Lovable Package

Chapter 12

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Su Tang slept very soundly, and dreamed in the process.

    In the dream, he was sitting on a stool eating chicken, but the stool was hard, sitting on it causes the buttocks to press down on it painfully, maybe it is because of loose nails, causing the wood to tilt up.

    So Su Tang rubbed it with his hand, just as expected, when he rubbed it towards the end, the wood was tilting up, but the wood is tenacious, he presses down on it but it won't press down, he pulled upwards but it won't pull up. Furthermore, the more he fought against it, the more it resisted, pressing painfully against him, not only that, he can hear heavy breathing by his ear.

    The sound caused Su Tang's heart to itch, his hands fiddled, the breathing became heavier, he wanted to continue, but someone took his hand away.

    Not allowed to do it then not going to do it anymore, although it's pressing painfully , but he still has the chicken leg ah!

   As Su Tang thought of this, he happily went to eat chicken legs, as a result when the hand stretched out, the chicken leg successfully resembled essence, directly attaching to his lips.

(Note: the chicken leg successfully resembled essence  = essence; extract; vitality; energy; semen; sperm; mythical goblin spirit; highly perfected; elite; the pick of sth; proficient (refined ability); extremely (fine); selected rice (archaic), as defined in the chinese translation.)

He hummed for a bit while holding on to it with his mouth, it is soft and warm and nice, as if it was more delicious than last time, Su Tang is extremely happy, he subconsciously licked it twice first, then used his little teeth to take two bites, as a result that chicken leg paused for a second, it was similar to adhering on his mouth, stuck on him and not letting go.

    Su Tang's mouth wasn't opened up wide, he wasn't able to eat the meat, the smell rolled about, to think he had to dig about for the chicken leg, in the end the chicken leg stuck close at hand.

    So delicious!

    Su Tong woke up from under the quilt, he opened his eyes hazily, the chicken leg on top of his lips also loosened, when he gradually sobered up, he saw Ling Si with his head down reading.

    Who knew when the lamp on the table was lit, it reflected a red light on Ling Si's side image.

    He could not help but foolishly watch Ling Si.

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    The other party looks really handsome, the eyes look good, the lips also look good, not thin nor thick, it looks somewhat soft, somehow, he remembered in the dream he did not get to eat the chicken.

   Wú, he seems to be a little hungry.

    Perhaps Su Tang's line of sight was too strong, Ling Si finally turned his head, placed the book down, he quickly glanced at Su Tang, then quickly looked elsewhere, he cleared his throat, only gently saying: "Awake?"

    "Ń." Su Tang nodded his head, and stared at Ling Si's lips.

    Ling Si instantly tensed up.

    This is the first time in his entire life that he secretly did bad things, after he did it he was stared at, how can he not be nervous.

    "How.....What's up?" He asked.

    "... ... nothing." Su Tang shook his head, his line of sight moved from his lips to the book, he glanced at it and felt something wasn't right, eh, why are the words upside down?

    Ling Si noting this, felt some embarrassment, merely leaving it as is, because simply trying to hide something will only make it more conspicuous, so he had to pretend to not see it, he panicked as he watched Su Tang

    "The way you read is weird ah." Su Tong muttered one sentence, Ling Si's nerves instantly became taut, just when he thought Su Tang will open his mouth to laugh at him, the other party turned his body to face the outside.

    Because Su Tang didn't delve into his thoughts too deeply. He saw the night sky is becoming brighter, the moonlight is bright, from time to time a bird emitted a sound, they knew the demons enjoyed this type of weather, thus tilting his head to the side asking: "What time is it now?"

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    "Almost zǐ shí." Lingji replied.

(Note: zǐ shí = 11 pm - 1 am)

    "Then when will we travel to the demon city?" Su Tang asked.

    "We?" Ling Si froze for a bit, then promptly opened his mouth: "Then we'll go now."

    In fact, when he saw Su Tang sleeping peacefully just before, he wasn't willing to wake him up, he wanted to leave on his own, after all only demons are permitted to enter, it is not too much trouble, as long as he showed that identification, naturally no one will block him.


    Ling Si shook his head, this idea will be thrown away, right now Su Tang woke up, it's best if they both went, after all he'll carry his own little fox, only then can he let go of his heart's concerns.

    Su Tang saw Ling Si had promised, then he drilled out from the quilt, when he went to sleep before he was entirely naked, but after he woke up he had completely forgotten this matter and it is at the back of his mind, he pointed his fingers to the side where the pile of clothes are, saying: "Quickly help me wear clothes, then we'll travel to the demon city."

    Ling Si nodded, while helping he wore a smile saying: "You now call me to help you even more naturally, if I am not here in the future, what will you do ah?"

    "Why won't you be here ah?" Su Tang didn't think it through, he only straight up asked.

Su Tang's words caused Ling Si to freeze, why won't he be here? Is he willing to leave? If that day he is not near Su Tang's side, he will surely go insane first, this sort of conjecture simply does not have any possibility.

    Su Tang sees Ling Si is still thinking, in his heart he remembered the system's words, he came to this world, only to help the male and female protagonist come together, and in the future Ling Si and his sister will be inseparable , he ... ... what will he do ah!

    This idea stuck in his brain in this train of thought, Su Tang could not help but tense up, he did not want Ling Si to like other people, he did not Ling Si to be on good terms with other people, even if it's his sister it's still not OK, he hoped that Ling Si will always be by his side for forever, accompanying him, embracing him, and then talk with him, then if possible ... ... then kiss him, it would be even better.

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    He suddenly found that he seemed a bit happy ... ...

    "All finished." Ling Si suddenly said, it caused Su Tang to jump up a bit in shock, and also couldn't help but shiver.

    Ling Si seeing this, quickly touched Su Tang's head worriedly, seeing his face complexion isn't well, he gently said: "What's wrong, is it because I just scared you?"

    "No." Su Tang shook his head, and looked at Ling Si, finally he absent-mindlessly jumped out of bed, saying in a muffled voice: "Let's go."

    How was Ling Si assured, he quickly caught up, he wanted to ask Su Tang what's wrong, as a result the other person didn't say a word, he only directly opened the door, and did not look back at him.

    Ling Si frowned, since Su Tang did not say anything, then he only had to think, just before the atmosphere between the two people was quite good, the only concern is the words that were said after it , then the other party was not happy, then ... ... is Su Tang misunderstanding something?

    "Baby?" Ling Si lengthened his steps, he took a few steps to stand in front of Su Tang, the other person had his head down and refused to look at him, he  squatted down to take a look, as a result after taking looking, the rims of Su Tang's eyes were red.

    Ling Si's heart also followed him by softening, he sighed and said: "how are you so silly, how am I willing to leave you ah?"

    Su Tang did not speak, but his eyes brightened.

    Ling Si embraced him tightly in his arms, while walking he said: "From now on we will stay together, how you like it I will like it, if you do not know how to wear clothes then I will help you put it on, if you want to eat chicken legs then we will go to Zui Xiang Ju, if you ate till your tired then I'll help you eat it, if you do not love to walk, then I'll hold you forever, do not be sad, okay?"

    Su Tang did not speak, in his heart he was still thinking, Ling Si did not continue to speak, because the two people have walked to the perimeters of the courtyard, they are not at the main entrance, afraid of being eyed by the demons, they will have to go over the wall.

    Ling Si holding Su Tang made it inconvenient for him to go over the wall, he first placed the other person on the wall, he was preparing to climb over, when Su Tang suddenly stared at him and said: "Ling Si, do you like me?"

    The moonlight is beautiful, beaming onto Su Tang's face,glowing like the light reflecting off the ordinary porcelain glaze, his pupils are very dark, but his eyes are shining, like the stars in the night sky, beautiful, more beautiful than the moonlight.

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    The author has something to say: thanks to the little angel for the mine!

    met with the local tyrant, provided for - for one night, getting rich quick is stimulating! ~

   yǎo xiǎo zhān gāo and threw a mine

     yǎo xiǎo zhān gāo  and threw a mine

    yǎo xiǎo zhān gāo and threw a mine

  yǎo xiǎo zhān gāo and threw a mine 

 yǎo xiǎo zhān gāo and threw a mine

  yǎo xiǎo zhān gāo and threw a mine 

 yǎo xiǎo zhān gāo and threw a mine

  yǎo xiǎo zhān gāo and threw a mine 

 yǎo xiǎo zhān gāo and threw a mine

   méng miàn jūn threw a mine

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