Lord Shadow

Chapter 737: FAMILIAR FACES 3

As he thought about this, the arrow that seems to be moving one hundred kilometers per each time it move, stirred again as it moves forward again. 

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It probably looks slow. But in a domain where no Time moves, for a thing to be moving, that means it was fast. 

To those who were affected by this kind of Time Binding, when the arrow reached the target, they might think it was instantaneous attack.

But to those who were not affected, they felt it was slow and they too were anticipating the result of what will happen when the attack reaches his future-self.

As such, battles between powerful being is always like this. Those who did not reach their level of power will not understand their battles just by looking at it.

It is clear, that everyone in this battlefield hated his future-self. None of them have any god feelings for him and all of them have killing intent billowing to the sky. 

Azief even though he could not see space from his vision because of the restriction of inside the Veil, he could sense that the stars above the sky is turning into an arrow.

He then tries to focus at the sky above his head. After all, he slowly understands how he should act in the vision right now

Focusing he could see it. Stars and space dust up there is transformed into arrows. 

Even the rain of fire that is about to fall is about to transform into an arrow. If not for the weird energy that swirls around each droplets of the rain of fire, it might turn into an arrow.

Azief look at the space with a bit of awe. And then he realizes something

there were a few stars that was not turned into an arrow. 

Azief look closer and he notices something odd about these unchanged stars. They were twinkling brightly and if Azief did not see wrong, the stars look like…...

'Wait…' Azief thought to himself

That isn't possible! He thought to himself. 

The reason he said like this is because when he looks at the stars, he saw it to be lined up stretching from above the Heaven of the Milky Way galaxy to reached almost light years away. 

And they were all lined up in certain patterns and formations.

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'It is a road!' Azief immediately thought. If it is road, then who built it? And why? 

And then before he could think more of this the arrow finally reached his future self. The world changed. All over the world, arrows were aimed and shot at his future self.

The monstrous force that would be generated by such a powerful magical method would probably level any other planets.

A howling sound echoed across the world. The howling itself does not have any sense of a language.

It was like the world itself is howling. And the will of the world, the will of the people in the world that is howling at him.

And the arrow is the medium of that will

The roars have no language. But Azief could feel its meaning. 


That is the meaning he could feel from the howling. They wanted to eradicate him. They wanted him to go away and not move even one step forward.

Charging toward his future-self is the will of all the people on Earth. 

At the moment the arrow is about to come toward his future-self, all of those things that was turned into an arrow, were absorbed into that one arrow that was flying toward his future self.

And then the arrow pierced through that protective layer that dissipates everything that reaches his future-self. This time, the attack did not dissipate.

Azief expected an explosion that would shake the world and he would probably be taken aback and retreated.

But the moment the bow touches his body, it turns into motes of light that scattered in the wind.

Like a torch were thrown into an ocean, it was extinguished instantly

Time moves again. All of those things that were absorbed into the arrow once again return to their original position. Leaves come back to its branches. 

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Water return to its place. Mountain appear back. Things return to its place like it had never changed

And the world once again regain it color and time. Dark aura continues to fill the world, the clouds turns dark and the ocean also turns black.

It was like someone spill an ink into the slowly drying ocean.

And everyone that see such spectacle, a spectacle of the whole things in the world turning into an arrow, the power that it generated and unleashed and the subsequent events that felt like a dream, where the arrow could not even make a scratch on Azief future- self, they all could only sigh in hopeless despair.

And chaos once again descended as everyone once again attack him

In this moment Azief did not pay attention to people who were hurling themselves to try to kill his future self. He looks toward that dust filled areas and try to see through it

The wind blows and the dust settled and he could finally see Sofia.

He could see the sorry figure of Sofia. her tears finally fall down. She looks at Azief future self and shakes her head, tears still falling from her eyes. She drops down her bow and sighed.

The scenery blurred and Azief strengthen his heart and the scenery stabilizes again. He is actually anxious now but he restrain that feeling

Because he wanted to see it until the end. Then his future-self pointed a finger. At this moment, Azief felt his heart constricted

Because his future-self pointed his finger to Sofia.

A dark form of power appears on the tip of his fingers. Even without making contact with it, Azief could feel the destruction essence swirling around that dark form of power. 

Destruction around his body is accelerated. The withering of plants accelerated so much so that everything seems to be gray and lifeless

Firestorms ravaged the lands, smoke fills the world and the sun is red like it was a droplet of blood that is about to fall down and washed away the world into total destruction

And then without hesitation his future-self release that destructive power on the tip of his finger toward Sofia. 

The dark form of power slowly flies off to Sofia. It was slow, yet no one would think of it as slow. 

The reason was because, just like when Sofia pull her bowstring, this time when Azief future-self make his move Time also did not move. 

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And only that dark form of power slowly moves in this timeless moment

The only thing that seems to counter the Time Stop of Azief future-self is Jean. And even Jean could be seen struggling.

Right now, the visions are becoming blurry. 

'This is different' he thought to himself. Azief slowly see that the vision he saw before and the vision he saw now is a bit different. It is different because this vision is more clear and more complete

This is different from what he saw. In the vision inside the Time Tunnel, he saw himself getting attacked. 

And he saw the hatred in Sofia eyes. At that time, he thought that Sofia had betrayed him

But right now he is not so sure.

He saw how despondent Sofia really is and how she felt. 

Did she betray him? Or did he betray her?

Is that why this battle happens? But then it didn't explain why the whole world seems to treat him like an enemy.

Or maybe, the world betrayed him? Or could it be he betrayed the world?

What happen to them in the future he thought to himself. 

Then as the dark attack is about to reach Sofia, someone jump up from the ground. Shining like the sun, that person took the attack his future-self had sent to Sofia.

And that person is none other than Raymond. Raymond look toward Sofia and smile as he slowly disintegrates.

She shouted something and then she picks back her bow and once again aim her bow at Azief future-self. 

Tears falling from the side of her eyes, she once again plucks the bow strings as arrows shot itself out toward Azief future-self in replescendent light

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Once again the scenery becomes even more blurry. Azief could no longer maintain his sense of detachment. 

Because he saw how Raymond look at Sofia and how Sofia look at Raymond before Raymond were extinguished like an ashes being blown by the wind, dissipated almost immediately.

Azief wanted to see more but headache suddenly attack him. 

The more he tries to see, the blurry the scene become. 

And then like silhouette he could only saw them as form of silhouettes. 

he takes a step forward but his heart is actually full of anxiousness. 

He need to see more. He needs to see it until the end

He needs to try to understand what happen to him. What happen to Sofia and what happen to the world?

The more he thinks of this matter, the more his heart felt anxious. And the blurry the scene become. The fog become thicker and he no longer could see anything. Only a vast space of emptiness filled with fog.

He was about to fly forward into the fog when a voice suddenly said

'Fate and Destiny could not be forced. It is time now. Return' Then like he is being pulled by an omnipotent hand he was yanked out form the vision. 

Darkness envelops him and then when he opens his eyes, he was still there. 

Under that dried up tree with his hand holding the Oracle withered hand. It almost felt like everything he had experience, everything he had seen is nothing more than just a bad dream

Smiling the Oracle said

'How was it? Your future?'

The wind blows coldly around them as the sunlight of morning just show itself up. A new day has begun


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