Lord Shadow

Chapter 635: 635

'Shit' she cursed as she spits some blood into the ground, her chest is caved in and her face is full of scars.

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She looks around her. She is in Socotra, inside the Socotra archipelago. After the Fall it was taken over by Yemen.

It is a shared land between the Lotus Order and the African Alliance. 

She was investigating about one of the headquarters of the Crime Alliance when she was spotted. To be more accurate she was caught in a trap.

It seems these people had noticed her a few days before and ambush her today.

Unlike other days, today, she did not bring her guards. That is a terrible mistake but this time the fault is not of her own.

 She had faulty information and right now she is paying for it

There is around ten men surrounding her. Two of them is in Disk Formation and the other eight have Seed Formation level

It is clear that all of them raises their strength using pills and rush through the realms so their foundation is unstable which is why she could have last this long.

But that doesn't mean she is winning., After all, this group have two Disk Formation leveler and eight Seed formation leveler.

She herself is a Disk Formation expert but being ganged up like this, she had no chance of winning.

Her entire body shows signs of being beaten but her eyes is still defiant. Blood is dripping from her nose and mouth.

Her entire body is trembling in pain and the surrounding area around them was thrashed beyond recognition. 

One part of the island had even been pulverized into nothingness. The distortion of space around them is obvious and the sea water around the archipelago is thrashing wildly.

This is what happens when Disk Formation leveler is fighting another Disk Formation leveler. Each of their battle could change the shape of the world and it is why such conflict between Disk Formation leveler is regulated by the Seven Great powers.

She looks up the sky and spread outs her Divine Sense but she senses nothing and her smile become bitter

'It seems I was truly so unprepared this time. Even after all I made this mess, it seems meaningless'

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There is a reason why she had made such a mess. 

She wanted to attract the attention of any of the Seven Great powers. 

Disk Formation could not just arbitrarily kill another Disk Formation leveler unless there is some extenuating circumstances

This is because every Disk Formation is indispensables force to humanity collective power. She thought that if she made enough mess, sooner or later someone from the Seven Great Power will interfere.

Especially since this area is under Yemen, a kingdom that have two Great Powers influence around it.

But even that she miscalculated. 

This branch of the Crime Alliance here is prepared for that. Thinking about it, it is not strange that the members of the Crime Alliance would thought such a countermeasure.

After all, they were hunted by Pandemonium and other great Powers. 

It would be weird if they did not have their own method of avoiding detection when they have to do things that flouts of the Article of Pandemonium

The reason why there is no one paying attention to this area even though such a fierce battle had erupted was because Socotra had a Time Formation all around it. 

It envelops the entire island. 

And while she could see the damages and the thrashing sea water lapping cross the beaches to the eyes of any other people, it looks like nothing is wrong is happening in Socotra

It is like someone is looking at a still image of a surveillance camera. It looks like nothing is wrong. 

Unless they come close to Socotra and enter the area of the Time Formation, only then they could see the true state of the archipelago right now. 

Even she did not expect such a formation to exist in this small archipelago. She looks at the ten men surrounding her and then with a stern voice she said

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'Nothing good will happen to you if you hurt me' she warned. The ten men look at her and one of them, undoubtedly their leader step out and look at her with interest.

The man is bald with a scar on his right hand and he is wearing leather clothing that emanated bestial aura. 

His body is muscly and his eyes are sharp and vicious.

This is one of the Disk Formation leveler that she had clashed with. 

This man did not enter Disk Formation the proper way, rushing through the realm which is why he is not match for her.

But in the end, it was still her that loses. After all she is not like Death Monarch that have such heaven surpassing abilities.

However, there is bruises all over that bald man face. There is also sign that he had been injured. But he had down some pills before he comes over to gloat his victory over hers

'Black robes with an armband of a white bird. You are Sasha the Nightingale' he said and he smiles even wider.

'You would fetch very high in the dark market' She knew it is easy to identify her once she is captured 

That is because of all the people that follow her, she is the only women in the group.

She is Sasha the Nightingale, the leader of the Shadow Guards of Pandemonium. She nodded as she found no reason to lie

'I didn't know we will get such a catch. This is truly a lucky day for us' he said.

'Hmph' Sasha spitted at him but he sidestepped to the side, missing the loogie. He waves his finger and said

'Nuh-uh' he said

'I guess we got a feisty one, boys' he said and he laughed.

'Let me go right now and I could give you a head start' Sasha is trying to delay time right now. if she is not back, her Guards will also wonder where she is and then they would come.

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If she could not get support from the Seven Great Powers right now, she could still take conform in that she still has her guard

The man sneered and said 

'And let ourselves get killed by you next time. We are not that much of an idiot'

Then a voice sounded from the back

'And you are one of the most hated person in our Crime Alliance. You think we will just let you go because you said so? I didn't think the leader of the Shadow Guards of Pandemonium would be that naïve and ignorant of the ways of the world' Another person chimed in from the back. 

There is movement from the back as Sasha craned her neck to see who is coming. The other eight men open a path. And Sasha face turns hard.

'Shit, I thought I had beat you enough to have some broken bones. It seems I underestimated you too much'

That person heard her and he only smiles.

It is the other Disk Formation leveler in the group. He comes out from the back and position himself beside the leader.

Looking at this Sasha could deduce easily, that this other expert must be the vice leader of this group. 

They must be an elite group of Crime Alliance. 

Even she did not know that there is two Disk Formation leveler that is hiding inside Socotra. 

It is a pity that they could not compare to the real Disk Formation levelers that broke through using the proper way instead of experts like them that rushed through the realms leaving many weakness and flaws.

This lineup is formidable enough to capture her.

 Of course, if this lineup is compared to the great Powers, they are severely lacking but for other small organization, this is truly an elite force. 

Sasha herself had gotten herself caught in their relentless assault.

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To be fair to her, she is more suited in stealth and recon. She is fast and agile and if not for the formation holding her back she would have safely exited this area already

Sasha look at the vice leader of this group and she could not help but have bitter smile. Who had supplied healing pills to the Crime Alliance. That is what she wanted to know.

That is the one trail that leads her to Socotra.

This other man had long trimmed hair, a pale face and thin physique. But appearance could be deceiving. When he fought her, this thin pale sickly man had explosive strength.

This man is Warrior class but it is clear he had improved himself to be more than just a warrior class. 

He might have rank up his class and become some kind of a special type of warrior class

He even seems to be a kind of special existence that she had met in her journey. 

These past six years she had fought many enemies and she begin to discover some people who had some kinds of special abilities that seem to be outside the path that have been lined up from the proper way of strengthening oneself from the energy of the world 

To be more accurate, it is like they found a new path of cultivation, different and unique to themselves. 

This kind of people are not all strong but she noted that this might be because they are still exploring this new path.

Sasha did not know much about it since she had walk another path and she is not a researcher like the Order of Thinkers. 

But it is enough for him to knows that this pale thin person had probably reached a level of power that is impossible for normal warrior class.

Out of the two, Sasha felt more pressure facing the thin sickly man then the bald man with the bestial aura.

She looks straight at those two men and she said with pride

'I am from Pandemonium' The bald man laughed and then smirking he said

'Well, well. I know Sasha the Nightingale is from Pandemonium. But is the current Sasha the Nightingale is still protected by Pandemonium? I heard the Trickster don't really like you. Or is it the other way around? I never got any credible information anymore since the Broker disappeared. And everyone said, corruption abhors a vacuum. Hehehe'

Her eyebrows furrowed. 

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