Chapter 102-Mentally Deranged Part 1

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Xia Ge, using {ghost and shadow}, carried a wounded Mao Qing back up the mountain.

Mao Qing’s consciousness seemed to drift in and out as she hung off Xia Ge’s neck, muttering to herself.

“I think I saw a star in the sky that day……”

A star?  What the hell?

Xia Ge: “Was it bright……or no?”

Mao Qing chuckled lowly: “It wasn’t bright, it was very dark.”

In fact, there were no stars.  There wasn’t anything.

On the way up the mountain, multiple Jianfeng disciples saw Xia Ge carrying Mao Qing, but Xia Ge paid them no mind.  Instead she went straight back to the morning class pavilion to find their master.

Once she got there, they placed Mao Qing on a bed by a window in a side hall.  Making no comment on Jianfeng’s spy accusations, the master examined Mao Qing’s arrow wound and heaved a sigh.

“This injury isn’t minor.”

“Master, she can still be treated, right?”  Xia Ge’s voice wavered.

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“It’s soul poison.”  The master stroked his goatee, staring at Mao Qing.  “I’m already surprised……this child must be very determined.”

Xia Ge didn’t understand.

The master continued: “Those hit with soul poison usually have their spirits corrupted by the poison.  If they’re a weak-willed person, the poison will work quickly, making them act like a lunatic.  They’ll babble nonsense until their mind goes completely, and their souls are consumed by the poison.”

“That serious?”

“Yes.”  The master sighed again, “But those who are mentally strong can fight off the poison with their inner spiritual power.  They might sometimes sound a little deranged, but they can resist for a time.”

Xia Ge: “Umm, then should the arrow wound be treated first……?”  She didn’t want to hear anything further about how potent soul poison was.  It made her too afraid that Mao Qing wouldn’t be able to hold on.

“Yes, we’ll treat the arrow wound first.  It’s the soul poison that’s troublesome.”

“Troublesome?  Doesn’t she just need a Baihun dan?”  Xia Ge remembered reading about it in her danshu that very morning.

The master: “I don’t remember the Demon Sect using weapons soaked in soul poison like this before, and Danfeng didn’t take any precautions against it.  This sudden use of soul poison is too unexpected.  The only dan we have on hand to treat it is pseudo-Xuan level.”

Xia Ge: “……pseudo-Xuan level?”

The master: “Danfeng only has one Xuan-level liandan master and she’s too busy with other affairs.  She doesn’t have the time to be refining day and night, just to make hundreds of Baihun dan in reserve.”

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One Xuan-level……Senior Sister!!

Only Senior Sister had gone to Kuzhu village to fight against the Demon Tide!

Xia Ge: “……will the pseudo-Xuan level dan work?”

The master: “Pseudo-Xuan level can temporarily alleviate the symptoms of soul poison, but it’s not a permanent treatment.  Soul poison is called soul poison because once it enters the physical body, it gradually corrupts the soul, making a person become mentally deranged.  Pseudo-Xuan level dan can stave it off for a day or two, and then it’ll probably be too late.”

Make a person……mentally deranged?

Xia Ge looked at Mao Qing, and Mao Qing looked back, her eyes a little misty.

After treating Mao Qing’s arrow wound, the master tugged at his goatee and turned to leave, telling Xia Ge: “You look after her, I’ll go get the pseudo-Xuan level Baihun dan……”

Xia Ge called to the master suddenly: “Please, wait a minute!”

The master glanced at Xia Ge over his shoulder: “What is it?”

Heart pounding, Xia Ge went: “……the materials for refining Baihun dan……do you……”  Have them?

Before she could finish her sentence, there was a loud bang as the front door of the pavilion was violently kicked open, and a few sword-wielding Jianfeng disciples rushed in, shouting: “Catch Xia Wuyin!”

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The master: “Impudence!  The Demon Sect are attacking down the mountain, and instead of fighting them off, you’re here, acting barbaric!”

“If it wasn’t for his spying, this chaos wouldn’t have happened!” A Jianfeng disciple yelled, “Catch him!”

The master positioned himself in front of Xia Ge: “Who dares?!”

The Jianfeng disciple replied: “You can’t stop us!  More than half of the Jianfeng disciples who went down the mountain to fight are now suffering from soul poison!  If we don’t catch the culprit, how are we supposed to satisfy the hatred in our hearts?!”

“You claim I’m a spy?  What is your evidence?”

Her expression cold, Xia Ge slowly walked out from behind the master: “Produce the proof and I’ll go with you right now.”

Rendered speechless for a moment, the Jianfeng disciple finally sputtered: “The charred remains of a little puppet were found at Senior Chu’s house the night she was attacked.  You’re the only one in Lingxi Sect who carries around that kind of doll!  Who else could it be, besides you?!”

“That’s truly ridiculous!  I’m the only one?”  Xia Ge didn’t try to hide her disdain.  “I asked you to produce proof, not slander people with empty words!”

“Enough of this bullshit!  Seize him!”

Jianfeng disciples swarmed towards Xia Ge, yet her mouth quirked up in an icy sneer as she suddenly held up an incredibly eye-catching token in her hand——

“Who gave you the right to arrest the person holding Danfeng’s [Command] token?!”

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The Jianfeng disciples froze, even as the master drew in a shocked breath.

The leading Jianfeng disciple involuntarily exclaimed: “Impossible!”


The master: “Xia Wuyin, that……”

Xia Ge laughed: “How embarrassing this all is.  But yes, I am the temporary senior disciple of Danfeng.  If you have an issue with that, please wait until Senior Gu returns and you can discuss it with her then.”

The leading Jianfeng disciple’s face flushed bright red: “That token has to be a fake!  Give it to me!”

The master: “How dare you?!”

After turning to carefully examine Xia Ge’s [Command] token, the master affirmed: “This is Danfeng’s [Command] token!  It is absolutely not a fake!”

Another disciple, staring at Xia Ge’s token, whispered: “I’ve seen it before, that looks……genuine.”

The leading Jianfeng disciple glared at the other disciple before contemptuously glaring at Xia Ge: “Don’t think this is over!  Once the Demon Sect attack is dealt with, Senior Chang will come here in person!”

Since Xia Wuyin held the [Command] token, no one but Chang Lan could do anything to her.

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