Lord Shadow

Chapter 676: THE HERALD 1

His finger traced another ring and another stream of information streamed inside his mind. This time he touched the Ring of Great Summoning. 

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He had used this ring many times. He had two beings that he could summon. 

There is the Steed of Abigor which is a semi skeletal winged horse. It is good gimmick when he wanted to terrify people.

Then there is Marchosias, a wolf like creature. Its head was of a wolf with gryphon wing and a serpent tail, spewing infernal fire from its mouth. It is like a chimeric wolf.

These are his two summons. 

But as he grew stronger, he outgrew them. Of course, Azief believes if there is a time when he is in danger, he could summon these two creatures and increase his fighting power.

When he summons the Steed of Abigor, the winged horse would bring a legion of shadow behind it and a dark mist that would spread and weaken the will of his enemies.

As for Marchosias, the wolf like creature have throaty legions demon like creature following from behind it. When he summons these two, it would certainly look like he is leading a hellish legion out of hell.

He did not need another summon when he thinks about it. He already had the flute and ten powerful Demons under his control by using the flute.

But he won't mind to have more. 

If there is a conflict in the future and he summons all these creatures, it would truly look like he is the Lord of Hell, summoning demonic creatures from the depths of hell. 

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Of course anyone that could force him to summon all of these darkly creatures would surely not be a weak person.

He could just imagine the scene of him leading these host of demons and monster into a great war.

He did not like fighting too much. But he did not hate it either. And in this era where all kinds of heroes and villains appears, Azief is eager to try his strength on people.

If he is weak, he would bide his time. But since he is strong, he is excited to compare his strength to the world 

In the current situation, there is not many that would try to fight him. In a way, his constant retaliation had made people steer away from him.

Thinking about it, it is nothing like the stories he read in web novels where people keep being stupid and throw themselves at him for him to beat up. People in the real world is smarter than that. Survival is important.

being stupid means being dead 

Not many people would just fight without ascertaining first the threat level of their enemies

He then focusses and look at the summon he got. It is a dragon. A black dragon with red scales. It eyes is red and the information about the dragon streamed inside his mind

It is a baby dragon

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Its name is Tiamat. 

This dragon is covered by clouds of primordial chaos. It is small and it seems like it was feeding on the clouds made of primordial chaos.

This is the first time Azief got a summoned monster who is in its baby form. 

But, the danger that the dragon posed is real. Azief believes that even if the dragon is still a baby, it could fight with Energy Disperse Stage and emerge victorious. 

He nodded to himself and said

'Now, I even need to feed them.' Then Azief remembers that in the past he had a pet. Badger. He rarely used monster taming anymore since he already had all kinds of summons. Badge is kind of a special pet in his mind. 

And it is probably the only pet that he felt affection for

It is not rebellious and it is a normal pet. Of course as normal as it is in this new world.

It obeyed his words and very loyal. As for the Ring of great Summoning, it is not that hard to used the things that it gave him.

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Unlike the Ring of Song and Ring of Words, he did not need to have a compatible emotional state or comprehend the mood of the summoned creatures.

Because the moment he summons these creatures he could order them to do whatever he wanted. 

But it is not like Azief is blind. He could feel when he summons these creatures, they heeded his order because they were bound to the ring and have to listen to him.

In other words, if there is a challenge about the Ring of Great Summoning it is about how to gain the loyalty of the summoned creatures. 

It is also the same for the Demonic Flute that controls the Ten Demons. They all listen to him because they were bound by some oath to the Demon Monkey.

In fact, they even tried to kill him when he was about to take control of the flute. If not for the fact, he had the flute Azief believe he would probably be dead.

Those ten demons are not some low level demons. Azief could feel each of those demons had powers that is beyond him.

That is why Azief did not feel at ease in using them. And as of now, there is no any enemies that is worthy for him to use those demons on

Azief check his other ring and his eyes glowed again. This time the blue in his eyes become even more pronounced. Though he didn't notice it.

 His finger touched the Ring of All Elements. Azief has already have the Law of Elements. Maybe because of that the moment he activated the Ring of All Elements, he felt the elements inside the Ring of Elements went straight to his Law Body hidden deep inside his Inner Universe.

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He had the elements of Lightning, Fire, Water, Wind, Metal, Void and Earth in the Ring of Elements.

When he activated it, the first thing that happened was that the elements went straight into his Inner Universe. The lighting elements merge with the clouds of the many planets inside his Inner Universe.

The Fire Elements turns into a spark that light up some magical particles inside the Inner Universe. 

It brought about an explosion and destruction but out of that destruction, life bloom.

The Water nourishes the many worlds and Void elements net into the dark abyss of nothingness merging to become nothing.

The Earth elements strengthened the many worlds structures inside the Inner Universe and Azief could feel a qualitative leap in his understanding of the Elements which in turn strengthen his Law of Element even further.

It was like his feet is already one third into Essence Creation level. But he held back his feet back. The feet want to go forward but Azief did not want to right now.

There is no need for it and Azief want to reach perfection

The second thing he notice was that there is another element that appears inside the Ring of Elements. It is Dark and Light.

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