Lovable Package

Chapter 15

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"What?!" Su Tang's heart quivered, feeling almost unbelievable as he faces Su Qing, the other party also found it difficult to accept, the facial expression can only be said to be ugly.

    Only Ling Si is the most calm, he just frowned, he put Su Tang down, then turned back to Su Qing saying: "In addition to the face, what else did you see?"

    "I was not able to see clearly." Su Qing recalled, and only said: "At the time the copper coin vibrated, I turned my head to take a look, the scenery behind me was all blurry, as though a barrier was placed there, I can only clearly see his face, and your face looks exactly the same ... ..."

    She finished speaking, and could not help but look at Ling Si.

    This man is righteous and it is impossible to assume that he can do evil, but what he wants to investigate is not so simple, with just a glance, she can perceive the concentrated resentment surrounding his body, almost engulfing her, in this way it may be assumed, that this matter is something a demon with evil tendencies attaches great importance to.

    Thinking of this, Su Qing could not help but worry about it, that demon changed into Ling Si's appearance, surely wants him to work against his own people, and her own younger brother is in an intimate relationship with the other party, she was afraid ... ... she was afraid Su Tang will be implicated.

    The atmosphere between the three people suddenly fell to an extreme cold temperature.

    Ling Si finally spoke, breaking the silence, and said: "That thing did this deliberately."

    Finished speaking, he looked up and looked at the gray sky, the dark clouds appearing to be a demon pressuring on the domed roof , a glimpse of it and you'll be aware that it is not an auspicious omen, the surrounding demons went back and forth, anything out of place couldn't be made out, he then faintly withdrew his gaze: "That thing has already left."

    Su Tang vaguely felt that the other party seems to be concealing himself, his heart felt extremely anxious, recalling that the demon followed them throughout their whole journey, and still wearing a face identical to Ling Si, he couldn't help but be afraid, he clutched Ling Si's clothes, whispering: "he ... ... he will hurt you?"

    Ling Si hesitated for a bit, then only replied: "No."

    Obviously Su Tang did not believe this, he stared at Ling Si, his face somewhat pale, his lips ceased of color, his fear and concern that his heart gave birth to for unknown reasons spoke out.

    Ling Si upon seeing this, smiled and reached out to stroke Su Tang's head, he lowered his head and kissed his lips, following it by kissing his nose bridge to his forehead, only gently saying: "I will not let him hurt me."

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    The familiar smell and temperature is near him once again, Su Tang felt even more uncomfortable, he held onto Ling Si's clothes, not allowing him to leave, and placed his head on the other's chest, only asked muffled : "But why should he become you The way? "

    "... ... It's only a guess." Ling Si finished, and eyed Su Qing, before saying: "I want to take you to a place."

    Su Tang nodded, he was just about to agree, Su Qing voiced out from the side.

   "Wait a minute." "Su Qing came forward and pulled on Su Tang's shoulder, saying:" That's too dangerous, I do not care if you die, but my brother is out of the question, I can't be at ease if I allow him accompany you to that place so the both of you will fall to your death's."

    Su Qing had long been determined, she knew Su Tang liked Ling Si, however she cannot indulge the other party for the purpose of a small speck of emotional love in spite of danger, her brother is still young, as his sister, even if she plays the part of a bad man, she pulled on Su Tang's shoulder.

    So Su Qing faced Su Tang saying: "Tang Tang, listen to sister, accompany sister to go back home together."

    Su Tang nevertheless shook his head, tightly holding onto Ling Si, his eyes somewhat imploring, he said: "Sister, Ling Si will not harm me, he will protect me."

    "You!" Su Qing felt angry and distressed, she wanted to persuade him once more, then saw a red string hanging around Su Tang's neck, assuming the Taoist priest gave it, she subconsciously reached out to grab it, to think the red string came out, however there wasn't enough time to see, a ray of white light flashed, almost causing her to turn back to her original appearance.

(Note : Remember the sister isn't human but a fox)

    "Sister!" Su Tang hurriedly rushed forward.

    Su Qing just waved her hand, and even retreated back a few steps, adjusting her breath, before frowning at Ling Si saying: "In the end , what are you!"

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    Ling Si did not speak, only bowing his head to place back the pendant on inside Su Tang's label, the replied: "This is my father's gift to my mother."

    Su Qing's face suddenly became extremely weird, she carefully examined the other person, recalling the jade's tactile sensation of yao li a moment ago, and thought back to twenty years ago of the legend concerning the demon king, the great waves in her heart began to upsurge for a long time, if she guessed right , then the owner of the jade ... ...

(Note : yao li = demon force/power)

    Her eyes are no longer filled with doubt, leaving only the color of respect.

    Su Tang didn't know what mystery the two people were fighting about, he questioned Ling Si with his eyes, the other just smiled, taking his hand, he said to Su Qing: "I think I can protect him."

    Su Qing, at last, failed to persuade them, just sighed: "It is I who have beads instead of eyes, I hope you can protect Su Tang, I will stay here waiting for you both."

(Note: It is I who have beads instead of eyes = Su Qing is saying she wasn't able to see clearly hence another way to phrase it will be she has beads for eyes)

    "Thanks." Ling Si nodded his head, then walked to the center of the demon city with Su Tang, Su Tang then recalled, where there is a town magic tower, a devil pagoda is mounted there.

    White fog lingering in it's surroundings, dense Yīn (T/N: Yīn = negative energy) qi, it seems that there are countless resentful spirits gathered here, trapped in the tower and unable to break free, they can only wail, issuing a chilling sound.

    As soon as Ling Si come close, the white fog gave the appearance of rapidly dispersing in fear, exposing the tall devil pagoda, as well as the grey chunks of burial mounds.

    "My father was the previous demon king, my mother is an ordinary human, I am a half demon." Ling Si walked to the stone tablet, with a calm gaze, looking as though the other party wanted to recount a commonplace tale.

    "Twenty years ago my father paid a heavy price in order to suppress a chaos causing demon, paying a disastrous cost, he used his own soul to suppress them into the pagoda, however there is one demon that escaped, I want to believe that it also received heavy injuries, no longer creating chaos, the human and demon word will be at peace."

    "My parents' affection for each other was so good, when I was born with health and death in the same hole, my father was gone, and she also left, I was buried next to the devil pagoda, since then I have become an orphan."

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(T/N: I would like to believe that the author made a mistake here and meant to say that Ling Si was placed there, not buried there)

    Ling Si finished, the tone slightly heavier, apparently recalling the past once again, but he saw Su Tang at his side, and his heart is relieved. He reached out to touch the stone, and then said: "Later, I was adopted by my master, he taught me how to deceive demons, I took in all these words with me, but I was never allowed to go down the mountain, I simply wish I can live as a human being."

    "Then this time ... ..." Su Tang could not help but speak out loud.

   "Opportunity "Ling Si smiled and turned back to Su Tang saying:" Before when I was young, I was very envious of those who have parents and secretly complained about my mother, that she abandoned me."

    Su Tang hearing this, could not help but hold on to the other person, wanting to give him some comfort.

    "Little fool, I have ceased to be sad." Ling Si smiled and nodded his nose, and said: "At that time I did not understand, but now I understand, if one day you leave me, I will like my mother, go to another world to accompany you."

    As soon as he finished saying this, Su Tang's heart felt like it's being cut my knives, pain swelling up, he dared not think of the day when he is gone, what Ling Si will be like, feeling broken-hearted and unwell, even ending his own life , As he thought of this, his eyes started to moisten, large drops of tears rolled down, falling on the quartzite floor.

    "You can not say such a thing, I'm very afraid ... ..." Su Tang sobbed and rubbed his eyes at the same time, Ling Si immediately bowed his head and coaxed him, but Su Tang's tears is like a dam, now matter how you try to stop it won't stop.

    "Good little baby, do not be, afraid not afraid, we will still be alive." Ling Si kissed and coaxed, wiping the tears on Su Tang's face, only then did he point at the greenish-black short burial mound, saying: "I honor my words, today in the presence of my parents I establish an oath, I will protect you in the future, so that they will bless us all the time, so we may be together forever and ever, OK?"

    "Good ... ..." Su Tang this raised his head, wiping his nose, tear filled eyes looking at Ling Si.

    "I just remembered something." Ling Si seeing that Su Tang is no longer crying, he could not help but tease the other party, "my parents only blessed me and my wife, you see ... ..."

    Su Tang froze for a second, anxiously looking at the other person, said: "Then, then what should we do ah?

    "We will pay our respects," Ling Si said to him with a smile.

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    The author has something to say: This writing will not be tyrannical, the original purpose of writing this is to sprinkle sugar and allow the tyrannical dog to relax it's mind, so everyone rest assured, after all, I am a mother, however you hit will cause the BOSS to die! _(:3」∠)_

    boss: what am I doing wrong

    Thanks to big baby for the landmines, so happy everyday wa, want to save you all from wildly gnawing (playing mud victoriously)

    bbbb threw a mine

    Bite a small sticky cake threw a mine

    Bite a small sticky cake threw a mine

     Bite a small sticky cake threw a mine 

     Bite a small sticky cake threw a mine 

     Bite a small sticky cake threw a mine  

    Thanks again! !

    By the way, pushing forward the words of a same-sex friend: 《There will always be a fox coming to steal meat to eat》 interstellar language, Chúzi shòu x chǒng qī kuáng mó gōng ~


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