Lord Shadow

Chapter 730: SEEING THE ORACLE 1

Azief did not waste time.

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The moment he was out from the house; he went to Will. Probably because he was already determined this time his step is marked with confidence, there is no hesitation left in his heart

Everything seems to move fast. The heart wanted to move fast so the body also move fast

They talk about a lot of things.

Will explain to him about certain theory about Time and space and he listens intently. Azief had a plan B and that plan B involves Will. And Will also agree with the plan B because he too wanted to see something.

Regardless of the thing Azief would know after seeing the Oracle, they would still execute Plan B

For some reason even though the outside world is shaking with the news of the World Powers attacking the many bases of the Crime Alliance, the burning of cities and the killings of kings of the crime underworld, here, inside Pandemonium, there is also dark clouds gathering.

And the feeling is full of heaviness

Azief did not want anyone to know he went to visit the Oracle. And he does not want people to know why he would seek the Oracle.

Especially Sofia. As for Will, he too wanted to know his fate in the future that Azief had saw and the future that he had saw.

Four days since the day that Death Monarch return, and all kinds of events happening all over the world.

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It is not exaggerated to say that each time Death Monarch appears, storms are raised all over the world. 

Morning passes and evening came and then as sunsets falls, night came. The moon was covered by the clouds and one could feel that a storm is coming.

Those who look at the sky could feel the shifting of the winds, the movement of the clouds and felt something momentous is about to happen. 

Those who could divinate using their instinct, felt deep in their hearts something is about to happen.

But probably in the world, only that woman sitting under that long thin tree that seems to wither could see the future clearly with her clear eyes

And as the night passes, finally the day arrived.

Only Loki inside his ship of bones, Yewa Hafar who arrange the chess pieces on the chessboard and Erika who see through the past and future knows what this day signify.

This is the countdown to the end. And this is where one should move their chess pieces and determine whose endgame would prevail?

Three players are playing on the same chessboard, until the end arrive, who knows who would win and who would lose!

When dawn had broken, Death Monarch Azief and the Golden Speedster Will is no longer in Pandemonium. 

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They disappear and the news was blocked by the Shadow Gaud, Sasha the Nightingale is once again on the helm of these secretive organization belonging to Death Monarch

The leave does not fall to the ground without wind. But if there is one blocking the wind, unless that person wanted the leave to fall, the leave will not fall.

To avoid chaos, Azief had left an order to hide his excursion

And no one outside of Pandemonium knows this news. If they did, it probably invites chaos all over the world.

As the sun just about to rise up, in England someone appeared in front of the forest where the Stonehenge is located.

There is two people and these two are none other than Azief and Will.

Azief look at the dark forest and he could see with his eyes the dark blob creature roaming across the forest.

Will look at Azief and he did not ask question like are you sure to do this or are you determined to do this? Because he knows it is useless to convince Azief right now.

Since he is already here, that means he already makes up his mind.

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He only asks Azief

'How will you break the formation?' Will had confirmed the existence of a cloaking formation. Because of this they are sure that Loki did not trick them.

The famous Oracle is here for sure.

But other than the cloaking formation used to hide the Oracle, there seems to be also other formation that is embedded deeply into the Laws of the world.

And there is also the fact that the Stonehenge area is one of the forbidden zones of the world. There must be some powerful monster ready to attack them when they enter

The dark blob creature might not look terrifying and they did not possess large body, but Will doubts that they are as weak as their appearance seems to indicate.

If its that easy, everyone would already travel and explore this area.

Azief listening to Will question only smirk and answer

'How hard could it be?' Will hearing the way Azief answer his question with such casualness could not help but make him laugh

'I forgot it was you I'm talking about. In this world, what is impossible for you?! Hah' he laughed. 

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Then gesturing with his hand, Wil said

'Please go first' Azief smiling walk into the forest like he is strolling into a park. 

The dark blob creature like it senses that an intruder has entered into the forest rushed toward Azief and Will. 

The rushing of all these dark blob creature is akin of all kinds of negative emotions gathering and is about to hit them both

Loki had used his ravens to dissipate the dark blob. But as the dark blob is about to charge toward them, Will did not even raise any defensive aura around him. 

Since beside him is Azief. 

Azief look at the charging dark blob creature and pointed his finger

A heaven sundering pressure comes out from his finger and a golden light seems to erupt from his index finger, like the scene of a star exploding inside the darkness of space.

The heaven above rumbles but as the heaven is about to stir, it was stopped by Azief Willpower. 

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