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After 2 hour everything was arranged, everyone is sitting around the fire, weather is chilly and cold. Samar saw Smrity was shivering from cold, he went inside tent and bring blanket out. He walked toward Smrity, and pulled her close to him and he put blanket on her and himself. And hugged her tightly.

Firstly Smrity saw Samar went inside and take out blanket with him, she thought he was feeling cold, but she hadn't expected that he will pulled her, put blanket on both of them. Not only that he also hugged her.

'Damn, from where did this person got this much courage, don't he afraid his bone will crash into pieces? Hey, you jerk I am not your girlfriend yet okay. Your actions are too ambitious.'

Smrity only blinked her eyes and stare at him continuously. She didn't say anything just smiled at him. She really want to kicked him, but she restraint herself.

'God, I think before I got my revenge I will murder him. Please help me, to control myself.' Smrity prayed.

Everyone was looking his process shockedly. Sudden PDA attacked makes them feel miserable.

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Rehaan: "...." Is he my own cousin, who used to be cold, unapproachable and domineering. How come today he is so romantic.

Rehaan thought in shocked reaction.

Samir: "...." Look at this guy who used to said him, this all thing when I used to do for other girls I am Casanova, dirty minded. Now he is doing same thing.

Sweta: "...." I knew it, it gonna be happen something like this. But atleast look at your face man, you are in public.

Riya: "...." Is he same person who scold me lots of time? Did he have such a loving side, how it could be King Devil have such loveable and cute side?

Samar didn't care about anyone reaction, he felt extremely good. He felt whole happiness of this world was in his embrace. He never felt desire of anything, but first time he want this person.

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At first he thought he made move little fast, but now he is really satisfied now, at least now she know what is in his heart, what he wants? He could act like how he wants.

"I want to kept you in my arms like this entire life. I want to care of you, love you and protect you." Samar wishpered in Smrity's ear.

Smrity didn't say anything she just gave him smile.

Smrity: "...." Did he possed with Romeo today?

She reluctantly looked at his, she never seen such beautiful eyes. Those pair of eyes were deep as sea, beautiful as stars and pure as cloud. She kept staring in his eyes, she had never seen most attractive eyes. His beauty is seducing her.

Smrity pinched her eye brows and looked away. She pushed Samar little far.

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"We shouldn't be so close, we still have to lead social life." Smrity said with meaning full gaze, 'I am girl alright I still hadn't accept your proposal okay.'

Samar understand her hesitation, he put her aside, finally Smrity let sighed. She adjust herself and sit properly making distance between them.

Samar mood became gloomy when he saw she make distance between them. He could understand she is feeling occurred, she is still thinking about, he have to restraint his feeling.

"Let's play game guys, why you all are so boring." Rehaan said to others.

"Yes, let's play." Riya joined him.

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Rehaan blinked his eyes twice, this is the first time this girl agreed at. He looked at her unbelievably. Riya notice his stare,

"Hey, why are you looking me like this?" Riya frowned and asked.

" Did you just agreed with me?" Rehaan ignored her reaction and kept staring at her unbelievably.

When Riya heard she flared up, 'Do this guy had some mind problem?'

"What is your problem, when I didn't agree there is problem? When I agree with you opinion there is also problem, just tell me what is your problem?"

Rehaan mouth twitched when he heard her, he nearly vomited blood. Who said he had problem he was just surprised.

" Who said I have problem, I am just surprised and got happy." Rehaan said cheerfully.

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