LFTMPH Chapter 13-Dazzling Brilliance Part 1

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Translated by Snowfall77



Xia Ge did want to comfort the little girl who’d been crying herself breathless. But, to be honest, compared to consoling the child she was holding, Xia Ge cared more about where the hell her sesame pancake had gone.

Where had she tossed it? It’d been wrapped in oil paper. If she could find it and brush it off, it might still be edible……

System: [……Didn’t You Throw It Away Just A Moment Ago? Why Retrieve It After You Have Thrown It?]

Xia Ge’s expression was deadly serious: “Because it wasn’t just a sesame pancake.”

System: [……?]

Xia Ge: “It was two copper coins! Do you not understand? Two!”

System: [……]

Sometimes it was hard to put into words the difficulty of watching over someone who refused to live up to their promise.

“Sesame pancake?”

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An unfamiliar yet familiar female voice rang out, then Xia Ge’s collar was grabbed and her whole body lifted up: “You want to hold onto pancakes?”

Xia Ge: “……”

Who knows why, but Xia Ge felt the sudden urge to explain that sesame pancakes were made to be eaten, not held onto……

Xia Ge clarified: “No, I was saying I just lost my sesame pancake……”

Now can you put me down?

Holding onto a little girl with one arm is a little heavy, alright?

Chu Yao quirked an eyebrow: “Lost it?”

With her own eyes Chu Yao had seen the runt’s spectral speed, as well as him tossing his pancake to the ground so that it got stepped on by someone else.

Hadn’t this shortie thrown the pancake down himself?

Chu Yao frowned.

Thinking of that speed displayed……was that truly the level of an outer disciple?

Yet as soon as Xia Ge opened her mouth to explain herself, a young male voice interrupted.

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“Little brother……I just picked this up……is this your pancake?”

Not even bothering to open her eyes, Xia Ge immediately nodded her head: “Yes, yes, it’s mine—–”

Whether it was a gold sesame pancake or a silver pancake, if it’d been picked up off the ground, it was certainly her pancake now!

Li Liu held out the pancake that’d been trampled by his foot, planning to apologize to the boy being held off the ground by Sister Chu and then express his willingness to buy a new cake. But before Li Liu could get the words out, he found his hand unexpectedly empty—–

Li Liu: “Um, it’s not……”

How’d you manage to grab it so fast with your eyes closed……

Seeing this green-ribboned boy holding a crying little girl in his left arm, while clutching the appalling pancake in his right hand, Li Liu wanted to explain clearly, but Xia Ge rapidly interrupted him: “Thank you for picking it up for me, brother!! I can’t thank you enough! If brother would tell me his name, I’ll call on you in the future to repay your kindness!”

Li Liu took another glance at the boy’s green ribbon, silently wondering to himself if they were even from the same sect……

And what kindness was it returning a pancake that he’d stepped on?

Li Liu cleared his throat: “……no, that pancake is……”

“Ah? Does brother want to know where I got the pancake from? As soon as you enter the village, you’ll see Uncle Xu’s shop. His cakes are very delicious. No need to mention it, brother, just go and try them—–”

Li Liu: “No, that’s not what I……”

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Chu Yao shoot Li Liu a cold look from her round light brown eyes: “Out with it!”

Listening to even an outer Jianfeng disciple stammering was highly annoying.

His words lodging in his throat, Li Liu eventually managed: “It’s nothing……”

Xia Ge interjected: “Is there anything else, brother?”

Cold sweat beading thanks to Chu Yao’s ice-cold glare, Li Liu gave up: “……no, there’s nothing more.”

—-Little brother, if you want to grab your pancake with your eyes closed, that’s fine. Just open your eyes before you eat it!

Li Liu walked away, care-laden.

System: [Why Did You Not Allow That Person To Finish Their Sentence?]

Xia Ge: “He’s got to be disdainful that I took a pancake that’s been on the ground. What if he actually voiced it? I don’t want to lose face!”

System: [……] You actually knew it was picked up off the ground–choking.

Li Liu was gone and the other villagers kept a healthy distance, respecting Chu Yao’s higher status as an inner Jianfeng disciple. They only dared to observe a ways off, whispering amongst themselves.

“Indeed, Sister Chu was the only disciple who left Jianfeng to come help.”

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“But if Sister Chu left Jianfeng……”

“It’s still early……”

“Hey……you lot.” Still gripping Xia Ge’s collar, Chu Yao viciously stared down the villagers, brows furrowed. “What you all gawking at?! Got nothing better to do?!”

The crowd promptly scattered away like frightened animals.

While the little girl Xia Ge was holding had finally grown tired of sobbing and sniffling.

Her arm tired and sore, Xia Ge asked Chu Yao a bit helplessly: “Can you please put me down? Why are you always picking me up like this?”

Chu Yao: “You’re too short……I have something to say to you.”

Why should Chu Yao have to bend down to talk to a runt?

Turning pale with fright, Xia Ge proclaimed: “Don’t even say it! I won’t give my body to you as repayment for saving my life!!”

Blue veins pulsed in Chu Yao’s forehead. Great, just great. Ever since meeting this shortie, she’d had to hear about this ancestral teaching twice in a row now.

She didn’t want to know this teaching from some stupid, old fart ancestor of Lingxi Sect!

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