Lord Shadow


Today, many people felt the changes of the world. It is amazing that the world would undergo so many changes in one day and it is more amazing that these changes is precipitated by one person.

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As those who is now returning home after looking at that golden glow they hope nothing else would happen. 

To those who is in the dark alley hiding like a rat, they hope the weather is calm without storm and wished that the sky is full of clouds.

When the weather is calm, there is no thunderbolts. When the sky is full of clouds, there is no sword.

As people slowly calm their hearts and rushing back home or going for another round to the tavern or finding some comfort in the night, Azief finally realizes that it is night. 

When he removes his hand, he saw for a brief moment the light that illuminate all of Pandemonium

He saw how the lights receded like lightning the moment he removes his finger from the rings.

 And then he saw the night sky and the star that is twinkling beautifully above the sky and he knows that it is not one minute that had passed. But probably the whole day had passed when he was given the knowledge of the ring

His plan of meeting Will and Sofia were all halted. 

He doubts this is the right time to talk. He did not show it but he is also tired. He did not sweat but his body is trembling. Not of pain but tiredness. And it is not tiredness of the body. It is tiredness of the mind.

He felt drained.

He looks toward the direction of that house in the distance and he saw the closed door of that two story housed with the white picket fence and he smiles bitterly.

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'Hmm' he said to himself. He is thinking to himself. He took a step…but then he stopped.

'Hmm' he said again, thinking again, trying to find the right choice. Thus, he halted his step

He did not probe further because he knows that Sofia didn't like to be watched. 

There is no need to think too much and trying to test her patience. Six years could be considered a long time. To him, six years is just a blink of an eye.

The longer he lives and the stronger he became; he had long regarded years as moments. To him six years is just a number and did not affect his feeling that much.

But he did not know the hearts of the people of the world. Not all is strong enough to withstand the baptism of time. 

Azief believed a determination is a lot like an obsession. An obsession that even years and decades could not wear down.

He wondered whether for Sofia, six years is long or short. 

He wonders whether her feelings had changed. Looking at her eyes when he enters the throne room, he did not see any changes. 

Those are the same eyes that look at him when he was leaving.

But, in the end, the human hearts are not something that could easily be predicted. 

Whether that feeling contained in that gaze was a lingering affection or love, nothing could be determined for sure until he met her.

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And that thought, rooted him in place. He actually doesn't know what he wanted to know. Does he want her to not love him anymore or does he want her to still love him?

And Azief felt disgusted at himself for thinking like that. 

He knows why he is thinking like this. He is thinking that if she did not love him anymore, the choice forward is easy. 

'Easier' he corrected himself

But then, he seeks deep in his heart and he knows that even if somehow she did not love him anymore, this heart of his still do.

Like always, he wanted to be the nice guy. He did not want to be the bad guy and wanted to keep being nice. It is a selfish desire.

He shakes his head, trying to forget that eye, trying to forget that vision and he no longer took a step toward that direction.

Instead he looks away from the house. Like he had thought, night like this is not the right time to talk and think about all these feelings.

It is such a beautiful night to waste it in this troublesome feelings.

Then he looks toward the villa of the Immortal Couple and he could see Will is sitting drinking some wine while conversing with the Immortal Couple while those two laughed and jokes with each other.

In the past, if he uses his Divine Sense like this Will would surely notice. 

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But the difference between the power that he possesses now and the power that Will possess now is the difference between Heaven and Earth.

So, how could Will notice that his sworn brother eyes are gazing at him? And even if he notices, what could he do? The sky above his head is the eye of Death Monarch.

In this world, unless someone contested his Willpower that merged with the Will of Heaven, Azief eyes could see everything like an omniscient God that watched all over Creation

It is a good thing that Azief is not the kind of person that waste his time looking at people lives each second of his day

He changes the direction his feet are facing but he did not take a step. He is thinking again

The wind outside blows inside from the balcony. Azief notices the light of the moon, and the tranquil wind that is blowing all over Pandemonium.

He could hear the sound of people talking in the market, some laughter that spoil out from the raucous manners of the people inside the taverns that is around the corner of many streets and he thought that this night seems so peaceful.

If this was day, he probably would not care that much. 

The darkness contrasted with the lights of the markets gave him a feeling of sentimentality like he was back in the days before the Fall.

The stronger he became, the more sentimental he become' he thought to himself. It reminded him of the few nice moment in his old life.

'Hmm' he said again. 

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He then scans the entire island and he notices that Loki is nowhere to be found. He was not panicked. Like always, Loki has his own plans. 

'Everyone seems to be alright. Tonight is not the night that I should meet her when my heart is this chaotic. It would not be good.' He thought to himself. He thought of Will and he shakes his head.

'I think I should let him enjoy a bit of a peaceful life.' He looks to another direction and there is a kind smile on his face.

'It is time to catch up a bit'

Then Azief took a step and the space around him spirals as he disappears from the throne room. 

A few moments after he disappeared, another Keeper of the Palace came to the throne room. 

The Head Keeper had notices that the golden glow had dissipated so he believes that Death Monarch had finished whatever he was doing inside the throne room so he assigned a few keepers to check the Throne Room and follow Death Monarch orders. 

After a few probing measures, the Keeper that was tasked to inspect the Throne Room finally opens the room. When the Keeper saw there is no longer any Death Monarch inside the throne Room, he heaves a sigh of relief.

Then he started reporting the matter to the others departments that Death Monarch is no longer inside the throne room as he quickly cleaned the room 

While the Keeper is cleaning the throne room in the Centre Palace, Azief arrives in front of a hut. 


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