Lord Shadow


'What are you going to do?' Sasha asked as her eyes looked at Pandemonium. There is happiness and excitement on her face. It has been too long since she could return to Pandemonium.

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Sasha herself was shocked at her own thoughts. She had regarded Pandemonium as her home.

Probably because there is people she knows and loves here. She misses seeing Sina and trying out her pills. 

She misses her villa and her cat. She misses her juniors in the Shadow Guards and she misses that tavern in that secluded alley.

The feeling of going back home after a long voyage, one could not express the kind of feeling and emotions that is overwhelming her right now

Since Death Monarch strengthened the protection formation, there is many weird phenomenon across the Pandemonium Sea and its coast.

There is the thick white mist that makes Pandemonium from afar looking like some kind of mystical holy place.

And Sasha knows that this thick mist could attack. 

If she is alone, she would not have even dare come near the periphery of Pandemonium because she fears she would be swallowed by the mist

And the fact that the skies of Pandemonium seems to glow at night also reinforce that perception.

She no longer have the key to the protection formation. If she wanted to enter she needs to inform some people high up in the echelon of Pandemonium to be let in.

Loki never let her in. But he never hunted her either. He just gave others the chance to slow her down

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But she certainly did not have to that when she is standing beside Death Monarch now.

Azief reply.

'Now, that I am here, why would you need a key?' Sasha nodded and she smiles with confidence.

the formation he had strengthened could not be broken unless one could reach the pinnacle strength of a Divine Comprehension levelers. 

But that is for other people and not for him. Since he is the owner of this formation.

He flies forward fearlessly. 

The moment he flies forward like a beast that is being woken up from it sleep, a powerful surge of energy comes out of Pandemonium 

The mist turns red and it moves as it charged towards him. 

The moment the mist collided against him, they were absorbed back into him. Azief could feel the trace of his thirteen energies entering his body.

He smiles for a second. 

If it's in the past, this kind of energies would surely fill him to the brim. But now it just felt like some water droplets falling into a wide sea. He feels nothing but some coolness 

In a blink of an eye, the numerous thick mist that surrounded Pandemonium was sucked into his body even when he keeps flying forward.

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The energy distribution that has just begin to reach a state of equilibrium suddenly went wild.

There is many island near Pandemonium. 

These island floated upon twenty feet above the sea. 

They were supported by the energy in the thick white mist. But now as the mist quickly being absorbed into Azief body, the many island slowly descended down to the sea.

Weirdly enough, they descended not in a free falling manner but gradually, like it is being guided by certain energy. 

Azief is the one that make sure that these island did not just crash towards the sea without any protection. 

If he did not pay attention to these island, the Pandemonium Sea would surely thrash about wildly today

The clouds gather and thunder roars as lightning strike down upon him. Usually these kinds of scene could only be seen during a full moon in Pandemonium 

But today, in broad daylight, dark clouds gathered, thunder roars shaking the firmament and lightning strikes down upon the Earth like some God of Thunder went crazy and began sending lightning every few seconds to the Earth

Sasha who is flying behind Azief is not afraid. She would usually be afraid. But she is not now since she is behind that person.

Is there any place safer than to be behind Death Monarch? The thunder roars up in the sky and Azief waves his hand. 

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He waves his hand and the thunder went quiet, the gathering winds scattered and like a mouth that has ben shut down, it went quiet, then calm.

Lightning strikes down upon him. The thunder of the protection formation is like a tribulation lightning. 

It possesses that destructive power that could tear apart even the sturdy body of an Energy Disperse Stage peak level expert.

Sasha look at that lightning bolt; her pale face is illuminated because of its golden luster. She did not look concerned. 

Azief was even less concerned. He pretended like he did not even see the lightning bolt coming to him

The moment it strikes down upon him, the lightning bolt exploded like it was hitting something very powerful.

Like a glass trying to hammer a stone, the lightning bolt broke.

It broke and scattered into thousand pieces of arcs of electricity that falls down to the sea like they were some beautiful fireworks

The energy from the wave of his hand had finally reached the clouds. 

That wave of power scattered all the clouds that was formed from the thirteen energies he had once put into the protection formation.

The mist all over the continent dissipated like a fan had push them away and the thunder and lightning stopped and Pandemonium was revealed to the world.

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The forbidden continent of the world is once again revealed to the world. There is no longer any white mist that covers the continent and its island.

One could still see the glowing sky of Pandemonium but one could also see the blue water of the sea and beholds many large and tall buildings in Pandemonium.

Some of them even reached the clouds.

There is no longer any clouds of thunders. It was another cloudless sky.

But no one here fears that a sword would come down. Because this is Pandemonium. This is "that person" Pandemonium.

So, no sword would fall. The Six Forces have been waiting to see the conclusion of this matter., They have been waiting since they saw the sword falls.

The people who were watching this scene from their dark secluded places all frowned. Pandemonium is once again open.

There is no longer any lightning that would strike down whenever any ships come near to the continent. 

And there is no longer any white mist that would swallow sailors and adventurer and trapped them in an illusion formation maze.

One of the most powerful formation in the world was dismantled so easily. It almost doesn't make sense. But when one thinks of the person who dismantles it, they could only smile bitterly

With Death Monarch, even nonsense could make sense.

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