Lord Shadow

Chapter 802: OWING TOO MUCH

There is an apocalyptic wind that passes by the Asian continent and that is Death Monarch helps toward them. 

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Two Divine Comprehension leveler working together could create such a terrifying effect.

That is the thought that pervaded every inch of his mind.

Lee Sangmin because he was protected by the unique array formation that he had set up around the Lotus Palace, he could see the process of what happened very well. 

He saw how the wind passes by the Seresian demons and the Otherworldly forces.

When the wind passes the demonic creatures they all morphed. 

They morphed and then disintegrated like the energies in their body all went unstable and erupted all at the same time. 

It is like they turn into cancer cell and it was removed forcefully by some heating device

They all disintegrated into particles of dust before the wind always wash it away. 

As for the otherworldly forces, the wind sweeps them and like an acid poured on top of a plastic, that is what happens to them. 

They melted not into liquid but to energy form, the very basic of their atomic particle.

None of their high tech machinery could resist the destructive force of that wind. 

The wind also seems to be guided by the eye in the sky as the eye seems to pointed toward the enemy and accelerated the wind movement.

With that, the Asian continent become calm. Lee Sangmin sighed and then said to the Feng Jing, Emperor of Wei who is standing beside him.

'I will go to Pandemonium' His word is very simple and very light but the implication of his word is very heavy

The world is calm and the wind is breezy. 

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There are no space rips opening up in the sky and Asian continent seems to have survive the onslaught with the arrival of that wind.

Energy of the world in Asian continent become dense almost immediately after the divine wind that Death Monarch had unleashed kill all the invaders. 

After all, the invaders also possess energy in their body. 

And now that energy remains here in Earth Prime and affect this Milky Way galaxy filling every inch and corner of the Universe with energy of the fallen.

Who knows how many Disk Formation level combatant that died in this world. 

Azief had been able to do this because of his power over the Laws and the fact that each Seresian demonic creature that come out of the space rip and enter into Earth Prime was suppressed by the Will of the World.

The Emperor however did not seem to care about this matter and more concerned with the words of Lee Sangmin

The soldiers still need to clean and bury the fallen warriors. 

Lee Sangmin who is known as the protector of the Lotus Palace suddenly said he is going to Pandemonium would bewilder people. 

This line of thinking did not track and usually would shock any other people. But Feng Jing was not shocked at all. 

But not shocked did not mean that he would allow it

The Emperor frowned and then he said


Lee Sangmin then smiling bitterly said

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'I owe too much. It would be too ungrateful of me to ignore the grace given to me.' 

The Emperor sighed and close his eyes. he could hear the cheering roars of his soldiers beneath the city wall and then after a moment he slowly nodded in agreement.

Lee Sangmin smiles and without hesitation he run forward and then jump down from the tall Lotus Palace Hall

He pointed his wooden staff in front of him and as he is falling down, a greenish brown portal opened up and he disappeared.

The Emperor only sighed as he looks at the barrier that held up the Lotus Palace during the invasion. 

He saw the character written on the core of the formation and he sighed again as his eyes then gaze back to his front. 

Even though all of the Seresian and the otherworldly forces could no longer be seen, the effect of the battle could still be seen.

There are large craters everywhere and there were many corpses around them and limbs of people scattered about. 

Holes formed on the ground and the sight of abyss that appeared after a great attack is all too common all over the city.

There is flames that is soaring high trying to touch the sky. 

There is even a river that was diverted and some hills and small mountains that was flattened because of the battle.

Even from his Lotus Palace he could see that there is a tall mountain in the distance that he could not see before half an hour ago

The distance between Heaven and Earth multiplied hundredfold. 

Even if one wanted to launch rocket to space, it would take a long time before it would reach the sky and went out of Earth.

Everything changes in half an hour. He sighed again 

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'How many changes must happen in one life time before one would feel discouraged' he is muttering to himself.

Feng Jing had experienced many things since the Fall. It is very fortunate that he had survive all of it.

And it is his fortune that he had joined hand with Sangmin. 

If not, there would not be that many people that would be saved today. 

He thought to himself as he turns back and look at the city behind him. 

There is millions of people that were saved because of Sangmin today.

Most of the citizens of the Asian continent usually build their cities around the Lotus palace except those that have their own sphere of influence and warlords and leaders that they answer to. 

When the invasion first happens, because of the formation power, Lee Sangmin is able to transport almost all the cities affiliated with Lotus Palace inside the Forbidden City.

The Forbidden City is of course not the forbidden city of former China. Instead it is the Lotus Forbidden City and is a metropolitan courts of people of all races.

While there is still distinction between races, that kinds of feeling are slowly being eroded since the Weronian invasion. 

Most people did not view things in the terms of races anymore since they are the same which is humans.

It is the outside world that they should fear and be wary with. 

Nobody wanted to live in the years of the Weronian Occupation again. Old grudges are slowly being forgotten and new alliances are formed since that terrible day

Lotus Palace is inside the Lotus Forbidden City. 

There is one effect of the world expanding that help keep Lotus Palace intact even after the many attacks that everyone inside the Lotus Forbidden City to be saved

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The power of the formation also increased when the world expanded and the space inside the Forbidden City right now could accommodate all of humanity. 

After all, humanity after the Fall had scarce population. 

Before the fall there is seven billion people living in the world give or take. 

After the invasion and all the calamity, disaster and many other obstacles, humanity as a whole is only around four billion people and it is only after a few years of peace that the population is showing an upward trend

If this is before the Fall, housing would be very cheap.

There is a lot of land even before the world expanded. 

Before the world expanded, the Forbidden city could accommodate around one million people. 

But at that time if one million people was really placed inside the forbidden city it would be very crowded with each person would find it hard to walk from one point to another because of how crowded it would be.

That is the maximum estimate of the population that could be accommodated since Lotus Forbidden City took a lot of land area. 

Inside the forbidden city there is a lot of residence and people living in those reside and outside the forbidden city there is even more small cities. 

Since Lotus Palace control not only China but all of Asia and Asia itself is not ruled solely by Lotus Order, the Lotus Forbidden City was very large to accommodate when the warlords and the other leaders in Asia come into meeting

But now with the expansion of the world, the Lotus Forbidden City expanded so much that it could fit all four billion people of Earth and still have a lot space to spare. 

One could only imagine how hard it is to rule the continent after this with each village separated by thousands of miles. 

How about the other lands that was under the Lotus Order before? They too would be hard to manage because of the distance among other factors

The emperor sighed as he looks upwards again. 


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