Lovable Beauty

Chapter 16: 16

Chapter 16-A Feast for the Eyes 

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Xie Lanyin had prepared the horse with saddle and stirrup but was too intimidated to ride it without Jiang Huaizhou’s help. She walked slowly with the horse until she saw her cousin coming up in the distance with Xiao Yuan and his servant in tow. Her cousin’s royal blue brocade robe was befitting any gentleman, but when compared to Young Master Yuan’s simple dark robes, he looked like the steward instead. 

But why were they coming over together? 

Nervous butterflies fluttered in her stomach until the group approached and she overheard Xiao Yuan say he was going to break-in a horse himself. Xie Lanyin shot her cousin a dirty look, discreetly. 

The racecourse was quite large, but to tame a horse, the horse had to have enough space to run around in. It would be impossible for Xiao Yuan to tame the horse and for her to learn without any distractions, at the same time. Since Jiang Huaizhou brought them over, her cousin was obviously going to take care of the guest first and let her wait. 

His little cousin’s glare wasn’t scary at all, but the gloom in her eyes made Jiang Huaizhou feel guilty. Just as he was about to call his little cousin to the side to have a little word with her, Xiao Yuan stepped forward and assured Xie Lanyin, “Fifth Young Lady, you don’t have to worry. I won’t take long.” 

His phoenix eyes were calm, and he was confident. Considering his generosity with the Jade Lotus Cream, Xie Lanyin offered him a polite smile in return, “Thank you for your consideration, Young Master Yuan, but I am not in a hurry. You can train the horse with peace of mind. I wish Young Master success in your endeavor.” 

Her voice was lovely, and the words were pleasant, but Xiao Yuan remembered the cute but annoyed look of the young girl just moments ago. 

“Thank you.” Glancing at her petite buckskin boots, Xiao Yuan retreated to Jiang Huaizhou’s side courteously. 

The racecourse staff brought over two strapping steeds. The two horses were different in size. The black coat of the slightly taller horse shone in the bright sun, and the shorter one was a Ferghana horse that was similarly majestic. It was like a face-off between two stubborn generals. 

Xie Lanyin’s was captivated by such outstanding mounts and handed over her reins to the steward as she nervously scooted next to her cousin to wait for the show to begin. 

“Brother Yuan, which horse do you want to try first?” Jiang Huaizhou asked curiously. 

Xiao Yuan cast his gentle eyes on the black horse. 

The staff brought the horse over. Lu Jun hesitated for a moment and stepped forward, earnestly begging, “Young Master, please let me try first?” 

His master’s safety was worth its weight in gold. There was no room for any mishaps. 

“No need.” Xiao Yuan’s voice was cold as he took the reins of the horse and walked towards the opposite side of the racetrack, so as not to startle the horse and hurt others. 

Lu Jun followed closely behind. 

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Looking at the retreating backs of the master and servant, Xie Lanyin asked her cousin suspiciously, “Will he succeed?” This Young Master Yuan possessed a slim physique, and his cold eyebrows made him look more like an immortal in the sky. With his appearance alone, Xie Lanyin found it hard to associate him with taming a beast. 

“Young Master Yuan isn’t someone to be trifled with. Just wait and see,” Jiang Huaizhou said, shaking his folding fan lightly. If one didn’t have confidence in himself, why would he take the risk? This Young Master Yuan didn’t pay any special attention to his beautiful little cousin and only suggested taming a horse out of passion for the creatures. He certainly wasn’t one of those incompetent dandies who forced a brave front in front of the ladies. 

Xie Lanyin eyed him dubiously for a few moments and then turned to the tracks expectantly. 

He was far away, so she couldn’t see the man’s expressions, but when he got on the horse, his movements were clean and simple. Before the hem of his dark robe fluttered down, he was already mounted on top of the horse. In a blink of an eye, the steed raised its upper body high and neighed angrily. Seeing that the man might be thrown off any moment now, Xie Lanyin clutched her cousin’s arm, not sure if she was afraid of the man falling off the horse and causing an accident, or if she was afraid of the wild and unruly horse running towards her. 

The horse was jumping and roaring furiously. All this time, the man held the reins tightly, as stable as Mount Tai. His fair face was sometimes exposed to the sun and sometimes backlit during the madness of the horse. By the time Xie Lanyin saw the cold sweat soaking his back, she didn’t know what the man did, but the horse suddenly stopped jumping and ran forward like the wind. 

“Brother Yuan is very capable!” Jiang Huaizhou cheered in exhilaration. 

Hearing the shout, Xiao Yuan looked back, but his eyes fell on the figure in white. Feeling the majestic body of the horse under him, his heart was brimmed with pride. He drove the horse over to the two cousins. After about twenty strides, he reined in and stopped in front of them. He lowered his head and asked Xie Lanyin, “Fifth Young Lady, I wonder if I am over-time?” The man’s tone was condescending. Xie Lanyin looked up at him but lost herself in the pair of phoenix eyes that were filled with humor. 

This was a man who was handsome and refined, a man who looked elegant but actually possesses amazing strength. Looking at his handsome and attractive face illuminated by the bright spring sun, his vigorous figure on a galloping horse reappeared in her mind. Xie Lanyin’s heartbeat suddenly became uncontrollable, thumping so hard, which was a strange feeling she had never experienced before. 

But she could hear the arrogance in the man’s words. 

In the final analysis, he was also a person who likes to show off. 

No matter how appreciative she was, Xie Lanyin didn’t want to make him too proud, and praised perfunctorily, “Young Master Yuan’s riding skills are superb, which is admirable.” 

Xiao Yuan merely smiled and didn’t look at her again. He got off the horse, touched the dark horse’s head, and said to Jiang Huaizhou, “Third Young Master, what’s your offer?” 

Jiang Huaizhou bowed his hands to him, and proposed sincerely, “Many have tried yet have failed to tame this steed. Today it submitted to Brother Yuan, which shows that Brother Yuan is its destined master. A prized steed should be a gift for a hero. If Brother Yuan sees me as a friend, please don’t refuse.” 

Xiao Yuan hesitated to speak and regarded him for a moment before he smiled and answered, “Very well, Yuan will not refuse Huaizhou’s sincere offer. From now on, if Huaizhou has any use for me, just ask.” 

After hearing this, Xie Lanyin curled her lips quietly. Her uncle’s family was the richest in Shaanxi. He was a nobody. At most, he had some money, but no amount can compare to her uncle’s family. Yet he had the audacity to offer her cousin help? He was quite immodest when he spoke, and he was as arrogant and conceited as he was when they first met. 

However, Jiang Huaizhou didn’t think that way. If Xiao Yuan didn’t have an outstanding background, he wouldn’t be able to cultivate such skills and bearing. It was definitely a good deal to exchange a horse for such a friendship. Besides, even if the other party was just an ordinary person, based on today’s show, he sincerely wished to make friends with him and immediately asked Xiao Yuan for a drink out. 

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Xiao Yuan accepted the offer readily. Taking a glance at the white mare next to them, he suggested, “Huaizhou, go on and teach the Fifth Young Lady. I just got a good horse, so I’ll be taking a lap with it.” 

Jiang Huaizhou nodded. “Alright, best to run a few more laps before we head back to the into the city.” 

Xiao Yuan bowed his hands to the cousins, turned and got on the horse. 

Once they were a distance away, Xie Lanyin casually asked her cousin, “How much money will you get if you sell that horse?” 

Jiang Huaizhou only thought his little cousin was reluctant to part with the money, and said with a chuckle, “Who knows? If it can’t be tamed, then it won’t sell. If tamed… don’t worry, Lanyin. Is our family short on money for a horse? Let me tell you, this friendship is definitely worth it. I have never misjudged anyone.” 

Xie Lanyin snorted. 

Several minutes later, Xie Lanyin sat atop the horse, imitating Xiao Yuan’s posture from before, and asked her cousin condescendingly, “Didn’t you say you can read people? Then why can’t you see that this horse is suitable for me to ride?” 

She deliberately stretched her feet out of the stirrups, showing off her long legs to him. 

“Be careful! You’ll fall!” Jiang Huaizhou’s heart almost jumped out of his chest, and he quickly pressed her leg down. 

Xie Lanyin laughed out loud, snuck a glance around, and urged him excitedly, “Third Cousin, walk the horse for me!” 

Jiang Huaizhou once again told her to sit still, and then obediently acted as a groom for his little cousin, leading the white horse forward slowly. 

Xiao Yuan came over after running a lap. Perhaps the black stallion was too imposing, for the white mare backed away nervously. Xie Lanyin was used to the forward sway of the horse, so this was the first time she encountered such a situation, and she screamed out of fright and immediately leaned over and hugged the horse’s neck, eyes squeezed shut. 

Jiang Huaizhou laughed at her timidity. “With me holding the reins, what are you afraid of?” 

On the other side, Xiao Yuan’s eyes inched downward from the girl’s red face: first it was her back that was pressed against the back of the horse, then it was her soft and slender waist, and finally it came to the pair of long and slender legs. Because she was wearing tight riding habit, her figure was really provocative to the eyes. 

“Is Fifth Young Lady alright?” His words were apologetic, but the corners of his lips curled up. 

Xie Lanyin still didn’t dare to sit up straight and mustered up her courage to open her eyes. Instantly, she crossed eyes with the large eyes of the black horse next to her. Though those pair of eyes were similarly limpid, she couldn’t find a trace of meekness in them, only absolute arrogance, as if it was laughing at her and her horse. 

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Miffed, Xie Lanyin took a snub at Xiao Yuan, without looking up, “My horse is timid, so Young Master Yuan should stay away.” 

She was not polite at all and made no secret of her displeasure. 

Xiao Yuan chuckled and shared a look with the equally exasperated Jiang Huaizhou. His legs lightly clamped the horse’s belly, and he walked forward. When passing by, he noticed the young lady shooting him a glare. Given that she was on horseback, he let it go and pretended not to have seen her actions and only looked back when he was far away. 

Under the blue sky, the young lady was dressed in white appearing like a young man, and she was coquettishly ordering her cousin to walk the horse for her. 

For some reason, Xiao Yuan suddenly envied Jiang Huaizhou. 

“Young Master, do we really have to wait for them?” Lu Jun asked puzzled. 

Xiao Yuan patted the black horse’s neck leisurely. “I’m free this afternoon. It isn’t so bad to spend it horse riding.” 

Lu Jun didn’t talk as much as Ge Jin. Hearing his master’s plans, he silently followed the black horse. Seeing his master on the horse and the corners of his mouth curled up as he gazed at the blue sky and grasslands, Lu Jun felt a little sourness in his heart. The master seldom went out when he lived in the imperial palace, and practically lived the life of a prisoner. Now that he was finally free, it was only reasonable he wanted to relax. 

Xie Lanyin had some innate talent, and soon there was no need for her cousin to lead the horse for her. 

Jiang Huaizhou took a look at the position of the sun and called to his little cousin, “Come down, Lanyin. We will come back tomorrow.” 

Xie Lanyin had just learned how to ride, so she wasn’t done having fun just yet. Looking outside the racecourse, she exclaimed eagerly, “I want to go back on horseback.” 

“What will you do if the horse is frightened while on the road?” Jiang Huaizhou refused immediately and stepped forward to help her down, “There are people coming and going on the road. It is not as quiet as our own horse ranch. You are just starting out so take your time to learn. Don’t rush for quick success.” 

Xie Lanyin thought it better to be cautious than to hurt herself in an accident.  

When his little cousin stood firmly on the ground, Jiang Huaizhou waved to Xiao Yuan from a distance. 

Xiao Yuan rode over. “You two are heading back?” 

Jiang Huaizhou smiled and said, “Yes, Brother Yuan hasn’t ridden enough yet?” 

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Xiao Yuan got off the horse, patted the horse’s head, looked around the racecourse, and looked into the distance with some regret. “It’s a pity that the racecourse is limited in space, and I can’t go all out. If I have free time in the future, I will head to Mount Guan. Third Young Master was born in Shaanxi. I think you must have visited it before?” 

The Grassland of Mount Guan was the largest pasture near Xi’an City. Jiang Huaizhou liked to travel and had been there many times. He enthusiastically introduced it to him, “I have been there a few times. It is more than 600 miles away from Xi’an. With the foot strength of this horse, you can get there in a day. If Brother Yuan doesn’t mind, I will guide the way for Brother Yuan sometime at the end of April.” 

“Huaizhou’s kindness is appreciated.” Xiao Yuan cupped his hands in thanks. 

Xie Lanyin’s heart itched and gave her cousin a look in protest. Since there was such a fun place, why didn’t he tell her earlier? Now that Young Master Yuan said he wanted to go, if she asked to go with them, it was easy to cause a misunderstanding. 

“Fifth Young Lady also wants to go?” Xiao Yuan caught her look and took a guess. 

“No, I don’t.” Xie Lanyin was afraid he would see far too much into it, so she tried her best to speak calmly and indifferently. 

Xiao Yuan nodded and suggested to Jiang Huaizhou, “If Fifth Young Lady wants to go, then I won’t bother your sibling bonding time.” 

“It’s too far; my aunt won’t agree,” Jiang Huaizhou laughed. He never considered taking his little cousin anywhere so far. 

The corners of Xiao Yuan’s lips raised slightly, but his hands clenched in a fist from the young lady’s indifferent attitude. 

Extra Scenes: 

Xie Lanyin: Oh no! He’s seen everything! 

White horse: At least you’re wearing clothes, the other pervert saw everything! 

Black horse: Master! Master! I saw everything! 

Prince Qin: …a horse has it better than me… 

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