Lovable Beauty

Chapter 8: Prince Qin Who is Physically Fit

Divorce was a big deal; it was impossible to pretend she didn’t know about it. Madam Jiang had her daughter go rest while she headed straight for the Fang Manor. 

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Madam Li went with her. 

Xie Yao was still in a temper, so when she heard that they came — most likely to make fun of her—she smashed the medicine bowl in a fit of rage. “I refuse to see them! Tell them to leave! I don’t need their feigned kindness!” Before she married, she treated Madam Jiang with contempt; why would Madam Jiang trouble herself with her affairs? 

Within the short passing of a day, Nanny Liu was so stressed that cold sores inflamed her lips. Bending over to clean up the shattered bowl, she tried her best to reason with her mistress, “My dear lady, didn’t you understand Miss Lanqiao’s words? If you agree to the divorce, that harlot would be the first to applaud you. Are you so eager to grant her wish? Madam Jiang is your eldest sister-in-law; her seniority is indisputable. Though Madam Li isn’t a wife of a government official, her family is rich. Even when Marquess Pingxi sees her, she would think twice before offending her. With their help, maybe the master can be swayed.” 

If a woman was divorced, it was not considered a noble feat. Even if she remarried, normally it wasn’t as good as the first one, not to mention the fact that her mistress’s body was damaged; to say it crassly, she was a hen that couldn’t lay eggs—what good man would want her? Instead of marrying low, it was better to stay married to Fang Ze. Just give him several concubines and once one gave birth to a son, she could take the child to raise herself; she’d still be the wife of a fourth-ranked official. 

Ever since she was a child, Xie Yao was raised as a precious treasure in the palm of her parent’s hands. She had tolerated Du Yinger long enough. Last night she lost her child, yet Fang Ze wasn’t upset—not even a little; all he could think about was Du Yinger. It was clear she no longer possessed a spot in his heart; even if she shamelessly stayed, they would only be a husband and wife sleeping on the same bed but yearning for different dreams. 

Xie Yao didn’t want to live a life like that; she would rather go home and become an old maid instead of committing such an injustice to herself. 

But she refused to allow Du Yinger to reap the benefits. 

Turning the thought in her mind, Xie Yao rubbed her forehead and lay down. She took a few deep breaths before yielding, “Allow them in.” 

Nanny Liu thought she took her words to heart and summoned a maidservant to take away the broken porcelain while she went out to welcome the guests. 

As soon as Madam Jiang entered the room, Xie Yao started crying when she saw her, “Sister-in-law, my life is so miserable….” 

She had suffered such grievances that she didn’t even need to pretend to cry; her tears were real. 

Madam Jiang was taken by surprise; she didn’t expect Xie Yao to spill her problems to her. She exchanged a suspicious glance with Madam Li as they both stepped forward to console her, “It’s alright, please don’t cry, Younger Sister; it’s not good for your health. What happened? The girls are still young; I can’t make sense of the things they said. Why does Younger Sister want to divorce?” 

Xie Yao sobbed as she recounted the recent events. 

Madam Jiang offered her the typical words of comfort to caution her against any impulsive acts. She didn’t want to get involved—lest divorce was pursued and Madam Chen and Xie Yao ended up blaming her for it. 

It was clear to Nanny Liu that it didn’t matter what the two ladies said to Madam; the key was to persuade Fang Ze, so she begged from the side, “Eldest Madam, Madam Li, Master is still angry; you must help sway his mind. Master won’t listen to the words of a low-born servant like myself.” 

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“That’s enough.” Without waiting for an agreement from Madam Jiang, Xie Yao wiped her eyes and looked at Madam Li, saying, “Sister-in-laws are making preparations for Jizhou’s wedding, so don’t mind our difficult troubles. No matter how much he wants a divorce, he wouldn’t kick me out right now. If Sister-in-laws truly take pity on me, it’d be enough if you come to visit me after Jizhou’s wedding.” 

“Very well, maybe Sir Fang wasn’t serious and you two will reconcile in a couple of days. After so many years of affection between husband and wife, how can it be so easy to let go as one may think?” Madam Li sighed with emotion and patted Xie Yao’s hand, reassuring her, “Then we will visit you again some other time. Young Sister, don’t worry about anything for now. The most important thing is to take care of your body; nothing is as important as this.” 

Xie Yao nodded with tears brimming in her eyes. She glanced at her stomach and murmured, “The medicinal scent is quite pungent in my chambers; Sisters-in-law, you should go back home.” 

“Very well, Younger Sister, please take care. We will come back another day.” 

Eyeing her oddly sensible younger sister-in-law, Madam Jiang suppressed her unease and bid farewell with Madam Li. 

After they got into the carriage, Madam Li promptly asked her sister, “Something’s wrong. Why is she so strange today? Based on what Lanqiao said, she took out her anger on the two sisters. Why was she so accommodating? Is she afraid Fang Ze has his heart set on divorce and she hopes we can back her up?” 

Madam Jiang couldn’t think of any other reason for the time being. She looked at her sister-in-law, and it occurred to her that she put her sister-in-law through all this trouble so shortly after her arrival. She said apologetically, “That’s enough of that. Let’s leave this alone for now. Sister-in-law should focus on Jizhou’s marriage. It’s the first time a daughter-in-law is marrying into our Jiang family —nothing must go wrong.” 

When mentioning her son’s marriage, Madam Li immediately lit up in smiles and boasted to her sister about her future daughter-in-law. 


Back over with Nanny Liu who watched the carriage leave and hurried back to the backyard,  she was puzzled as she asked, “Madam, why didn’t you ask them for help?” 

Xie Yao had her own plans and asked instead, “Where did the master go?” 

Nanny Liu pursed her lips, looked at her guiltily, and stammered, “I think…I think he went to the Courtyard of Yearning1闻声苑 (wen sheng yuan) translates to hearing sound garden. Instead, I took inspiration from a Chinese idiom 闻声相思 which means yearning or admiring someone from afar or lovesickness. I’m not sure if this was intentional by the author, but I feel this name is very befitting. .” 

The Courtyard of Yearning was Du Yinger’s residence.  

After hearing this, surprisingly, Xie Yao wasn’t angry. She closed her eyes and lay down for a while, then suddenly sighed, “Go ask the young lady to come over.”  

Since she couldn’t conceive anymore, she had to take her daughter with her—from then on, they only had one another to depend on—lest her daughter be tormented by the stepmother should she stay.  

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Grandma Liu had a maidservant send for the young lady. Seven-year-old Fang Ling rushed over quickly, when she entered the room and saw her sick mother, the girl couldn’t hold back her tears as she fell into her mother’s arms and cried, “Mother, I was wrong…I’ll never talk to her again…I’ll do whatever Mother asks me to do…I will obey Mother in everything…Mother, please don’t scare me…”  

A part of Xie Yao’s heart softened when she saw her daughter’s dependence on her. She dismissed Nanny Liu as she hugged her daughter and patted her gently, her voice soft. “A’Ling, your father doesn’t want me anymore. Do you want to live with him or do you want to go to your grandmother’s home in Hangzhou with your mother? Let me tell you, Hangzhou is very beautiful; there….”  

“I’ll go wherever Mother goes.” Fang Ling didn’t care whether Hangzhou was beautiful or not; she just wanted to follow her mother. Her eyes were swollen from crying.  

Xie Yao couldn’t hold it back anymore as she hugged her daughter tightly and choked up.  


While the mother and daughter duo wept in the comfort of each other’s arms, Fang Ze was holding Du Yinger as he kissed her in the Courtyard of Yearning. 

The man finally resolved to divorce—it was nearly done. Du Ying’er was inwardly thrilled; thus, she didn’t mind letting the man have a little taste. But when she realized Fang Ze’s hands were becoming frisky, Du Finger panicked, panting as she begged him, “Cousin, Cousin, please not like this….” 

“I’ve finished writing the divorce papers. Don’t you believe in me?” Fang Ze forcefully twisted his cousin’s hand behind her back, raised her chin, and said, his eyes dark, “Cousin, I know what you’re afraid of. You’re afraid I won’t take responsibility afterward. I didn’t touch you before because certain affairs haven’t been sorted out, but now I have come to a standstill with her, yet you still don’t believe me. That truly chills my heart.” 

Having been married to Xie Yao for so many years, it was impossible he didn’t have some affection for her.  For Du Yinger’s sake, he abandoned his wife for Du Yinger, yet this woman still wanted to string him along. 

The man’s face turned cold. Du Ying’er, alarmed, pretended to be bashful and lowered her eyes, uttering softly, “No, of course I believe in Cousin. I… I just want to save it for our wedding night….”  

That was a smart move—Fang Ze’s voice softened and continued to linger by her ears. “I will send her away after she is out of confinement. Then, I will marry you right away, a month at the latest. What is Younger Cousin worried about? Give it to me—look at how much I want it.”  

Pressing her against the cabinet, he forced her to feel his frustration. 

Du Ying’er had her reserves— one day she wasn’t married to him respectably, and that was one more day she couldn’t dispel her fears. As she racked her brains for a fitting excuse, she was suddenly lifted off her feet. Du Yinger was shaken up as she clutched to the hem of his clothes, pleading mercy, “Cousin…Cousin…you….” 

Halfway through her words, she was thrown roughly onto the bed. Seeing the man start tearing away his clothes, Du Yinger was terrified as she cried and begged him, “Cousin, can you wait a little longer? I…I’m afraid….”  

“What are you afraid of?” Fang Ze dragged her out by pulling her leg, and pressed down on her without mercy, a threatening glint in his eyes, “Cousin, I like your wit, but let me tell you this: a man’s patience is limited—if he goes hungry too long, he would no doubt go elsewhere.” 

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Du Yinger’s face paled, and she looked at him nervously and fearfully, “Cousin-brother doesn’t want to marry me anymore?”  

After giving her a small scare, Fang Ze gently offered her a sweet date2给个甜枣 is part of the idiom 打个巴掌再给个甜枣 which translates: give a sweet date after a slap. A slap is painful and damaging to one’s self-esteem. A sweet date symbolizes something good. In layman’s terms, after someone harms some interest of yours, he in turn gives you some benefit to win your forgiveness.  as consolation, by kissing her and comforting her, “Of course I want to marry; I adore Ying’er. Who will I marry if not you? Good Ying’er, don’t be afraid; relax, Cousin won’t let you suffer….”  

Saying that, he didn’t allow her the chance to reject him; he lowered his head and silenced her. 

Outside, below the window, Du Yinger’s two maidservants crouched down low to eavesdrop. When they heard the young lady’s crying, they knew what had happened. They shared a glance, blushing at the same time, but triumph glowed in their eyes. 

The young lady was beautiful and had the means to keep the master’s affections. Shortly, the young lady was to become the new mistress of the manor. As lady’s maids, their status in the household would rise accordingly. 


The Jiang family… 

Hearing of her mother and aunt’s return from Yingge, Xie Lanyin went to find her mother and warily asked for the news, “Mother, does she still want to divorce?” 

Madam Jiang eyed her two daughters who rushed over together. Knowing they didn’t like Xie Yao—they still remembered being bullied by Xie Yao when they were children—she gave them her impression of Xie Yao’s stance, “Your aunt and I don’t believe she will go through with the divorce.” 

Xie Lanqiao just smiled, while Xie Lanyin heaved a sigh of relief. Thank the Heavens, they didn’t have to deal with Xie Yao.  

Seeing her youngest daughter bursting with joy, Madam Jiang warned her sternly, “You can act like this in front of me, but you must not be so indelicate in front of others. She is your aunt after all. Don’t give others the chance to say the young lady of our Xie family is disrespectful to her elders, obnoxious, and impertinent.”  

“I know, Mother doesn’t have to worry about that,” Xie Lanyin smiled and leaned closer to her mother, skillfully drumming her legs. She cocked her head to the side and asked nervously, “Mother, Third Cousin says he will take us for a stroll tomorrow. Will you allow it? If you don’t, I’ll stay home and won’t go anywhere.” 

She retreated to advance.3以退为进 means one must make a concession to gain an advantage  Madam Jiang snorted, eyeing her daughter dubiously, “Oh really, it’s rare you’re so thoughtful. In that case, you can stay at home with me.” 

“Mother…” Xie Lanyin panicked as she flung her arms around her mother, and raised her face cutely, “Mother, my good mother….”  

The little girl’s voice was soft and melodious, as if a newborn oriole chirping, begging for food from her mother. Madam Jiang was no match for her daughter’s cuteness. She pinched her daughter’s delicate and tender face. “You have to listen to your cousin and sister. You’re not allowed to run amok by yourself!”  

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“I’m not going to run away. If I run away, who will pay for the stuff I want to buy?” After getting permission, Xie Lanyin merrily left to find her cousin to work out where they’d go. 


In the residence located on the street behind Prince Qin’s Manor, Ge Jin waited on his master to change out of his attire. Calling to mind the rumors about his master he heard on the streets, he grumbled, “Master, are you still going out tomorrow? If you ask me, there’s nothing to see in the city of Xi’an.  As far as prosperity goes, it’s nothing compared to the Imperial Capital.  

He didn’t want his master to hear those upsetting rumors. What do they mean by ‘too weak to withstand a gust of wind’? His master was a practitioner of both internal and external martial arts; his master didn’t like having others present when he was bathing, but he happened to sneak a peek once—there were as much as eight slabs on his abs; a whole team of imperial guards couldn’t catch his master—this was called weak? 

“You don’t want to go?” Xiao Yuan dismissed indifferently, “Then you can stay here tomorrow. I will only be taking Lu Jun with me.” 

“I want to go, I want to go! Why wouldn’t I want to go?” Ge Jin quickly backtracked, put his arms on the worn garments, and smiled fawningly, “The gourd chicken from the Bright Moon Tavern is quite delicious. Will Young Master take us there to try it again?”  

Xiao Yuan glanced at him, noncommittally. 


Author’s Notes: 

Prince Qin: Did you see that? 

Xie Lanyin: What? 

Prince Qin: I have an eight-pack. 

Xie Lanyin: Really? I’ll believe it when I see it. 

Prince Qin ripped off his clothes. 

Xie Lanyin’s eyes widened, but she only saw pixelization! 

1闻声苑 (wen sheng yuan) translates to hearing sound garden. Instead, I took inspiration from a Chinese idiom 闻声相思 which means yearning or admiring someone from afar or lovesickness. I’m not sure if this was intentional by the author, but I feel this name is very befitting. 2给个甜枣 is part of the idiom 打个巴掌再给个甜枣 which translates: give a sweet date after a slap. A slap is painful and damaging to one’s self-esteem. A sweet date symbolizes something good. In layman’s terms, after someone harms some interest of yours, he in turn gives you some benefit to win your forgiveness. 3以退为进 means one must make a concession to gain an advantage

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