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Volume 1, Chapter 7: Being Kissed

TL: flarewk


Every time after the lesson had ended, Ma Qing Xue would attempt to approach me, trying for an opportunity to communicate with me, but I've always hid from it by pretending to be asleep on my desk.

"Are...are you still sleeping? It's after school already.... wakee...wakee up!"

Stammering as she approached nearer to me once more, she even used her hands to nudge my body.

I'm such an idiot, the wiser plan is that after school I should have just said that I have something on and afterwards quickly running off, and I've only just thought of it, which led to now that made an opportunity to be alone with her again.

In short, it's time to continue feigning sleep, I don't believe that you won't go home.

"Is he sleeping already~ is he really sleeping already~? Heeey~"

She approached even closer to my face, and even softly blew into my ears, and after she realized that there wasn't any signs of me waking up she sat onto the seat besides me.

After some time had passed, the students in the class should have mostly been gone already.

"Xiao Xue, you're still not going back? Let's go quickly, before the human trash awakes to do something dirty towards you again."

Hearing that sound, it's that innocent female student whom I had tried to grope her breasts before, you came at just the right time, hurry and bring her away!

"Umm, I have something that I want to tell him, so I'll just wait here for him to wake up."

"But he's a human trash, a human trash! Do you understand the meaning of a human trash?"

"No, he's not a human trash! He's only misunderstood by all of you!!"

Ma Qing Xue said it right on point, I was actually being misunderstood deeply.

What I did, is to merely do that sort of things towards you in the school balcony, and to attempt to grope the breasts of an innocent passerby student, and to aid the widespread of resources.....

Wait, dammit! Wouldn't these actions be what a human trash does?

Although everything above had a reason for it to be done, but I can't deny that; I'm actually not being misunderstood at the moment.

"This human trash probably wouldn't wake up in such a short period of time, lets just wake him up."

"Don't, he looks rather tired, let him sleep for a little while longer, after a while I'll wake him up."

"Why must you treat this human trash so well, don't tell me that he somehow brainwashed you?"

The innocent female student who had her breasts attempted to be groped by me gave a long sigh.

"Xiao Xue, he will never ever have the chance to wake up again!"

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After she had finished saying these words, I distinctly heard the sounds of knives sharpening, my this tongxue, does your family know that you're this awesome!?

(TL: ^ last phrase it's a chinese pun, to describe how scary she is)

I really wanted to open my eyes and see what's exactly going on right now, she can't be serious on stepping forward to give me a few stabs, would she?

Don't tell me that my intentions of wanting to be stabbed is being heard by god?

I started to panic, and my brain kept thinking about whether I should now escape, or not.

"If... if you want to kill him then you will have to step oover my ddae-dead body!"

I can clearly feel that she suddenly stood in front of me.

But, don't bite your tongue when your trying to say such a touching sentence, oi!

"And if you do this, you'll also be arrested!"

"Alright, forget it, actually I don't really intend to kill him either, since it's considered a crime to do that, at most I'll just stab him a few times... since he's being known as the human trash in school, and I also had eyewitnesses around when he tried to grope me during this afternoon, when that time comes then I'll tell the police that he attacked me first, my this actions would then be considered at most self-defense, you think that the police would believe him or me?"

Uwa.... what deep motives, this is such a scary girl...

(TL: yeah i agree, females in my country have such power over males that almost every certain time (in a crimeless society), it's guaranteed that female > males, 10000% seal included with lifetime warranty.)

"I'll go first then, if he does anything strange to you just let me know, okay?"

"Mm, see you tomorrow~"

Once that girl who wanted to stab me a couple of times left the classroom, Ma Qing Xue then walked over to the classroom's entrance, is she also preparing to go as well?

But what came next is a resounding "Pak" sound.

That's the sound of the door being locked up, she walked to the back entrance, and the same locking sound resounded from there too.

I'm being locked in!

My eyes stealthily opened up a tiny little gap, and in the large spacious classroom, there are only the two of us left within.

Temporarily unable to think up of any good ideas, I had no choice but to continue feign sleeping.

Depending on the situation, I may even need to initiate human trash mode once more.

She walked extremely close towards me, took the chair down from the table in front of me, and directly sat in front of me.

I can feel her stares, she kept staring at me like this for a very long time.

"What a cuuute sleeping face~"

She used her fingers to poke at my face, and gently pinched a little too.

I'd say, can't you use the term 'handsome' to describe my sleeping face, why must you use the word 'cute'!

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She foolishly smiled a few laughs, and continued to play with my face.

I had no idea how long she then continued to play with my face like this, but she finally stopped after quite some time.

Just as I was about to peek open my eyes I then heard what she said next, causing me to nearly pass out.

"It should be fine if I kiss him a little, since he won't find out anyway......."

Damm it, why is she so darn cute!!

Shit, it'll be doomed if this goes on! I need to quickly think of a plan.

And the sound of her breaths, slowly and gradually neared my face; even if I didn't open my eyes I could already sense that her face is in extremely close proximities of mine.

And currently, my heart is pumping wildly like how a machine-gun rapidly fires at an insane speed, which made my brain unable to properly function its thinking well.

Actually, I didn't hate her, it's more of that I had strong feelings for her, I'd even have the slightest bit of expectation within my heart for what's coming next.

It felt that a long period of time had gone past, when in fact it's actually just a mere short interval.

Having but no choice but to suddenly open up my eyes, I saw her, with her eyes closed, as she kissed me.

On my face, had a moist and soft kind of feeling. It was rather undescribable, and it gave me a wonderful feeling.

My heart which was originally pumping extremely fast became frozen like a block of ice at this moment.

A gust of warm wind blew from the opened windows, and the fragrance from her hair floated onto my face, which made me rather itchy.

The dull rays of the sunset shone onto her face, that coupled along with the red blushing on her face, made her so captivatingly beautiful that it seemed rather unreal.

All of this looked to be extremely quiet, and time have seemed to have halted at that moment.

" expected it's quite embarrassing...."

Her eyes still closed, she used her hands to cover her face as she panted heavily while shaking her head.

I still acted like same as before, eyes closed while feigning sleep, in any case my plan is to see how it goes from here.

Finally, she left her seat, and walked to the door entrance and unlocked the door, before turning around to give me a loud yell.

"Lesson~~~~ have ~~~~~~ ended~~~~~~~~alreadddyyyy"

After yelling, she didn't even check whether I had awakened or not, and just ran off hurriedly while humming a melody to herself.


I gave off a long sigh.

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I moved my slightly aching back, and recalled what had happened earlier.

That feeling of her lips is still engrained within my brain; and as I touched my face, it still had the slightly warm moist sensation on it.

"So cute......."

I now had to admit just one thing, that I had indeed fallen for her already....

This made me rather vexed as how could I be ruthless to let her hate me now? And how could I say anything harmful to her now to hurt her?

But since I liked her, I cannot allow her to have any positive feelings towards me any more.

For it is extremely dangerous to be by my side, especially that person who claimed to be my girlfriend.

If she's discovered, Ma Qing Xue would definitely be in danger, for the sake of protecting her I have no choice but to make her stay away from me.

"What a depression this is!"

I had a bitter expression on my face as I left the school.

Returning home, I straightaway dived into my books; these books are my prized collection.

"As expected, only these resources can heal my inner pain!"

Although my mouth had said it like that, but my brain for the first time felt rather indifferent to those books.

What made this even more depressing is that I still haven't settled the issue of my dinner.

Instant noodles, although I had a huge box of it remaining, but the thought of needing to survive the rest of my days on instant noodles itself made me lost my appetite.

Knocking sounds suddenly ensued, and after I'd opened the door, I realized that it was my neighbor, Xia Ling.

"I've accidentally made too much dinner already~ Jian ge if you haven't eaten then come over to my place then~ not wasting food is one of our traditional virtues~"

(TL: our refers to the country they are in, china)

An angel have appeared! I really feel like hugging her and crying right now.

"That's right, being a good youth of our modern society, I must bear the responsibility of eating these food to prevent wastage!"

I nonsensically spoke out with an expression of seriousness; attempting to mask my rather shameful behavior right now.

"Jian ge~ you're eating free food, yet you had such a serious expression on your useless face which made me feel that it's better for me to just throw it away than to give it charitably!"

She smiled as she said out a sentence full of extreme maliciousness.

Are all the little children like that nowadays?

"I can give you a reward!"

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"Well~~ what kind of a reward that you can give me~?"

I glanced around my rather spacious house, it looked like other than my daily essentials that I have, it would be the resources left remaining.

I don't really have anything that I could give Xiao Ling....

Looking at the troubled expression on my face, she laughed even more happily.

"Well~ how about using your body as payment?"

For the sake of making it sound even more realistic, she even evilly licked her tongue around her lips as she said.

Are you those kind of uncles who gave high repayment loans to meek delicate housewives!!

"Come then, isn't it just body repayment? Do as you like!"

I wanted to see, how would she get me to do body repayment, as my heart slowly rose a slight criminish feeling of excitement.

"Oh, right. Jian ge~ do you know why my mom and dad usually weren't home at night~?"

"Wasn't they busy with their work?"

"Thaat's right~, because no matter whether they go around collecting back their debts, or to snatch new territories, or to finish off some rather irritating persons; it all have to be done in the night, right~?"


It's actually the mafia!!

"Xia Ling da xiao jie, I'm not hungry anymore....."

(TL: da xiao jie = young lady, used to call a young girl of an influential family with extreme respect)

This sentence was spoken even though my stomach was rumbling madly like a drum.

"If only Jian ge could act like a small dog and play with me then I'll give you some food to eat."

Xiao Ling then haughtily gave me a rather obnoxious request.

"Who do you think I am to do that kind of stuffs!!"

"Tonight's menu consists of Roasted Pork, Chicken Feet, Pig's Trotters, Meat Stew, Steamed lamb belly~~"

She wagged her fingers, every time she said out a particular dish my mind's reasoning dropped by a point.

"Woof~ woof~"

For the sake of food, I finally threw away my pride.


-ch 7 end-

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