Lovable Package

Chapter 31

Su Tang was crushed under Shen Lan’s body. He wanted to try and hide but with the other person’s eyes watching him, it made him feel like he was being fixed in place.

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At this moment, Su Tang was a soft bunny rabbit. His face was soft, his butt was soft, and his big eyes flickered and flashed about. And all these things only entice the wolf to come and eat him.

Shen Lan kissed Su Tang’s little mouth, deeply penetrating and plundering him. Only when Su Tang’s face became red and he was gasping for breath did he tenderly pulled away, leaving a line of silver wire between their lips. Shen Lan used his finger to wipe it away, then looking profoundly at Su Tang, he slowly lean down again.

Su Tang was very sensitive all over. Everywhere that Shen Lan touched caused him to trembled and it even made a soft moan to escape from his lips. It was lovable, sweet and seductive.

His neck was licked by a warm tongue and the buttons of his shirt were being hastily unbuttoned by both hands. It was then followed by gentle caresses and soft spoken words.

The light in the room was still on. The dim glow fell over Su Tang’s body to reflect his smooth and delicate skin. The white porcelain was like snow and as he was gasp for breath from Shen Lan’s kisses, his chest repeatedly moved up and down, causing the two pink little bumps to become even more eye-catching.

Su Tang’s frame was very small and he looked very thin. However, once his clothes were off, there were actually a lot of soft and tender flesh. They did not occupy a lot of areas, but with just a gentle press of a finger, one can leave behind soft dents and there were no words to describe the wonder feeling. Shen Lan kissed and kissed while his hands began to move.

Seeing himself being rubbed all over, Su Tang felt shy but unwilling to be the only one, he also reached out to try and touch Shen Lan but it only resulted in Shen Lan leaning his body to the side and saying that it tickled.

Su Tang, suddenly feeling spirited, immediately pounced on Shen Lan’s body and use his little hands to randomly pinch and rubbed, especially wanting to find his ticklish spot.

Shen Lan was taller and stronger than him and though he could clearly avoid it, he chose not to fight back. He instead went along with Su Tang and after curving up his lips, he raised his body to let Su Tang play.

After a while, Su Tang finally realize that something was amiss. Looking up to see Shen Lan’s smiling and looking at himself, only then did he understand that the other person was teasing him. His face quickly became red and hastily pulling back his hand, he simply felt like he had done something bad just now.

Shen Lan saw Su Tang like this, just smiled and caught Su Tang’s hand. With a raised of his eyebrows, he asked: “Why don’t you continue, little bad guy?”

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“Humph, I won’t continue!” Su Tang shouted and turned around, revealing his back to the other. His voice was a bit stuffy, seemingly a little unhappy, but the red flush of his skin had already betrayed him.

“You don’t have any ticklish spots at all and yet you made me do it for so long.” Su Tang said, feeling wronged.

When Shen Lan saw this, he quickly crawled over to Su Tang’s ears and said: “How can that be? Everyone has a ticklish spot on their body. You just haven’t found it yet.”

Feeling a little skeptical, Su Tang did not speak and with Shen Lan pressing so close to his ears, they turned red, looking like they had been coated with rouge. It was itchy and the warm air that flowed into his ear made his body soft and numb.

Shen Lan turned him over, causing Su Tang to give out a startled cry. He wanted to break away from the other person but his arms were too small and he could only struggle enough to cover his face, feeling like a shy bunny.

“Baby, don’t be unhappy. I really do have a ticklish spot.” Shen Lan said, coaxing him.

“Oh.” Su Tang cowlick stood up straight. Feeling a little bit convinced but still somewhat moody, he gave a pout and whispered: “Where?”

Shen Lan did not tell him directly. Instead, he took his hands, intertwining them and caressing his fingers. “My itchy spot has never been touch by others because the place is very sensitive. So, if you want to touch it, you must not grip it.”

As Su Tang listen, he had a constant feeling that something was a little strange but he simply could not figure out where it was strange. That aside, thinking that he could get his revenge from a moment ago, he immediately nodded his head and said: “I definitely listen to you, so you let me touch.”

Shen Lan smiled, the expression in his eyes deep like a wolf. Pulling Su Tang’s hand and putting it towards his lower body, it took Su Tang a few seconds before he could finally react.

“Ah ah ah you rogue!” Su Tang scream, feeling like he was holding a soldering iron in his hand.

He finally understood it now. Where Shen Lan had said it was his ticklish spot, it was clearly these things. Also, what very sensitive or don’t grip? In fact, the other person was just a hypocrite, clearly wishing for him to touch this everyday and grip it in his hand at all times.

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Su Tang felt restless and panicky. He tried to let go, but Shen Lan would not let him and sank his body down, pressing their two things together while conveniently wrapping Su Tang’s own with his hand.

“Do you remember what I said before?” Shen Lan asked in a low voice.

“What thing?” Su Tang’s voice is small like a mosquito and he did not even dare to look Shen Lan in the eye.

“To smell my scent, ah.” Shen Lan smiled. “I also want to smell you. You say, my little baby is so sweet like this, is it strawberry-flavored?”

“How should I know……” Su Tang leaned his head to one side, softly speaking. Shen Lan’s hand’s moving, the feeling of being assisted by another was clearly different from doing it on his own. Su Tang’s body felt weak all over and he could only feel a kind of comfort that bore its way into his bone.

Shen Lan stared down into his eyes, the strength and movement of his hand increasing. Su Tang could not stand it however. Tears swelling in his eyes, he wanted to beg for mercy, but Shen Lan interrupted, saying: “Baby, call me husband.”

“Mmm, you……”  In this crucial moment, there was nowhere for Su Tang to be stubborn. Losing strength, he grabbed onto Shen Lan’s shoulders and let out a few soft moans before finally softly calling out from his little mouth: “Husband.”

“En. What do you want me to do?” Shen Lan asked, coaxing him again.

“Quicker.” Su Tang was already sobbing and he repeatedly urged: “I don’t want it. I can’t stand it. Husband, you do it a little faster, ah.”

“Okay,” Shen Lan finally said and kissed his lips.

When Su Tang woke up again, his body was clean and refreshed, assumingly having been clean by Shen Lan.  A very warm body beside him, it was obviously Shen Lan and he was being held in his arms.

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The clock on the wall showed that it was five o’clock in the morning, a time where most people were still immersed in sleep. Su Tang slowly turned over to see Shen Lan’s closed eyes, possibly still sleeping.

There was some darkness in the room but Su Tang’s vision was very good. He could see Shen Lan’s handsome profile as well as his naked and firm arms.

Showing a foolish expression, the system suddenly said from the side: “Little Ancestor, don’t be so addicted to love, ah. Let’s take a look at the plot first.”

Su Tang, hearing this, promptly agreed. Looking up to see the invitation card on the headboard, he reached over and quietly took it.

It was a very plain black card with a line of golden characters printed on the surface. Su Tang did not looked at them however and just turned it around to look at what information was inside.

Assuming that the Blood Hunting Organization had directly given the task to Shen Lan, the information may not be inside the invitation. Opening it, Su Tang slowly looked inside.

The system had said that the next plot point will be a small climax. The host of the banquet was Prince Ravel[1]. He had a respectable identity and controlled a law enforcement brigade. However, he used his power and position for personal gain, throwing the social relationship between bloodkins and human into disorder.

The Blood Hunting Organization and other Blood Clan have always wanted to dispose of him, but because the person whereabouts were always different, despite trying to catch him several time, he was constantly able to slip away. This banquet was their first breakthrough.

The common people believed that a vampire could live forever, but that was not the case. They simply do not age but as the time goes by, the blood flowing in their body will gradually lose their strength. Eventually, the blood will coagulate and the vampire will die.

As a result of this, many vampires chose to sleep in coffins to immobile their life for a time. However, this was not something that Ravel could do.  He was ambitious and had a need to oversee his power at all times.

Having lived for thousand of years now, his body was weak and has been difficult to support him to continue to live. What he needed was new blood, but it was best if it was the blood of a closely related kin. For example, like his younger brother or his half-blooded daughter.

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As it so happens, Su Tang was the unfortunate egg that was his little brother and An Shiyu was his half-blooded daughter.

In the original plot, Su Tang, in order to escape the fate of having his blood sucked, planed to send An Shiyu out. However, he was destined a cannon fodder’s fate, and when Ravel was eventually arrested by the Blood Hunting Organization, he was also sent to prison.

As Su Tang had been sleeping in the coffin before, when he had woke up, his physical functions had not yet recovered and it made it very easy for Ravel to get a hold of him. But, as luck would have it, this time around, due to the new bloodkins interferences, Su Tang was able to escape.

Now that he was living together with Shen Lan, Prince Ravel could not find him. With no other choice, he could only play with the idea of using An Shiyu. However, he would be attentively watched if he were to publicly appear. Thus, burrowing Su Tang’s name, this masquerade banquet was held.

The feelings between the male and female lord was also suppose to intensify and move forward at this banquet.

Su Tang put down the invitation, his heart in a complete mess. He looked down at Shen Lan sleeping beside him and crawling towards the other person’s side, he sank his body into his arms, then raised his head to look at his face.

Shen Lan sleeping appearance was very peaceful, the shape of his brows and eyes showing unspeakable gentleness. Su Tang recalled the scene of when they had first met and couldn’t help but laugh. Reaching out to touch the other person’s eyebrows, his heart stirred with emotions. Unable to help himself, he sat up again and climb up to support himself over Shen Lan’s body.

He actually liked being intimately close to him, but he was normally too embarrass to express it. If the other person was asleep though, his courage was much bigger.

Su Tang held his breath and quietly lowering his head, he lightly touched the side of Shen Lan’s face. Then, shifting downward and like a little chick, he lightly peck Shen Lan’s mouth.

Feeling guilty like a thief, he wanted to retreat back to his original place but his wrists were suddenly grabbed, and he was pulled down onto Shen Lan’s body.

The other person opened his eyes, his expression bright and clear, looking not at all like he had just woken up. With a happy expression all over his face, he tapped Su Tang’s lips with his finger and said: “This thief has the intention but no courage and has now been caught by me. How do you want to be punished?”


Ravel // 拉威爾 // lā wēi ěr – that the name that google and a few other sites suggested. If you want me to use another name, feel free to suggest it.

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