Volume 1, Chapter 21: A date with her 3

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TL: flarewk

A wide variety of boats were currently floating atop of the artificial lake in the theme park. With visitors happily rowing the boats about, it seemed like a rather relaxing moment among the hustle bustle.

In one of the boats, I was lying down on the uneven boat floor while being dosed with saline through a drip, as Ma Qing Xue sat beside and fanned me.

I really felt quite terrible at the moment....

After disembarking from the hell carousel, I somehow felt that my inner organs had already been jumbled up. Not even having the chance to rest, under Ma Qing Xue's request I dragged my heavily injured body to accompany her onto the boats.

"This bag had already been transfused, it's time for nutrient solutions now~"

Having to had a drip aboard a boat is really enough already alright!"

"Ma Qing Xue, I beg you, can you please let me lie down at the infirmary?"

"No way, there isn't much time left to be wasted for today!"

"All right....oh yeah, there's some air inside right there, help me to let out some air..."

Finishing this nutrient solution drip may require quite an amount of time, hence I took out my outerwear and laid it behind my head, planning to have a short nap.

The hot summer season, people generally tends to feel rather drowsy due to it, and that's no exception to Ma Qing Xue as well.

When I woke up, she was lying onto my belly, as her mouth kept talking in her sleep.

"Zhang Jian....don't do's too stimulating alreadyyyy....hehee..."

What kind of dream were you exactly having right now! Just from hearing the contents alone is enough to make me sit in jail already....

The corner of my eyes peeking towards the drip's bag, it had already been transfused entirely, hence I took off the injection from my right arm, and waited for the blood to clot before waking her up.

"This is strange.....weren't we at the park....? Where's Xiao Xin gone to?"

After she woke up, she blurrily looked around the boat in a daze, by the way who was Xiao Xin?

"Who's Xiao Xin?"

"He's Zhang Xin~ our son, don't you remember?"


In my memory I honestly don't recall having any son called Zhang Xin at all....

"Wake up!!"

I clasped my hands beside her ears, which made her shudder out a sudden in fright.

"Have you woken up yet?"

"Woken already....but I really wished for to be forever sleeping....I really want the dream to continue on forever...."

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"A dream is just a dream, don't run away from reality!"

"All right, hehee...."

She stroked her own head as she smiled foolishly towards me, looks like she's still reminiscing about her dream.....

After we've disembarked from the boat, when we were in the midst of searching for another attraction a person who looked like a photographer stopped us in our tracks.

"Good day to you two~ seeing you two being so lovey dovey, you must have been a couple, right? We're hosting a event just for couples only, may I ask if you two are interested to participate in it?"

"No, we...."


Ma Qing Xue suddenly forcefully pinched my thigh, it hurt till I couldn't finish what I was speaking earlier.....

Following the photographer back to the event site, this is an event named "How much do you know your lover?", mainly about a Q&A prize event.

The event rules are for the males to first write down questions about themselves, then afterwards the females are to answer these questions, the couple with the most number of correct answers will be the winners.

At the backstage, after being asked roughly ten plus questions by the event personnel, and waiting for a few minutes after that, the event begun.

"Everybody, welcome to our specially hosted theme event at the theme park, the event this time will have a total of three kinds of awards, and about the prizes, they will be revealed after the winner have been announced, so stay tuned~!"

"There are a total of one hundred and thirty five pairs of couples participating in the event; firstly, I would like to say that no matter what the outcome of this event is, I sincerely wish everyone will be able to always have their hearts united and remain happily married till an ripe old age together~!" 

The emcee upon coming up straightaway gave such a long talk, looks like this event would be rather time consuming...

"First question~ What is your boyfriend's favorite food?"

The females at the bottom of the stage took out their paperboard to write the answers down, and after the event personnel checked each of their answers, nearly half of them got eliminated....

The results were so devastating just after the first round! Are you guys really a couple!!

"Second question! What color does your boyfriend like?"

Again, this question eliminated quite a number of people, looks like many of those who participated in this event are fresh couples.....

Although you can say that me and Ma Qing Xue's relationship weren't even considered to be a couple, but she's surprisingly not eliminated yet.

"Third question, what kind of sports is your boyfriend good at?"

Ma Qing Xue actually answered that correctly, and this streak happened all the way till the 15th question; right now those who weren't eliminated left just only three couples, and among them is me and Ma Qing Xue, she actually knew so much about me.....

Some of the questions I had pondered over for quite a long time before writing it out you know!

"The sixteenth question, what kind of pets does your boyfriend likes?"

My answer is a little bird, this is probably because I'm more thirsting for freedom, and I'm guessing that Ma Qing Xue wouldn't get this question right as I've lied to her earlier saying that I had a kitten called jingjing in my house.....


A firm and confident do you know that!!

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Another person got eliminated, right now it's Ma Qing Xue and another lady who looked roughly around twenty plus years old, that should be a rather old couple, if not they couldn't persist all the way till now.

"The seventeenth question! Does your boyfriend really likes you? Please note that your answer must be accurate to the original answer then it'll be counted!"

This is a rather problematic question, and it's also the simplest question too, as normally one would just write down that they like....

But, my answer is slightly different, as because I originally wasn't even in a love relationship with Ma Qing Xue, plus that I have zero interest towards winning or losing in the competition.


The twenty plus years old lady took precedence in answering, and this basically would be the correct answer already.

"Wrong! I'm terribly sorry, but your boyfriend's answer is that he loves you the most, please note that like and love are two completely different meanings!"

After the twenty plus years old lady answered wrongly she became depressed for a short moment, and not long afterwards she revealed an even happier smile onto her face.

Although she answered the question wrongly, but her boyfriend seemed to have loved her more than she could have's considered not a bad ending already, I guess.

"Don't like, but will like her in the future!"

This was Ma Qing Xue's answer.

She smiled dazzlingly as she looked towards me; it feels like she had almost seemingly having seen through my intentions.

"The absolutely correct, not a single word missing! The final winners are the couples Ma Qing Xue and Zhang Jian!"

"Right now, it's time to unveil the prizes; third place, one life-sized theme park mascot plushie, second place, a pair of annual theme park tickets, and the first place, a free wedding photo shoot!"

What! The first place actually was this kind of prize!

I felt that it's better to reject this as of now, since me and Ma Qing Xue's relationship are just merely classmates, we've might as well give this chance to the second-place loving couples.....

Just as I was about to tell the event personnel about the rejection, Ma Qing Xue had already happily sprinted towards a church-looking building , and her face.....had one of the most happiest smile I had ever seen before, is it really alright for me to just reject this?

I asked myself that deeply..........right now I'm a little troubled....

This comes from the reason of me both liking her, and yet not wanting to hurt her feelings too.

The shadow of my girlfriend, stll haunts me to this very date....

"Quickly go change your clothes, don't let your girlfriend wait too long~ since it's just a memorial shot, so what are you waiting for!"

The photographer who pulled us along to this event then quickly hurried me, and I temporarily stopped thinking about anything else in my mind.

Anyway, today's motive is to accompany Ma Qing Xue out on a date, so as long as she's happy then it's fine.

"Let's go!"

I entered the church, and changed into a set of purish white clean tuxedo, as the make-up artist and the hairstylist assisted to slightly made some touch up on me. Before they left they received a phone call, asking me to go out after hearing the church bells ring.

Boredly resting on the chair for awhile, the bell then started to ring.

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Walking into the large hall of the church, Ma Qing Xue wore a wedding gown of purist white, and her hands held onto a bouquet of freshly colorful flowers as she stood onto the platform at the inner sanctum area.

She's extremely beautiful right wonder everyone says that a woman's most beautiful moment of her life is at the moment when she marries.

As the sunlight filtered through the colorful paneled windows of the church, causing the entirety of the hall to be filled with dreamy rainbow-like colors; I momentarily forgot what to do as I dazedly held onto the item given to me by the theme park personnel.

She was standing with her back facing towards me, and after a brief moment of me being confounded, I gingerly walked forwards, and just as I reached the topmost stairs of the platform, Ma Qing Xue turned around.

She gently smiled at me, and as the colorful rays of the sun shone dazzlingly onto her wedding gown, coupled together with the pure white gown with her bright smile, it formed into a rainbow....right now, my eyes only had her in my sights.

I couldn't take my gaze off from her, and everything seemed to be like a dream, as she walked closer, and whispered softly towards me.

"What are you foolishly standing here for~? There's a camera over there too, hurry up and make some handsome poses~!"


Although I replied a word back to her, but I still reacted rather slowly, barely moving my body at all.

Ma Qing Xue suddenly hugged my shoulders as she jumped onto me, and I subconsciously hugged her, which resulted into a posture of princess-carrying.

"A....Am I heavy?"

She snuggled her head close to my arms as she asked, I'm not sure whether it's because of her makeup, but her face became extremely red already.....

"'s rather light...."

"Is it? Thank you....can you slightly hug me for a little while more....."


Just like that foolishly hugging Ma Qing Xue, although it can't be said that my mind was in a blank state but it's roughly there too, all the way till my arms started aching painfully before I placed her down.

"You have the item,'s that box, there's a ring inside, it's a gift from the theme park, although it's not really that valuable after all~"

"Ah...sure, I'll help you put it on right away....."

Taking out a ring from the box, the material should be gold plated, it's indeed not really that valuable, but it's not bad already, no matter how you'd put it, it's still a gift from the theme park, right?

"Umm, can you kneel down with one leg and put it on me....I'm always been hoping for this kind of situation to happen...."

Following along with the atmosphere, I didn't think that much too, and since it wasn't a real wedding either, as long as she's happy then it's fine.

"Won't you say anything?"

"Say....say what?"

"Say it out!"

She took out a plated sign.

"Yang Wo Huo Bu Ou....."

What does it mean?

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(TL: it's all gibberish that makes no meaning at all)

She next took out another plated sign.

"Hen Ka Po Tian Yi...."

(TL: same, it's all nonsensical chinese words with no meaning to it)

What's the meaning of these as well....

Forget it, whatever, as long as she's happy.... I became lazy to think of what the meaning of what the plated signs meant already, since I could see the smile on her face becoming wider and wider, I don't think I'm at a loss in this kind of situation anyway.

She changed to another plated sign.

"Jiah Geh Wyo Haoh Mah....."

(TL: same as above, these words make no sense)

"Read it out louder!"

"Jiah Geh Wyo Haoh Mah....."

"Say it faster!"

"Jiah Geih Wyo Haoh Mah!"

"Jiah Geih Wyo Haoh Mah!"

"Louder, and faster!"

"Jia Gei Wo Hao Ma!"

(TL: this means, will you marry me?)


She faced me who was currently kneeling down on a single leg, closed her eyes, bent down and kissed my forehead.

At this moment, numerous rays of light shot out from the platform, as countless rose petals floated down from above our heads.

It was as if that time had stopped, for me and her just stood onto the tall platform; birds chirping....insects buzzing....and those vagueish visitor talking sounds from outside had all seemed to vanish momentarily, and only the distinct church bells kept ringing non stop above our heads.

As the colorful world slowly dimmed, that should be the sun slowly setting west, as the windows got blown wide open by a strong breeze, blowing the petals on her body. The red rays of the sunset and the fresh red rose petals danced along her side, seemingly like butterflies among the flowers.

This made me remember that day, that afternoon when she secretly kissed my face, it was also that peaceful and serene.

After a long time, that warm moist feeling from my forehead slowly vanished.

"Then right now, have you fallen in love with me?"

She stuck out her tongue cutely as she playfully chuckled.

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