Lord Shadow

Chapter 852: 852

Azief, Katarina and Sofia love triangle dragged on for centuries as Azief wrestle with his own feelings.

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Of course, this timeline, it is bit different while still have that same plot.

The meeting between Azief and Katarina happened earlier and Azief was not as dark as he was during the original timeline.

Many things have changed but the three people still tangled with each other. Love is also a form of destiny. And that is probably that is the destiny of three people.

If they were normal people, the matter might not have dragged on for centuries

The matter exacerbated as they become godlike figures, as each of their action affects things in the global and universal scale

Just look at Katarina and how she punished Annika. Or when she wanted to vent her anger and frozen an entire continent in her wrath.

Azief indecisions that lasted for centuries birthed so many events and tragedies. The last straw is probably the death of Katarina in the War of the Sovereigns which led to God of Death to enter the war and kill Oreki and Hikigaya and wounding the others.

Sofia had also felt sad at that event and she said that by dying Katarina had seared herself into Azief mind.

She could not fight against a dead person locked in Azief mind. It was a tragic day that Loki remembered all too well.

His love was different than the dramatic romantic love that Azief had for the two ladies

Loki love was a simple one but depending on some people his love is even more hard to understand for some people.

It is the people he met in his journey, the people who shares a connection with him. The people he saw in the taverns. Those people that had helped him and save him.

Those that gives him a bit of kindness in a cruel hard world. The people that fight alongside him, the people that sacrificed their life and time for him.

It is something he did not understand until it was too late. And that regret shaped him and changes him in the later years

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In the original timeline, many people hated him but if all the people in the world hated him, why was there a temple dedicated to him in the Norwegian community?

Why was there people who worshiped him and burns offering for him? Pray to him?

Because, he was the only Sovereign that walk among mortals. Those other Sovereigns live high up in the Heavens, some created their own personal realm, giving access only to their chosen

They were high up above the air, but mortals live on the ground and could only look up to them.

Even if they fly up and went out from Earth, even if they fly for thousand years, unless those Sovereigns open the door and guided them, they would not be able to see the faces of the Sovereigns

But Loki was different. He was among them. He could easily be summoned. People could make deals with him

What he asks for the price of his help is always steep but it is fair. Because those who makes deals from him, always needed the deals more than he who did not need it.

He was a different kind of breed than the other Sovereigns and while some make fun of his status, many of the common people regarded him as the god that fight for them… and the one that is closest to them

And while Loki had never intended to be like that, in his later years, he was not that bitter against the world.

He would sometime go to Elysium and visit Annika.

Other times he would go to Neverland to talk with the always sorrowful jean, or play around in Oreki Thunder realm, and he sometimes sneak to Hikigaya Illusionary World and surprise him every once in a while.

Of course, after the War of the Sovereign, he rarely visits anyone anymore.

He thought of all of this memories of the past and he could not help but sighed.

to him it is a distant past.

But to the people of this world, none of that had happened. It might not even have happened in this timeline.

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When he thinks of this disconnect, he immediately felt like he was alone in this world

Though, he does know that Erika also have seen the future. But what she sees and what he sees is different.

And Erika has always been an optimist which is odd considering the doom she saw in a daily basis.

She is probably the most hopeful. It takes quite the strength of the heart to remain faithful even though there is so much evidence to the contrary.

He looks toward the direction of the north and his eyes seems to travel though the distance and he saw Erika in a continent far away, sitting under a tall tree.

She appears very lonely. It is a loneliness that Loki understood.

Though, the heights of the tree did not appear that tall now that the distance between the sky and the ground seems to expand

But he could see her there, still waiting.

On that area below the tree, Erika felt the sensation of being watched and then she smiles as she too looks at the direction of Loki. She could not see anything because of her cultivation level but she does sense Loki

Loki saw her smile and he shakes his head in regret.

"Hope… it is that hard to find'

That is one of the reason he separated himself into seven parts.

The other reason was that he fears that he would go too fast, that he would become impatient and as such ruin the grand enterprise

Some thing would change if the person doing it won't know what would happen later. Other times, there are memories that is given to his other incarnation so that it could serve as a guidance.

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Whatever the case, each Loki understood this.

They get as much memories that they needed, not too much and not too little.

If it is too much, ten many more memories would be erased by the effect of Time Correction.

If it's too little, then there is bound to be mistake in making the plans and setting up scheme. Even if Number Seven lies to them, in the end, it is number seven lying to himself.

As such, even enemies would find it hard to find Loki true endgame plan. It is quite appropriate for Loki to create such a plan.

He is after all in the future would become the God of Lies

But he is also the God of Truth. That is the duality of his power

Since he is able to see through all lies, he is then able to see all the truth.

This kind of statements in some kind of Zen statement but that is the ability of Loki powers. No one could lie to him. Of course this power was developed during his later years where he was more mature.

If Hikigaya eyes could see through all illusion and create all kinds of paradises and hells and turning illusion into reality, then Loki ability could even negate Hikigaya ability.

Because he sees all truth, all realities and could discern what is fake, what is false.Thus it is only appropriate that he probably even lies to his other self, and dangle the truth a bit so that his other self could be guided

It is not like Loki wanted to lie and do such a complicated way and scheming against himself

It is only because of Time Correction and Time Backlash that would visit him that he had to make such a method

It is a safe way so that the memory would not get eroded by the Time Correction.

Even now, as he is standing here, protecting Yewa Hafar from the pressure of that Wheel, Loki is worried that Time would find his trace and began correcting his memory to achieve Time Balance.

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Jean had explained all of this to him before he went back in time so he had been always maintaining a cautious attitude when he went out from his hiding place.

Most of the time, he is in slumber.

With little to no energy emission and energy absorbing, even Time would not be able to find his trace when he hides so deeply beneath layers upon layers of dimension, lost timelines and fractional space remnants


Another tremor echoes all over the area.

Yewa Hafar look at Loki and said

'Still staying?'

Loki smiles and said

'Are you thinking of using Time to threaten me?' Then Loki said

'All Source is still here. And it is still strong. That would at least hold it off for a few moments if the backlash is about to come'

Yewa Hafar become silent and said nothing else. Loki on the other hand, now think about the All Source.

The area around him is becoming even more chaotic.

Every once in a while a few boulders and blocks of the earth would fly over and landed around them but because of the dome nothing happened to Yewa Hafar and Loki


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