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At the same time in Dheradun. Rehaan was busy with his work. He suddenly stopped working and pulled a drawer of table and take out a photo.

"I wish you come to me, I will never let you suffer. Don't worry I will find everything and make them suffer more than time 100 times they makes you."

He is talking to photo, at the same time his phone rang.


"I found the person who was witness of that day."

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"Good job, catch him and don't let anyone to know about this matter was very confidential. If culprit knew about him, this time also they will kill them."

" Okk, make sure Miss let not find, if she find she will stress herself. I heard company was also in trouble, I think you should company her."

"OK, I will take next flight. Oh yes they find her, I am afraid they will cause more trouble. As per Samar and Samir although they were best friends but also a love rivals. I hope Ashuman's partner got caught as soon as possible."

" In that you should hurry."

After call ended up, Rehaan clenched his fist tightly and punch on table.

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"I will get you this time, wait for good show."

He smiled sinisterly.

In flight, Samar is looking at Smrity. No matter what he acted, Smrity seems unaffected. He desperately wants to talk with Smrity but she didn't even give a glance toward him. Finally , he accept defeat.

"Smrity, please at least say hi to me. I am about to die. If you continue like this I won't be able to handle."

Smrity is handling herself but when he talks about death. She really want to give him big slap for talking that crap. She also can't hold herself,

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"Mr, it seems you really like to die. Why don't you try? And I don't even know you. Why do I have to talk. Please will you be quiet, I am trying to take rest."

After heard replied of Smrity, Samar went dumbfounded. She actually say to die. He felt struck by lighting. Although his IQ is very high when it comes about Smrity he became low. He won't understand the motive of Smrity to make him quiet. He wants to talk but there is no word left.

At Sikkim airport.

In blue suit Shisham (Smrity's Brother) is waiting for Smrity. Not far away two people was looking at him. One of them take out a phone and make a call.

"Did you find who is coming to help him?"

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"No, Sir he is still at airport. I think the person is about to land."

At same time, they saw a guy in blue suit. He felt strike by lighting.

" Sir, Young master of Pradhan Corporation had just arrived."

"What are you waiting? Leave as soon as possible. Don't get caught."

"Yes, boss."

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