting' And the throne room of Center Palace was closed as the return of Wil the Golden Speedster to pandemonium stirs the news all over the world.

Jean in the Republic and Will in Pandemonium. They both have sensed that Death Monarch is about to return.

And they were not the only one that have sensed the energy of Time being interfered with. 

Some was wise enough to know that this might signal the return of Death Monarch and these people started making plans for themselves either to become low profile or to grab an opportunity. 

While some others that could not deduce why Death Monarch would create such a ripple of Time would find other possible means of explanation.

Six years had passed but people still knows of Death Monarch and many people still fears and admire him

Especially in Pandemonium where many of his heroic stories and accomplishment is still told and remembered.

There is no one after him that created such legends even after he is absent and it would be hard to found someone that could stand equal with him, in terms of status in the people hearts and in power and influence. 

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Even after six years had passed, none of the heroes that appears after him could hold a candle to the brightness of Death Monarch accomplishment. 

At that time, Death Monarch known as Lord Shadow had dared fought against a behemoth organization like the World Government and remains on top ever since.

He had never lost a battle and have always remain undefeated and unconquered. 

He is a hero to the world, fighting the Weronian Invasion and the impetus for the resistance effort against the Invasion to finally paid off.

He had fought and carved his name in history with each battle and with each victory. The strongest person in the world! Who would ever forget such a person?

But not only his battle and accomplishment is famous among those who admire and in awe with him. His romantic life is also very famous.

A great hero always is surrounded by great beauties of the world

His romantic life is always associated with the Divine Archer and the Ice Queen of the Republic which become a constant discussion between the idle gossipers in inns

One of them is the most beautiful woman in the world, Katarina the Ice Queen. The other is the Celestial beauty, the Divine Archer Sofia.

Both of these women are women of great power and influence. 

Katarina is a woman admired by both men and women alike. 

With her red five feet long and slender sword, she slays monsters and evildoers. 

Her sword is as famous as its master. The Red Queen, the sword of the Ice Queen had killed so many monsters and brought about peace in mangy regions of Europe.

Her face is as beautiful as an angel and her cold eyes did not deter the blooming of love in the hearts of ambitious men. 

She looks ethereal and high above others, proud like an Empress of the world.

She had an arrogance that befits her and instead of making people hated her, it makes her more desirable for the harder it is to get a woman, the more men wanted to have it.

The Divine Archer Sofia on the other hand had a different charm than the Ice Queen. She is outgoing, personable and sweet.

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She had that charm of the girl next door. 

But she is also very determined and very stubborn. She loved intensely and she hated intensely. She is simple and there is lies her charm. 

She shows her feeling unreservedly and she did not mind admitting the bad part about herself, even if that makes her petty or bitchy in other people eyes.

She knows that to get happiness, you had to fight nail and tooth for it. Some happiness doesn't have to be fought for and there is some happiness that has to be fought for

In her eyes, there is only white and black. There is no gray.

Her determined side capture the hearts of many people and even Raymond had fallen in love with her, if the rumor is true

Raymond had express such desire before but was rejected by Sofia but the relationship between them have never been cut off.

The Ice Queen and the Divine Archer

These two women are the two of the most powerful women in the world. Katarina with her sword, Red Queen and Sofia with her magical Houyi Bow. 

These two women could wreak havoc in the world if they decided to and as such, their love affair with Death Monarch always is a regrettable matter to the hearts of many men. 

But nobody dares to scold Death Monarch for monopolizing these two beauties affection.

Why? Because nobody wanted to invite Death to come to them by scolding the strongest person in the world.

Only an idiot would do that

The season changed and people move on but legends remains forever. 


A few long bite sized chapter meal once in a while is not bad right? Anyway, if you like it , dont forget to vote and leave some commenst in the chapter below.

See you all tomorrow. 

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