Lovable Package

Chapter 22

Shen Lan had always thought of himself as an upright person. Compared to his peers, he rarely had those so-called impulses and passion for sex. Each day, his heart was scant with desire, as all his enthusiasm and emotions were entirely thrown onto the tasks given to him by Blood Hunting Organization.

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A vampire would paralyze or even seduce their prey during the feeding process. He was aware of this and therefore, had been professionally trained. Although it was not a one hundred percent resistant, at least it would have not allow the current situation to happen.

The vampire laid on him, his body’s temperature somewhat cold. His teeth were sharp, the initial pierce hurting but he simply did not pay much attention to it at all. When those soft lips had touch his own skin, Shen Lan only felt that his soul had wanted to sublimate.

It was very comfortable. One could even say that it was comfortable to the extreme. For a young man who was still single and completely lacking sexual experience, this kind of simulation could practically make him lose his reasons, especially with the other person sitting on top of his body. With those soft little buttocks seeming to absently rub against his lower abdomen, in the end, Shen Lan could not help but get hard.

He was very ashamed of having this kind of reaction. What was even more shameful though was that he could not refuse it. He tried to close his eyes to not look, but the other person delicate face instantly appeared in his mind.

Big, dark red eyes, refine and straight nose, exquisitely soft lips and those sharp canine teeth…… Gradually, Shen Lan’s mind fell into disorder. He held onto Su Tang’s shoulders but instead of pushing him away, he pressed Su Tang’s head into his neck more.

As the fragrant and sweet blood flooded into his mouth, Su Tang quickly forgot his own task. Since this body had been sleeping for a millennium, he urgently needed a great amount of blood to replenish his energy. To run into Shen Lan, this sweet blooded human, at such a time, it was simply like delivering charcoal on a snowy day[1]. He would be foolish if he did not suck.

As a result, he began to suck the blood in big mouthfuls. When his stomach gradually became full, Su Tang slowed down and began to use his mouth to taste the flavor. Like eating ice-cream, he stuck out his tongue to lick the other person’s skin, rolling a bead of blood into his opened mouth.

“Mhm……” Shen Lan let out a comfortable sigh, his brain finally sobering. He did not rush to push Su Tang away but rather looked down at him. The other person was like a greedy little feeding cat. Even though his belly was full, he was unwilling to leave. Lying on his body, he leisurely sucked the blood, and when he tired of sucking, he stuck his face to Shen Lan’s collarbone, giving it a few licks, then resume sucking.

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Shen Lan gazed at Su Tang’s profile in a daze. For just a moment, he wanted to take this little vampire home and raise him, feeding him some blood when he was hungry. After all, it was very comfortable and not at all painful.

A loud ‘pa’ sound interrupted Shen Lan’s indulging thoughts. His first reaction was to think that those vampires were still alive and he promptly turned his head. However,  what he saw was a black haired and dark eyed girl standing at the warehouse’s entrance.

She opened her mouth in shock, her hands empty as she was unaware that her schoolbag had fallen to the ground. It was very obvious that she had been shocked by the scene before her, especially when her line of sight moved from over the two people’s overlapping body to Shen Lan’s face. Already, she was unable to say anything.

The girl pinched her arms then rubbed her eyes to confirm that this was not a dream and then stammeringly said: “You guys……”

“This is not……” Shen Lan immediately reacted and quickly pulled up his shirt collar, attempting to cover something, but the girl was already blushing. Hastily bowing deeply, she said: “Sorry for disturbing, I didn’t see anything!”

And then she ran off with a clatter.

“Oh my god, little ancestor, you are done for. That person just now was the female lord! Now that the female lord has run away, how will there be an interaction with the male lord, ah?!” While the system frantically shouted, Su Tang’s heart was cooling down. He looked to the warehouse entrance then lowered his head again and saw that Shen Lan was fixedly staring at him.

As soon as he saw this, Su Tang recalled Shen Lan killing those two vampire and was overcome with fear again.

Hastily getting up, he was like a startled little hamster, extremely wanting to escape from the terrifying area. However, due to having been siting for too long, his legs and feet had already gone soft. Unable to steadily stand up for long, he sat back down on the other person’s body again.

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The startled little hamster forgetting to struggle for a moment, nervously shifted backwards, and carelessly stuck against something hot and hard.

Shen Lan stuffily uttered a sound, and Su Tang, frighten, reached out to feel with his hand, and immediately realized what it was. As if his whole person had been struck by lightning, he foolishly sat there, not daring to move.

The system pot had already exploded but Su Tang was not in the mood to listen. Because of the other person trying to get up, the thing was rubbing against his butt.


“You, you, you……” Su Tang pointed at the other person but did not know what to say. Shen Lan took a deep breath and barely able to calm his mind, he picked up Su Tang from his underarm and put him on the side.

Awkwardly standing up, he arrange his pants to make it not seem very bulging, then turned around to make a phone call, seemingly reporting the situation to the organization.

On the other hand, Su Tang already did not want to do the task anymore. He just wanted to run away quickly but he was so scared that his legs were soft and he had to move slowly towards the door of the warehouse. He had barely taken a few steps however when his shirt collar was pulled. Looking up, he was met with Shen Lan’s cold face.

Stunned for a few seconds, his heart then madly thumped. In an instant, fear filled his chest and the rim of his eyes became hot. His mouth shriveling up, he immediately let out a sound and cried.

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Shen Lan was still on the phone but when he saw this, he promptly crouched down to wipe his tears. He didn’t have any handkerchief on his body so he had to use his sleeves instead to wipe the other person’s face.

When Shen Lan saw that Su Tang was a little better, he reach out to smooth his exaggerated cowlick. A familiar feeling surged up in his mind, distracting Su Tang for a moment before he began to brokenly sob again.

This was Shen Lan first time seeing such a worrisome vampire. It was practically just a little crying bundle, crying without end. Yet, it was not annoying. Even more, it grind at his heart, making it throb with pain.

Continuing to talk on the phone, Shen Lan finished after a while. In the end, he did not report Su Tang to his superiors. He looked over the other person carefully for a few seconds, and the more he looked, the faster his heart raced, as if wanting to fly. There was even a moment where he wanted to bring him into his arm to carefully and completely comfort.

He wanted to move his eyes away but couldn’t. His eyes stuck to Su Tang like glue and he felt that he would hate it if he could not watch for even a second. The sudden thought of taking this little vampire home then welled up in his heart.

A vampire hunter wants to raise a vampire. He must have gone mad.

Shen Lan pinched between his eyebrows then pointed to the two bloodkins lying on the ground and said to Su Tang: “Are those two vampires your companions?”

“No,” Su Tang quickly said.

“But it seemed like that to me.” Shen Lan finished speaking, then spoke again: “I have handled many cases like this and sophistry would be of no use to you.”

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Su Tang looked at him incredulously but Shen Lan’s words were still like a slap to the face. “You allied with the newborn bloodkins to kidnap humans and even attempted to attack a Blood Hunter. Oh, right, you also sucked the blood of a Blood Hunter. It’s reasonable to say that you should be sent directly to the bloodkin prison. But……”

Shen Lan paused for a moment and saw that Su Tang’s face was already paled with fright. Realizing that he may have scared the timid vampire, he quickly added: “But there is method that can let you not go to prison.”

“What method?” Su Tang hurriedly asked.

“I am a Blood Hunter and I can ask my superiors to let me supervise you. So long as your activities are monitored by me, you can be released after three years if you do not commit any violations of law and discipline.” After Shen Lan finished, he couldn’t help hooking up the corner of his lips and asked: “Which one do you choose?”


Translator’s Note:

ML seems to have gotten even more perverse this arc.


1. delivering charcoal on a snowy day // 雪中送炭 // xuězhōngsòngtàn – idiom; offer fuel in snowy weather; a timely assistance; to provide help in somebody’s hour of need

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