Lord Shadow

Chapter 645: 645

The elites of World Government were recalled, the Senate door was closed and Will the Golden Speedster return to Pandemonium. 

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All of it indicates that the Three Giants of the World believe Death Monarch has finally return. But unless there is conclusive evidence, those Quorum members would debate it.

Today, there is no longer any time disturbance. 

Today, the skies opened up, the stars from another galaxy shows itself and a sword from heaven cut down the clouds and descended down with a force that seems to be able to cleave heaven and Earth apart.

Those people inside are debating whether it was true that Death Monarch had returned.

Inside his sleeve right now is the answer to that debate. 

Thus, he must come inside and tell it to the world

He looks at the two guards and said

'I have something to say to the Quorum member. Please let me enter' the two guards look at the messenger, their hand is still on the handle of their blade and said coldly

'the Quorum members are having a meeting now. No one is to disturb them or open the door to the Meeting Room. If you want to see them, then wait until the Meeting end'

The messenger knows that by the time the meeting end, it would be too late then. He is pale in the face and trembling in fear he said to the guards

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'This is important. Id o not dare to bear the consequence if I did not report this'

'The Quorum Members had said that they are not to be disturbed as they discuss about some matters. Even though you are a member of the Foreign Relation departments, since you are not invited inside, then step away. Do not force us' 

One of the guards said with a monotone tone but one could see that his eyes become even colder. 

And that hand that rested on the handle of the blade is slowly gripping at the hilt tightly.

The messenger could no longer hide the news. If he could not enter and give this news as fast as possible by the end of the day, he might not have a job anymore.

'Death Monarch has returned' he said to the guards.

the moment the messenger said that, the two golden guard that seems impassive and seem to have no expression paled in their face and gulped. 

It is like that name is some kind of cursed name to them that they reacted very strongly to it

There is of course a reason for this reaction.

These two guards stationed in front of the Meeting Room door is in the army. 

As such they once witness Death Monarch invade the World Government headquarters and see their comrades being killed by him.

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To them Death Monarch is not some great hero of the world but a demon. Problem was this demon is the strongest person in the world.

That is why he is the demon 

No force on this world could stop him. Like a natural disaster that could not be fend off, they could only felt helpless and powerless when confronted with it,

They could only pray that the disaster could not reach them.

So the effect of that name being mentioned here and the content of the news is enough to make them pale in the face. 

They did not know about the sword that is descending down from the Heavens. If not, they would be more panicky. 

And that is the reason why the messenger is getting desperate to enter the meeting room

That one sword shape attack swirling with clouds had cleaved an island near Yemen alerting the African Alliance and Lotus Order. 

The entire island of Socotra had been cleaved into two

The Arabian Sea right now is in chaos as large waves rises up from impact of that sword. 

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Yemen and Somalia had already raises up their Sea Wall array formation to make sure that the tsunamis and storms heading their way would not drown the entire country.

If there is one sword, why would there not be a second sword? And what if that second sword would land on the North Atlantic Ocean? 

Would the sea be able to bear it? Could the formation above the clouds of the Island of Peace not buckle under it?

One might ask why would Death Monarch attack the World Government suddenly? 

To that the officials of World Government would answer "When have you seen Death Monarch being reasonable? If he wanted to do it, he would do it"

If there is only one sword, then it would be fine. But what if there is another?

The two guards this time did not delay. If there is one thing more important than the meeting of the Quorum members, then the return of the overlord of an era probably trumps such meeting. This time the gaur did not even obstruct the messenger steps and instead they even opened the door.

The moment the messenger come inside the Meeting House, the door was closed. The guards then look at each other

We must inform General Arno' they look at each other and nodded. 

After the incident of Pandikar coup, the military of World Government requires that a few general is on standby every time a meeting of the Quorum members is convened.

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They are to guard Council House, the Council Meeting place, and other places of interest and monitor any parties that might stage a coup.

The two guard quickly bring out an octagon device out of their Inventory Bag. 

They typed a few words and send it to the supercomputer that is located in some secret place inside the Island of Peace 

the supercomputer encrypts the message into coded message then it was sent directly to Arno. 

Arno had already flown toward the Island skies as he looks solemnly at the sky. Right now, he could guess that many soldiers had sent a message to him. 

The Island of Peace is protected by layers of protection formation and Anti Divine Sense detection formation. 

Thus, not all released that a Divine Sense had just sweeps around this island. 

Like a glass being hit by a hammer, the Anti Divine Sense formation crumbled without resistance the moment that Divine Sense sweep by.

And Arno recognize that Divine Sense. 

He might not participate in many great battle in the world like Raymond but he is one of the few that fought Death Monarch when he was still known as Lord Shadow. 

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