Lord Shadow

Chapter 624: 624

Azief did not worry about such thing because he never cares about justification and all that. 

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And the other reason was that, people did not follow him because of that. 

People follow him because he is strong. 

As long as he remains strong, there would be no lack of people that would want to follow him

 If she flouted the rules, then Wang Jian, the Southern Suppressing General, the most loyal to Pandemonium out of the three, he would surely punish Freya himself.

Wang Jian on the other hand was ordered to suppress the monsters around Pandemonium.

Monster do breed and in some places they respawned. 

Unless a powerful enough Seed Forming expert absorbs all the energy around such respawn places, monsters there will respawn every few days. 

Some heroes in the world had breakthrough after absorbing energy in such places which is why this kind of places is snatched up by many powerful forces.

It is also why the Three Great Generals of Pandemonium all have become powerful leveler.

Wang Jian did not slack off his training and he too had reached Seed Forming. 

With all these dungeons and cave that he had found and the experience he got in killing all of these monsters, he is at the peak of Seed Forming. 

Unlike Azief who had to create ten Seed to call upon the Purifying Fire, Wang Jian would at least create six seed before he breakthrough. 

Energy is not in abundance in the world right now, with everyone seizing the luck of the Heavens and Earth.

But to break through to Disk Forming would be hard because h is not the only in the world that wanted to breakthrough. 

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By suppressing and killing monster, Wang Jian improved drastically. 

Azief had predicted this matter the moment he finishes his fight with the Will of the World and the Heavens of Earth.

He had a premonition that one day, the massive growth of humanity development would still because of lack of energy and at that time, the strong and the weak would be decided. 

There is a reason why Azief did not stop running forward and why he is so adamant in being first.

This is the reason. Because if he stops running forward, if he even just stops for a while, he would get left behind.

Since Azief had already made so many enemies, he could not stop or else, the matter would not only fall on him.

It would also implicate those who he regards as his family. 

Azief after the Fall and the Azief before the Fall is a different person. The him before the fall, does not have many things in his life. And he even has less people that he cares about.

But that is different for Azief, the Death Monarch. He has people he cared about, people h loves and people he wanted to keep safe.

Pandemonium is famous not only because it is mysterious and the most dangerous continent to live in.

It is also famous because the one sitting on that throne is the strongest person in the world that could clam the world with a word and bring storms and wreak havoc to the world if that One sitting on the throne comes out to the world. 

A new world order will be decided when the energy of the world decline.

And at that time only those who were quick in seizing the energy would have the chance to breakthrough. Everyone need to seize luck and fortune by themselves. 

Energy is not as limitless as one would think. Especially if those energies are absorbed into one body and become a part of that person entire being.

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The stronger that one becomes, the higher the expenditure of energy

If there is a Price in everything, then so would be this massive amount of energy that have been bestowed on Earth.

Azief predicted it, thus he sent his Three Great Generals to pacify the world, killing those who disobey the rules and bring peace and order so that humanity could thrive.

And this makes Pandemonium even more stronger. There is already the Divine Archer who is in Disk Formation. Then there is Loki who is also in Disk Formation.

Sina while she is stuck in Seed Forming stage, she is the world renowned Alchemist. 

All the alchemist and pill makers in the word respected her and many people owed her a favor. Even the Sage of Medicine respected her.

Sina power lies in her influence that could call upon thousands of heroes and heroine to aid her in her times of need. 

The soldiers that was left behind in Pandemonium on the other hand is led by the Grand Commander of the Army, a man named Milos. 

He was not the strongest and he is even weaker than the Vice Commander of the Three Army. 

But he was still appointed by the Three great generals to lead the Three Army soldiers that is in Pandemonium.

Pandemonium itself is full of monster and Milos and his soldiers had been strengthening himself and gained the title Valiant General Milos, an honorary title given by the Central Government.

As Milos is known as Valiant general, and Freya is known as Flying Berserk Cavalry General, Wang Jian, the first general of war that followed Death Monarch and is reputed to be the most loyal out of all officials of Death Monarch also have a title.

Wang Jian is known as the War God of Pandemonium. 

Each battle he fought, he never lost. He was undefeated in military formations and his fame resounded all over the world.

He fought the Kraken and managed to injure that titanic beast, making it to retreat to the Aegean Sea, daring not showing it face. 

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He fought the three headed dragon in the coast of Knossos, saving many people there. He punishes those people who tried to make problem and protest the Article of distribution.

Al of them have to answer to his glaive 

He even had the chance to wreck apart the Yue dynasty when he helped Lee Sangmin and his organization to strengthen control in Asia.

His pillar of black iron, the Ruyi Jingu bang is his trademark weapon and he once stabilizes the sea water with it by acting as the pillars of the sea.

Many people said that the Ruyi Jingu Bang that Wang Jian uses is like the Ruyi Jingu Bang in the story of the Monkey king.

Wang Jian when he went into battle he would wear the Cloud Walking Boots, the War God Gold Chain Armor and his phoenix feather cap while swinging his black staff.

He looks like the Monkey king but the personality is very different. Monkey King in the story is very rebellious but Wang Jian is the epitome of loyalty toward Death Monarch and Pandemonium.

The people of Pandemonium respected and admired him and many young people join his army and his popularity on the Souter region of Pandemonium, is like he is a King of that region.

The Souter region have always been Wang Jian territory and when the conflict between the central government and him was at its heights, he opens his own court in the South and regulate the southern region like he was a monarch.

If not for Death Monarch that always trusted and believe in his loyalty, and understanding the underpinning of the matter, he would probably have been executed by Death Monarch

In six years, Wang Jian had carved a name among the greats. 

And while he did not claim to be the leader of the other two generals of Pandemonium, it is widely knowing that Athena and Freya both listen to his orders.

When the news comes out that the Central Government of Pandemonium summoned Wang Jian, many people had expected him to reject the edict

Many knows that Wang Jian and the Central Government had bad blood between them. After all, if not for the intervention of Death Monarch, Wang Jian might have been framed by them.

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And even after Loki took the helm of Pandemonium, Wang Jian still did not trust the Central Government

He was content in doing his duty outside of Pandemonium, slaying monsters, upholding righteousness and fighting evil people.

It is simpler than having to fend off schemes and plots from the officials in the Central Government

Bu this time, weirdly, contrary to the world expectation, Wang Jian ditches his hunting of Fire Kirin, and urgently return to Pandemonium.

And if Freya and Wang Jian return, how could Athena who was searching for the Oracle all over the world, just stay outside. She and her soldiers also send replies that she would return. 

The Three Great Generals of Pandemonium, Will the Golden Speedster, and if rumors to be believed even Sasha the Nightingale who were rumored to have disappeared after Death Monarch went out of Earth also would make an appearance.

The Divine Archer had also come out from her seclusion in the Mountain of Flowers to heed the summon. 

Everyone could feel there is a change in the air, like a wind that is about to bring a huge storm

 The Three Great powers at the same time, all suddenly started to move. This brought great discomfort to the other four organizations that ruled the other four continents.

What are they doing? 

These are the question in the heads of the other four great forces. 


Hope you like the introduction of Death Monarch returns. A strom is about to come back into earth.

Anyway, hope you enjoy it and if you do, dont forget to vote and leave some comments and reviews.

Ciao and stay safe you all.

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