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She understand that he started to like her. In her entire life that was the first time she heard that her son compared her to other girl. No matter how beautiful girl appear in front of him her never reacted.

" Is she that beautiful? This is the first time you compared someone with me."

"Mom, This was the first time my heart race by seeing someone's smile. You know her character was also.. never mind" He was about to tell every detail but he have no word to describe about her. This was his first time he left speechless.

Neharika was looking Samar's activities, her son seems he fell in love at first sight. She felt happy and also worried.

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" I will pray for you Darling." She said to him and kissed on his forehead.

"You are the bestest in this world."

After saying that Samar went to his room. At the same time Samir and Sweta both of them arrived.

"Hi, Mom" Both greeted to Mrs Pradhan.

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"Hello, my lovely daughter and son has arrived. Oh I missed you so much Samir." Mrs Pradhan express her emotions toward Samir. She always love them as her own child. Most she liked is both of them was cheerful as per Samar he seems quite cold.

"I missed you too mom." He plant a kiss in her forehead. For him she is his mother. After his mother death found motherly love from her. His step mother always keeps him away not only that she also build wall between Him and his father.

Sweta was enjoying the scene. When Samar arrived with his luggage. He hug his mother.

" I really hate this moment. Why should I always have to apart from you." Samar said to his mother.

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"Have a safe journey. All of you." Mrs Pradhan wished all of them.

"Find my daughter-in-law also wish you a luck." She wishpered to Samar.

Smrity finally reached at her college. She takes her room key and headed toward her room. She saw there is a room for two. She wonder who will be her room partner. She was hoping she will not be a talkative person.

Smrity loved to stay on peace environment. As per she also used to talked very less. When someone talk unnecessary she always make them suffer. For their own sake she is hoping.

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She reached her room as per hostel is quite good she like room also. It's made reliable for study and peace.

When she entered in room she saw her roommate. She looks extremely beautiful, and those dimple was more attractive.

"Hi, I am Sweta Chettri." She gave her introduction.

"Hello, I am Smrity Thakuri." Smrity smiled at her.

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