Lord Shadow

Chapter 869: 869

Azief had become the saber, the World Cleaving Saber.

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He, at that moment, understood a bit about the words 'The Sky as Chessboard, The Stars Are It Pieces, Gods Do Not Care About Mortal Live, Carefree Roaming the Universe. Cut Apart Worldly Concerns'

Whether his understanding is the same as Azul understanding did not matter. What matters is his understanding.

A thousand roads leading to one destination. What matter which road he takes if the destination is the same?

He knows it. But he did not understand it. Knowing it and understanding it, is like sayings something based on theory versus saying something based on experience.

The feeling would be different so would be the wisdom behind the words

Azief in that two seconds regain back his hand, regenerate back his wounds and then he stops.

The suddenness of his sudden stopping in the air breaks the sky behind him, creating wrinkled space distortion that is on the verge of breaking.

Azief body surges with energy as the Wheel stops. Azief stop the Wheel because he wanted to absorbs a bit of the power of the Wheel.

Like a rain giving life to a parched land, the Wheel rain down energy upon Azief body, nourishing it and Azief pressure climbed up even higher, his eyes seem to shoot golden light that could cut apart all demons.

A life absorbing energy comes out from and the element and particles around him all progress to their own destruction either by the force of time or by the force of elemental destruction that was accelerated for them

Azief is ready to cleave. He is the saber right now. And before the World Cleaving Saber cleaves the world, it will destroy life

Energy, life and anything that supports life all were devoured by Azief in that one moment, as Azief power rises up to match up to the Demon King

Azief smiles.

He might not be an Essence Creation leveler but that did not mean even Essence Creation leveler could underestimate him.

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He is an anomaly in the world. And why he is an anomaly?

Because he had reached perfection

That makes him an anomaly. Azief had never think of taking that final step to reach Essence Creation because he did not need to.

As the energy enter his body, Azief eyes no longer is golden. Instead it is bright blue that have a tint of silver.

And then thirteen vague titanic silhouette appears behind Azief small figures. The Worldly energy, the Universal energy and even the Omniversal energies, this three layers of realities of creation swirls and concentrated itself upon Azief.

His power had reached the level of Essence Creation prowess. He only lacks the Essence power that all Essence Creation leveler had.

But this is not enough.

Azief had never fought and be injured to such a level

To many people, their battle might seem short. But that short battle alone had devastated the Earth and causes massive storm energies that erupts all over the world

It is already long enough for both of them. When one reaches as high level as them, fighting becomes boring.

It relates heavily to their understanding of the Laws and the usages of their energy. Today, Azief did not feel that battle is as boring as it is before.

Azief held out his hand forward and in that slow motion movement as his hand is about to thrust forward to the front, an illusory sword appears in his hand.

There is the aura of a world extermination might on the handle of that sword.

And the sword itself is very beautiful as it has thirteen trails lines on its body. Each of the trail lines represent the Laws that he had cultivated.

This is a perfect sword in the existence of the Omniverse. Not because of its shape, or because of its form but because of the Laws imbued in it.

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A Sword of Perfection. Azief wanted to combine his Laws abilities with the Six Path spell that he had learned from Azul.

The area around the sword did not break, its space did not tremble or distorted.

It was like the sword is just a normal word. Instead of destroying the space around it, it is there unnoticed by the heavens.

A Perfection when it is born in the Universe would be attacked by tribulation and punishment from the Will of the Universe.

But when they have surpassed that tribulation, it would be approved, becoming feared and becoming natural.

There is nothing more terrifying than when a perfect being becomes natural

The sword is like that. The force is already there ready to be unleashed.

But Azief still did not thrust his sword forward. Balfor is still clutching his head. Is Azief wanting a fair fight with the Demon King?

Anyone that would think like that clearly did not know Azief enough.

He smiles widely when suddenly space tears apart in the area around Balfor. Coming out of the space tear is thousands of missiles.

It is the aid from Orvanians fleet.

Balfor had just regained his clarity and when he was about to attack toward Azief, suddenly he was surrounded by tens of thousands of missiles.

The missile hit on him.

But it did not produce a world shaking explosion like the thunder dragons did. There is not even a sound of explosion or even any shockwave.

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It just went into him and then nothing

Azief frowned for a moment but then his eyebrows were raised. He could feel that there is a change in the aura of the Demon King.

'heh. So the Orvanians had this kind of technology. I guess they were not only bragging about their superior technology for nothing.' But still Azief still did not thrust forward his sword.

His entire body is still taking the life force of the world. Withering reached all four corners of the world as death reigns and life force were diminished.

Come out! Azief said and then Hikigaya appeared beside Azief as he ripped out the space around Azief.

The moment he appears he did not even say anything toward Azief.

Instead he dash forward.

Balfor was still dazed and did not realize that there is another person that appears suddenly in the scene.

Hikigaya action was very fast.

He appeared and then disappear before appearing in front of the Demon king and touches the demon king forehead.

The Demon King tries to deflect Hikigaya finger that is pointing toward his forehead but the hand that he deflects turns into a puff of smokes before suddenly seeing that Hikigaya finger had reached his forehead

'Turn illusion into reality, turn reality into illusion. Subverts what is real and what is false' Hikigaya spoke, his word is a decree to the surrounding area and the Laws of the world.

The moment he said that Hikigaya disappeared turning into gaseous substance. Azief only smiles.

Hikigaya had help him and this help is more than enough

Balfor then notice that he had been attacked mentally as Hikigaya disappeared.

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He had protected his obsession and then eh rushed forward. He broke Azief defense before Azief could attack him.

It was swift and fast and almost with no resistance.

Balfor easily kill him by punching him in the face. He then seals Azief laws and crushed it, killing the mortal truly and completely.

He saw the world as the breeding ground of the new generation of demons. After he killed Azief he saw the hovering ten eternal rings and he grabs it.

As for the All Source, he decided to research it later. For now, it is more crucial for him to return to his world and set a world channel between the two

He took the ten Eternal ring and then he returns to his world. But the moment when he returns to his world, he suddenly felt something is wrong.

It is too easy' he said and then realization dawned on him

'Shit' He knew at that moment he had been done in by an illusion.

He turns back and he saw nothingness and then he remembers his obsession again. He looks at his hand and then he saw there is no ring and then the illusion breaks

The illusion lasted for two seconds.

In that two second, Azief had uses all the factors for his victory. The moment he holds that sword upward he had convinced himself that this slash would end the Demon King.

The moment the Demon King broke from the illusion; he saw the mortal is smiling to him. And then Azief brought down the sword might upon him

And a powerful sword attack split the world into half.


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