Chapter 17-Puppet Master Part 3

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Translated by Snowfall77



The system continued: [For That Reason All Puppet Masters In The World Strive to Make A Chief Puppet That Possesses ‘Feelings.’]

Xia Ge: “……don’t try to distract me from the main point.  What’s the flaw in this method of making puppets and having a ‘head’ puppet?”

The system: [The Disadvantage Of Using This Method Is That Once A Leader Puppet Is Determined, All The Puppets Made By The Puppet Master Will Only Absolutely Obey The Puppet Leader.  Their Obedience Will No Longer Be To The Puppet Master’s Orders.  It Will Be The Puppet Leader Controlling The Other Puppets.  Meanwhile The Puppet Leader Will Have High Emotional Demands Of The Puppet Master.  If The Puppet Master Does Not Give The Head Puppet An Unshakeable Sense Of Security, The Puppet Might Turn On The Master.]

[If The Chief Puppet Counterattacks, The Puppet Master Will Be In A Desperate Situation.]

[The More ‘Leader’ Puppets There Are, The More ‘Feelings’ The Puppet Master Will Need To Give.  Consequently, A Powerful Puppet Master Can Have Many Puppets, But Generally There Will Be Only One Lead Puppet.]

Xia Ge felt she understood.  In other words, a chief puppet was made by the puppet master to make managing other puppets easier.  And as long as the puppet master supplied the lead puppet with ‘feelings,’ through that chief puppet, the puppet master controlled the legion of puppets below it.  But of course nothing comes for free, so the puppet master had to make sure they were giving the lead puppet enough affection.

The system paused a little before continuing: [According To My Database……Only One Puppet Master Succeeded In Making A Puppet With ‘Feelings,’ And That Was Five Hundred Years Ago.]

Xia Ge delicately arched an eyebrow: “Oh?  That’s pretty impressive.”

[But……It Was Dreadful.]  The system seemed to be suffering from lingering fears.  [……Very……Horrible.]


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System: [As The Sole Puppet In Which A ‘Self’ Arose, With All The Emotions That Having A Soul Entails—–It Fell In Love With Its Own Puppet Master.]

Xia Ge: “Sounds like one of those third-rate romance novels I used to browse……Is the name of this legend Overbearing Robot Falls In Love With Me?”

System: [……]

Wanting to emphasize the true scariness of the story, the system lowered its voice: [Afterwards The Puppet Master Was Imprisoned By The ‘Leader’ Robot.  Even Now, After Five Hundred Years, No One Knows Whether The Puppet Master Is Alive Or Dead……]

“Yeah, that sounds awful,” Xia Ge absent-mindedly conceded, currently uninterested in trashy romance books.  Squatting down to look at the tiny puppet on the table, she asked it: “Can  you move?”

(Xia Ge had liked novels with fluent writing about characters upgrading, alright?  Why would she like Tyrannical X Loves Me stuff?)

The tiny Liuli puppet cocked its delicate head and blinked its black eyes, smiling suddenly.

……cute, too cute!!!

How–just how could something be this cute?!!

System: [……]

System to itself: [I Curse You!]

You should at least care enough to show an expression of ‘that’s terrible.’  Asshole!

Such a half-hearted attitude!  Even if it was only once in a while, a system needed to achieve a sense of satisfaction too!!

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The system internally stewed before finally coming up with a curse malicious enough: [I Curse You To Being Imprisoned By Your Own ‘Baidu’ Puppet For Five Hundred Years!]

“If the little girl who locks me up in a little black room is this adorable, I don’t care if she locks me up for 5 million years.” Xia Ge very happily stroked the hair on the puppet’s head, completely disregarding the system’s FLAG.  “I’d be willing to borrow another 5 lifetimes from the heavens and kiss and make love with her in that little black room~”

System: [……]

This trash.

“Hey……speaking of, what’s the difference between a demon puppet and a regular puppet?”  Reaching out a hand, Xia Ge waited for the beautiful tiny puppet, the color and lustre of glass in the moonlight, to crawl along her fingers and then obediently sit in Xia Ge’s palm, where it combed its hair with minute fingers.

Xia Ge’s heart skipped a beat.

Goodness, so lovely……

This was her first puppet……


= =



Stars covered the night sky.

—“……I hope that one day……”

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“……how could you be this cruel?”

“……it will hurt, are you willing to……”


A heart-breaking agonized scream cut a swath through seemingly endless layers of heavy fog, piercing across years.

Abruptly waking up, Gu Peijiu felt beads of cold sweat on her pale forehead.  Thin green curtains filtered faint moonbeams, while on the window frame sat an refined porcelain vase, holding an especially charming sprig of peach blossoms.

She sat up, black silky hair hanging down over smooth, snow-white shoulders.  Like a beauty with flesh of ice and bones of jade, her form was coldly alluring.

“Lady, has something alarmed you?”

There came the soft enquiry of a child at the door.  Gu Peijiu collected herself, her voice a little weak: “What time is it?”

“It’s midnight, lady.  Lady, you……”

“Nothing’s the matter,” Gu Peijiu said.

The small boy outside the door quieted down.

Kneading her temples, Gu Peijiu eyed the hanging green gauze curtain.  Suddenly the image of the daytime boy with the green ribbon flashed into her mind.

A graceful, light on his feet, young man.

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Who knew why, Gu Peijiu actually thought such a thing, and then had to scoff at herself.  Where was a charming young man?  The only thing there was a scheming slickster with ulterior motives.

And as to what his purpose for being in Lingxi Sect was, Gu Peijiu didn’t know.

Gu Peijiu draped a robe over herself and got out of bed, pushing aside the green curtain to let the gentle moonlight stream in unimpeded.

—-No harm done yet.

Lingxi Sect……

Casting a sidelong look, the young lady’s black eyes fell on her neatly folded Danfeng white clothes beside the bed.

The delicately embroidered red maples leaves giving them a hint of warmth in the muted light of the moon.

Every day she wore those clothes was a day she spent protecting Lingxi’s Danfeng.

She was Danfeng’s great disciple, and Danfeng was her future.



冰肌玉骨  [bīng jī yù gǔ]

of a real beauty with flesh of ice and bones of jade; smooth and fair

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