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Abhirav give cold glance to Neha, he really want to kill her now. But infront of Soham he could do nothing, he gulped his saliva hardly and make a decision to call Smrity.

He knew Smrity won't let him die, but at the same time she will make his life no better than hell.

"Fine, I will call her." He said with his darkened face and frosted voice. He search her number, hesitate to make a call. She is his only hope now, if she reject to save him. He will be dead, the person whom he hate the most today he was in situation to take help from enemies.

He looked at Neha coldly and wishpered coldly,

"It is all because you and your greediness."

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Neha lowered her head didn't say anything, she had thought her plan was perfect but she found she was being overconfident at that time.

At the same time,

In Forest Mansion, Smrity was watching all the drama in her laptop. She smiled when Soham act as she taught him.
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Indeed be my subordinate, she thought a pleasant beautiful smile came in her lips.

Shisham saw her beautiful smile when he entered in room, it is very rare to her smiling.

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"Why are you looking so happy?" Shisham pouted and asked, although he was happy to see her happy but he always love to tease her.

Smrity looked at him angrily, and said coldly

"My subordinates are more efficient than you. That my training till now failed, what else I need to be happy more than it?"

Shisham pouted again looking laptop, he was shocked. He pointed to screen and looked at Smrity,

"This.... you already find solution to came out from crisis." He excitedly circle around Smrity. He knew she is going to find way to deal, but he didn't expect it would be so fast.

"Yeah, this time it took sometime, otherwise I would have solve already." Smrity said plainly, there is no expression in her face.

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"Did you talk to grandpa?" Shisham asked worriedly although he is happy to see her efficiency but also at the same time, the person he is dealing is their own relative.

"Yeah, already he said he won't be interfering in this matter, he leave totally to me." Smrity kept maintaining observing the way of dealing this crisis by Soham.

"Sis, are you going to...." Shisham asked hesitantly, asked

By listening, his question Smrity cut off him in middle of the conversation and said coldly while raising her eyebrows.

"Kill him?"

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Shisham's heart shivered a little, sudden decreasing temperature made him feel suffocated. He could feel immense pressure around him,

"I really don't want, but if he goes any further than this I would have to." Smrity said in low voice, although her ultimate goal was giving priority to her family member but when they goes against company. She couldn't make herself weak, because her family is not only her blood relatives but also those people who works in this company.

Shisham let out sigh, he knew it is really hard to take such ruthless decision but she is in the position where she has to keep her personal emotions aside and think about everyone. And he know in this hard moment she is the one who is going hurt most, so he could only stay by her side and support her.

"Alright... I am with you." He said holding her hands gently.

"Don't worry brother if he choose my arrangement, I won't hurt him but if he still remain in stubborn. I have to ruthless." She said hiding her boiling emotions under her black dark eyes.

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