Lovable Beauty

Chapter 14.2: 14.2


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Two days later.

In the compound sitting in the street behind Prince Qin’s manor,  Ge Jin nodded as he listened to the report from the secret guard from the prince’s manor and headed for the master chamber to find his master.

Dressed in a homely day-to-day robe, Xiao Yuan towered over the desk as he drew. On the canvas was a single branch of peach blossoms in full bloom and an oriole yet to be completed.

Ge Jin didn’t dare to disturb his master’s leisure and silently waited off to the side. When his master put down the ink brush, he praised exuberantly, “Young Master’s peach blossoms are drawn beautifully, even more stunning than those blooming outside. But a single bird seems too lonely. How about drawing another one? It is merrier to form pairs.”

“Do you want me to pair you off?” Xiao Yuan shot a look at him and headed over to the washing stand.

Ge Jin laughed it off and bent over as he followed him. As he helped his master roll up his sleeves, he whispered, “Young master, Xie Yao has moved into the Jiang residence and is completely divorced from Fang Ze. Du Yinger’s face was disfigured, so Fang Ze has been searching everywhere for master doctors. It appears he truly cares for this cousin.”

Fang Ze was the magistrate of Xi’an. Before his master’s arrival, he already sent people to keep their eyes on him.

“How confident are you of curing her?” Xiao Yuan dipped his hands in water to wash them, his expression indifferent.

Ge Jin grinned confidently, “For this kind of injury, I can promise to help her recover anytime within two years.”

Once two years have passed, the scar would be too old and not much can be done.

Xuan Yuan nodded, “Pass down the orders: Fang Ze is not allowed to remarry in these two years. As for Miss Du, do what you have to do; don’t let her get pregnant.”

“Understood! Young Master can rest assured,” Ge Jin said solemnly.

As long as Fang Ze doesn’t consider marriage, Du Yinger wouldn’t ask to be a concubine. Once the time was right, his master will throw out the bait and Du Yinger will naturally become his master’s pawn by Fang Ze’s side. If Fang Ze was obedient, he would leave him be, but if Fang Ze didn’t take the hint, one Du Yinger was enough to make Xi’an change its magistrate.

“Oh right, the Jiang family is holding a marriage ceremony tomorrow. Will Young Master be going?” Ge Jin asked curiously. At the Bright Moon Tavern the other day, Jiang Huaizhou gave his master an invitation.

Xiao Yuan accepted the towel, lowering his eyes, saying, “Send a congratulatory gift in my place.”

Too loud, so he wouldn’t be going, nor did their friendship reach that point.

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Ge Jin already guessed this would be his answer. After all, even if he went, he wouldn’t get to see the Fifth Young Lady of the Xie family, and neither was his master the type to force himself to do something he didn’t like just to win people over to his side. Speaking of congratulatory gifts, Ge Jin just remembered something and his voice became frivolous again, “Young Master, the Fifth Young Lady of the Xie family wants to buy the Jade Lotus Cream. Should we send over a few bottles?”

“Very well, let the Jiang family know that I’m watching them,” Xiao Yuan stated calmly and went into the study.

Ge Jin stopped where he was, wishing he could slap himself.

Knowing that the master liked to keep his emotions to himself, he still liked to rub it in. Sooner or later he will be ruined by this quick mouth of his.

Meanwhile, Xiao Yuan went inside the study alone. After sitting down, he didn’t read any of the news sent by the secret guards from all over the place; instead, he fell into a daze, staring off into space.

The Fifth Young Lady of the Xie family, Xie Lanyin…

Surprisingly, he actually missed her voice a little. That kind of feeling was like he knew there was an oriole that sang the best in the city, but he couldn’t go play with it, because it belonged to someone else. If he really went, the “oriole” would definitely not be happy to sing for him and the people who raised her would chase him out of their home.

Most importantly, stealing the bird outright wasn’t something he could do.


Just after dawn, the Jiang family got busy.

The bride would be entering the family today, so Xie Lanyin woke up much earlier, putting on the red begonia flower-patterned coat, and a begonia bloom adorned her hair as she went to greet the elders with a beaming smile.

The young girl was lovely and charming. Madam Li was charmed by her, as she pulled her niece over to her side, reminding her, “After your Eldest Cousin and Sister-in-law finishes drinking the cross-cup wine, remember to pass them the sugar water. Don’t forget!”

The bride and groom drinking sugar water meant sweet as honey. According to customs, the sugar water had to be delivered by the groom’s younger sister. Madam Li had no daughters of her own, nor did she have nieces in the Jiang branch, so she arranged this job for her little niece.

On the big day, Auntie was even more nervous than her older cousin. Everything was double and triple-checked. Xie Lanyin reassured, “Auntie, don’t worry. As soon as the firecrackers go off up front, I will prepare the sugar water. I won’t forget!”

Madam Li patted her niece’s head and was about to compliment her when she suddenly saw Nanny Liu leading Fang Ling over, her smile stiffening.

When they stepped through the doors, Nanny Liu gently pushed Fang Ling forward.

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Fang Ling was dressed in red. Her parents were both good-looking, so the little girl lovely like a doll. This attire was very festive. Bearing in mind her mother’s advice, Fang Ling said obediently, “Auntie, Mother can’t leave her room, so she had me come over to meet my Eldest Sister-in-law. My mother told me to give you this.”

From her sleeve, she took out a red envelope, handing it to Madam Li.

Xie Lanyin eyed the red envelope and lowered her eyes.

Before Xie Yao caused a fuss with the divorce, she even refused to see her mother when she came. But now Xie Yao wanted something from them, all due courtesy wasn’t neglected. She wondered once they returned to Hangzhou if Xie Yao would immediately change tunes.

“Why, your mother doesn’t have to be so polite. It’s enough that A’Ling is here,” Madam Li didn’t want Xie Yao’s gift money. Knowing Fang Ling had no authority, she handed the red envelope to Nanny Liu, softly saying, “If your lady was well, I will definitely accept this gift but now she is a single mother, with a daughter in tow, save what you can. We’re family, so there’s no need for such formalities.”

Nanniy Liu knew her mistress wasn’t short of this tidbit of money and the gift will allow her to live with the Jiang family without being looked down on, so she refused to accept it back.

Madam Li’s face darkened, glowering as she said, “Take what I give you. Pass on my words to your lady. What authority do you have to make the decisions for her?” She was a busy woman and didn’t have the time to waste with a nanny.

After being scolded, Nanny Liu didn’t dare act pretentious anymore and took the red envelope. Reminding Fang Ling to be obedient and not to run off, she returned to report back.

Madam Jiang looked to her youngest daughter. “Lanyin, look after A’Ling. You girls don’t be naughty and don’t go anywhere; just wait in the backyard.”

Once again, the job of babysitting was pushed onto her….

Xie Lanyin gave her mother a look full of grievance, but her mother brushed it off with an encouraging smile; she could only accept her fate.

Their older cousins went to the neighboring county to escort the bridal party. It was still early in the day. The guests haven’t arrived yet. Xie Lanyin mulled it over and led Fang Ling to walk around the garden.

“Fifth Cousin, will we be leaving after Eldest Cousin’s wedding?” Fang Ling asked, looking up at her.

Xie Lanyin snapped a willow branch. Hearing this, her attention was piqued as she looked down at her, “Auntie asked you to ask this?”

Fang Ling was young and wasn’t good at hiding anything. It was written all over her face.

Xie Lanyin smiled. Not wanting to burden a child, she patted her head and said, “We’ll leave once Auntie is recovered.”

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By the end of the month, Xie Yao wouldn’t have left confinement yet. If they insisted on leaving, the neighbors would gossip, so they will postpone their departure till the middle of April.

Fang Ling hummed in acceptance and turned her gaze toward the direction of her home. Thinking that she would never see her father again, her eyes started to water.

Xie Lanyin saw this but didn’t say anything.

Xie Yao’s daughter was likely to become another Xie Yao in the future. She never considered the thought of being real cousin-sisters with her.

One big and one small figure strolled around the garden twice. The guests from the main room arrived one after another, and it gradually became lively. Xie Lanyin led Fang Ling to meet the guests. The sun was high in the sky when the wedding party came back. The firecrackers crackled when the carriage turned into the alley. Xie Lanyin stood in the yard, watching the smoke rising outside, and immediately forgot all her troubles, feeling nothing but joy for her eldest cousin.

If Cousin-in-law didn’t disdain Eldest Cousin’s mustache, she must like Eldest Cousin very much.

Soon, Xie Lanyin met the bride Lin Xuan in the bridal chamber.

The Lin family was in the silk and fabrics business. Lin Xuan was intelligent since she was a child. She learned poetry and songs from a female teacher and in private, she learned to calculate accounts. One time when Jiang Jizhou went to buy goods, Master Lin miscalculated. Lin Xuan deliberately didn’t remind him and hid behind to observe Jiang Jizhou. When Jiang Jizhou pointed it out, she grew fond of him. When Jiang Jizhou came again, she pretended to run into him unintentionally. She was born gentle and beautiful, and she was more spirited and intelligent than ordinary ladies. Jiang Jizhou fell in love at first sight; they flirted with each other a few times, and soon the marriage was established.

Seeing the stunning and charming bride sitting next to her mustached cousin, Xie Lanyin bit back a laugh as she walked over with a tray of two small bowls of sugar water firmly in her hand, and said sweetly, “May Eldest Cousin and Cousin-in-law drink the sugar water. May you be a loving husband and wife and may you have a marriage sweet as honey.”

Jiang Jizhou nodded approvingly at his little cousin’s sweet blessings.

Lin Xuan was surrounded and watched by a crowd. Her face was red as she lowered her head and picked up the bowl.

At noon, she accompanied the bride at the banquet, and at night, the young couple had their marriage night. Xie Lanyin was lying on her bed and couldn’t help but fantasize about her future husband. He must be good-looking. Firstly, it was pleasing to her eyes, and secondly, it ensured that the children she gave to would also be beautiful. As for the family background, it must be good too, so that no one can look down upon her…

Letting her imagination run wild, she gradually fell asleep.

The next day the newlyweds were to serve the elders tea. Xie Lanyin didn’t dare to sleep in. She woke up as soon as Yingge called her and headed to the front hall once she was dressed.

The newlyweds have yet to arrive.  The elders were already talking inside. Xie Lanyin saw her third cousin winking at her. She was curious and followed him out.

“You didn’t get to see the wedding procession, are you disappointed?” Jiang Huaizhou asked his cousin, shaking his fan.

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Xie Lanyin pouted. What could she do? It couldn’t be helped she was a girl and she couldn’t be as unrestrained as a man.

Jiang Huaizhou smiled, covered half of his face with a fan, and whispered to her, “Let me tell you, there is a hillside thirty miles outside the city. Our marriage is with matchmakers and bridal gifts, but the women of the hillside pick their husbands by singing folk songs. Whoever can match their song, that’s who they will pick. What about it? Does Lanyin want to watch?”

“Such a thing exists?” Xie Lanyin asked curiously, “When will we go?”

“The twenty-fifth of this month,” Jiang Huaizhou said with a smile, knowing that the little cousin likes to join in the fun.

Xie Lanyin nodded exuberantly and wanted to inquire more into it when she saw the couple of newlyweds coming from a distance. The man was tall and handsome, and the woman was petite, but no matter how Xie Lanyin looked at it, she felt there was something off as if something was wrong.

Jiang Huaizhou beside her suddenly let out a muffled laugh, turned around, and pointed out, “Mustache.”

Xie Lanyin snapped her gaze back to her eldest cousin, and indeed, she found where the strange part was—the mustache was gone!

Fearing that she couldn’t hold back her laughter, Xie Lanyin hastily turned her back to them.

When Jiang Jizhou saw this, he gently squeezed his wife’s little hand, “It’s all your fault. They’re laughing at me.”

It was such a rush last night, she actually said that she would not allow him to kiss her unless he shaved. What could he do but shave?

Lin Xuan’s cheeks flushed, and she quickly broke away from his hand.

Who was to blame? He chose it himself. She didn’t force him.

Sorry for missing the last few updates. I was caught up in some personal matters in my life, but it’s been sorted out. Posts will continue as usual—for now. I’m considering dropping this book and starting a new translation (due to the lack of views and personal taste). Personally, after rereading the story, I don’t like the male lead or the female lead all that much.

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