Lord Shadow

Chapter 707: CONSEQUENCES 3

'But with you and Loki, I felt what it feels like to have a brother. Loki might be a little annoying and makes trouble wherever he goes but at least I know he would not want me die. And as for you? You are the brother I could trust' Will laughs.

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'Then why would you want me to leave?' Will ask

'Because' and Azief sighed.

'I love you brother. I don't want to be the one that kills you' And Azief finally spoke of what he saw.

He begins with sigh. That is how all tragic stories always begins. With a sigh

'I saw myself crushing you into oblivion. I saw you with silver lightning covering your entire body, and you were running. You were running so fast that Time and Space were dragged by your speed and lightning. It was like you are the fastest thing that have ever move in the Universe. Your body was so fast that Time had to try to catch up with you to make sure you still in a timeline. Your lightning was so bright that it illuminated the galaxy. And I saw how my black robe covers that light and with my hand, I ended you'

Will hear the story and he too sigh. Because he knows it is a tragic story form the start. When hearing such story, as the person involved, he probably should show more reaction.

But like hearing the story of an unrelated person, he only sigh. It was like he is saying that the story is tragic but it has nothing to do with him. Azief did not notice such reaction as he continues saying

'I love you, brother and that is why I want you to leave. But at the same time, I also needed your help. This is what I called contradiction. I want you to leave but for you to help me you have to stay. I needed your help desperately yet I also do not want to risk your life. This kind of feeling is not good at all. It made me feel nauseated.'

Will smiles and then he said

'Do you believe in that vision?'

'That is the question I came to ask'

Azief looks back at the painting of Pandemonium. 

He could see the angels with blackened wings pointing their swords to the heaven and he saw the person in the ground setting a stone to create Pandemonium.

'Is fate and destiny immutable?' He asks his question. He did not yet ask his favor because right now this question is more important than the favor he is about to ask

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And the answer to this question would probably decide what he would do next.

'It is interesting.' Will said while smiling

'What is?'

'Fate and destiny that is' Will said.

'What do you mean?'

Will look at the painting and while smiling he said

'You see. I learn a lot of things from my teacher. And one of the things she taught me was about Time. It is to be expected after all since my teacher is an ancient speedster'

"I still find it hard to wrap my head about it' Azief chimed from beside him

Will also nodded

'Anyway, in the lesson about Time, I learned about the Time Tunnel. It is why I could a guess little of what you saw. And there is also the fact I did something'

What did you do? Azief ask, curious. Will smirks and then he said

'When the Time Turbulence started, I try to sneak a peek. In that span of time when I was running, I try to sneak myself in into the time stream. My real body went to Pandemonium to inform Loki of your arrival and my avatar went through time storms to try to enter the Time Turbulence.

Azief was shocked to hear of this.

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'You could do that?' Chuckling, Will nodded and said

'It is one of the Speedster abilities. It is because speed when cultivated into a high enough realms, it could do many things. Azief nodded

'It is because you become closer to the source of Laws' Will nodded, agreeing with Azief statement

'You know it perfectly. Maybe because you are in Divine Comprehension, you could perceive it even more accurately than me.'

Azief just snorted at this. Will added

'The closer you are to the Laws, the less restricting the Laws become on you until you become the Laws itself.'

Azief nodded

'Anyway, to cut the story short when I tried to sneak a peek into the time turbulence, I was thrown back out by a powerful pressure. It was nothing like I ever experience before. If I did not use my Speed Avatars, I would probably be dead already. Someone else was also in the Time Turbulence causing the already unstable Time Turbulence becomes even more chaotic. Whoever and whatever this person is, it was powerful

Azief then was reminded of that pair of eyes coldly looking at him. That eyes that look so similar to him.

He guesses that it was him from that future that prevented that intervention.

'So, you see nothing.' 

'Not quite' Will then added

'I see glimpses. While it is not clear and some of the memories I see is fragmented in pieces, I manage tor reassemble it before you got back. If there is one thing that I am, it is that I am fast. Very fast' and he chuckles at his own inside jokes.

Will sighed and then shakes his head seeing Azief is not responding well to his attempt of lightening the mood.

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He continues.

'I saw that you look at some of the future of the people closest to you. Maybe you use some of the laws that you have already mastered. That is my best guess. Probably that is how you manage to come out of the Time Turbulence unharmed too. It is very envious experience to be inside the Time Tunnel and to come out from it unharmed

'I would not envy myself from being in there. There is nothing in there. Literally nothing. Only time fragments. And you would get confused. All these visions of past and future, it is hard to remain sane if not for the fact that I already was in Divine Comprehension' Azief reply

Will shakes his head.

'You could not take a little bit of joke?' Will said

'Since when you become a jester? Can you act a bit more scared? I did just say that I was going to be your cause of death'

'Ah, that' Will said casually, like it is something that one would forget.

Chuckling eh said

'I was dreading that you would find out about that. If I am not wrong, you also seem glimpses of me in the time stream looking at my death in your hands' Azief nodded and then he asks 

'That is how you guess it?' Will nodded

'Time Tunnel is quite a question even for a speedster. Even my teacher could not explain it fully. And she is as ancient as she could be. Time in there doesn't really make sense. It is why even Speedster doesn't like it. It is a backdoor of some sorts. But even the term backdoors of time could not fully describe what Time Tunnel really is. They are not easy to open for anyone other than Speedster'

Then he looks at Azief and said

But you open it by utilizing the Laws of Time and Space. That was impressive and requires a lot of power. I guess that throne of yours would never be taken in this era'

Azief simply said

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'I am closer to the source of Laws' 

Will just nodded and then he added 

'Even though speedster could theoretically open Time Tunnel wherever we want, that does not mean we will ever open it. The reason is because anything could happen in that. You could be tempted at looking at the future presented to you and you might be stuck in there for all eternity, without perishing. Just floating there, looking at past and future like some kind of eternal being that could only floats and see lives moving and ending. It is a sad existence to live. Because that could not be called living at all.'

'I know. You tell me before' 

'I guess you look at it after all' Will smirks. 

'I was never one good in following instructions' Azief reply. Will laughs. Then sighing he said

'You want to know if fate and destiny is immutable?' Azief nodded and then Will said 

'To some, it is immutable' Azief then ask

'And to me?' Will smiles bitterly as he closes his eyes. There is another moment of silence between them. Azief is hiding his anxiousness very well.

Will then said

 'When looking at the future, there is two consequences. At least, there is only two consequences that probably would happen' 

Azief ask 

'And what is the consequences?' 


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